scholarly journals Peran Hospitalitas Kristen terhadap anak Yatim Piatu

2021 ◽  
Henri Sirangki

They show what life is like for a child who has no parents or family. Where the child is the most important part of the family as its heir. But there was also a child who had neither a mother nor a father. In this case it is commonly called an orphan which means to have no parents. Being a fatherless is not an acceptable choice, for thus orphans will surely feel a agony in which they live a life of deprivation either in the sense of lack of affection or in material form. They will also be humiliated, exiled, even if they lose hope of living their lives. This will create problems in orphans, but it will not become a bad thing, because of problems of one kind or another, children will learn to mature and will develop well with mature self-concept. Orphans are better when they're in an orphanage. An orphanage is a preferred place or container to foster children. Therefore, orphanages have responsibilities in the role of surrogate parents for orphans. It would also explain how orphans play the role of inequality.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Dimitris Kiritsis

The aim of the study is twofold. On the one hand it concerns the measurement and the examination of the subjects’ self-concept and on the other the detection and justification of the role of family in its configuration. The study analyzed the data collected from the answers to a research questionnaire of 1344 15-and 16-year-old school students in the Prefecture of Thessaloniki, Greece) with the use of a stratified random sampling technique. The first important finding concerned the high degree of the general self-concept of the adolescents. Among the seven specific sectors of the general self-concept a major variation was noted, with the higher average to be traced in the relationship that the students have configured with their peers and the lower one in the valuation of their academic competence. The second important finding was the ascertainment of the essential contribution of the family.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-31
Julianto Julianto Laia

Background : Stroke is a health issue and needs spesial attention. Based on the basic health research, stroke is a major couse of death and disability in almost all hospitals in indonesia. Organizations stroke world accouting for nearly 85% of people who have the risk factors can prevent a stroke if aware of and andress theserisk factors early on. The role of the family will help the patient care process to make the best possible stroke patients can do the activity again while not fully back to normal as before the stroke. The concept of human beings have a role in the fulfillment of basic needs. A positive self concept gives meaning and unity to someone. Healthy concept generates positive feelings toward themselves. The Objectiveof this research : To determine the relationship role of the family in the fulfillment of basic human needs with the self-concept among post stroke patients in the Sindang Barang Bogor. The Methods : This study used a descriptive analytical design and cross sectional approach. The technique used in this research is total sampling with the number of sample 46 respondents. The collection of data obtained through questionnaires. The Results : Based on the analysis of the relationship between the role of the family with self-concept of 46 respondents (67,4%) had the role of a passive family with poor self-concept as much as 20 respondents ( 43,5 %). The Results of statistical test p value = 0,016 which means p value < 0,05 means Ho rejected shows that there is a significant relationship between relationship role of the family in the fulfillment of basic human needs with the self concept post stroke patients.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
Muniriyanto Muniriyanto ◽  
Suharnan Suharnan

Abstract. The research was aimed to find out the relation of family harmony and self-concept  with adolescent’s delinquency.  The subjects were students from MA Mambaul Ulum in Al-Khairat Foundation and SMK Mambaul Ulum in Mambaul Ulum Foundation, East Java. 162 students completed the questionnaires.Multistage Cluster Sampling by random technique with the characteristic subject was used to determine the sample of the research. The characteristics of the research  subject were: (1) the ages of fourteen and eightteen years-old, (2) living with both of their parents, (3) male or female, (4) not a single child. The instrumens were scale of tendency of adolescent’s delinquency, scale of family harmony, and self-concept scale. The responses of questionnaires used 4- likert point. Data analysis method used in this research was regression analysis. Hypothesis shows that family harmony and self-concept gave contribution to the tendency of adolescent’s delinquency. the result of hypothesis showed that the Family harmony and self concept give a role of adolescent’s delequency tendency. Based on the value of stepwise regression by Multistage Cluster Sampling technic to the data of adolescent’s delequency with family harmony and self-concept found a value of coefficient correlation F-reg = 6,720, p 0,000 < 0,05 and coefficient determinant R2 = 0.152 or 15,2 %. The result was significant so that the hypothesis was accepted. The conclusion is there was the relation of family harmony and self-concept with adolescent ’s delinquency. Keywords : family harmony, self-concept, and adolescent’s Delinquency

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
A.A. Ayu Trisna Dewi ◽  
I Made Rustika

  The self-concept is a very important mental aspect in a early adolescent’s life because it can influence their behavior. Self-concept is not innate, but rather influenced by environmental stimuli at an early age. Family condition is one of the environmental stimuli that can influence self-concept. In outside-the home life, the responses of peers while interacting also contribute significantly to the self-concept. This study aims to determine the roles of family harmony and peer acceptance to teenagers’ self-concept of Junior High School adolescent in Denpasar. Subjects in this study were 224 of Junior High School adolescent in Denpasar, represented by the State Junior High School 1 of Denpasar. Instruments in this study were self-concept scale, family harmony and scale of peer acceptance. The results of multiple regression analysis shows that R = 0.560 (F = 50.395, p <0.05), it can be stated that the harmony of the family and peer acceptance jointly contribute to the self-concept. Determination coefficient of 0.313 indicates that the effective contribution of family harmony and peer acceptance to the self-concept amounted to 31.3%. Standardized beta values on family harmony with the self-concept is 0.285 (p <0.05) whereas peer acceptance with the self-concept at 0.361 (p <0.05). Thus it can be stated the role of peer acceptance is greater than the harmony of the family for the self- concept.   Keywords: self-concept, family harmony, peer acceptance, junior high school adolescent

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (SPE3) ◽  
Dmitriy Olegovich Egorov ◽  
Alla Anatolyevna Zadereychuk ◽  
Valeria Andreevna Maslennikova

The article presents a multiple-criteria analysis of the composition of the Simferopol correctional shelter of the late XIX - early XX centuries. The social well-being of a child who showed elements of destructive behavior is assessed, the role of an educational institution in the life of juvenile delinquents is examined. The authors compiled a social profile of the pupil of the Simferopol correctional shelter, based on dominant indicators according to different criteria: the grounds for sending juvenile delinquents to the shelter, their age, the length of stay of juvenile offenders in the correctional institution, the family composition and literacy of the delinquent, religious and social status, place of residence, crimes committed, determining the definition of juvenile delinquents in a shelter, further life after release. The article analyzes the misconduct of foster children in a shelter and considers the system of punishment for juvenile delinquents.

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 447
Rahayu Kurnia Kinasih ◽  
Farid Rusdi

Movie is one of the most important mass media in describing a social reality that aired on cinema, and then the message of the story content of a movie can be well received by the audience. The development of youth-themed movies is increasingly diverse in building an interesting story. One of them is Dua Garis Biru, a movie depicting a pair of teenagers who have intercourse outside the marriage. Through the movie, researchers are very interested in conducting research as the main focus on the concept of teenage children. Therefore, the authors use psychological theories to support the results of the authors' research, and use the research methods of analysis of discourse expressed by Teun A. Van Dijk. The results of the research found were the perpetrators of premarital sex in the Dua Garis Biru movie are constructed as a teenager representing the reality of premarital sex teenagers to still be able to form a positive self-concept. The development of the children's concepts can be assisted by how the family, especially the role of parents in establishing good communication, as well as providing education about the health of sexuality and reproduction to children. Film merupakan salah satu media massa yang paling berperan dalam menggambarkan suatu realitas sosial yang ditayangkan di layar bioskop, kemudian pesan dari isi cerita sebuah film dapat diterima dengan baik oleh penonton. Perkembangan film yang bertemakan remaja, semakin beragam dalam membangun suatu cerita yang menarik. Salah satunya adalah film Dua Garis Biru yang menggambarkan sepasang remaja yang melakukan hubungan badan di luar pernikahan. Melalui film tersebut, peneliti sangat tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian sebagai fokus utamanya tentang konsep diri anak remaja. Oleh karena itu, penulis menggunakan teori-teori psikologi untuk mendukung hasil penelitian penulis, dan menggunakan metode penelitian analisis wacana yang dikemukakan oleh Teun A. Van Dijk. Hasil penelitian yang ditemukan ialah pelaku remaja seks pranikah dalam film Dua Garis Biru dikonstruksikan sebagai remaja yang mewakili realitas remaja seks pranikah untuk tetap bisa membentuk konsep diri positif. Perkembangan konsep diri anak dapat dibantu melalui bagaimana keluarga, terutama peran orangtua dalam membangun komunikasi yang baik, serta memberikan edukasi tentang kesehatan seksualitas dan reproduksi kepada anak.

Psihologija ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 315-327 ◽  
Branimir Vukcevic

In this work our aim is to examine how the components of attachment influence the thinking development of adolescents in familial context. We investigated the components of attachment: unresolved family traumatisation, the use of external security base, fear of loss of external security base, negative self concept, negative other concept, capacity for mentalisation, low control of anger. We used a revised Questionnaire for Assessment of Adult and Adolescent Attachment (in original: UPIPAV-R). Formal operations were tested by Bond's Logical Operations Test. We examined the cultural-pedagogical status of the family, the parental mediation characteristic for the development of formal operations, and family property as the aspects of familial context. The sample consisted of 200 pupils aged 14 to 19. According to the attachment theory, secure attachment provides the feel of security in environment exploration, which is the ground of personality development. We assumed that components of attachment contribute formal-operational thinking development and change the influence of familial cultural-supportive tools. The findings show us that the culturalpedagogical status of the family improves formal operations development and unresolved family traumatisation has negative influence. Capacity for mentalisation has a positive indirect effect on thinking development through the influence of the cultural-pedagogical status of the family. The low control of anger has a negative indirect effect on thinking development; it increases the influence of unresolved family traumatisation. Negative self concept has indirect effects on thinking development through increasing this negative influence of unresolved family traumatisation and decreasing the role of familial cultural-supportive tools.

1993 ◽  
Michele Harway ◽  
Nancy Boyd-Franklin ◽  
Robert Geffner ◽  
Marsali Hansen ◽  

2008 ◽  
Ivelina Borisova ◽  
Theresa Betancourt ◽  
Wietse Tol ◽  
Ivan Komproe ◽  
Mark Jordans ◽  

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