scholarly journals Вплив рівня годівлі свиней червоної білопоясої породи на інтер'єрні показники

Л. В. Флока

Наведено результати досліджень впливу рівня годівлі свиней червоної білопоясої породи на інтер’єрні показники. Важливим етапом селекційної роботи у свинарстві є визначення та розробка критеріїв прогнозування продуктивності тварини у ранньому віці за інтер’єрними ознаками. Це прискорює процес оцінки племінної цінності тварин та удосконалює племінну роботу у стаді. Використання інтер’єрних показників тварин у племінній роботі зі стадом вказує на те, що в сучасних умовах промислового свинарства зростають вимоги щодо генетичної та біологічної якості свиней, пристосованості їх до умов утримання та годівлі. The influence of feeding white-red belted pigs on interior performance. An important step in pig breeding is to identify and develop criteria for predicting the performance of the animal at an early age for the interior design features. It speeds up the process of evaluating breeding value of animals and improving breeding work in the herd. Using interior performance of animals in breeding work with the herd indicates that today's pork industry makes increasing demands for higher genetic and biological quality in the pigs and their adaptability to conditions and feeding.


В симментальской породе предусматривается разведение скота, сбалансировано сочетающего молочную и мясную продуктивность. Однако в практике совершенствования племенных стад в подборах быков доминируют улучшатели удоя, что во многом предопределяет результаты селекции и продуктивный тип животных. Объектом нашего исследования стало стадо чистопородного симментальского скота в условиях стойловой системы беспривязного и привязного содержания коров. Для изучения эффективности использования быков-производителей разного племенного достоинства сформировали 2 опытные группы: I состояла из бычков, полученных от отцов с племенной ценностью (ПЦ) по удою 100 кг и более, а во II с ПЦ от 0 до 100 кг молока. Симментальские бычки, отобранные для контрольного убоя, достигали весовых кондиций 500 кг и более в 17,5 мес при среднесуточном приросте 911 г. При использовании на маточном поголовье быков-производителей с улучшающим эффектом по удою 100 кг и более, их сыновья (I группа), на фоне более высоких суточных приростов (на 30 г) и раннем возрасте достижения живой массы 500 кг (на 18 дней) имели массу и выход туши на 21,4 кг и 2,7 ниже, чем у бычков II группы. При формировании молочно-мясного типа быки-производители с умеренной племенной ценностью по удою обеспечивали получение потомства, сочетающего молочную и мясную продуктивность в экономически значимых пропорциях.The Simmental breed provides for the breeding of cattle that combines milk and meat productivity in a balanced proportion. However, in the practice of improving breeding herds, the selection of bulls is dominated by milk yield improvers, which largely determines the results of selection and the productive type of animals. The object of our research was a breeding herd of purebred Simmental cattle in variety feeding and housing practices. To study the effectiveness of using bulls-producers of different breeding values, 2 experimental groups were formed: I consisted of bulls received from fathers with a breeding value (BV) of milk yield 100 kg or more, and II with a BV from 0 to 100 kg of milk. Simmental bulls selected for control slaughter reached weight standards of 500 kg or more in 17.5 months with an average daily increase of 911 g. When used on breeding of bulls with an improving effect on the yield of 100 kg or more, their sons (group I), against the background of higher daily gains (30 g) and an early age of reaching a live weight of 500 kg (18 days), had a mass and carcass yield of 21.4 kg and 2.7 lower than that of group II bulls. When forming a dairy-meat type, producing bulls with a moderate breeding value for milk yield provided for the production of offspring that combined dairy and meat productivity in economically significant proportions.

Nadine Al-Bqour ◽  
Shaher Rababeh ◽  
Rama Al-Rabady

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop a practical framework that combines the psychological supportive design features in hospitals’ healing environments, also, to examine the implementation of these features in a Jordanian public hospital. Background: Positive psychological feelings are the hidden powerful treatment in hospitals. Although that Jordan represents a third-world country, it is counted as one of the most sought-after healthcare locations in the Middle East for its distinguished healthcare serveries (Private Hospitals Association, 2019). Nevertheless, the architectural and interior design of the healthcare facilities in Jordan usually ignores the inpatients’ psychological needs. Also, there is an absence of practicing a set of psychological supportive design features to guide the hospitals’ design in Jordan. Method: Design features are obtained from the main theories in the field of supportive healing environments. A large Jordanian public hospital was selected to be assessed in terms of these features within the developed practical framework. This study adopts a mixed methodology; data are collected using different methods, mainly literature review, site inventory, and inpatients’ questionnaire. Results: The studied hospital remains moderately considerable in terms of the psychologically supportive design features. However, the nature connectivity aspect is not satisfactorily considered in the studied hospital design. Conclusion: This study suggests a responsive design that fosters interaction and integration with surrounding nature in order to increase levels of connectivity with nature. The studied design features in this study could work as guiding principles for Jordanian hospitals’ designers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-35
N. I. Abramova ◽  
O. L. Khromova ◽  
M. O. Selimyan ◽  

The use of foreign-bred bulls leads to changes in the genetic structure of the black-and-white breed population, which affects the level of population characteristics. The study was conducted to study the comparative variability and heritability of productive and reproductive characteristics of daughters of sires of domestic and foreign selection in pedigree livestock 10 250 cows 1st calving modern population of black-motley breed of the Vologda region. The superiority of the offspring of foreign bulls in the average indicators of all the studied traits was established with confidence (P<0,001). There were no significant differences in the level of variability of the characteristics of the descendants of domestic and foreign bulls. According to productive traits, the greatest variability of indicators was established for milk yield for 305 days of the 1st lactation Cv = 17,3 – 17,7%, therefore, selection on this trait will be more effective. The greatest share of the influence of bullsfathers, both domestic and foreign selection, in the total sum of all factors determining the value of traits in the population of the black-and-white breed, is determined by the milk yield of daughters η2 = 0,22 – 0,24, the age of the 1st fruitful insemination and the first calving η2 = 0,24 – 0,25. In further breeding work with the breed, it is necessary to obtain and use domestic producers that exceed the breeding value of foreign bulls.


Проведена оценка по качеству потомства быков-производителей перспективных линий черно-пестрой и голштинской пород на маточном поголовье черно-пестрой породы методом «дочери—сверстницы», что позволило определить лучших племенных животных для планового закрепления в стаде. Результаты исследований показывают, что используемых производителей можно условно разделить на 3 группы: с высокой племенной ценностью (ПЦ) по удою (Набат 209, Кадр 1386, принадлежащих линии Аннас Адема 30587) и МДЖ (Фантик 1550, Валун 1771 — л. Аннас Адема 30587; Дорис 1060 — л. Р. Соверинга 198998 и Корнет 251 — л. Вис Бэк Айдиала 1013415); со средней (Фагот 58, Банкир 109, Корнет 251, Миксер 312 и Жест 1401 — л. Вис Бэк Айдиала 1013415; Девик 6200 — л. Р. Соверинга 198998; Дождь 1839, Зенит 5209 — л. Посейдона 239) и с незначительной ПЦ (Банкир 109, Валун 1771 и Каскад 1596 — л. Вис Бэк Айдиала 1013415, Аннас Адема 305874 и Танталуса 203, соответственно). Наиболее значимыми в племенном отношении как по удою, так и по жиру являются быки-производители черно-пестрой породы линий Аннас Адема 30587 и Посейдона 239 с ПЦ 271,56 и 274,16 кг, 0,02 и 0,05%, соответственно. С целью повышения продуктивных качеств крупного рогатого скота черно-пестрой породы желательно максимально использовать быков-производителей с высокой племенной ценностью, обеспечивающих реализацию генетического потенциала, проявившегося в их потомстве, путем целенаправленной селекционно-племенной работы со стадом. The assessment according to the quality of offspring from the seed bulls of the prospective lines belonging to black-and-white and Holstein cattle breeds was carried out on the pedigree stock of the black-and-white breed using the method of daughter-herdmate allowing to determine which breeding animals are the best for planned settlement in the herd. Research results show that the seed bulls used can be conditionally divided into 3 groups: with high breeding value (BV) in terms of milk yield (Nabat 209, Kadr 1386, belonging to Annas Adema 30587 line) and mJ (Fantik 1550, Valun 1771 — Annas Adema 30587 line; Doris 1060 — R. Sovering 198998 line, and Cornet 251 — Vis Back Ideal 1013415 line); with average (Fagot 58, Bankir 109, Cornet 251, Mixer 312, and Jest 1401 — Vis Back Ideal 1013415 line; Devik 6200 — R. Sovering 198998 line; Dozhd 1839, Zenit 5209 — Poseidon 239 line) and insignificant BV (Bankir 109, Valun 1771, and Cascad 1596 - Vis Back Ideal 1013415, Annas Adema 305874, and Tantalus 203 lines, accordingly). The most significant in breeding terms, both in milk yield and fat, are seed bulls of the black-and-white breed belonging to Annas Adema 30587 and Poseidon 239 lines with the BV of 271.56 and 274.16 kg, 0.02 and 0.05%, accordingly. Using seed bulls with high breeding value ensuring realization of genetic potential seen in their offspring by purposeful selection and breeding work with the herd is preferable for increasing the productive qualities of cattle belonging to black-and-white breed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 51 ◽  
pp. 140-147 ◽  
A. Ye. Pochukalin ◽  
O. V. Rizun ◽  
S. V. Priyma

The genealogical structure of Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy cattle has been represented by 12 tested and approved farm bloodlines, ancestors of which are Holstein bulls of red colour (Improver 333471, Hanover 1629391, Regal 352882, Nahit 300502, Inhancer 343514, Cavalier 1620273), Montbeliarde (Supreme 33470, Mayerdel 1599075, Dynamic 359742, Dairymen 1672325, Shevrey 6241) and Ayrshire (Don Juan 79601) breeds. Selection process ensures constant movement of lines and inheritance of some lines moves to historical and statistical work and is used for analysing the successful selection and the best combination, whereas, the other ones improve genetic value of economically useful traits of productivity in the next generations and, therefore, they are progressing and developing. Qualitative features of related groups by the breeding traits are a basis on which we should concentrate all the range of selection and breeding work at each stage of breed improvement because a line and a breed, in the classical sense, are inseparable concepts of a large conglomerate of a population, which has been created by many scientists and practitioners.  The aim of this work was to analyse the current state of genealogical structure of Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy breed for the breeding stock and their belonging to breeds and lines. The materials of research for characteristics and analysis of genealogical structure of Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy cattle were breeding accounting data on the form №7-mol. In total the data for 74 breeding farms of 15 regions of Ukraine were used. Belonging to breeds, lines and data for assess by origin and progeny were determined on the basis of SUMS "Orsek", Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics nd. a. M.V. Zubets of National Academy of Agrarian Science of Ukraine. The availability of frozen semen of the Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy bulls admitted to reproduce breeding stock was determined according to the annual catalogues for 2015 and 2016.2016. Modern genealogical structure of the breeding stock is formed due, in addition to Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy breed, Red Holstein, Jersey, Montbeliarde and Simmental breeds. The total number of females is 48,279 animals, including 24,264 cows and 24,015 heifers originating from 375 bulls. The share of Simmental bulls involved in the selection was 11% (42) with the number of 881 animals. The breeding stock from Holstein bulls (207) is 82%, whereas, the share of 101 bulls of Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy breed is only 15%. Modern genealogical structure of the breeding stock is formed due, in addition to Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy breed, Red Holstein, Jersey, Montbeliarde and Simmental breeds. The total number of females is 48279 animals, including 24264 cows and 24015 heifers originating from 375 bulls. The share of Simmental bulls involved in the selection was 11% (42) with the number of 881 animals. The breeding stock from Holstein bulls (207) is 82%, whereas, the share of 101 bulls of Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy breed is only 15%. Genealogical structure of breeding stock of Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy breed has been represented by 15 bloodlines. The fewest (71 animals) was obtained from three bulls Magnet 1560362, Majority 1599069 and Maximus 297414. The 10%-share (4712 animals from 57 bulls) from the total number was genealogical structure of six approved farm bloodlines of the Ukrainian breed. For breeding evaluation of origin (pedigree index) 17 Holstein bulls had the average value – +27.6, including seven bulls with negative PI-595 and 10 bulls with positive PI + 463.5. For bulls of Simmental and native breeds, the indices were 6 (-122), 2 (+264), 4 (-315) and 12 (+587.8), 1 (-264) 11 (665) respectively. Discrepancy (2 of 35 investigated bulls) with the minimum requirements (30 first-calf heifers in 4 herds) concerning the evaluation of bulls by progeny makes impossible to obtain objective information about breeding value of bull. In our opinion, the factors which, can make a difference in the genealogical structure of Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy cattle are to increase the share of bloodlines of the native breed through catalogue of admitted bulls to reproduce breeding stock, which is compiled by the materials of pedigree enterprise of Ukraine. Based on materials of 2015, during the mating period 59 bulls of 15 bloodlines were involved, including 38 approved bulls which share of sperm was 84%. In 2016, the available frozen semen of bulls of the native breed decreased by 674.5 thousand doses which was 81% compared to presented one in 2015. Conclusions. Current genealogy of Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy cattle has the ramified system represented 42 Simmental bulls of 15 bloodlines, 207 Holstein bulls of 19 bloodlines, 101 native bulls of 15 bloodlines and two Jersey and Montbeliarde bulls. In modern realities of selection and breeding work, concern is widely use of Holstein sires in the reproduction of breeding stock of Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy that each year minimizes the share (now about 10%) in the selection of approved bloodlines and "genetic identity of native breed". The perspective of involving bulls and with it the widespread use of the method of breeding by bloodlines in Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy cattle is too illusory, whereas every year the availability of semen of the admitted bulls in sperm banks of Ukraine decreases (only the last year by 81%), and inability (with requirements) for the evaluation by progeny of those bulls which have already had pedigree index.

2017 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 65-74 ◽  
R. V. Milostiviy ◽  
L. V. Karlova

Score productive longevity of dairy cattle is an important scientific and practical importance. It is known that among genetic factors, significant effects of linear affiliation of their parents. It is demonstrated that effective breeding subject to strict compliance with the screening system, selection and evaluation of animal breeding values reported by domestic and foreign authors. The purpose of the work was to study the influence of linear membership on productive longevity and lifetime milk productivity of Holstein cattle of European breeding. Studies carried out on cows Holstein breed using data management system dairy cattle breeding "Orsek". Found that targeted breeding work and selection in a herd of imported European cattle breeding Holstein using information systems selection bulls MAR company CRI meets the latest requirements of the ICAR and Subcommittee on the unified international assessment of manufacturers (Interbull) contributed to a change in the number of separate lines among the cows first generation. This has led to an increase in the percentage of manufacturers lines daughters Valiant 1650414.73, Starbuc  352790.79, as well as Cheef 1427381.62. on the basis of the desired economic-useful signs. It is established that the value of productive longevity of cows depending on linear conditioning averaged 3.1 ... 3.9 lactations. By this measure, the daughter of Starbuck's lines were superior animals Holstein breed other lines by the number of lactations: Chevalier – 0.1 or 2.6% (td = 0.25; P ≤ 0.95); Bell – 0.5 or 14.7% (td = 0.95; P ≤ 0.95); Valiant – at 0.8 or 25.8% (td = 1.52; P ≤ 0.95); Eleveyshn – 0.8 or 25.8% (td = 1.91; P ≤ 0.95); Cheef – 0.5 or 14.7% (td = 1.27; P ≤ 0.95). It has been proven that milk productivity and milk quality of the imported Holstein cows and their offspring of domestic generation attributable to linear. The highest lifetime yield of Holstein breed cows had Starbuck lines, which outnumbered their import contemporaries other lines: Chevalier – 2818.7 kg or 8.2% (td = 0.46; P ≤ 0.95); Bell – 3404.5 kg or 10.1% (td = 0.61; P ≤ 0.95); Valiant – 5553.8 kg or 17.5% (td = 1.26; P ≤ 0.95); Eleveyshn – 7368.9 kg or 24.6% (td = 1.78; P ≤ 0.95); Cheef – 5500.5 kg or 17.3% (td = 1.38; P ≤ 0.95). The father's genotype had a significant impact on the quality of the milk. It should be noted that cows Starbuck's line differed relatively high fat content in the milk. By this measure the superiority of animals this line over imported cows other lines: Chevalier – 0.5% (td = 2.38; P ≥ 0.95); Bell – 0.2% (td = 1.38; P ≤ 0.95); Valiant – 0.6% (td = 2.78; P ≥ 0.95); Eleveyshn – 0.4% (td = 3.23; P ≥ 0.99); Cheef - 0.2% (td = 1.44; P ≤ 0.95). However, large protein content in milk cows belonging to different lines of Bella, who on this indicator had superiority over animals other lines: Chevalier – 0.2% (td = 1.03; P ≤ 0.95); Starbuck – 0.1% (td = 0.59; P ≤ 0.95); Valiant – 0.5% (td = 2.31; P ≥ 0.95); Eleveyshn – 0.2% (td = 1.85; P ≤ 0.95); Cheef – 0.1% (td = 1.15; P ≤ 0.95). It should be noted that only the cows first generation Valiant lines and Eleveyshn marked positive relationship between life and the content of cows in milk fat and protein (r = +0.17 ... +0.40), which may indicate the possibility of holding breeding work to improve these symptoms. So in the breeding work it is advisable to use manufacturers of prominent lines that combine high breeding value on productivity of daughters with improving effect on the duration of their use. The results of the research show that the effective use of well-known manufacturers and imported Holstein breed brood in breeding work with dairy cattle of Ukraine. However, shortening the productive use of animals in conditions of industrial technology should serve as a stimulus to study and find ways to solve this problem.

Roman Odrekhivskyi

The purpose of the article is to analyse the typology, design features and carved decor of the wooden lamps in the interiors of the religious buildings in Galicia. The research methodology is based on the general principles of scientific work: consistency, authenticity, historicism, logic. The author of the article applies a comparative and typological method to analyse the design features of the lamps. And the methods of hermeneutics and semiotics were used to analyse ornamental and compositional systems of decoration. The scientific novelty of the work is the introduction of the unknown artefacts of church art into the scientific circulation. The author collected these data himself during his scientific expeditions to museums or directly in churches — both in Ukraine and abroad. Conclusions. The study of the design features and decor of the analysed lamps has shown that table lamps, as a rule, are smaller than candelabras (stavnyk), although sometimes according to the principle of composition, they are the same as candelabras, as, for example, the candelabra from the Kryvorivnia Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The study has confirmed that the lamps harmoniously fit into the design of the church interior, complementing the ensemble. For example, in the church in the village of Duliby or Pozdiach. In fact, the design ensembles of these religious sites are made in the same style. The author of the article provides an analysis of the image design solution and the nature of the decor of specific samples of the lamps, and argues that the development of the lamp art (as well as other elements of church equipment) occurs in two directions: imitation of historical styles in line with eclectic versions and the use of ornamental and compositional structures of traditional folk art. The features of a successful combination of these trends in the image solution of the spider chandelier from Galicia, which is kept in the collection-exposition of the National Museum in Lviv, have been demonstrated. The study has shown the original use of Hutsul folk carving traditions in the decoration of the spider chandelier from the Church of St. George in the village of Duliby, made by the famous master Vasyl Turchyniak: he used traditional geometric ornaments with ancient symbols. The significance of the © Roman Odrekhivskyi, 2021 The article was received by the editorial office: 11.08.2020 study lies in the possibility of using the processed material in the restoration of the old and construction of the new churches.

1970 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 229-232
O. Z. Shcherbyna ◽  
V. G. Mykhailov ◽  
O. O. Tymoshenko

Aim. The detailed research of plant-breeding value of the synthesized multiflorous forms with long inflorescence. Methods. The field and laboratory experiments for study of quantitative signs of varieties and hybrids with the statistical processing of data. Results. Synthesized multiflorous forms of soybean were characterized by greater duration of period of vegetation (135–150 days) and high of plants (100–160 cm). On the signs of inflorescence multiflorous forms were distinguished from existent varieties by the amount of flowers in inflorescence – from 9.2 to 32.8 (at plant-breeding varieties – 2.6–5.0), long inflorescence – to 18.6 and more cm (at plant-breeding varieties are 0.3 cm to 1.8 cm). These forms were characterized by the greater amount of pods and seed from a plant, by mass of seed from a plant, and also by the greater amount of knots, amount of branches of first-order than plant-breeding varieties and numbers. The hybrids of first generation by the productivity considerably exceeded both paternal forms. Mass of seed from a plant changed from a 32.00 g to 60.61 g. On duration of period of vegetation the hybrids of first generation were inter-mediate between paternal forms. Conclusions. Multiflorous forms of soybean with long inflorescens are important source of breeding work on increase of seed productivity. Keywords: soybean, multiflorous inflorescence, long inflorescence, varieties, hybrids.

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