2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Yuliati Hasanah

Abstract Self management is a strategy in which the cognitive behavioral approach in the application, subject to the expected full attendance during the intervention process. NAP is an HIV patient and had undergone antiretroviral therapy. Saturation, fatigue experienced by NAP during the ARV therapy, so found some times subject medical leave provisions. Healthy behavior in a sick person (in this case a person suffering from HIV) one of which is adherent to treatment that must be endured. This research aims to gain result the applying of self management techniques against medication adherence of NAP patient with HIV in the Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial Pamardi PutraYogyakarta. This study focuses on the application of self-management techniques that include self-monitoring, self reinforcement and self evaluation of medication adherence that includes aspects of belief, accept and act on the subject. Researchers used quantitative approach by using the method of single subject design N = 1 model A-B-A now where the measurements and observations made in each phase. The subject in this study as many as one person with initials NAP. The purpose of this study is to look at the effect of applying the self management technique against NAP’s medication adherence. The results of this study indicate that the application of self-management techniques have a positive effect in improving NAP’s medication adherence with skor of 2SD smaller than skor of the mean phase difference A2 and A1. Stages through the application of this technique is extracting and determining value, set goals, formulate an action plan, the implementation of self-monitoring, self reinforcement and self evaluation. Based on the analysis of the results of the study concluded that the motivation, participation and discipline will determine the effectiveness of the intervention. Support of family members is also important to support the commitment of the subjects in this therapy.Keywords: behavior modification, HIV, medication adherence, self-management AbstrakManusia dapat memutuskan dan menentukan dirinya sendiri. Berdasarkan asumsi tersebut teknik self management merupakan salah satu teknik modifikasi perilaku yang memfokuskan pada regulasi diri. Self management merupakan salah satu strategi dalam pendekatan perilaku kognitif dimana dalam penerapannya, subjek diharapkan kehadiran penuh selama proses intervensi. NAP adalah seorang penderita HIV dan telah menjalani terapi ARV. Kejenuhan, kelelahan dialami NAP selama mengikuti terapi ARV, sehingga ditemukan beberapa kali subjek meninggalkan ketentuan-ketentuan medis. Perilaku sehat pada orang sakit (dalam kasus ini seseorang yang menderita HIV) salah satunya adalah patuh terhadap pengobatan yang harus dijalani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh hasil dari penerapan teknik self management terhadap kepatuhan berobat subjek NAP sebagai penderita HIV di Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial Pamardi Putra Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menitikberatkan pada penerapan teknik self management yang mencakup self monitoring, self reinforcement dan self evaluation terhadap kepatuhan berobat yang mencakup aspek mempercayai (belief), menerima (accept) dan tindakan (act) pada subjek. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode single subject design N=1 dengan model A-B-A dinama pengukuran dan pengamatan dilakukan di setiap fase. Subjek dalam penelitian ini sebanyak satu orang dengan inisial NAP. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh penerapan teknik self management terhadap kepatuhan berobat subjek NAP. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan teknik self management mempunyai pengaruh positif dalam meningkatkan kepatuhan berobat subjek NAP dengan nilai 2SD lebih kecil dari selisih mean fase A2 dan A1. Tahapan yang dilalui dalam penerapan teknik ini adalah penggalian dan penentuan value, menetapkan goals, merumuskan rencana tindakan, pelaksanaan self monitoring, self reinforcement dan self evaluation. Berdasarkan analisa hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa motivasi, peran serta dan kedisiplinan akan menentukan efektifitas intervensi. Dukungan anggota keluarga juga penting untuk mendukung komitmen subjek dalam terapi ini.Kata kunci:  HIV, kepatuhan berobat, modifikasi perilaku, self management

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Putu Ayu Suci Puspita Sari ◽  
Sultani Sultani ◽  
Laelatul Anisah

Internet sangat bermanfaat jika tidak disalahgunakan, janganlah kita sampai lalai akan dampak dari penggunaan internet karena jika penggunaan yang berlebihan maka akan menjadi boomerang  bagi si pengguna.  Tujuan  penelitian ini adalah untuk menurunkan penggunaan internet siswa kelas VIII H di SMP Negeri 4 Banjarbaru dengan manajemen diri (Self-management). Dalam layanan konseling individual. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen, yaitu dengan single subject design (SSD) dengan design A-B. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas  VIII H di SMP Negeri 4 Banjarbaru dengan sampel 3 orang siswa. Instrument yang digunakan adalah inventori penyalahgunaan internet hasil penelitian menunjukan sebelum di berikan teknik self managamement dalam penggunaan konseling individual rata-rata skornya adalah 256.67 (63.53%), dan sesudah diberikan teknik self managamement dalam penggunaan konseling individual rata-rata skornya adalah 198 (48.01%). Berdasarkan kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian  ini menunjukkan bahwa layanan konseling individual dengan teknik self management mampu memberikan penurunan terhadap penyalahgunaan internet siswa.__________________________________________________________The internet is very useful if it is not misused, let us not be negligent of the impact of internet use because if excessive use it will become a boomerang for the user. The purpose of this study was to reduce the internet usage of students of class VIII H in SMP Negeri 4 Banjarbaru with self-management. In individual counseling services. This research is an experimental research, namely with a single subject design (SSD) with A-B design. The subjects of this study were students of class VIII H at SMP Negeri 4 Banjarbaru with a sample of 3 students. The instrument used was an internet abuse inventory. The results showed before being given self-management techniques in the use of individual counseling the average score was 256.67 (63.53%), and after being given self-management techniques in the use of individual counseling the average score was 198 (48.01% ). Based on the conclusions of the results of this study indicate that individual counseling services with self management techniques can provide a reduction in student internet abuse.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-34
Virgian Ferda Sari ◽  
Ni Wayan Sukerti

This research aimed to identify the effects of PECS on the social skills of a student with ADHD, who experienced delayed in communication and social interaction. This research used Single Subject Design, with A-B-A design as the research design. The data were presented using graphics and analyzed using visual analysis. The subject of this research was a first grader with ADHD in an Inclusive Elementary School.  The result of this research showed that there was an effect on the implementation of PECS on the social skill of a student with ADHD; the student’s tendency to refuse the invitation to play together with others decreased. Moreover, the implementation of PECS enabled the student to understand the kinds of social skills that could be done together through PECS’s interactive pictures. Furthermore, it was found that PECS could optimize the student’s communicative and cognitive aspects.

1982 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-189 ◽  
Marie Mandoli ◽  
Peter Mandoli ◽  
T.F. McLaughlin

The effects of a peer-tutoring procedure on the spelling behavior of a mainstreamed elementary-school learning disabled student were investigated in an AB single-subject design. Overall results indicated that the subject obtained greater accuracy on the spelling tests during the peer-tutoring condition than during the baseline condition. Self-reports and ratings on the treatment indicated that both the peer tutor and the tutored student felt they had improved their spelling performance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Gusman Lesmana

Prisoners have considered themselves to be a group that is considered dangerous and who consider themselves to have a large disability and are considered low in society. Therefore, there needs to be an effort to improve the prisoners' self-efficacy to improve their motivation in interacting and interacting with other normal communities when they join later in society by using relevant methods namely self management with indicators of development at the stage of self-monitoring or self-observation , self-evaluation and then self-improvement. The phenomenon of rejection of the presence of prisoners has sounded very common. This has a major impact on the survival of prisoners after being released from prison sentences. This study aims to improve the self efficacy of individual ex-prisoners in the Labuhan Deli Class IIB Detention Center using the services of Guidance and Counseling self management techniques. The subject of this study amounted to 85 people, namely inmates in the Labuhan Deli Class IIB Detention Center with a detention period of 6 months down to be free. Self management techniques are forming and changing desired behavior through three stages. The results of the study show that self management techniques are effective in increasing prisoners' self-efficacy to interact with the general public. This research was conducted to explain the quantitative relation between service of counseling technique of Self Management with Self efficacyof convict. The results of the research conclude that the state of Self efficacyof convict community members is at a low level due to the strong rejection from the community towards the convict community. The results and conclusion to answer the positive hypothesis is (r count> r table), so, thus (0.915> 0.304) The analysis process of SPSS from the questionnaire of the research respondents is 40 prisoners sample of 0.915 which means 91.5% with sig. 0,000 the magnitude of the influence of the application of self-management technique counseling to prisoners' self-efficacy.

2012 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-87
Lee W. Ellis ◽  
Svetlana A. Beltyukova

This case study describes and evaluates an approach to diagnostic treatment and treatment planning that incorporates principles of evidence-based practice and findings from recent research on efficacious treatments of stuttering. A 22-year-old woman with severe stuttering participated in eight diagnostic treatment sessions in which experts used a simplified ABA single-subject design to assess effects of treatment procedures on her stuttering. Professionals selected treatment procedures based on available evidence regarding the procedures, the clinician’s experience with the procedures, and the client’s preferences. They assessed treatment procedures such as prolonged speech, smooth speech, regulated breathing, self-imposed time out, cancellation and speech using the SpeechEasy. Researchers measured the patient’s outcomes using a measure of stuttering frequency, client self-ratings of stuttering severity, naturalness, rate and effectiveness, and the client’s summary of her overall impressions about the procedures. Researchers analyzed stuttering frequency and client self-ratings using visual inspection and Rasch analysis. Analyzing results, researchers found major differences in the client’s responsiveness to the various treatment procedures. The diagnostic treatment process, which emphasized aspects of client self-evaluation and self-management, helped the client reach conclusions about treatment on her own. The client report measures and simplified ABA format in this study seemed adequate for helping to document differential effects of the treatment procedures and to facilitate treatment planning. Findings support further clinical application and research using this evidence-based approach to diagnostic treatment and treatment planning.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Hanif Az Zahrawani

AbstractParent child interaction therapy (PCIT) is one of intervention by doing construction, provide effective skill between children and parent together. Intervention with PCIT will help parent perform interaction with parenting technique as well as mentoring on children, including handling a children as perpetrators of sexual abuse. This research aims to describe and analysis the subject characteristic of the implementation parent child interaction therapy in handling the emotion, cognition, and social cases of children as perpetrators of sexual abuse. This research using quantitative methods to the type of research single subject design or the N=1 model pattern A-B-A is where the measurement will be perform on each periods the purpose of this research was to describe the effectiveness of the implementation of the parent child interaction therapy in handling the subject MR as perpetrators of sexual abuse. The main hypothesis in this research was H1= PCIT effective in handling subject MR as perpetrators of sexual abuse or H0= PCIT not effective in handling subject MR as perpetrators of sexual abuse. Based on the analysis of the result the study it was conclude that PCIT effective way the handling children as perpetrators of sexual abuse, be it in terms of his behaviour, cognitive, emotions and social interactions with subject MR and his parent built the commitment to apply continue this therapy in their life everyday.Keywords: parent child interaction therapy, sexual abuse, single subject design AbstrakParent child interaction therapy merupakan salah satu intervensi dengan melakukan pembinaan, memberikan keterampilan efektif antara orangtua dan anak secara bersama-sama. Intervensi ini membantu orangtua melakukan interaksi dengan teknik pengasuhan maupun pendampingan pada anak, diantaranya mengatasi kasus anak sebagai pelaku kekerasan seksual. Tujuan penelitian adalah memperoleh gambaran dan melakukan analisis tentang karakteristik subjek implementasi parent child interaction therapy terhadap perilaku, terhadap keadaan emosi, terhadap keadaan kognisi anak, dan terhadap keadaaan sosial anak sebagai pelaku kekerasan seksual. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan jenis eksperimen subjek tunggal (single subject design) atau N=1 dengan model pola A-B-A dimana pengukuran akan dilakukan pada masing-masing periode. Sebagaimana tujuan penelitian untuk menggambarkan efektifitas implementasi parent child interaction therapy dalam penanganan kasus anak pelaku kekerasan seksual. Hipotesis utama dalam penelitian ini adalah H1 = parent child interaction therapy efektif dalam penanganan subjek MR sebagai pelaku kekerasan seksual atau H0 = parent child interaction therapy tidak efektif dalam penanganan subjek MR sebagai pelaku kekerasan seksual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa parent child interaction therapy efektif untuk menangani anak sebagai pelaku kekerasan seksual, baik dari segi perilakunya, kognisi, emosi, dan juga sosial subjek MR. Interaksi yang dibangun antara orangtua dan subjek MR akan terus membaik jika keduanya memiliki komitmen untuk terus mengaplikasikan terapi ini dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari.Kata kunci: kekerasan seksual, parent child interaction therapy, single subject design

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Irma Nirmala Sari

Abstract Relapse is a condition of some one returned to abuse drugs after several times experienced clean period or abstinence (recover) (Sarafino, 2006). The relapse peroblem experienced by the subject related to the his irrational thought about Drugs can help him to make a better creation. Emotive rational therapy is aimed to improve and change individual atitude by altering the way of thinking and subject irrational beliefs toward rational thought, then subject can improve self-quality and his happiness. The purpose of this research is to answer the problematic from the research, to gain result from case management about rehabilitation program in reducing the level of ex-drugs abuse relapse, while the special aim is to get a description about the influence of active-directive, Cognitive-Experential, Emotive-Experential, Behavioristic and subject conditional to handle his relapse and the influence of emotive rational therapy implementation to the level of emotional, mental and physical relapse of the subject. The method used quantitative single subject design model with data collection technique through the instrument measurement of relapse, observation, and documentation study. Validity test used Face Validity and reliabiilty test used Alpha Cronbach with SPSS (Statistical Package for The Social Science) version 2.0. Furthermore the results of the research were analyzed using quantitative analysis techniques with formula Two Standard Deviation (SD 2) to test the main hypothesis. The conclusion of of this research indicate that the Rational Emotive Therapy is effective to reduce subject’s relapse that solve the problem of irrational thinking became more rational and can reduce relapse rate of the subject. Key words: drugs abuser, relapse, irrational beliefs, rational emotive therapy Abstrak Relapse adalah kondisi seseorang yang kembali menyalahgunakan NAPZA setelah beberapa waktu mengalami periode bersih atau abstinence (pulih) (Sarafino, 2006). Permasalahan relapse yang dialami subjek berkaitan dengan pikiran irrasionalnya bahwa NAPZA dapat membantunya membuat suatu karya menjadi lebih baik. Terapi Rasional Emotif bertujuan untuk memperbaiki dan mengubah sikap individu dengan cara mengubah cara berpikir dan keyakinan subjek yang irasional menuju cara berpikir yang rasional, sehingga subjek dapat meningkatkan kualitas diri dan kebahagiaan hidupnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab problematik dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh hasil dari penanganan kasus tentang penerapan Terapi Rasional Emotif kepada eks penyalahguna NAPZA setelah menyelesaikan program rehabilitasi guna menurunnya tingkat relapse eks penyalahguna NAPZA, sedangkan tujuan khusus yaitu untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai pengaruh aspek Aktif-Direktif, Kognitif-Eksperiensial,  Emotif-Eksperiensial,  Behavioristik, dan  Kondisional subjek untuk menangani relapsenya serta pengaruh implementasi Teknik Terapi Rasional Emotif terhadap tingkat kekambuhan emosi, mental, dan fisik subjek. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif rancangan subjek tunggal (Single Subject Design) dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data pengukuran menggunakan instrumen relapse, observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Uji validitas menggunakan validitas muka (Face Validity) dan uji reliabilitas menggunakan teknik Alpha Cronbach dengan bantuan SPSS (Statistical Package for The Social Science) versi 2.0. Selanjutnya hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis kuantitatif dengan menggunakan rumus Two Standard Deviation (2 SD) untuk menguji hipotesa utama. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Terapi Rasional Emotif efektif untuk menurunkan relapse subjek yaitu memecahkan masalah pemikiran irrasional menjadi lebih rasional serta dapat menurunkan tingkat relapse subjek. Kata kunci: penyalahgunaan narkotika, relapse, pemikiran irrasional, terapi rasional emotif

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