Knowing when to trust your gut: The perceived trustworthiness of fear varies with domain expertise

2021 ◽  
James Elsey ◽  
Merel Kindt

Previous research suggests that people with specific fears may use their subjective experience of anxiety to infer the presence of danger – a process known as ex-consequentia reasoning. While existing research validates the presence of ex-consequentia reasoning among fearful individuals, there are contextual factors that may moderate such emotional inferences. One would expect that even fearful people can acknowledge a difference in the trustworthiness of the intuitive thoughts and feelings of a fearful person relative to an expert in a fear-relevant situation. We investigated whether the expertise of characters described in vignettes about fear of heights and spiders modulated the extent to which fearful and non-fearful participants believed it was appropriate for the character to infer the presence of danger from their emotional reactions. Bayesian ordinal regression and a multiverse analytic approach were used to ensure inferences were not sensitive to particular analytic choices. Consistent with our expectations, fearful and non-fearful participants were more likely to agree that an expert character should listen to their intuitive thoughts and feelings about a situation than a fearful character. Tentatively, we suggest that people’s metacognitive awareness about the relative validity of fear-related thoughts and feelings might be leveraged to help reduce ex-consequentia reasoning.

2021 ◽  
Drew C. Schreiner ◽  
Christian Cazares ◽  
Rafael Renteria ◽  
Christina M Gremel

Subjective experience is a powerful driver of decision-making and continuously accrues. However, most neurobiological studies constrain analyses to task-related variables and ignore how continuously and individually experienced internal, temporal, and contextual factors influence adaptive behavior during decision-making and the associated neural mechanisms. We show mice rely on learned information about recent and longer-term subjective experience of variables above and beyond prior actions and reward, including checking behavior and the passage of time, to guide self-initiated, self-paced, and self-generated actions. These experiential variables were represented in secondary motor cortex (M2) activity and its projections into dorsal medial striatum (DMS). M2 integrated this information to bias strategy-level decision-making, and DMS projections used specific aspects of this recent experience to plan upcoming actions. This suggests diverse aspects of experience drive decision-making and its neural representation, and shows premotor corticostriatal circuits are crucial for using selective aspects of experiential information to guide adaptive behavior.

Assessment is one of the most complex nursing activities. It involves interpersonal and communication skills and decision-making skills. The purpose of assessment can be related to the diagnosis of specific conditions; however, assessment is often focused on the assessment of needs or health-related goals. The context and timing of assessment are important. Assessment as a process involves both non-verbal observation and verbal exchange of information, or conversation. Holistic needs assessment and care planning are an important aspect of care, particularly as patients rebuild their lives after treatment. In assessment, it is necessary to achieve a balance between objective evaluation of the patient’s problems and their subjective experience of illness or symptoms. Among the many assessment tools available, Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) measure outcomes of treatment or care, as they are reported by the patients themselves, and may assess health needs, monitor patient progress, or evaluate services. Quality of life (QoL) is a key element of assessment. It is a complex, multifactoral concept in the context of cancer and involves the individual’s appraisal of their position in life, relative to their expectations. It includes physical (symptoms such as fatigue, pain, and side effects of treatment), functional (activities of living, including eating, sleeping, and washing), emotional (positive and negative emotional reactions to cancer), social (social support, family relationships, and sexuality), and spiritual (sense of meaning and purpose in life, faith) well-being.

1973 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-171 ◽  
Z. J. Lipowski ◽  
Anne M. Stewart

This is a patient's autobiographical account of her illness while hospitalized at the place of her employment. She discusses her emotional reactions to her illness experience–her anxiety and depression over seizure activity and concomitant debilitation, her frustration over her failure to communicate with the staff, her request for psychiatric consultation, and her eventual rehabilitation. She raises such issues as the reluctance of physicians to recommend psychiatric consultation, the obstacles to effective communication and patient care posed by medical territorialism, and the complications that arise when a health worker must assume the role of patient, cared for by fellow staff members.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 950-962 ◽  
Gregg H. Rawlings ◽  
Ian Brown ◽  
Brendan Stone ◽  
Markus Reuber

This study examines the subjective experience of living with epilepsy or psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) by thematically comparing individuals’ written accounts of their condition. Five key differences emerged. Theme 1: “Seizure onset” revealed differences in how individuals think about and ruminate over the possible causes of their condition. Theme 2: “Emotive tone” demonstrated that writings of those with epilepsy reflected stable emotions (no intense emotional reactions), whereas those of writers with PNES reflected anxiety and low mood. Theme 3: “Seizure symptoms” showed differences in the conceptualization of seizures. Theme 4: “Treatment” explored differences in the diagnostic journey and experiences of health care professionals. Theme 5: “Daily life” revealed that those with epilepsy perceived sequelae and seizures as something that must be fought, whereas those with PNES tended to describe their seizures as a place they enter and something that has destroyed their lives. The findings have implications for treatment and management.

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 234-261
R. C. Tripathi ◽  
Rashmi Kumar ◽  
Roomana N. Siddiqui ◽  
Shabana Bano

The present study investigates emotional reactions that follow norm violations involving Hindus and Muslims in India. It also studies how in-group’s emotional reaction is predicted by the emotion that the group experiences in tandem with certain contextual factors, such as, fraternal relative deprivation (FRD), social identity, power to harm and resource power. Data were collected on 221 Hindus and 167 Muslims. Three different types of norm-violating situations were presented and subjects were asked to rate the extent to which they and their group will experience anger, fear or anxiety in such situations. Respondents were asked to choose between conciliation, retaliation and retribution as one of their preferred emotional reactions. Although, conciliation was the most preferred reaction for resolving conflicts for both, Hindus and Muslims, this preference changed from one situation to another. Across three situations, anger was the most intensely experienced emotion followed by the emotions of anxiety and fear. Anger evoked retaliatory reactions among Hindus while Muslims preferred a retributory reaction in situations involving strong norm violations. Multinomial logistic analysis showed that no emotion was consistently related with the preferred emotional reaction to norm violations across situations. For Hindus, fear in Situation 1 (personal humiliation of a group member) was associated with preference for retribution but with conciliation in Situation 3 (mocking of Gods and Goddesses). Similarly, anger enhanced the odds of Hindus for engaging in retaliation in Situation 2 (obstruction of in-group’s religious procession). As for Muslims, contextual factors, such as, resource power, power to harm in association with different negative emotions increased the odds for their preferred choices of emotional reaction.

Interiority ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-111 ◽  
Stephanie Liddicoat

This paper explores the perceptions of the spatiality of individuals who self-harm, with the aim of understanding the design aspects which foster supportive therapeutic environments. Analysis of responses found that there were key similarities in areas of perception of architectural interior space, refuting the commonly held view that all architectural response is purely subjective, and that subjective experience cannot be shared. Three examples of perceptions of interior therapeutic environments are discussed to highlight how the perceptions of spatiality of individuals who self-harm consists of a particular cluster of spatial understandings, behaviours and focuses, manifesting as a strong emotional overtone overlaid onto built environments. This includes common kinds of triggers and emotional reactions provoked by aspects of the built environment. This paper discusses architectural aspects in relation to subjectivity in perception, constructs of interiority, and the role of supramodal engagement in influencing perceptual responses to interior space. By understanding how individuals who self-harm experience a space, a greater comprehension of the design of these environments delivering mental health services may be enabled. This paper tables a series of research-derived design suggestions to facilitate supportive therapeutic spaces. This paper also proposes a series of further research directions to explore the relationships between constructs of interiority, the physical interior space, and the therapeutic function for which they are designed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 850-856
Agus Sutarna ◽  
Riana Budi Arti

Pembedahan, baik elektif maupun kedaruratan adalah peristiwa kompleks yang menegangkan. Cemas merupakan suatu keadaan emosi tanpa suatu objek yang spesifik dan pengalaman subjektif dari individu  serta dan tidak dapat  diobservasi dan dilihat secara langsung. Sebelum  dilakukan operasi terdapat masalah kecemasan yang merupakan reaksi emosional pasien yang sering muncul. Terapi medis saja tanpa disertai dzikir tidaklah lengkap. Untuk menurunkan  tingkat  kecemasan  pada  pasien pre operasi besar dengan cara terapi dzikir. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi dzikir terhadap penurunan tingkat kecemasan pada pasien pre operasi besar di Rumah Sakit Ciremai Cirebon tahun 2015.Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian Quasi Experiment dengan rancangan one group pretest – posttest. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu 103 pasien. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu 32 subjek dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengukuran  tingkat  kecemasan  menggunakan  skala  kecemasan  Hamilton  Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS). Cara pengambilan data menggunakan Kuesioner. Teknik analisa data menggunakan uji wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian nilai ρ value  0,000  (ρ < 0,05).  Hal ini berarti H0 gagal ditolak,  yang artinya  bahwa  terapi dizikir dapat menurunkan tingkat kecemasan pada pasien pre operasi besar di Rumah Sakit Ciremai Kota Cirebon Tahun 2015.Penelitian ini diharapkan sebagai sumber informasi dalam rangka meningkatkan upaya pelayanan kesehatan dengan melakukan pelatihan terapi dzikir, khususnya pada pasien pre operasi besar yang mengalami kecemasan.Kata Kunci : Pre Operasi, Kecemasan, Terapi Dzikir  ABSTRACTSurgery, both elective and emergency is complex stressful events. Anxiety is an emotional state without a specific object and the subjective experience of the individual as well and can not be observed and seen directly. Before the operation there is a problem that concerns the patient's emotional reactions that often arise. Medical therapy alone without dzikir is not complete. To reduce the level of anxiety in patients with preoperative great by the way dhikr therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the decrease in the level of dhikr therapy in patients with preoperative anxiety large in Ciremai hospital cirebon 2015.This study uses a type of research design Quasi Experiment with one group pretest - posttest. Population in this research is 103 patients. The sample in this study is 32 subjects using purposive sampling technique. Measuring the level of anxiety using the Hamilton anxiety scale Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS). How to collect data by questionnaire. Data analysis techniques using Wilcoxon test. The results of the research value of ρ value of 0.000 (ρ <0.05). which means H0 = ditolak, dhikr therapy can reduce the level of anxiety in patients with mayor preoperativei in Cirebon City Hospital Ciremai Year 2015.This research is expected as resources in order to improve health care efforts by conducting training dhikr therapy, especially in patients who undergo major surgery pre anxiety.Keywords : Pre Operations , anxiety , therapy dzikir

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 216-224
Vitor Carvalho ◽  
Pedro Tiago Esteves ◽  
Célia Nunes ◽  
César Mendez ◽  
Bruno Travassos

Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a relação entre a classificação de árbitros de futebol de elite e variáveis contextuais e situacionais que caraterizam os jogos arbitrados no decorrer de uma época. Para tal, foi realizada uma regressão ordinal com função Link Logit entre a classificação final e variáveis contextuais e situacionais. As variáveis contextuais revelaram um efeito significativo sobre a classificação final, não se verificando efeitos significativos das variáveis situacionais, sobre a classificação dos árbitros no final da época desportiva. Na globalidade o modelo revelou-se estatisticamente significativo. A probabilidade de obtenção de melhor classificação final dos árbitros aumenta 54.2% com o aumento do número de jogos realizados na I Liga e aumenta 24.8% com aumento do número de jogos equilibrados. Diminui 61.2% com jogos realizados sem equipas Top 3. Os resultados reforçam a influência significativa que os fatores contextuais têm sobre a classificação e avaliação de um árbitro no final da época desportiva. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the classification of elite soccer referees in Portugal and the contextual and situational variables of the matches refereed during the 2016-2017 sports season. In order to analyze the relationship between the final classification and the level of the competition, characterization of the game, result of the game and total number of cards displayed per game, an ordinal regression with Link Logit function was used. The results revealed that the contextual variables have a significant effect on the final classification, with no significant effects of the situational variables. In general, the model statistically explains the final classification of the elite soccer referees at the end of the sports season (X2LP (5) = 40.299, p<0.001). The probability of obtaining a better final referees’ classification increases 54.2% with the increase in the number of games played in the I League (OR=1.542), and 24.8% with the increase in the number of balanced games (OR=1.248). Decreases 61.2% with the increase in the number of games without TOP 3(OR=0.388). Finally, in relation to the total number of cards displayed in a game, there were no significant effects on the ranking of referees' performance. In summary, the results reinforce the significant influence that contextual factors have on the classification and assessment of a referee at the end of the sports season. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a relação entre a classificação dos árbitros de futebol de elite em Portugal e as variáveis contextuais e situacionais dos jogos arbitrados no decorrer da época desportiva 2016-2017. No sentido de analisar qual a relação entre a classificação final e o nível da competição, caraterização do jogo, resultado do jogo e número total de cartões exibidos por jogo foi realizada uma regressão ordinal com função Link Logit. Os resultados, revelaram que as variáveis contextuais, apresentam um efeito significativo sobre a classificação final, não se verificando efeitos significativos das variáveis situacionais, sobre a classificação final dos árbitros de futebol no final da época desportiva. Na globalidade o modelo revelou-se estatisticamente significativo (X2LP (5) = 40.299, p<0.001). A probabilidade de obtenção de melhor classificação final dos árbitros aumenta 54.2% com o aumento do número de jogos realizados na I Liga (OR=1.542) e aumenta 24.8% com aumento do número de jogos equilibrados (OR=1.248). Diminui 61.2% com jogos realizados sem equipas Top 3 (OR=0.388). Por último, em relação ao número total de cartões exibidos num jogo não se verificaram efeitos significativos no ranking de desempenho dos árbitros. Em suma, os resultados reforçam a influência significativa que os fatores contextuais têm uma sobre a classificação e avaliação de um árbitro no final da época desportiva.

2019 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
Olya Hakobyan ◽  
Sen Cheng

Abstract We fully support dissociating the subjective experience from the memory contents in recognition memory, as Bastin et al. posit in the target article. However, having two generic memory modules with qualitatively different functions is not mandatory and is in fact inconsistent with experimental evidence. We propose that quantitative differences in the properties of the memory modules can account for the apparent dissociation of recollection and familiarity along anatomical lines.

2003 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-5
Sheila Wendler

Abstract Attorneys use the term pain and suffering to indicate the subjective, intangible effects of an individual's injury, and plaintiffs may seek compensation for “pain and suffering” as part of a personal injury case although it is not usually an element of a workers’ compensation case. The AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (AMA Guides), Fifth Edition, provides guidance for rating pain qualitatively or quantitatively in certain cases, but, because of the subjectivity and privateness of the patient's experience, the AMA Guides offers no quantitative approach to assessing “pain and suffering.” The AMA Guides also cautions that confounders of pain behaviors and perception of pain include beliefs, expectations, rewards, attention, and training. “Pain and suffering” is challenging for all parties to value, particularly in terms of financial damages, and using an individual's medical expenses as an indicator of “pain and suffering” simply encourages excessive diagnostic and treatment interventions. The affective component, ie, the uniqueness of this subjective experience, makes it difficult for others, including evaluators, to grasp its meaning. Experienced evaluators recognize that a myriad of factors play a role in the experience of suffering associated with pain, including its intensity and location, the individual's ability to conceptualize pain, the meaning ascribed to pain, the accompanying injury or illness, and the social understanding of suffering.

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