popular festivals
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2021 ◽  
pp. 11-31
Lorena Rodríguez-Campo ◽  
Fátima Braña-Rey ◽  
Elisa Alén-González ◽  
José Antonio Fraiz-Brea

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (41) ◽  
pp. 54
Ivig De Freitas Santos ◽  
Maria Érica de Oliveira Lima

A Igreja Católica sempre procurou estar conectada com a mídia e a pandemia de COVID-19 estreitou ainda mais os laços da instituição religiosa com as mídias sociais. Neste cenário, também as festas populares precisaram reconfigurar suas práticas para atender a necessidade do isolamento, o que incluiu a presença ainda mais forte destas celebrações no ambiente digital. Nesse contexto, o objeto da presente pesquisa é a “Caminhada com Maria”, tradicional procissão católica realizada em Fortaleza, ocorrida em formato virtual em 2020. A metodologia utilizada é a netnografia, por meio da análise dos comentários dos fiéis durante a transmissão ao vivo da festa religiosa. Foi possível observar como os participantes se apropriaram destes espaços para manifestar práticas devocionais e votivas, o que demonstra as oportunidades de comunicação que a religiosidade tem experimentado na Era digital. Redes Sociais; Festa popular; Internet; Religiosidade; Folkcomunicação. The Catholic Church has always sought to be connected with the media and the COVID-19 pandemic has further strengthened the religious institution's ties to social media. In this scenario, popular festivals also needed to reconfigure their practices to meet the need for isolation, which included the even stronger presence of these celebrations in the digital environment. In this context, the object of this research is the “Walk with Mary”, a traditional Catholic procession held in Fortaleza, which took place in virtual format in 2020. The methodology used is netnography, through the analysis of the comments of the faithful during the live broadcast of the religious festival. It was possible to observe how the participants appropriated these spaces to manifest devotional and voting practices, which demonstrates the communication opportunities that religiosity has experienced in the digital age. Social networks; Popular festival; Internet; Religiosity; Folkcommunication. La Iglesia Católica siempre ha buscado estar conectada con los medios de comunicación y la pandemia de COVID-19 ha fortalecido aún más los lazos de la institución religiosa con las redes sociales. En este escenario, las fiestas populares también necesitaban reconfigurar sus prácticas para satisfacer la necesidad de aislamiento, que incluía la presencia aún más fuerte de estas celebraciones en el entorno digital. En este contexto, el objeto de esta investigación es el “Caminata con María”, tradicional procesión católica celebrada en Fortaleza, que tuvo lugar en formato virtual en 2020. La metodología utilizada es la netnografía, a través del análisis de los comentarios de los fieles durante la transmisión en vivo. de la fiesta religiosa. Se pudo observar cómo los participantes se apropiaron de estos espacios para manifestar prácticas devocionales y de voto, lo que demuestra las oportunidades comunicativas que ha experimentado la religiosidad en la era digital. Redes sociales; Fiesta popular; Internet; Religiosidad; Comunicación popular.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (41) ◽  
pp. 110
Nair Santos Lima

O Festival das Tribos Indígenas ou Festribal é um evento que ocorre anualmente na cidade de Juruti (Pará), na Amazônia brasileira, e compreende a competição entre as “tribos” Munduruku e Muirapinima. Concebem-se as festas amazônicas a partir de um tensionamento entre culturas, provenientes da colonização, resultando na dupla consciência, efeito da ampla violência. Este artigo buscou identificar nesse evento, modos de resistência e a forma de expressão desse sentimento. Por meio do audiovisual, na Plataforma YouTube, fez-se uma análise semiótica da festa do ano 2019, e, cuja permanência ocorre com base na oralidade, na contação de histórias, dos mitos, crenças e das festas vivenciadas por seus antepassados. Essa análise encontra abrigo na teoria da folkcomunicação. Festival das Tribos; Dupla consciência; Resistência; Folkcomunicação. The Festival of Indigenous Tribes or Festribal is an event that has been held annually since 1995 in the city of Juruti (Pará), in the Brazilian Amazon, and comprises the competition between the “tribes” Munduruku and Muirapinima, competing in this manifestation of popular culture. The Amazon simultaneously synthesizes the uniqueness and complexity of a territory that in a very old time had an abundant scenario, inhabited by several human groups (tribes), in addition to, in modern times, adding brand and product. From the 16th century onwards, with the colonization and the arrival of the European, there was a tension between cultures that resulted in double consciousness, the effect of the widespread violence that was transmuted, being evident in popular festivals. With a focus on the cultural diversity of the region and the commercialization of its products, advertising created the “brand” Amazônia, at parties, music, dance, regional craftsmanship etc., and, based on the origin and projection of the party, this article sought to identify in the lyrics of the songs of the Festa dos tribos, in 2019, ways of resistance represented in this manifestation of popular culture and the way in which this feeling is expressed. From a qualitative approach and exploratory objective, a semiotic analysis of the event was carried out, through the audiovisual on the YouTube Platform - by the perception and apprehension of the feelings of these peoples. Although re-signified, the indigenous festivals have perpetuated based on orality, storytelling of their peoples, myths, beliefs and festivals experienced by their ancestors. This analysis finds shelter in the theory of folk communication. Festival of the Tribes; Double consciousness; Resistance; Folkcommunication. El Festival de Tribus Indígenas o Festribal es un evento que se realiza anualmente desde 1995 en la ciudad de Juruti (Pará), en la Amazonía brasileña, y comprende la competencia entre las “tribus” Munduruku y Muirapinima, compitiendo en esta manifestación de la cultura popular. La Amazonía sintetiza simultáneamente la singularidad y complejidad de un territorio que en tiempos muy antiguos tuvo un escenario abundante, habitado por varios grupos humanos (tribus), además de, en los tiempos modernos, sumar marca y producto. A partir del siglo XVI, con la colonización y la llegada de los europeos, se produjo una tensión entre culturas que derivó en una doble conciencia, efecto de la violencia generalizada que se transmutó, manifestándose en las fiestas populares. Con un enfoque en la diversidad cultural de la región y la comercialización de sus productos, la publicidad creó la “marca” Amazônia, en fiestas, música, baile, artesanía regional, etc., y en base al origen y proyección de la fiesta, esta El artículo buscó identificar en la letra de las canciones de la Festa dos tribos, en 2019, las formas de resistencia representadas en esta manifestación de la cultura popular y la forma en que se expresa este sentimiento. Desde un enfoque cualitativo y objetivo exploratorio, se realizó un análisis semiótico del evento, a través del audiovisual en la Plataforma de YouTube - por la percepción y aprehensión de los sentimientos de estos pueblos. Aunque resignificadas, las fiestas indígenas se han perpetuado a partir de la oralidad, el relato de sus pueblos, los mitos, creencias y fiestas vividas por sus antepasados. Este análisis encuentra refugio en la teoría de la comunicación popular. Festival de las Tribus; Doble conciencia; Resistencia; Comunicación popular.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 665-684
Vanessa Quintal ◽  
Michael Lwin ◽  
Ian Phau ◽  
Abhinav Sood

This study explores festival personality for its impacts on visitor attitude and intention toward festivals. Two distinct and popular festivals held at a botanic park in Western Australia were selected for the research. A total of 481 local and international visitors participated in the self-administered, pen-and-paper and online surveys. The Excitement personality attribute was unique to the Chili Festival, whereas the Cheerfulness personality attribute was unique to the Tulip Festival. Both festivals embodied the Imagination personality attribute, suggesting the place in which a festival is held may embody its own attributes, which contribute to the holistic personality of the festival. For both festivals, the personality attributes had significant impact on favorable visitor attitude, resulting in their positive intention toward these festivals. The study paves the way for researchers to extend brand personality research to the event tourism domain, particularly in the niche sector of festivals. The enhanced understanding lends input into how festival organizers, brand managers, and marketers can manage the positioning, differentiation, and communication strategies of their festivals in this competitive sector.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (21) ◽  
pp. 8921
Juan Ramón Moreno-Vera ◽  
Santiago Ponsoda-López de Atalaya ◽  
José Antonio López-Fernández ◽  
Rubén Blanes-Mora

This study examines the conception of heritage—holistic or traditional—among future early-childhood and primary teachers. In order to do this, our objective was to analyze trainee teachers’ perceptions surrounding the conception of heritage. To carry out the analysis, we designed and validated a questionnaire with closed-ended questions (Likert scale 1–5) and one open-ended question about the elements that respondents considered to be part of what we define as heritage. The participants (n = 602) study at the universities of Alicante, Murcia, and Córdoba, and the investigation took place during 2018/19 and 2019/20 academic years. The results show a traditional conception that is still attached to immovable monumental heritage, with lower scores for intangible and natural heritage. However, there were some high scores for traditions and popular festivals, which are a frequent educational resource in early-childhood and primary classrooms. In conclusion, this non-holistic conception of heritage could be changed if an active and varied use of heritage resources were introduced from the early stages of education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-156
María Dolores Molina Poveda ◽  
Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco

One of the great pillars of Francoism was NO-DO (1943–1981). This was one of the national channels of information and covered all kind of topics: politics, agriculture, art and crafts, bullfighting, fashion, popular festivals, and education, among others. In this article we focus on education and, more specifically, on vocational education, in order to discern what was shown of this educational level. The videos analysed belong to the categories of news, black and white documentaries, colour documentaries and magazine images from 1943 to 1981. Each video has been described on an observation form designed to facilitate the processing of information, and the data collected has been put into context through primary and secondary written sources (legislation and the academic literature). In short, although NO-DO is an example of political propaganda manipulated for the benefit of the dictatorship, it is also, thanks to its photography and films, a source of inestimable value for historians of education.

Ricardo Urrizola Hualde

RESUMEN En el presente trabajo se hace un repaso a las jornadas festivas que se organizaban en Iruñea durante el siglo xvi. Torneos, juglares, danzas, el mayo pamplonés, las misas nuevas y otras fiestas populares, sin olvidar los concursos de danza organizados por el Ayuntamiento y la gestación de las fiestas de San Fermín. LABURPENA Lan honek Iruñean xvi. mendean antolatzen ohi ziren festa egunak aztertzen ditu. Lehiaketak, juglareak, dantzak, Iruñeko maiatza, meza berriak eta beste gisako festa herrikoiak. Bestaldetik, ikerketak Iruñeko udalak antolatu dantza lehiaketez eta Sanferminen ernatzeaz hainbat argibide eskaintzen dizkigu. ABSTRACT This work is a review of the festive days that were organized in Iruñea during the sixteenth century. Tournaments, minstrels, dances, the May of Pamplona, the new masses and other popular festivals, on the other hand, this work analyzis the dance contests organized by the City Council and the gestation of the San Fermin fiestas.

2020 ◽  
pp. 69-86
William V. Costanzo

How has comedy evolved around the globe from earliest times to today? Chapter 4 offers a chronology of comedy. Distinguishing among laughter, comedy, and humor, it finds evidence of humor in ancient texts and imagery, tracing the evolution of comic genres through classical Greek drama, Sanskrit poetry, early China, medieval Europe, and feudal Japan. The chronology continues with an account of popular festivals of laughter, comedic stage performances, and precursors of the comic novel, showing how they led to modern literary and cinematic forms as well as televised sitcoms and live standup. Motion pictures borrowed silent gags and witty wordplay from vaudeville, channeled the freewheeling energy of picaresque stories into episodic road movies, adapted the amatory impulses of Shakespeare’s romantic comedies to the screen, and turned the Carnivalesque spirit into scenes of cinematic mischief and mayhem.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-36
Nair Santos Lima ◽  
Otacílio Amaral Filho

As festas populares amazônicas remontam os tempos do subjugo colonial na região, mas que ainda hoje se mantém, embora ressignificada. Concebem-se as festas como constituídas das relações sociais da comunidade, as quais Simmel (1983) denomina de sociabilidades. Este ensaio pretende identificar traços de colonialidade nos cantos-enredos das “tribos” Muirapinima e Munduruku, de Juruti e dos Bois Garantido e Caprichoso, de Parintins, no ano de 2019. De abordagem qualitativa e de objetivo exploratório, a pesquisa tem por base o audiovisual, portanto, de delineamento documental. Propõe-se, portanto, um olhar descolonial, a partir da experiência da colonialidade, observadas no cotidiano dessas populações nas festas na pós-modernidade.    PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Festas populares amazônicas; Colonialidade; Sociabilidade; Pós-modernidade.         ABSTRACT The Amazonian popular festivals date back to the times of colonial subjugation in the region, but still today they remain resignified. The festivals are conceived as constituted of the social relations of the community, which Simmel (1983) calls sociability. This essay aims to identify traces of coloniality in the plot-corners of the Muirapinima and Munduruku “tribes” of Juruti and Parintins' Bois Garantido and Caprichoso in 2019. Based on a qualitative and exploratory approach, the research is based on audiovisual, therefore, of documentary delineation. For that reason, we propose a decolonial look, based on the experience of coloniality, observed in the daily life of these populations in the feasts in postmodernity.  KEYWORDS: Amazon popular festivals; Coloniality; Sociability; Postmodernity.     RESUMEN Las fiestas populares amazónicas se remontan a los tiempos de la subyugación colonial en la región, pero aún hoy, aunque re-significados. Los partidos Las partes se conciben como constituidas por relaciones sociales de la comunidad, lo que Simmel (1983) llama sociabilidad. El objetivo de este ensayo es identificar las huellas de la colonialidad en las líneas argumentales de/ las "tribus" Muirapinima y Munduruku de Juris y Bois Garantido y Caprichoso de Parintins en 2019. Basado en un enfoque cualitativo y exploratorio, la investigación se basa en la delineación audiovisual y por lo tanto documental. Por lo tanto, se propone una mirada descolonial, basada en la experiencia de la colonialidad, observada en la vida cotidiana de estas poblaciones en las fiestas en la posmodernidad.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Fiestas populares amazónicas; Colonialidad; Sociabilidad; Posmodernidad.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (5) ◽  
pp. 703-706
Carlos Gauna Ruíz de León ◽  
Rosa Maria Chávez Dagostino ◽  

The coasts have become favorite spaces for tourist activities, this has caused modifications in the natural environment generating unsustainable damages in maritime and terrestrial spaces in the destinations, to satisfy an increasing demand of visitors, who increasingly require new satisfiers. Therefore, the activities must be regulated for their proper use. This dynamic has generated an increase in new residents attracted by employ‑ ment benefits or by second residence, a new type of tourism that makes beach places their “home” temporarily. Local people receive unfair benefits of tourism such as employment, expanding public services, and the genera‑ tion of wealth, but also the negative effects as general environmental degradation, loss of identity and traditions, as well as their social spaces, which must be shared with tourists. For this reason, local communities seek the cultural preservation of their popular festivals, among others. We present in this volume, work that analyze the configuration of tourism in coastal spaces, how the public, private and cooperative initiatives are built. Also, about the construction of their tourist identity from representative images, the role of science and sustainable planning based on tourists and local inhabitants’ perception of economic and socio-cultural capacities. These al‑ low an approximation to the reality of coastal areas based on tourism, the challenges they face in planning and operation, the living conditions of local populations and the natural environment, but also the opportunities it offers for the development and well-being of the local population when sustainable processes are carried out.

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