ACTION TO SPEAK IN INDONESIAN LEARNING INTERACTIONS CLASS X STUDENTS OF SMA MUHAMMADIYAH 1 BAUBAU (Tindak Tutur dalam Interaksi Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Siswa Kelas X SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Baubau)

2021 ◽  

AbstractThe Use of Speech Actions in Indonesian Language Learning Interaction for Students Class X of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Baubau". Data collection techniques in this study were recording techniques and note-taking techniques. The recording technique is the collection of data by recording the use of spoken language that is spontaneous, while the note-taking technique is the acquisition of relevant data by recording data following the goals and objectives of the study. The steps that the researchers took to obtain the data were to directly observe the situation in the field then chat or invite discussions but secretly recorded the conversation process between students regarding speech acts and then linked it to the appearance of their manners. Based on the results of the above research, speech acts in Indonesian Language Learning Interaction Class X Muhammadiyah 1 Baubau Senior High School. Students who spoke of Lokusi's speech acts were 001 (Adianti Said), 011 (Irawati), 013 (Yuyun Duwila), and 014 (Aliyono). Furthermore, the students who spoke of Illocutionary speech acts were 012 (Alifman), 014 (Aliyono), and 016 (Fitriana Risul). And the students who spoke of Perlocusi's speech acts were: 001 (Adianti Said), 007 (Murniwati), 012 (Alifman), and 019 (Yoki Atmajaya). Meanwhile, based on the results of the above research, the teacher's speech actions in the private learning interaction of Indonesian language class X SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Baubau, namely teacher respondents: there are 2 speech acts locus and speech acts of illocution are 2 while the speech acts of perlocution are 1.Keywords: Speech Actions, Interaction, language Indonesian

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-43
Bayu Ardianto

This study focused on the use of exocentric directive phrase structure and its function in the discourse of Negeri 5 Menara novel. The instrument of this research is the researcher himself assisted with the analysis table. The results of this study indicate there are 1280 directive exocentric phrases studied based on the structure pattern and its meaning in Negeri 5 Menara novel. The most common place meaning is the positional place in the most common pattern of Prep. Basic (di) + N. This is due to the meaning of the exocentric directive phrase determined from the preposition it uses. The results of this study can be implied in basic competence learning that directs senior high school students to have the competence of analyzing phrase in Curriculum 2013. Keywords: exocentric directive phrase, Negeri 5 Menara, language learning   Abstrak Penelitian ini difokuskan penggunaan struktur frase eksosentris direktif dan fungsinya dalam wacana novel Negeri 5 Menara. Instrumen penelitian ini yaitu peneliti sendiri dibantu dengan tabel analisis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat 1280 frase eksosentris direktif yang dikaji berdasarkan pola struktur dan maknanya dalam novel Negeri 5 Menara. Makna tempat yang paling sering muncul adalah makna tempat posisional dalam pola yang paling sering muncul yaitu Prep. Dasar (di) + N. Hal ini disebabkan makna frase eksosentris direktif ditentukan dari preposisi yang digunakannya. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diimplikasikan dalam pembelajaran kompetensi dasar yang mengarahkan siswa SMA untuk memiliki kompetensi menganalisis frase novel dalam Kurikulum 2013. Kata kunci: frase eksosentris direktif, Negeri 5 Menara, pembelajaran bahasa

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Yani Paryono

Good Indonesian language learning materials are not only taken from textbooks but they can also be taken from various sources such as newspaper, outdoor media, nature, television, and social media. The research entitled ‘The Development of Indonesian Language Vocabulary Learning Materials Based on the Education of Pancasila Values on Facebook’ aims at producing Indonesian learning materials based on the education of Pancasila values. The problem discussed in this article is that there hasn’t been any Indonesian vocabulary learning material based on the education of Pancasila values developed by teachers and published on Facebook. The method used in this research is a Four-D Model consisting of some stages, such as: defining, planning, developing, and presenting on a seminar. This research involves an expert of Indonesian language education, six Indonesian language teachers, and twenty Senior High School students. Indonesian language learning materials on Facebook can be used to instill the values of Pancasila. The development of these learning materials is based on the principles of relevance, consistency, sufficiency properness of content, language, presentation, and graph. It has been proven through this research that the Indonesian subject learning achievement of Senior Secondary students through the use of facebook containing Pancasila values as learning content is higher compared to those students using different learning materials. AbstrakBahan belajar bahasa Indonesia yang baik tidak harus bersumber pada buku-buku pelajaran saja, tetapi dapat juga memanfaatkan berbagai sumber, seperti: media cetak koran, media luar ruang, alam sekitar, televisi, dan media sosial. Penelitian dengan judul Pengembangan Bahan Belajar Kosakata Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Pendidikan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila di Facebook bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan belajar bahasa Indonesia berbasis pendidikan nilai-nilai Pancasila yang dapat diakses melalui facebook. Masalah yang dibahas di dalam artikel ini adalah belum adanya materi pelajaran kosakata bahasa Indonesia berbasis pendidikan nilai-nilai Pancasila yang dikembangkan guru dan di-publish di facebook. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Four-D Model yang meliputi tahap pendefinisian, perancangan, pengembangan,dan tahap pendiseminasian. Penelitian ini melibatkan seorang ahli pendidikan bahasa Indonesia, 6 guru bahasa Indonesia, dan 20 siswa SMA. Bahan belajar bahasa Indonesia yang disajikan di media sosial facebook dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai Pancasila. Bahan belajar bahasa Indonesia ini dikembangkan dengan memperhatikan prinsip relevansi, konsistensi, ketercukupan, kelayakan isi, kebahasaan, penyajian, dan kegrafikaan. Hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia siswa SMA melalui bahan belajar yang menggunakan kosakata bahasa Indonesia berbasis nilainilai Pancasila di media sosial facebook terbukti lebih tinggi dan lebih baik dibandingkan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan bahan belajar yang tidak sama.

Abdul Haris Munandar ◽  
Herman Dwi Surjono

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menghasilkan e-learning berbasis Moodle untuk meningkatkan pemahaman isi teks anekdot pada siswa SMA Kelas X; (2) mengetahui kelayakan e-learning; (3) mengetahui efektivitas pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia setelah menggunakan e-learning. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model pengembangan yang diadaptasikan dari model Alessi dan Trollip. Prosedur pengembangan meliputi tahap perencanaan, desain dan pengembangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) produk e-learning berbasis Moodle untuk meningkatkan pemahaman isi teks anekdot anekdot pada siswa SMA Kelas X dihasilkan sesuai dengan model pengembangan Alessi dan Trollip (2001) melalui tiga tahap, yakni perencanaan, perancangan, dan pengembangan; (2) produk e-learning berbasis Moodle untuk meningkatkan pemahaman isi teks anekdot pada siswa SMA kelas X dinyatakan layak digunakan dalan proses pembelajaran ditinjau dari media, materi, dan penilaian siswa; (3) Produk e-learning yang dikembangkan menggunakan aplikasi Moodle dinilai efektif karena dapat meningkatkan pemahaman isi teks anekdot. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil nilai pretest dengan rata-rata 66,88, dan nilai posttest dengan rata-rata nilai 93,63. Porsentase ketuntasan belajar siswa 100% (32 siswa). Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa e-learning yang dikembangkan layak, dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran khususnya pada materi teks anekdot. Kata Kunci: e-learning, moodle, efektivitas, teks anekdot Abstract: This study aims to: (1) produce e-learning based on Moodle to increase the understanding of the anecdotes text content of senior high school students class X; (2) determine the feasibility of e-learning; (3) determine the effectiveness of learning Indonesian after using e-learning. The development model used a model adapted from the Alessi & Trollip. The procedure included the development of planning, design, and development. The result shows that: (1) the product Moodle-based e-learning inproved the understanding of the text content of anecdotes in SMA students class X is produced in accordance with the development model Alessi and Trollip (2001) through three stages: planning, design, and development; (2) the product Moodle-based e-learning improved the understanding of the anecdotes text content in SMA students class X and is declared eligible for use in the leaning process in terms of media, materials, and student’s assessment; (3) e-learning products development using Moodle application is considered effective because it could improve the understanding of the text content of anecdotes. This is evidenced by the result of the pretest with an average of 66.88, and posttest volue with an average of 93.63. The precentage of complete mastery of the student learning is 100% (32 students). From these results, it could be concluded that the e-learning developed is feasible, and effective to be used in learning, especially on anecdotes text material. Keywords: e-learning, moodle, effectiveness, anecdotes text

2020 ◽  
Vol 2019 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Mari Nakamura

Research shows that Japanese students’ motivation for English study tends to decline as they move through their schooling and that secondary-level students’ schoolwork-related anxiety rises as they grow older. In this practice-oriented paper, I first discuss the learning background and needs of junior and senior high school students at my private language school. I then describe small-scale “creative projects” that I design and implement with the aim of fostering the students’ intrinsic motivation for English language learning and to improve their confidence in expressing and discussing original ideas in English. The description of a sample project illustrates the project goal, class profile, and project procedure. My reflective comments regarding the effectiveness of the project in achieving the above-mentioned goals are also provided. Finally, the limitations of creative projects and possibilities of further improvements are discussed. 数々のリサーチが日本の中高生の英語学習への意欲は学年が上がるほどに減退し、彼らの学習についての不安は成長とともに高まると示唆している。この実践報告レポートでは、まず筆者の主宰する民間英語教室での中高生の学習状況と彼らが有する独特のニーズを自己決定理論と内発的動機づけに関する理論の観点を通して紹介する。次に、彼らの英語学習への内発的動機を育み、英語で独自のアイディアを表現する自信を高めるために当校で開発、実施している小規模な創造的プロジェクトを解説する。プロジェクトの描写ではプロジェクトの目的、クラス構成と活動手順を示し、プロジェクトが目的を果たす上での効果についての指導者の振り返りコメントも提示する。また最後に、現在の創造的プロジェクトの限界と今後の改善の可能性を述べる。

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 13
Yani Paryono

Good Indonesian language learning materials are not only taken from textbooks but they can also be taken from various sources such as newspaper, outdoor media, nature, television, and social media. The research entitled ‘The Development of Indonesian Language Vocabulary Learning Materials Based on the Education of Pancasila Values on Facebook’ aims at producing Indonesian learning materials based on the education of Pancasila values. The problem discussed in this article is that there hasn’t been any Indonesian vocabulary learning material based on the education of Pancasila values developed by teachers and published on Facebook. The method used in this research is a Four-D Model consisting of some stages, such as: defining, planning, developing, and presenting on a seminar. This research involves an expert of Indonesian language education, six Indonesian language teachers, and twenty Senior High School students. Indonesian language learning materials on Facebook can be used to instill the values of Pancasila. The development of these learning materials is based on the principles of relevance, consistency, sufficiency properness of content, language, presentation, and graph. It has been proven through this research that the Indonesian subject learning achievement of Senior Secondary students through the use of facebook containing Pancasila values as learning content is higher compared to those students using different learning materials. AbstrakBahan belajar bahasa Indonesia yang baik tidak harus bersumber pada buku-buku pelajaran saja, tetapi dapat juga memanfaatkan berbagai sumber, seperti: media cetak koran, media luar ruang, alam sekitar, televisi, dan media sosial. Penelitian dengan judul Pengembangan Bahan Belajar Kosakata Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Pendidikan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila di Facebook bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan belajar bahasa Indonesia berbasis pendidikan nilai-nilai Pancasila yang dapat diakses melalui facebook. Masalah yang dibahas di dalam artikel ini adalah belum adanya materi pelajaran kosakata bahasa Indonesia berbasis pendidikan nilai-nilai Pancasila yang dikembangkan guru dan di-publish di facebook. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Four-D Model yang meliputi tahap pendefinisian, perancangan, pengembangan,dan tahap pendiseminasian. Penelitian ini melibatkan seorang ahli pendidikan bahasa Indonesia, 6 guru bahasa Indonesia, dan 20 siswa SMA. Bahan belajar bahasa Indonesia yang disajikan di media sosial facebook dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menanamkan nilai-nila Pancasila. Bahan belajar bahasa Indonesia ini dikembangkan dengan memperhatikan prinsip relevansi, konsistensi, ketercukupan, kelayakan isi, kebahasaan, penyajian, dan kegrafikaan. Hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia siswa SMA melalui bahan belajar yang menggunakan kosakata bahasa Indonesia berbasis nilainilai Pancasila di media sosial facebook terbukti lebih tinggi dan lebih baik dibandingkan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan bahan belajar yang tidak sama.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Hendrikus Male

AbstractThis study merely aims to investigate Senior High School Students’ language anxiety and also to find out what class obtains the most dominant language anxiety. The respondents were administered a set of questionnaire and interview which was adapted from Muhaisen and Al-Haq (2012) The result of data analysis showed that the most dominant of the students’ anxiety were found in speaking followed by reading, writing and listening in their language learning process. It is highly recommended that the teachers be more creative in making the class atmosphere to be more fun and relaxing in teaching the language skills so that the students are more encouraged to learn the language.Keywords: language anxiety, senior high school students, language learning process

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-204
Muhammad Anis ◽  
Choiril Anwar

As the development of the industrial revolution takes place, disruptions are happening constantly in almost every major sector of the current industries. Companies and organizations complained about the competencies of the graduates entering the work force. This matter questions the readiness of the education system in preparing the students for the real world. Problems in education such as the regulations, strict policies and instructions from the government are undermining the role of the teachers to do what they think best for their students. This standardization has harmed the motivation and enthusiasm to learn, especially in English language class. Lack of motivation and English Language competency could harm students’ opportunity in accessing the vast global network of knowledge. Merdeka Belajar and SOLE are the promising alternatives in improving ELT. This article is somewhat a position paper trying to clear one side of a debatable opinion about a hot issue. It aims to persuade the reader that our opinion is valid and defensible. In doing so, we then separate the discussion into several parts regarding the analysis of concepts of Merdeka Belajar and SOLE (Self-Organized Learning Environment) related to ELT and motivation in language learning, as well as innovation in education. HIGHLIGHTS: SOLE (Self-Organized Learning Environment) is a concept developed by Sugata Mitra, and the researchers at the SOLE Centre in Newcastle University. SOLE with its highly influenced Constructivism approach lets the learners to take steer of their learning process gives them the ability to make meaning of the subject on their own. Merdeka Belajar (Freedom to Learn) is a new concept that needs to be tread carefully to direct the discussion objectively.

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