scholarly journals Use of Qualitative Research Approach in Postmodern Studies: Sharing of Some Anthropological Experiences of the Study on the Pahari People of Central Nepal

1970 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 37-50
Anju Khadka

doi: 10.3126/njqrm.v1i0.1971Keywords: postmodern studies; Pahari People Nepalese Journal of Qualitative Research Methods Vol.1 2007 pp.37-50

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 97-111
Anwar Zain

Sekolah PAUD Widya Dharma merupakan satu satunya lembaga pendidikan tingkat TK (Taman Kanak-Kanak) yang mempunyai siswa yang berlatar berlakang agama lebih beragam dari sekolah TK. PAUD lainnya di Kota Banjarmasin. Latar belakang agama siswanya tersebut meliputi: agama Islam, Kristen, Katolik, Budha dan Hindu. Prosentasi siswa dari beragam agama tersebut tidak ada jumlah siswa dari beragama yang mendominasi lebih dari 50%. Selain itu juga walaupun para pendiri sekolah ini kebanyakannya dari orang yang beragama Budha, tetapi siswa yang berlatar belakang agama Budha tidak mendominasi secara kuantitas, sedangkan siswa yang beragama Kristen Protestan yang lebih banyak. Secara urutan kuantitas jumlah siswa berdasarkan latar belakang agama terbanyak ialah (1) Kristen Protestan, (2) Islam, (3) Katholik, (4) Budha, dan (5) Hindu. Berdasarkan latar belakang singkat tersebut, maka sangat perlu dan manfaat secara kajian ilmiah untuk diteliti tentang kehidupan toleransi beragama anak dengan anak lainnya yang mempunyai agama berbeda-beda ditingkat TK. PAUD. Oleh karena itu, peneliti memfokuskan penelitian ini kepada strategi penanaman toleransi beragama anak di PAUD Widya Dharma Kota Banjarmasin.  Pendekatan Penelitian menggunakan metode  penelitian  kualitatif  yang dilakukan  dengan  penelitian  lapangan, informan dalam menggali penelitian ditujukan kepada guru-guru agama, dan objek penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi penanaman toleransi beragama kepada anak-anak yang berbeda-beda agamanya. Teknik penelitiannya dengan melakukan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Kemudian untuk memvalidasi tingkat kebenaran data tersebut maka dalam hal ini menggunakan teknik triangulasi metode dan sumber. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa strategi penanaman toleransi beragama pada anak usia dini melalui 5 (lima) kegiatan, yaitu (1) Guru mengenalkan sifat-sifat baik. (2) Guru mengenalkan sifat toleransi beragama. (3) Guru memberikan stimulus agar  anak berpikir tentang sifat-sifat baik, 4) Guru memberikan stimulus agar anak berpikir tentang toleransi beragama. (5) Guru membuat anak merasakan  manfaat sifat toleransi beragama. Kata kunci: Strategi Penanaman, Toleransi Beragama, Anak Usia Dini.   Abstract PAUD Widya Dharma School is the only kindergarten level educational institution (Kindergarten) which has students with more diverse religious backgrounds than kindergarten schools. Other PAUD in Banjarmasin City. The students' religious backgrounds include: Islam, Christianity, Catholicism Buddhism and Hinduism. The percentage of students from various religions does not have the number of students from that religion which dominates more than 50%. In addition, even though the founders of this school were mostly Buddhist, students with Buddhist backgrounds did not dominate in quantity, while students who were Protestant Christians were more numerous. In order of quantity, the highest number of students based on religious backgrounds is (1) Protestant Christianity, (2) Islam, (3) Catholic, (4) Buddhist, and (5) Hinduism. Based on this brief background, it is very necessary and beneficial in a scientific study to study the religious tolerance of children with other children who have different religions at the kindergarten level. PAUD. Therefore, the researcher focuses this research on the strategy of internalization children's religious tolerance in PAUD Widya Dharma Banjarmasin City. The research approach used qualitative research methods carried out by field research, informants in exploring research aimed at religious teachers, and the object of this study was to find out how to cultivate religious tolerance strategies for children of different religions. The research technique is by conducting interviews, observation and documentation. Then to validate the level of correctness of the data, in this case using the triangulation technique methods and sources. The results of the study state that the strategy of internalization religious tolerance in early childhood through 5 (five) activities, namely: (1) The teacher introduces good traits, (2) The teacher introduces the nature of religious tolerance; (3) The teacher provides a stimulus so that the child thinks about good traits; (4) Tthe teacher provides a stimulus so that the child thinking about religious tolerance, (5) Teachers make children feel the benefits of religious tolerance. Keywords: Strategy of Internalization, Religious Tolerance, Early Childhood

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (7) ◽  
pp. 93-106
Sri Wahyuni Marimun ◽  
Anuar Ahmad

: This study is aimed to find out the level of readiness of Malay students at Chinese School School (SRJKC) in studying History in Chinese (Chinese). The level of readiness of the Malay students in the school is based on students' cognitive, affective, psychomotor readiness through the focus of the students' understanding of teachers' teaching, student commitment to master the content of learning and their own initiative to learn History using Mandarin (Chinese) introduction to the school. Therefore, the sample consists of 6 Malay students. The students are Year 6 students at Chinese school (SRJKC). Then, this research approach is qualitative. Research methods such as interviews, observations, and analysis of documents used in this study were aimed at collecting important data of the study. Proven in this study the readiness of students in studying History is always related to achievement. The overall findings of the readiness of students to understand the teaching of History teachers in the classroom and the level of achievement of Malay students in the History subject both are at a moderate level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-39
Novita Ashari

This study aims to see how the social maturity of adolescents at the Fahmi Orphanage Makassar. The research will use qualitative research methods. Qualitative research is the stage of the research approach and understanding that is sourced from the method of phenomena that occur in social life as well as problems between individuals. The subjects in this study were adolescents, both boys, and girls who were at the Fahmi Orphanage in Makassar. The results of this study are the social maturity of adolescents at the Fahmi Orphanage known by their family background. Adolescents who come from intact families have high self-confidence so that their social maturity is also good. Meanwhile, for adolescents who come from families who have low self-confidence so that their social maturity is not good.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 0-0

The present article focuses on the use of information technology in education in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, analyzing the sustainability of online learning methods, as reflected in students’ attitude towards the researched topic. The paper aims to raise awareness about the importance of sustainability in education, despite challenges and changes which may occur in our society. Based on an inductive research approach, qualitative research methods (e.g. the questionnaire) are used in the present paper, according to the modern trend of using qualitative research methods in the field of economic papers. The research approach is interdisciplinary, considering aspects of economics, sociology and psychology. The research findings illustrate the fact that on a short-term basis, online learning may be implemented in universities with success, but on a long-term basis, a hybrid system based on blended learning must be designed in order to ensure sustainability in education. The research may have a social impact beyond academia, as it relates to sustainability in education

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Alya Nurromah, dkk.

A lease is a contract that provides benefits exchange by way of reward in a certain amount. Regularly shift which the device regularly elements interconnected to form a totality. Community empowerment is personal and social processes, an exemption of personal ability, competence, creativity and freedom of acts. The aim of this study is to investigate the implementation of rural land lease with the rotating system. To find out how the implementation of the lease of land to community empowerment. In the research approach used is qualitative research methods. This study uses primary data, the interviewer directly meet speakers who were respondents in this study. From the interviews conducted, it can be seen that the land lease system in shifts in the village Capping namely by rotating tenants village by village officials. System lease land in rotation to the empowerment of increased community spirit manage rented land in order to provide maximum results. Keywords: Leasing, rotating system, community empowerment

Moh Khoiri Abdi ◽  
Novi Febriyanti

Abstract: In the middle of the development of UMKMs that were not too good in early 2020, UMKMs in Indonesia were again tested with the Covid-19 outbreak in the middle of the Indonesian people. The spread of the Covid-19 virus has a direct impact on the drastic decline in the economy of UMKMs, because every citizen, even school students, has a day off to stay at home, as a result, UMKM companies are hampered in sales and production. This article intends to analyze how the preparation of a Islamic marketing strategy that can be done during the Covid-19 pandemic and supporting factors in entrepreneurship in the creative economy sector during the Covid-19 pandemic. Using qualitative research methods with a library research approach. The results of this study prove that the preparation of a Islamic marketing strategy in entrepreneurship in the creative economy sector can be planned through STP (Segmenting, Targetting and Positioning) to attract consumers with the concept of halal market, namely halal activist, active customers, and passive customers. While the supporting factors in entrepreneurship in the creative economy sector during the Covid-19 pandemic to run effectively and efficiently include the concept of promotion, service excellet customer rewards, affiliations or partnerships and social capital. Keywords: Islamic Marketing Strategy, Business, Creative Economy.   Abstrak: Di tengah perkembangan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) yang belum terlalu baik di awal tahun 2020, UMKM di Indonesia kembali diuji dengan wabah Covid-19 ditengah masyarakat Indonesia. Penyebaran virus Covid-19 memberikan dampak yang berimbas langsung terhadap penurunan secara drastis ekonomi UMKM, karena setiap warga bahkan murid sekolah pun diliburkan agar tetap berada didalam rumah, akibatnya perusahaan UMKM terhambat dalam penjualan dan juga produksi. Artikel ini bermaksud ingin menganalisis bagaimana penyusunan strategi pemasaran Islam yang dapat dilakukan pada masa pandemi Covid-19 dan faktor pendukung dalam berwirausaha di sektor ekonomi kreatif pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan library research. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa penyusunan strategi pemasaran dalam berwirausaha pada sektor ekonomi kreatif dapat direncanakan melalui STP (Segmenting, Targetting dan Positioning) untuk menarik konsumen dengan konsep halal market, yaitu halal activist, active customers, dan passive customers. Sedangkan faktor pendukung dalam berwirausaha di sektor ekonomi kreatif pada masa pandemi Covid-19 agar berjalan secara efektif dan efisien diantaranya adalah konsep promotion, service excellet customers rewards, afiliasi atau kemitraan dan modal sosial. Kata Kunci: Strategi Pemasaran Islam, Bisnis, Ekonomi Kreatif

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 610-613
Kamran Akhtar Siddiqui ◽  
Bahawal Soomro ◽  
Rashid Hussain Abbasi ◽  
Usama Abdul Rehman ◽  
Aizaz Soomro

This review makes a point in favor of the assertion made for the book that it is a practical introduction to the qualitative research in applied linguistics. The book consists of four parts: an overview of qualitative research, qualitative research methods, qualitative data collection methods, ethical practice issues and the writing of research reports. After proving a rich introduction to the qualitative research, the book discusses qualitative research approaches using a reader-friendly and interactive structure: pre-reading and post-reading questions along with the list of further readings. Then the data collection tools have been thoroughly discussed. What makes this book more useful is the use of illustrative examples for each qualitative research approach and data collection tool. The last part discusses core issues of ethics and drafting a research report. From the perspective of a novice researcher, it has achieved the goal of educating readers about qualitative research methods and data collection tools, as it gradually tracks the reader and provides them with a linking concept for a better understanding. However, reference to one study for both ethnography and case study remains a confusing point. Besides, the review suggests addition of some images to make reading of the book more interesting, especially for visual learners. Besides, a diagram should be given at the end of research methods chapters to outline the steps taken by researchers to do their studies.

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