Yevgeny Victorovich Romat ◽  
Yury Volodimirovich Havrilechko

The article is devoted to research of theoretical problems of the concepts of the subject and object of public marketing. The definitions of these concepts are considered in the article, the evolution of their development is studied. The article provides an analysis of the main approaches to the notion of subjects and objects of public marketing, their relationship and role in the processes of public marketing. The authors proposes concrete approaches to their systematization. These approaches allow us to identify specific types of public marketing and their main characteristics. Relying on the analysis of the concept of “subject of public (state) management”, it is concluded that as bodies of state marketing, most often act as executive bodies of state power. In this case, the following levels of marketing subjects in the system of public administration are allocated: the highest level of executive power; Branch central bodies of executive power; Local government bodies; Separate government agencies. It is noted that the diversity of subjects of public marketing is explained, first of all, by the dependence on the tasks of the state and municipal government, the possibilities of introducing the marketing concept of these subjects and certain characteristics of the said objects of state marketing. It is noted that the concept of “subject of public marketing” is not always the identical notion of “subject of public administration”. First, not all public authorities are subjects of state marketing. In some cases, this is not appropriate, for example, in the activities of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine or the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Secondly, state marketing is just one of many alternative management concepts, which is not always the most effective in the public administration system.

Yevgeny Victorovich Romat ◽  
Yury Volodimirovich Havrilechko

The article is devoted to research of theoretical problems of the con- cepts of the subject and object of public marketing. The definitions of these con- cepts are considered in the article, the evolution of their development is studied. The article provides an analysis of the main approaches to the notion of subjects and objects of public marketing, their relationship and role in the processes of pub- lic marketing. The authors proposes concrete approaches to their systematization. These approaches allow us to identify specific types of public marketing and their main characteristics. Relying on the analysis of the concept of “subject of public (state) manage- ment”, it is concluded that as bodies of state marketing, most often act as execu- tive bodies of state power. In this case, the following levels of marketing subjects in the system of public administration are allocated: the highest level of executive power; Branch central bodies of executive power; Local government bodies; Sepa- rate government agencies. It is noted that the diversity of subjects of public marketing is explained, first of all, by the dependence on the tasks of the state and municipal government, the possibilities of introducing the marketing concept of these subjects and certain characteristics of the said objects of state marketing. It is noted that the concept of “subject of public marketing” is not always the identical notion of “subject of public administration”. First, not all public authori- ties are subjects of state marketing. In some cases, this is not appropriate, for ex- ample, in the activities of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine or the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Secondly, state marketing is just one of many alterna- tive management concepts, which is not always the most effective in the public administration system.

Anastasiia Repetska

The structure of Legislative and Executive branches in the system of political communication in Ukraine, despite the comprehensive information resource of its institutions, is still lacking in its resonance of political rhetoric effectiveness at the stage of social articulation of social problems. The subjects of this structure are the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers and the President of Ukraine. The reference to the functional feature of the government is a fairly common explanation of the process when the content of the concept of “Executive power” implies pragmatic actions. After all, the nature of technological operations of professionals in the fields of public administration models certain conditions for the emergence of political discourse. In the developed democracies, including Ukraine, to achieve maximum openness and transparency in the activities of the Legislative and Executive branches, predictable and effective mechanisms are functioning: political, regulatory, organizational, institutional, information and educational. Thus the transparency of the government must be properly ensured by the operation of the public dialogue at all of the decision-making stages, there should be a regular access to full, fair, accurate, understandable information about the actions of public authorities and its officials. In any democratic state, the effectiveness of public administration depends on the level of transparency and the quality of communication to the public on the work of its organs.

Babel ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-303 ◽  
Lily Lim ◽  
Kwok Ying Loi

Slogans play an important role in conveying information to targeted audiences, and the translation of slogans tends to be studied under the rubric of public-notice translation. Previous research mainly uses researchers’ expertise to evaluate the quality of this type of translation. Yet, little is known about what the targeted readers think about the translation, although their opinions present key information that helps to determine whether the translation has achieved the intended effect. This paper elicits and systematically analyzes readers’ responses. We investigate the case of Macao, a rapidly growing economy where the demand for English translation has markedly increased in recent decades. Public administration bodies in Macao have commissioned Chinese-to-English translation in varied areas such as tourism, social security and welfare, cultural and sports events. We sampled ten translated slogans that were used in the public sector, and administered survey questionnaires (n=130) to both source-text and target-text readers. The two groups of readers’ evaluations, based on the criteria of fluency, conciseness, persuasiveness and mnemonic effect, reveal that the translations are perceived significantly less favorably than the originals are. Readers most strongly disliked word-for-word translations, and pointed out numerous problems with the translations such as ungrammaticality, inappropriate word use, lack of appeal, and unintelligibility due to insufficient background knowledge. This research demonstrates the tangible value of using readers’ responses to evaluate translation quality. It also has implications for translator training, and recommends that public authorities should institute a rigorous quality assurance system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Alex Pizzio Da Silva ◽  
José Eudacy Feijó Paiva

<p>O objetivo deste artigo é contribuir ao debate acerca da gestão do Poder Judiciário tendo como referência o princípio constitucional da eficiência na administração pública e os princípios da gestão da qualidade. Sob esse enfoque são abordados os temas da crise na administração pública e na administração judiciária. Através de uma revisão bibliográfica em livros e artigos levantou-se as contribuições de autores sobre o tema em análise. Uma correlação entre os princípios da qualidade e a realidade encontrada na administração de unidades judiciárias, através das fontes analisadas para o estudo, é realizada com o fim de demonstrar a validade da aplicação dos princípios para nortear as mudanças necessárias para a melhoria da prestação jurisdicional e a aumentar a satisfação da sociedade. O artigo apresenta a aplicabilidade de um sistema de gestão da qualidade, conforme o modelo da norma ABNT NBR ISO 9001:2015, como uma alternativa eficaz para que o Poder Judiciário apresente a resposta mais adequada para a necessidade de melhoria na eficiência da gestão do Poder Judiciário.</p><p> </p><p>The purpose of this article is to contribute to the debate about the management of the Judiciary having as point of reference the constitutional principle of efficiency in the Public Administration and the principles of quality management. This approach addresses the issues of crisis in the public administration and judicial administration. Through a bibliographical review in books and articles the contributions of authors on the subject under analysis were compiled. A correlation between the principles of quality and the reality found in the management of judicial units, through the sources analyzed for the study, is established in order to demonstrate the validity of the application of the principles to guide the changes necessary to improve the jurisdictional performance and to increase the satisfaction of society. The article presents the applicability of a quality management system, according to the model of ABNT NBR ISO 9001: 2015, as an effective alternative for the Judiciary to provide the most appropriate response to the need of improving the efficiency of the Judiciary management.</p><p> </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 18-20
Olga N. Ordina ◽  

In the administrative and legal science there is a refinement, change and expansion of the subject of the dynamic branch of administrative law, aimed at eliminating the resulting lag of legal theory from the legal reality. In our view, of the three basic categories that characterize the subject of administrative law, “public administration”, “executive power” and “administrativepublic activity”, the main generalization category is the category “administrative and public activities”. The phenomenon of the subject of administrative law refracts the problems and discussions inherent in the industry as a whole. In view of the existence of different points of view on the subject of administrative law, the legal science has not yet formulated a single definition of it. There is a tendency to overcome the conflict between different types of understanding, to bring together the positions of different concepts of understanding of administrative law in order to form a “universal” concept of it, to develop its common concept.

I.Yu. Chazova ◽  
M.V. Israilov

The problem of increasing the efficiency of public administration is a key point that refutes or supports the methods and forms of power that are used, but only within the framework of efficiency criteria. The determining factor on this issue should be, first of all, socio-economic efficiency, that is, the universal consideration of public interests of Russian citizens. Taking into account the analysis of thematic sources on assessing the effectiveness of the public administration system, we can conclude that this category contains a combination of various results of managerial activity, both in the state and in the public sphere. The effectiveness of public authorities should take into account quantitative statistical indicators, but special attention should be paid to qualitative indicators, which should be assessed by the population of the subject of the Russian Federation. The purpose of evaluating the performance of public civil servants, heads of executive authorities is the introduction of an optimal and fair wage system both at the regional and federal levels. The article discusses the foreign experience of the CAF self-assessment model of public authorities, which is based on the selection of 9 criteria that correspond to the main areas that are taken into account when analyzing public authorities. Examples of evaluating the effectiveness of executive bodies in the Irkutsk and Kurgan regions are shown. The current and developed measure for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of executive bodies of state power and officials on the example of the Udmurt Republic is reviewed and analyzed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Laura Garbini Both ◽  
André Rodrigues Meneses

<p>O presente trabalho objetiva analisar a atuação, legalidade e eficiência das organizações sociais. Uma vez que, esta tem sido motivo de intensos questionamentos, por parte daqueles que não enxergam benefícios na criação de um terceiro setor econômico. Há quem defenda que, é dever exclusivo do poder público, executar e fiscalizar os serviços sociais. A contrário senso há quem defenda uma publicização dos serviços que não são executados apenas pelo poder estatal, mas também pelo setor privado. Sendo assim, porque contrariar uma parceria publico-privada que só objetiva trazer benefícios para a população brasileira?</p><p>No decorrer deste estudo, será respondido tal questionamento, por meio de reflexões acerca das discussões e alegações de inconstitucionalidade da lei 9.637/98, de parte da lei de licitações ─ 8.666/93. Bem como, da suposta violação dos seguintes preceitos constitucionais: artigo 5ª, XVII e XVIII; artigo 22, XXVII; artigo 23; artigo 37, II, X e XXI; artigo 40, caput e § 4º; artigos 70, 71 e 74; artigo 129; artigo 169; artigo 175; artigo 196; artigo 197; artigo 199, § 1º; artigo 205; artigo 206; artigo 208; artigo 209; artigo 215; artigo 216, § 1º; artigo 218 e artigo 225. Onde será comprovado por meio de dados percentuais a eficiência e os benefícios advindos da sua criação.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>This paper aims to analyze the performance, legality and efficiency of social organizations. Since this has been the subject of intense questions from those who do not see benefits in the creation of a third economic sector. There are those who argue that it is the exclusive responsibility of the public authorities to execute and supervise social services. On the contrary, there are those who advocate an advertisement of services that are not only carried out by state power, but also by the private sector. So, why oppose a public-private partnership that only aims to bring benefits to the Brazilian population?</p><p>In the course of this study, this question will be answered, through reflections on the discussions and allegations of unconstitutionality of Law 9.637 / 98, part of the law of bidding - 8.666 / 93. As well as the alleged violation of the following constitutional precepts: Article 5, XVII and XVIII; article 22, XXVII; Article 23; Article 37, II, X and XXI; article 40, caput and paragraph 4; Articles 70, 71 and 74; article 129; Article 169; article 175; Article 196; article 197; article 199, paragraph 1; Article 205; Article 206; article 208; Article 209; Article 215; article 216, paragraph 1; article 218 and article 225. Where will be proven by means of percentage data the efficiency and the benefits coming from its creation.mptions that justify the use of them with greater efficiency in the achievement of the public interest.</p>


LABURPENA: «Giza Eskubideetan Oinarritutako Ikuspegiaren» irismena azaltzeko asmoa dauka artikulu honek, zer-nolako aldagaiak eta kontzeptuak biltzen dituen ulertze aldera. Horren bilakaeraz eta indarraldiaz arituko gara, bai eta horren modalitate aplikatua nola nabarmentzen den azalduko ere. Horretarako, Nazio Batuen Erakundearen esparruan garatu diren ekarpenak eta gaiaren inguruko doktrina aditua erabiliko ditugu. Administrazio Publikoan duen indarra ezin ukatuzkoa da; izan ere, estatuak eta horri atxikitako erakundeek oso kontuan eduki behar dute politika publikoak norbanakoen eta komunitateen beharrei arreta ematen ari zaien jakiteko balio duela ikuspegi horrek, edota politika publiko horiek kontu emanez gardentasun publikoa eratzen ari diren nahiz edozelako diskriminazioa saihesten ari diren jakiteko balio duela. Azkenik, ikuspegi horrek Giza Eskubideen Gorte Interamerikarraren jurisprudentzia-aurrekari batzuetan duen indarraldia eta eragina aztertuko dira. RESUMEN: El presente artículo tiene la intención de exponer los alcances del «Enfoque Basado en Derechos Humanos», con la finalidad de entender que variables y conceptos involucra. Haremos un recuento de su evolución, vigencia y cómo se evidencia su modalidad aplicada, a través de diferentes aportes desarrollados en el marco de la Organización de Naciones Unidas, así como de la doctrina estudiosa del tema. Su vigencia en la Administración Pública es de primer orden, puesto que el Estado y sus entidades adscritas, deben tener muy en cuenta que el enfoque citado, sirve para conocer si las políticas públicas, están atendiendo necesidades de individuos y comunidades concretas; generando transparencia pública a través de rendición de cuentas, así como evitando cualquier tipo de discriminación. Finalmente, se analizará su vigencia e impacto en algunos antecedentes jurisprudenciales de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. ABSTRACT: This article intends to expose the scope of the «Human Rights Based Approach», in order to understand what variables and concepts it involves. We will recount its evolution, validity and how its applied modality is evidenced, through different contributions developed within the framework of the United Nations, as well as the doctrine studious of the subject. Its validity in the Public Administration is of the first order, since the State and its affiliated entities must take into account that the aforementioned approach serves to know if public policies are addressing the needs of specific individuals and communities; Generating public transparency through accountability, as well as avoiding any type of discrimination. Finally, its validity and impact will be analyzed in some jurisprudential antecedents of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

N. Boretskaya ◽  
G. Krapivina ◽  

In the article, the problem of determining the directions of research of the development of the tourist and recreational sphere as an object of public administration acquires further theoretical and methodological substantiation. The directions of improving the mechanisms of decision-making by state bodies for the development of the tourist and recreational sphere are formulated on the basis of the introduction of a systematic approach, digitization and modeling. The efforts of state bodies to form the structure of the market in order to study and analyze the impact of public administration and regulation on the realities of the tourist and recreational sphere and the proposals of tourist and recreational products that affect the public interest in them on the part of consumers of tourist services are a separate area of scientific research in tourism. -recreational sphere as an object of public administration and decision-making mechanisms by state bodies for the development of tourist and recreational territories It is shown that the processes of using tourist and recreational resources and diversification of the economy are positively influenced by the intersectoral nature of the tourist and recreational sphere due to the multiplier effect for related sectors of the economy of the territories, directly involved in the tourist services served by consumers. It has been proved that a city characterized by a significant territorial concentration of labor, consumers, related industries and services is very attractive for the activities of enterprises in the tourism and recreation sector in terms of minimizing costs, and it is expedient in determining the role and mechanisms of government influence on the development of the tourism and recreation sector. and the formation of strategic goals for the development of a regime for promoting their development is the study of the tourist and recreational market of the territory. The development of the regional and local tourist and recreational sphere is greatly facilitated by the transformation in the public consciousness of the concept of free time, i.e. changes in the behavior of consumers of tourism services in relation to specific settlements or the region as a whole. The main goal of the qualitative improvement of state management of the development of the tourist and recreational sphere is to increase its openness, spread goodwill towards the population, accelerate management processes, effectively solve problems, increase the mobility of workers in tourist and recreational enterprises and their satisfaction with work.

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