Paquita Salas en Netflix. Un análisis de la cultura pop española

2020 ◽  
pp. 247-254
Joana Doñate-Ventura

Los Javis have revolutionized the Spanish audiovisual scene in recent years, leading the industry since the creation of La Llamada and the subsequent acquisition of Paquita Salas by Netflix. The directors’ names have become watch words, and from the start they have defended a way of creating content that is closely linked to the trends of social networks, resulting in the vast majority of their audience being millennials. They thus offer a fresh and different vision that can not only be seen in the characterization and formation of the characters, but also in the realization and visual form of their content. This style offers a portrait of Spanish pop culture, and what could be a grotesque caricature actually becomes an amusing portrait with which a large part of the audiovisual sector and audience can identify. For this reason, the most mediatic such work, Paquita Salas, is chosen, since it offers a broad vision of Spanish pop culture that viewers not only do not reject, but also feel as their own. This Spanish pop culture is portrayed by the trends in social media, bringing their success to television. One can therefore talk not only about famous people but also about events, trends, viral elements, or phrases that are known to a large part of the native public of social networks. We thus see how an audiovisual product such as Paquita Salas feeds on social networks to create its narrative structure and characterize its characters, thus creating patterns that will return to their origin (social networks) where they went viral due to their success, thus becoming part of Spanish pop culture. Resumen Los Javis han revolucionado el panorama audiovisual español en los últimos años, siendo los reyes Midas de la industria desde la creación de La Llamada y la posterior adquisición de Paquita Salas por parte de Netflix. Los directores han estado en boca de todos y desde sus inicios han defendido una forma de crear audiovisual muy unida a las tendencias de las redes sociales, obteniendo como resultado que gran mayoría de su público sea millennial. Ofrecen así una visión fresca y diferente que no solo se puede ver en la caracterización y formación de los personajes, sino que también en la realización y forma visual que tienen sus contenidos. Este estilo ofrecerá un retrato de la cultura pop española, y lo que podría ser una caricatura grotesca, se convierte en un retrato gracioso con el que gran parte del sector audiovisual y audiencia se puede sentir identificado. Por ese motivo se ha elegido su obra más mediática, Paquita Salas, ya que nos ofrece una amplia visión de la cultura pop española que los espectadores no solo no rechazan, sino que además, sienten como propia. Esta cultura pop española vendrá retratada tal y como hemos dicho por las tendencias en RRSS, llevando a la televisión los éxitos de éstas. Hablaríamos pues no solo de personajes famosos sino también de eventos, tendencias, elementos virales o frases conocidas por gran parte del público nativo de las RRSS. Por lo tanto, veremos como un producto audiovisual como Paquita Salas se alimenta de las redes sociales para crear su estructura narrativa y caracterizar a sus personajes, creando así unos patrones que volverán a su origen (las redes sociales) dónde volverán a empezar su viralidad debido a su éxito, y entrarán a formar parte así, de la cultura pop española.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (41) ◽  
pp. 54
Ivig De Freitas Santos ◽  
Maria Érica de Oliveira Lima

A Igreja Católica sempre procurou estar conectada com a mídia e a pandemia de COVID-19 estreitou ainda mais os laços da instituição religiosa com as mídias sociais. Neste cenário, também as festas populares precisaram reconfigurar suas práticas para atender a necessidade do isolamento, o que incluiu a presença ainda mais forte destas celebrações no ambiente digital. Nesse contexto, o objeto da presente pesquisa é a “Caminhada com Maria”, tradicional procissão católica realizada em Fortaleza, ocorrida em formato virtual em 2020. A metodologia utilizada é a netnografia, por meio da análise dos comentários dos fiéis durante a transmissão ao vivo da festa religiosa. Foi possível observar como os participantes se apropriaram destes espaços para manifestar práticas devocionais e votivas, o que demonstra as oportunidades de comunicação que a religiosidade tem experimentado na Era digital. Redes Sociais; Festa popular; Internet; Religiosidade; Folkcomunicação. The Catholic Church has always sought to be connected with the media and the COVID-19 pandemic has further strengthened the religious institution's ties to social media. In this scenario, popular festivals also needed to reconfigure their practices to meet the need for isolation, which included the even stronger presence of these celebrations in the digital environment. In this context, the object of this research is the “Walk with Mary”, a traditional Catholic procession held in Fortaleza, which took place in virtual format in 2020. The methodology used is netnography, through the analysis of the comments of the faithful during the live broadcast of the religious festival. It was possible to observe how the participants appropriated these spaces to manifest devotional and voting practices, which demonstrates the communication opportunities that religiosity has experienced in the digital age. Social networks; Popular festival; Internet; Religiosity; Folkcommunication. La Iglesia Católica siempre ha buscado estar conectada con los medios de comunicación y la pandemia de COVID-19 ha fortalecido aún más los lazos de la institución religiosa con las redes sociales. En este escenario, las fiestas populares también necesitaban reconfigurar sus prácticas para satisfacer la necesidad de aislamiento, que incluía la presencia aún más fuerte de estas celebraciones en el entorno digital. En este contexto, el objeto de esta investigación es el “Caminata con María”, tradicional procesión católica celebrada en Fortaleza, que tuvo lugar en formato virtual en 2020. La metodología utilizada es la netnografía, a través del análisis de los comentarios de los fieles durante la transmisión en vivo. de la fiesta religiosa. Se pudo observar cómo los participantes se apropiaron de estos espacios para manifestar prácticas devocionales y de voto, lo que demuestra las oportunidades comunicativas que ha experimentado la religiosidad en la era digital. Redes sociales; Fiesta popular; Internet; Religiosidad; Comunicación popular.

2018 ◽  
pp. 231-242

Resumen.-La participación ciudadana se ha planteado como uno de los recursos necesarios para vigorizar las estructuras democráticas. En los medios de comunicación, vitales para la difusión de valores, la tecnología ha abierto posibilidades crecientes depresencia de contenidos exteriores a la producidos estrictamente por la profesión periodística incrementándose así las posibilidades de visibilización de quienes no tienen directamente conexiones con el poder. Las plataformas digitales han ayudado a algunas cadenas a mitigar la caída de audiencias al llevar a las pantallas públicos de las redes sociales. La presencia de la participación ciudadana en los informativos de las televisiones no se produce directamente sino por invitación o en todo caso por mediación de periodistas. La digitalidad se ha mostrado por tanto eficaz en conseguir un mejor conocimiento de los comportamientos de la audiencia y en una mejora de los índices de algunas cadenas. Pero aún queda por delante el reto del desarrollo de aplicaciones tecnológicas y de voluntad política que permitan asimismo la generación de líderes sociales y la creación de nuevos espacios democráticos. Palabras clave: Participación, televisión, plataforma digital, ciudadanía, redes sociales Television and digitality in the construction of the space of the Democratic Society: Possibility and limits of the citizen participation in the journalistic contents Abstract.-Citizen participation has been raised as one of the necessary resources to invigorate democratic structures.The media are vital for the dissemination of values and now the technology has opened up increasing possibilities of presence of external contents not produced by the journalists.In that way the possibilities of visibility of those who do not directly have connections to power are growing. The digital platforms have helped some networks mitigate the fall of audiences by taking public from some social media towards the screens . The presence of citizen participation in television news is not produced directly but by invitation or by journalist intervention. The digital has been shown to be effective in getting a better understanding of audience behaviors and improving the audiences of some channels. But it is still ahead the challenge of developingtechnological applications and political will for allowing the generation of different social leaders and the creation of new democratic spaces. Keywords: Participation, television, digital platform, citizenship, social networks

Comunicar ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (58) ◽  
pp. 9-18 ◽  
James-Paul Gee ◽  
Moisés Esteban-Guitart

There is today a great deal of controversy over digital and social media. Even leaders in the tech industry are beginning to decry the time young people spend on smartphones and social networks. Recently, the World Health Organization proposed adding “gaming disorder” to its official list of diseases, defining it as a pattern of gaming behavior so severe that it takes “precedence over other life interests”. At the same time, many others have celebrated the positive properties of video games, social media, and social networks. This paper argues that a deeper understanding of human beings is needed to design for deep learning. For the purposes of this study “design for deep learning” means helping people matter and find meaning in ways that make them and others healthy in mind and body, while improving the state of the world for all living things, with due respect for truth, sensation, happiness, imagination, individuality, diversity, and the future. In particular, fifteen features related to human nature are suggested based on recent scientific developments to answer the question: What is a human being? Consequently, proposals that are linked to learning and transformation, as well as social improvement, should fit with the ways in which humans, as specific sorts of biological and social creatures, learn best (or can learn at all) and can change for the better. En la actualidad existe una nutrida controversia en relación a los medios de comunicación sociales y digitales que ha llevado, incluso, a censurar la utilización de las redes sociales y los móviles por parte de líderes en la industria tecnológica. En este sentido, la Organización Mundial para la Salud ha propuesto añadir el «desorden del juego» a su listado de enfermedades, definiéndolo como un modelo de comportamiento de juego tan severo que se impone como «preferencia sobre otros intereses». Al mismo tiempo, distintos académicos han enfatizado los aspectos positivos derivados de las redes sociales y los videojuegos. En este artículo se argumenta que es necesaria una mejor comprensión del ser humano para poder implementar lo que aquí se define como diseño para el aprendizaje profundo. El «diseño para el aprendizaje profundo» está encaminado al reconocimiento de las personas y el desarrollo de sentidos saludables, individual y colectivamente, así como la mejora, en general, del estado del mundo para todos los seres vivos, según principios de verdad, felicidad, imaginación, individualidad, diversidad y futuro. En particular, se sugieren quince características basadas en desarrollos científicos que responden a la pregunta: ¿Qué es un ser humano? Consecuentemente, propuestas vinculadas al aprendizaje y la transformación y mejora social deben ser coherentes con dichas características que permiten definir cómo las personas, en tanto que organismos biológicos y sociales, aprenden o pueden aprender óptimamente, así como cambiar para mejorar.

Şadiye Deniz

One of the concepts that have a strong and dominant effect in transforming the culture, individual, and society of social media has been privacy. Everything that belongs to our domestic space in modern times, which should not be known/seen by others, is made public by ourselves in the postmodern age with new media tools. In social networks focusing on vision and surveillance, privacy is restricted, eliminated, or stretched by individuals themselves for the creation of ideal profiles. The privacy settings that a person thinks are under his control seriously affect the way he uses social media. This chapter will try to determine which subject/situation/images are perceived as intimate among university students, and how the boundaries of social media and privacy are drawn and transformed. The study is based on the assumption that the level of privacy awareness and the level of knowledge control influence the quality and frequency of social media sharing of users.

Tripodos ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 135-156
Luis Mañas-Viniegra ◽  
Ismael López-Cepeda ◽  
Javier Sierra-Sánchez

En un contexto en el que la lectura de la prensa ha disminuido en la última década y en el que casi la mitad de los jóvenes no lee nunca, las redes sociales proporcio­nan tráfico hacia las noticias publicadas online y posibilidades de una mayor in­teracción con los públicos. Se realiza, por ello, un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo sobre el contenido publicado en las redes sociales por los diez principales diarios es­pañoles y europeos, en los que las mayo­res interacciones se hallan en la sección de Cultura, Social y Sucesos, destacando el rendimiento de El País y La Vanguardia en redes sociales con respecto a los diarios europeos. Es más relevante la afinidad te­mática con las publicaciones que la can­tidad, y los accesos a los diarios digitales desde WhatsApp están creciendo, debien­do aprovechar el potencial de las stories en Instagram, para lo cual será necesario adaptar la narrativa. Consumption and Engagement of News Published on Social Networks by Spanish and European NewspaperIn a context of declining readership over the last decade when nearly half of young people never read, social networks provide traffic to online published news stories and possibilities for greater interaction with au­diences. For this reason, a quantitative and qualitative analysis is being carried out with regard to content published on so­cial networks by the ten principle Spanish and European newspapers, in which the greatest amount of interaction is found in the section related to Culture, Society and Events, highlighted by the performance of El País and La Vanguardia on social net­works when compared to European news­papers. Affinity with the topics published is more important than quantity, and access to digital newspapers through WhatsApp is growing as a result of the need to take advantage of the potential of Instagram stories, for which it will be necessary to adapt the narrative.Key words: digital journalism, social media, engagement, news.Palabras clave: periodismo digital, re­des sociales, interacción, noticias.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-129 ◽  
Maryah Khalfan ◽  
Huma Batool ◽  
Wasima Shehzad

This study aims to explore neologisms related to Covid-19 through the lens of the language-mind relationship, in terms of linguistic relativity. From a list of 25 Covid-19 neologisms collected from online dictionaries and, eight scientific and pop culture neologisms were selected to assess the motive of creation by exploring their first recorded use. Subsequently, the usage of Covid-19 neologisms in social media discourse was contextually analysed using the SFL framework of field, tenor, and mode to investigate whether it was illustrative of language influence over perception, or vice versa. A cyclic relationship was observed, in which perception prompted the creation of neologisms, whereas language influence on perception was evident in their usage in discourse.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-20
Marisa Analía Sanchez

Social networks are a mode of internet users to communicate and share information. From the area of marketing there is an interest in identifying individuals who may have influence to promote products or services. The purpose of this research work is to present a method on how to identify influential users of Facebook Fan Page. The proposal is based on the works of Khobzi y Teimourpour (2015) and Weng y Lento (2014) and considers pragmatic issues derived from data Access restrictions. A real case is described. The results allow identifying user segments and the interest of different topics. This research is relevant to Fan Page managers and to the marketing area of organisations with social media presence. Resumen Las redes sociales constituyen un medio para que los usuarios de Internet se comuniquen y compartan información. Desde el área de marketing existe un interés por identificar individuos que puedan tener influencia para promocionar sus productos o servicios. El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es presentar un método para identificar usuarios influyentes en una Fan Page de Facebook. La propuesta está basada en los trabajos de Khobzi y Teimourpour (2015) y Weng y Lento (2014) y considera aspectos pragmáticos derivados de las restricciones en el acceso a datos privados. Se describe un caso real. Los resultados permiten identificar segmentos de usuarios y el interés de diferentes tópicos. Esta investigación es relevante para los administradores de una Fan Page y para el área de marketing de organizaciones con una presencia en los medios sociales.Resumo A rede social é uma maneira para os usuários da Internet para se comunicar e compartilhar informações. Desde a área de marketing há um interesse na identificação de indivíduos que podem ter influência para promover seus produtos ou serviços. O objetivo desta pesquisa é apresentar um método para identificar os usuários influentes em um Facebook Fan Page. A proposta baseia-se no trabalho de Khobzi e Teimourpour (2015) e Weng e Lento (2014) e considera aspectos pragmáticos decorrentes das restrições de acesso a dados privados. Ele descreve um caso real. Os resultados permitem identificar os segmentos de usuários e o interesse de diferentes temas. Esta pesquisa é relevante para os gestores de uma Fan Page e para área de marketing de organizações com uma presença nos meios de comunicação social.

Pablo Valdivia ◽  
Rosmery-Ann Boegeholz ◽  
Marc Esteve del Valle

This article addresses three interrelated phenomena: the irruption of new cultural narratives of power, the role of online social networks in the creation of embodied crises, and the emergence of the Mirror Syndrome as a new computer-mediated medical challenge. In doing so, it exposes the negative consequences that the cultural narratives of beauty canons executed by social media have, above all, for young women’s health.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-112
Javier González Torres

ABSTRACTThey were not users of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram; neither bloggers, youtubers or influencers. Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí y Frida Kahlo did not know the multiple functions of networked technologies. However, their lives as creative artists and imbued with an unprecedented media spectacular, are a notable source of iconic influence. The numerous photographs that the three of them carried out are a singular antecedent so that today, decades in between and through social networks, contemporary users construct their own virtual subjectivities taking them as models. RESUMENNi usuarios de Facebook, Twitter e Instagram; tampoco bloggers, youtubers o influencers. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, Salvador Dalí y Frida Kahlo no conocieron las múltiples funciones de las tecnologías en red. Sin embargo, sus vidas, unidas a sus potencialidades como artistas creativos e imbuidas de una espectacularidad mediática sin precedentes, constituyen de por sí una notable fuente de influencia icónica. Y es que, en efecto, las numerosas fotografías que los tres protagonizaron son un antecedente singular para que hoy, décadas de por medio y a través de las redes sociales, usuarios contemporáneos traten de construir sus propias subjetividades virtuales al amparo de aquellos.

Pilar Rivero ◽  
Iñaki Navarro ◽  
Borja Aso

Museums have now been using social networks for nearly twenty years. While they began by engaging in activities characteristic of web 1.0, they have come to learn how to adapt to the new digital landscape. They are now fluent in the language and conventions of each social media platform and post content on a daily basis. The 2005 Faro Convention is partially responsible for urging museums to develop these new online strategies. The present chapter examines how large institutions are capable of generating daily content that is both multiform and attractive, but which barely encourages the exchange of experiences and opinions between users. Interestingly, it is in the local heritage-based cyber communities that we find the creation of authentic educommunicative spaces that are even capable of moving action from the digital realm of social media into the physical world.

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