scholarly journals Economic efficiency of balanced schemes of table potato fertilization with macro- and mesoelements on dark gray podzolic soil with the use of liquid phosphorus-containing fertilizers

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-58
A.V. Bykin ◽  
I.P. Bordyuzha ◽  
N.P. Bordyuzha ◽  
N.M. Bykina ◽  

Today's market conditions require producers to reduce the producer cost for growing crops, provided maximum profits. However, modern potato production system should still be based on the latest scientific and technical achievements: varieties of intensive type, the use of high-quality seeds, advanced techniques cultivation, an effective system of fertilizers and plant protection products, as well as a high level of logistics. These techniques and elements of technology must be adapted to individual soil and climatic zones. One of the important conditions for the selection and application in the growing technology of potatoes in certain agronomic measures is to obtain high yields, maximum net profit and a high level of profitability. The main task to be solved is to obtain from a unit of area the largest number of products of appropriate quality at the lowest cost of labor and money. Among the agronomic methods for growing table potatoes, fertilizers are one of the most expensive items. Therefore, the use of liquid phosphorus fertilizers in this aspect is one of the most practical techniques. They are characterized by better mobilizing properties and availability of nutrients for plants, which allow to obtain better results relative to other forms of fertilizers. However, in addition to the form of fertilizer, in modern conditions of climate instability, the achievement of a balanced nutrition for potatoes not only macronutrients but also mesoelements, which is the reason for low yields of this crop in Ukraine in recent decades. Therefore, technological solutions are relevant that consider the possibility of its initial provision of macro- and mesoelements, which became the basis of our research. The purpose of the research is to establish the economic efficiency for the schemes of potatoes balanced nutrition with macro- and mesoelements on dark gray podzolic soil in the conditions of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine with the use of liquid phosphorus fertilizers. The field trials were in LLC “Biotech LTD” in Forest-Steppe in Ukraine and were made between 20012 and 2014 by Department of Agrochemistry and the quality of crop products NULES. The harvest area was 40 m2, the repetition of the experiment was 3 times. The arrangement of the research plots was systematic in tree replication. The mid-late Mozart variety (originator of HZPC Holland, the Netherlands) was sown for the research. The soil of the experimental site is dark gray podzolic soil. It was characterized by a weakly acidic reaction of the soil solution (5.20), low content of mineral nitrogen (13.4 mg/kg), a high degree of supply of mobile compounds of phosphorus (168 mg/kg) and potassium (174 mg/kg) and medium supply of exchangeable calcium (7.42 mg eq/100 g of soil) and magnesium (1.64 mg eq/100 g of soil). The scheme for fertilization includes 1. Without fertilizers (control), 2. N120P35K180 (Рapp), 3. N120P70K180 (Рapp), 4. N120P105K180 (Рapp), 5. N120Papp35K180Ca21Mg15B1,5 (р.Ca,Mg), 6. N120Papp70K180Ca21 Mg15B1,5 (р.Ca,Mg). 7. N120Papp105K180Ca21Mg15B1,5 (р.Ca,Mg). The following fertilizers were used in the experiment: ammonium nitrate (DSTU 7370: 2013), APP 11-37 (TU - 2186-627-00209438-01), potassium sulfate (GOST 4145-74), magnesium sulfate, Bosfoliar Boron (B – 21%). Economic efficiency was determined at the prices for 2015-2017. Application of liquid forms of phosphorus fertilizers (APP) is a cost-effective measure. Our research found that the use of liquid phosphorus fertilizers in the rate of P35 had a positive effect on economic efficiency. Conditionally net income at this rate of phosphorus reached 18.2 thousand UAH per ha at a level of profitability of 20.2 %. As the rate of phosphorus fertilizers increased, so did the producer cost, but the efficiency of these fertilizers led to an increase in the yield of table potatoes, which in turn contributed to high profits. With the use of APP 11-37 in the rate of P75 conditionally net income amounted to 30.1 thousand UAH/ha (profitability was 33.0 %). The highest indicators were characterized by the variant with the introduction of APP 11-37 in the rate P105 against the background of nitrogen-potassium application N120K180, where the conditionally net income was 54.4 thousand UAH/ha and the level of profitability was 59 %. While in the control the producer cost for potatoes growing outweighed the cost of the harvest by 19.7 thousand UAH, so there is no profit in this case. According to the rates of P35 with Ca21Mg15B1.5, this economic indicator was 1.9 %, according to the rates of P70 and P105 were 14.8 % and 32.7 %, respectively. However, due to reduced yields, which was due to a decrease in the amount of available phosphorus in the soil, as phosphorus and calcium were applied in one layer, as well as increased producer costs, these options were less profitable compared to options using only NPK. The use of liquid phosphorus fertilizers in the rate of P105 on the background of N120K180 showed high economic efficiency for growing table potatoes and allowed to obtain a relatively net profit of 54.4 thousand UAH/ha and a level of profitability of 59 %. The addition of Ca21Mg15B1.5 in the start fertilizer scheme provoked an increase in economic indicators relative to control, but a decrease compared to similar variants NPK without these elements. The reason for this is the application of phosphorus and calcium in one layer of dark gray podzolic soil, which provoked their interaction and the formation of trisubstituted phosphates, which, in turn, led to reduced yields of potato tubers. Promising for further study is the different depth of nutrients application in the technology of growing table potatoes.

2019 ◽  
pp. 144-150
O. Tomashuk

The article presents indicators of the economic efficiency of various technologies for growing corn hybrids for grain. The results of a 3-year field trial in maize of various maturity groups grown in the right-bank Forest-Steppe under different soil tillage models are highlighted. The costs of corn grain production under conventional cultivation and deep tillage, which averages 10,330 UAH per hectare of cropping area is studied. The rate of expenditures clearly correlated with the rate of hybrid productivity. High net profit of 20,119 UAH per hectare is shown when planting mid-ripening hybrid «Adevei» using intensification of the technological process. For other hybrids, conditionally net income fluctuated at the rate of 17,000 UAH per hectare. It is established that during the cultivation of corn for grain according to conventional technology and No-till, hybrids «Adevei» and «LG 3232» were characterized by the best indicators of economic efficiency.

M.V. Shevchenko ◽  
G.O. Kutsegub ◽  
R.S. Mozgovoy

The results of three-year research on determining the effectiveness of outside the roots extra fertilization of sunflower with complex fertilizers of various application periods under conditions of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine are given. It was established that a combination of macro – and micro-fertilizers during the growing season of sunflower is appropriate for increasing seeds yield. The most effective measure is the use of three-time extra fertilization with a complex of Sol B (boron 15 %) (0.5 l/ha) and Kod Fol (N14P6K5) v.r. (0.5 l / ha). Keywords: sunflower, microelements, macroelements, extra fertilization, height, leaf surface, yield.

2019 ◽  
pp. 106-117 ◽  
Olha Matsera

In the article economic estimation of elements of technology of growing of winter rape is carried out; crop yields, product costs, production costs, cost, net profit and profitability are taken into account. The literature on the problem of research has been processed, the importance and relevance of studying the economic efficiency of the applied technologies of winter rape cultivation in the conditions of the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine are presented. It is indicated on the low economic results of farming in the agrarian sector of Ukraine and the possibility of increasing the efficiency of growing winter rape with both intensive, extensive and resource-saving technologies. The results of studying the influence of the time of sowing and different norms of mineral fertilizers on the formation of indicators of economic efficiency of winter rape hybrids of various ripeness groups were analyzed. Significant influence of the investigated elements of technology on the main indicators of economic efficiency is noted; It was established that the change in the level of yield obtained by hybrids caused a change in the indicators of economic efficiency. So among the investigated variants of the maximum value of the value of gross output of the hybrid of winter rape, Exotic - 22550.0 UAH. was received at the first deadline of August 10 in the version with the introduction of N240P120K240, the minimum value of the value of gross output - 4675.0 UAH. received on the third term of September 5 in the version without fertilizers. The value of the gross output of the Excel hybrid maximum value is 20,900 UAH. acquired for the second term of sowing August 21 in a variant with maximum fertilization. The greatest value of the production of the hybrid Exagon - 20,900 UAH. was received for the second sowing of the sowing on August 21 with the introduction of N240P120K240, the minimum - 4235 UAH. - on the first date of sowing in the variant without the introduction of fertilizers. The comparative estimation of the indices of the three hybrids under investigation showed that the maximum cost of production was 22550 UAH. was obtained when growing the Exotic hybrid at the first sowing date on August 10 at maximum fertilization. The minimum value of cost is 2864.6 UAH. for 1 ton of seeds, the net profit is 10805.2 UAH. / ha and the profitability level - 92% was obtained in the same variant.

2019 ◽  
Ksenia Moiseeva ◽  
Alexander Karmatskikh ◽  
Anastasia Moiseeva

The article considers the issue of productivity and economic efficiency of the use of slow-acting nitrogen fertilizers obtained using the ”Si” technology of winter wheat. The studies were carried out in 2014–2017 in the northern forest-steppe zone of the Tyumen region on the experimental field of the Agrotechnological Institute of the GAU of the Northern Trans-Urals. increased winter wheat grain yield. Winter wheat productivity according to the studied options on average over the years of research ranged from 3.36–3.41 t/ha, which is higher than the control about the option of 0.27–0.32 t/ha. The economic efficiency of the fertilizers used was determined by the cost of increasing the crop and the cost of obtaining it. Analysis of economic efficiency showed that when sowing the nitrogen fertilizer, urea encapsulated by Si technology (30 kg/ha d.v.) received the highest profitability – 81.68 %. The resulting conditionally net income in this option amounted to 1663.4 rub/ha. In the sixth version of the experiment (encapsulated urea according to the ”Si” technology (60 kg/ha a.v.) + KCl (30 kg/ha a.a.) + P2O5 (40 kg/ha a.a.)) profitability – 76.0 %. Obtained conditionally net income in this embodiment amounted to 1222 rubles/ha. The return on fertilizer use ranged from 4 to 85 %.

Л.Г. Білявська ◽  
А.М. Рибальченко

Мета статті – встановлення рівня мінливості господарсько-цінних ознак у генотипів сої  в умовах Лівобережного Лісостепу України. Для результативності роботи, спрямованої на створення високопродуктивних сортів, необхідно удосконалювати методи селекції. При цьому важливе значення має встановлення рівня мінливості у сортів та сортозразків сої. Методика дослідження. Для наукового обґрунтування мети і реалізації встановлених завдань та узагальнення результатів дослідження застосовували наступні методи: загальнонаукові (визначення напряму дослідження, планування і закладка досліду, проведення спостережень); спеціальні (польовий ‒ для спостереження за фенологічними фазами розвитку та станом рослин; лабораторний (вимірювально-ваговий) ‒ для визначення структурних показників та продуктивності рослин, виявлення господарсько цінних ознак рослин); математично-статистичний (для обробки експериментальних даних, визначення параметрів мінливості ознак і визначення достовірності одержаних результатів). Результати дослідження. У статті наведено  результати досліджень з вивчення мінливості господарсько-цінних ознак у сої в умовах Лівобережного Лісостепу України.  З’ясовано, що високий рівень мінливості мають ознаки «маса насіння з рослини» (V=22,8%) і «кількість бобів на рослині» (V=22,9%). Середнім рівнем мінливості характеризувалися ознаки «кількість насіння з рослини» (V=16,4,%), «маса 1000 насінин» (V=11,1%), «висота рослини» (V=13,4%), «висота прикріплення нижнього бобу» (V=17,1%). Елементи наукової новизни. Доведено, що на основі детального вивчення мінливості кількісних ознак  у генотипів сої можливо ефективно проводити селекційну роботу зі створення високопродуктивних сортів. У селекційному процесі необхідно орієнтуватися на стабільні показники кількісних ознак. У наших дослідженнях це «кількість насіння з рослини», «маса 1000 насінин», «висота рослини», «висота прикріплення нижнього бобу». Практична значущість. Вивчення мінливості господарсько-цінних ознак сої забезпечує результативне ведення селекції. The aim of the article is to establish the variability level of economically-valuable characteristics of soybean genotypes under the conditions of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. It is necessary to improve the selection methods for the efficient work, aimed at creating highly-productive varieties. Moreover, it is important to establish the variability level of soybean varieties and variety samples. Methods of the research. The following methods were used to substantiate scientifically the purpose, implement the established tasks and summarize the research results: general-scientific (studying the direction of the research, planning and carrying out the experiment; conducting observations); special (field – to observe phenological development stages and the condition of plants; laboratory (measuring-weighing) – to determine structural indices and plant productivity, to detect economically-valuable plant signs); mathematical-statistical (to process experimental data, determine the parameters of variability signs and define the significance of the obtained results). The research results. The research results of studying the variability of economically-valuable characteristics of soybean under the conditions of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine have been given in the article. It has been established that the following characteristics have a high level of variability: the seed weight per plant (V=22.8%) and the number of pods on a plant (V=22.9%). Such characteristics as the number of seeds per plant (V=16.4%), the weight of 1000 seeds (V=11.1%), plant height (V=13.4%), and also the height of the lower pod attachment (V=17.1%) are characterized by the average level of variability. The elements of scientific novelty. It has been proved that based on the detailed studying the quantitative signs’ variability of soybean genotypes, it is possible to conduct effectively the selection work in creating highly productive varieties. In the selection process one should be oriented at stable indices of quantitative signs. In our research these are: the number of seeds per plant, the weight of 1000 seeds, plant height, and the height of the lower pod attachment. Practical importance. Studying the variability of economically-valuable characteristics of soybean ensures the effective selection.

Simona DUDA ◽  
Leon Sorin MUNTEAN ◽  
Marcel M. DUDA

In this paper we present results of the research made between 2008-2010 on the effectiveness of soil fertilization with organic fertilizers and value cultivars tested, in terms of production. Experiences had been located in the experimental field of Jucu, CJ. We took four cultivation of artichokes in the study: “Unirea”, “Violet”, “Agrosel 656” and “Chișnă”. They were placed in the experimental field of Jucu - Cluj, made in two densities (3.57 pl/sqm and 2.38 pl/sqm) and three levels of fertilization (unfertilized, fertilized with 20 t/ha farmyard manure and 40 t/ha manure in the fall plowing). The sowing was performed manually in the artichokes nests (2-3 seeds/nest). The experience was located in four repetitions of 10 sqm. Biometric measurements were conducted at 10 plants in each plot experimental environments. Harvesting has been done manually with a sickle. Economic efficiency was established by calculating the following economic indicators: production per hectare achieved, value of trading, average price recovery, cost of production, cost per unit of product, taxable profit, net income + grants, rate is expressed as %, net profit + subsidy rate. From the cultivars studied, the highest net profit was obtained in cultivation Unirea (8,976 lei/ha), followed by far by the Purple (6,745 lei/ha). The main driver of profit was due to the production of plant material. From the three agrofunds, the ones fertilized with 40 t / ha manure turned out to be the most economically efficient of all cultivars due to higher production per hectare.

Mamura Sadirdin Kizi Atabayeva ◽  
Ilyosbek Inomovich Usmonov ◽  
Dilpuza Ergashboyevna Xoldarova ◽  
Iqboljon Qobuljon Ogli Nosirov ◽  

Using resource-efficient agro-technology of tillage, using a new combined unit, 50% of the annual norm of 200 kg / ha of nitrogen was applied to the pods in autumn in the form of ammonium nitrate, and the remaining 50% was applied in the form of ammonium nitrate. The cotton yield was 37.9-40.4 c / ha in single-row and doublesown variants. There were an additional yield of 4.1-5.9 c / ha compared to the control variants the highest economic efficiency was achieved. The net income from this option was 2079.1-2793.7 thousand sums, the level of profitability was 52.3-68.4%, the net profit was 1127.7-1569.3 thousand sums compared to the control option, and the level of profitability is 29.1%. Was up 38.8 percent.

10.12737/7741 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 111-115
Гайнутдинов ◽  
Marat Gaynutdinov ◽  
Владимиров ◽  
Vladimir Vladimirov ◽  
Чекмарев ◽  

The studies revealed the role of fertilizers application method, under the influence of which there was a significant increase in the productivity of potato. Fertilizers, carried in local way, increased the photosynthetic activity of potato plants. The maximum leaf area at flowering stage, depending on the variety, increased to 1.4-2.5 thousands square metre per hectare. The highest leaf area of 50.1 and 47.7 thousands square metre per hectare for both methods of mineral fertilizers was on the plant of Nevskiy variety. Local application of fertilizers by two ribbons increased the productivity, depending on the variety to 2.19-3.10 tons per hectare. The most high-yielding variety was Nevskiy, which, depending on the fertilizers application method, carried 34.65 and 36.84 tons per hectare tuber yield. The Nevskiy variety tubers, depending on the mineral fertilizers application method, contained starch 13,85-14,64%, Adretta variety – 15.68-16.02 and Valiza variety contained 14.44-15.01% of starch. More protein was at tubers of varieties Valiza variety (3.34-3.71%), the lower (2.87-3.11%) at Nevskiy one. The largest shareware net income (127.8 thousands rubles per hectare) and high level of profitability (137%) was obtained at the cultivation of Nevskiy variety with locally application of mineral fertilizers.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 61-77
O. Demydenko ◽  
V. Velychko

The contemporary condition of soil cover in Ukraine is characterized. The attention is focused onto widespread degradation processes in soils. The causes that determine the development of these negative processes are considered. The contemporary informational support for the condition of soil cover in Ukraine is estimated. In general, the current available information is of narrow-departmental nature, obtained by different methods and non-correlated monitoring programs. As a rule, it is stored in under-structured databases, incompatible with other information systems; mainly recorded on paper media unusable with modern technologies, whereby such information resources are diffi cult to be compiled together. These disadvantages are strong constraints against consistent usage of materials for evaluation, forecast and management of changes in the soil cover. The Soil Observation program should thereby be combined with Agrochemical Passportization and ecology-ameliora- tive monitoring; in other words, the application of innovative soil-agrochemical methodology is considered. Each individual type of surveys shall complement the others, and taken altogether, they shall constitute a con- sistent Information System, capable of solving the problems of assessing the condition, forecasting, manage- ment, usage and protection of soil resources. The monitoring procedures should be conducted on the basis of a new soil concept in line with unifi ed programs and methods, so as to meet European approaches to the maxi- mum extent. Such a technical composition enables getting information on present-day processes in soils, and is the only combination that actually helps us to “ecologize” our knowledge of soils, which is the leading trend in the scope of global soil-science. Thus obtained results will serve as a State-owned tool which would subse- quently facilitate the use and protection of soil resources all over the country, to be involved in a united global soil-information scope. The attention is focused onto social signifi cance of the information on soils and their fertility in terms of land resources optimization, as well as the formation of sustainable land use in Ukraine. Aim. To demonstrate the long-term effect of different ways of tillage of typical low-humus chernozem on the change in humus content and composition and the direction of transformation processes of organic fertili- zers. To study the changes in the structure of energy reserves in group and fractional composition of humus in typical low-humus light-loamy chernozem of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field, laboratory, microbiological, computational, mathematical and statistical. Results. It was determined that in conditions of long-term subsurface tillage the most effi cient humus accumulation occurs in the 0–20 cm layer of chernozem with simultaneous increase in its content in the lower part of the processed layer without any accumulation differentiation. Surface tillage leads to expressed differentiation in humus accumulation in the 0–20 cm layer of soil (0.005 % per year). When 6 t/ha of humus are replaced by 7 t/ha of by-products the intensity of humus accumulation is decreasing regardless of the way of tillage, but humus accumulation was found to be the most effi cient for subsurface tillage. The application of subsurface tillage leads to the increase in the ratio of C HA : C FA , which is conditioned by the increase in the humifi cation of plant remains of by-products in the 0−20 cm layer of soil by 110–112 % – for subsurface tillage, and by 105 % – for surface tillage. Conclusions. It was established that systematic subsurface tillage of typical chernozem of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine leads to the structuring both of the total reserves of energy С org , and its quality content, aimed at the increase in the intensity of the processes of humifi cation and accumulation of organic carbon, and the decrease in miner- alization. The ratio of energy reserves С org of humic acids to fulvic acids in the 0−30 cm layer of chernozem is 1.85−1.87 regardless of the way of tillage, which testifi es to the repeatability of humus accumulation, but the total reserves of energy С org was higher for subsurface tillage (+ 31 Teracalorie/ha) compared to deep plough- ing. As for the surface tillage, the energy enrichment was at the level of deep ploughing.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-44
V. Lopushniak

Aim. To establish the effect of different fertilization systems in short fi eld crop rotation on the change in the state of humus in the dark gray podzolic soils in Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field studies were carried out in a stationary experiment of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the L’viv National Agrarian University; determination of humus content – according to DSTU 4289:2004, and that of its labile forms – in accordance with DSTU 4732:2007, fraction-group composition – by Ponomare- va-Plotnikova’s method, according to the measurement procedure 31-497058-008-2002. Results. The use of organo-mineral fertilizer system in short fi eld crop rotation with the saturation of organic fertilizers of 15 t/ha of crop rotation contributes to the humus content increase by 0.7 % after the third rotation in 0–40 cm layer of dark gray podzolic soil, the increase in the share of stable forms of humic compounds up to 57–59 % and the increase in the ratio of R HA :R FA to 1.3–1.4. The study demonstrated very high dependence of amount of gross energy reserves in the humus on the R HA :R FA ratio. Conclusions. The combined application of organic fertili- zers in the form of manure, non-market of the crop (straw) and siderate, along with mineral fertilizers is re- commended in short fi eld crop rotations of Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine toensure expanded reproduction of fertility of dark gray podzolic soil, improvement of its humus status, increase in gross energy reserves and the share of the stable forms and humic acids in the humus.

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