scholarly journals Language and poetics: analysis of the conceptions of A.A. Potebnja’s followers. Part I: A.A. Potebnja, V. Kharzeev, B.A. Lezin

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 154-173
Julia Morkina

In 1907 – 1923 in Kharkov a non-periodical collection of works of the so-called "Kharkov school" – the followers of A.A. Potebnja and A.N. Veselovskiy – was published. Its title was "Questions of Theory and Psychology of Creativity". This article deals with the works included in this collection and in one way or another connected with the theory of poetic creativity. I show that some ideas of the researchers of the "Kharkov school" are still relevant for the philosophy of poetic creativity and philosophy of education and analyze the relevance of A.A. Potebnja’s, V. Kharzeev’s and B.A. Lezin’s works for the contemporary philosophy. A famous linguist of the 19th century A.A. Potebnja (now a classic of philology), considered language to be an elementary form of poetry. Language, he believed, is poetic in its essence; a word is the simplest, most elementary form of a poetic work. Word as a poetic work originated in the prehistoric times and continues to re-emerge in everyone who speaks and hears nowadays. According to Potebnja, understanding takes place in such a way: the meaning of a word is not directly transmitted from the speaker to the listener, but the spoken word of the speaker induces the birth of meaning in the mind of the listener from its own semantic stock, semantic reserves. Therefore, both the pronunciation (birth) of a word by a speaker (teacher) and the understanding of it (rebirth) by a listener (student) is a creative act: in verbal communication a movement of thought takes place. In the article, the relevance of some ideas of such of Potebnja’s followers as V. Kharzeev, B.А. Lezin for the leaching process is also studied. Kharzeev in detail considers such tropes as metonymy, synecdoche and metaphor from the point of view of their use in literary poetry. But the main Kharzeev’s achievement is precisely the descriptions and analysis of the elementary forms of poetry, which is the language (word) functioning according to the laws described above by the author. Lezin considers creativity as a kind of economy of thought. His ideas on creativity seem valuable for the philosophy of education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-272
Julia Morkina

In 1907 – 1923 in Kharkov a non-periodical collection of works of the so-called "Kharkov school" – the followers of A.A. Potebnja and A.N. Veselovskiy – was published. Its title was "Questions of Theory and Psychology of Creativity". This article deals with the works included in this collection and in one way or another connected with the theory of poetic creativity. I show that some ideas of the researchers of the "Kharkov school" are still relevant for the philosophy of poetic creativity and philosophy of education and analyze the relevance of D.N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky’s, A. Gornfeld’s, T. Raynov’s and P. Engelmeier’s works for the contemporary philosophy. These works are examined from the point of view of their modern character and relevance for the philosophy of poetic creativity, as well as usefulness for the philosophy of education. D.N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky analyzes the lyrical feeling that arises in the reader- interpreter reading a poetic work. We emphasize the importance of lyrical feeling in teaching as well. Gornfeld addresses the ideas of Potebnja recognizing any artistic work as symbolic and allegorical, as well as postulating an infinite number of possible interpretations of each artwork. This fact is also important for the education process. T. Raynov writes a chapter called “Lyrics of Scientific and Philosophical Creativity,” which also studies factors important for the philosophy of education. He analyses the factors influencing the way an individual conceives the problem being solved and solved, which may well be a teaching one. Finally, Engelmeyer intends to establish his science of creativity - Evrology. We also show that a reflection on teaching can be developed in parallel with his arguments about creativity.

N. V. Bashmakova ◽  
K. V. Kravchenko

The purpose of this article is process of analyzing in reference to concert capriccio by C. Munier for mandolin with piano («Bizzarria», op. 201, Spanish сapriccio, op. 276) from the point of view of their genre specificity. Methodology. The research is based on the historical approach, which determines the specifics of the genre of Capriccio in the music of the late 19th and early 20th centuries and in the work of C. Munier; the computational and analytical methods used to identify the peculiarities of the formulation and the performing interpretation of the original concert pianos for mandolins with piano that, according to the genre orientation (according to the composerʼs remarks), are defined as capriccio. Scientific novelty. The creation of Florentine composer,61mandolinist-vertuoso and pedagog C. Munier, which made about 300 compositions, is exponential for represented scientific vector. Concert works by C. Munier for mandolin and piano, created in the capriccio genre, were not yet considered in the art of the outdoors, as the creativity and composer’s style of the famous mandolinist. Conclusions. Thus, appealing to capriccio by С. Munier, which created only two works, embodied in them virtually all the evolutionary stages of the development of genre. In his opus of this genre there are a vocal, inherent in capriccio of the 17th century solo presentation, virtuosity, originality, which were embodied in the works of 17th – 18th centuries and the national color of the 19th century is clearly expressed. Thus, the Spanish capriccio is a kind of «musical encyclopedia» of national dance, which features are characteristic features of bolero, tarantella, habanera, and so forth. The originality of opus number 201 – «Bizzarria», is embodied in the parameters of shaping (expanded cadence of the soloist in the beginning) and emphasized virtuosity, which is realized in a wide register range, a variety of technical elements.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (11) ◽  
Sonja Valčić

Tema ovog eseja je bazirana na citatu V. Woolf »The Russian Point of View«, tj. na citatu iz njena eseja, koji otvara jedan interesantan uvid u neke tendencije ruskih i engleskih romanopisaca 19. stoljeća. Engleski novelisti, po V. Woolf, čini se, teže objektivnijem prikazivanju društva, dok su ruski veći individualisti. Da se svi engleski pisci ne mogu klasificirati kao objektivni promatrači društva u kojem žive, potvrđuje Emily Bronte sa svojim romanom Wuthering Heights. Isto tako ruski novelisti 19. stoljeća otvaraju »mogućnosti« modernih interpretacija s tematikama moralnih sukoba koje onda pisci 20. stoljeća (engleski) proširuju na određen način, ili, bolje rečeno, sagledavaju s drugih točaka gledišta i stavljaju u određene okvire. Obrađeni su naročito V. Woolf i D. H. Lawrence, te su povučene neke paralele s Tolstojem i Turgenjevim.

2008 ◽  
Vol 57 (3) ◽  
Maurizio P. Faggioni

Fra le patologie della gravidanza la corioamnionite e la preeclampsia rappresentano situazioni difficili sia dal punto di vista clinico sia dal punto di vista etico. L’articolo affronta con particolare attenzione il problema dell’anticipazione del parto prima che il feto abbia raggiunto la soglia della viabilità. Vengono esaminate le posizioni principali della Tradizione cattolica e le risposte a specifici quesiti date dal Sant’Uffizio tra la fine del XIX secolo e l’inizio del XX. L’Autore ritiene che l’applicazione del principio del duplice effetto a queste situazioni non sia del tutto convincente e propone una soluzione alternativa nella individuazione del solo bene possibile. ---------- Chorioamnionitis and preeclampsy represent difficult situations among pregnancy pathologies both from a clinical and from an ethical point of view. The article treats with particular attention the issue of induced preterm parturition before fetus has reached the threshold of viability. The main positions of the Catholic Tradition and the answers given by the Holy Office at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th are examined. The author believes that the application of the principle of double effect to such situations is non completely convincing and he proposes as an alternative solution the identification of the only possible good.

1976 ◽  
Vol 58 (6) ◽  
pp. 901-901
T. E. C.

During the 19th century the question of maternal impressions was still unresolved. A curious example of the putative power of this phenomenon is given below. A similar instance was reported about 1825 by Dr. Munro of Edinburgh who frequently exhibited a child in whose eyes many persons imagined they could read the name and age of his father. A young woman in Galloway [Scotland] having proved with child, laid the same to a respectable man of the name John Woods, who denied being the father of the same, and persisted in his denial saying that he would never acknowledge the child unless his name was written at full length on its face; and he accordingly gave his solemn oath before the court to that effect. This made so much impression on the mind of the young woman, who was present, that his name and person remained constantly in her mind's eye, and when the child was born, the name of the father appeared in legible letters in the child's eye, the name of "JOHN WOODS," on the right eye, and "BORN 1817" on the left eye. When John Woods, the alleged father, came to know this circumstance, he instantly absconded and has not since been heard of. This wonderful child has now arrived in this city [Edinburgh], and has been inspected by the Professors and other learned Faculties of this city, and pronounced to be a most wonderful phenomenon of nature, and an astonishing dispensation of Providence in pointing out the truth against the wicked and perjured ways of men.

1978 ◽  
Vol 5 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 45-57 ◽  
Julie T. Andresen

Abstract François Thurot’s Discours préliminaire (1796), a first attempt at a historiography of grammar, sums up the language theories of the philosophes, while prefiguring the 19th century in both his concept of language and his attitude towards the science of language. He accepts, for instance, the theory that the perfection of a language reflects the progress of the mind but rejects the metaphysical speculation on the origin of language that characteristically accompanied such a theory. And although Thurot, like his contemporaries, still preoccupies himself with the method of logico-linguistic analysis which would lead to a langue bien faite, his study opens up to a new variety of linguistic phenomena in the vernacular. Thus, his view of language embraces both the mechanical reductionism aimed at scientific language with its pretention to universality as well as the creative dynamism of discursive language with its recognition of cultural relativity. Furthermore, Thurot assimilates the interest in the genetic relationship among languages, that was already in the air, to the historicism of the philosophes, whose historical tableaux unfolded within their theories of language. Thurot’s interest in natural language is an outgrowth of the prevailing ‘climate of opinion’. The data-oriented approach to language had begun with the invention of the printing press, from which time there was an ever increasing accumulation and distribution of material on non-European languages. The French Revolution was to dramatize the importance of discursive language, since the unification of the nation depended, in part, on the democratization and standardization of daily language. Such a climate proved favorable for subsequent work on genetic classification and on Indo-European in the 19th century.

Deborah Brown ◽  
Brian Key

Few practitioners or researchers in psychology would think of the 17th-century French philosopher, René Descartes, as the founding father of their discipline. Yet, it is difficult to see how psychology could have emerged as a discipline in its own right without the contributions of Descartes. Descartes’ theoretical and experimental contributions to our understanding of rationality, consciousness, sensation, feeling, attention, psychological self-regulation and voluntary action, and indeed the very concept of mind that lies at the heart of his philosophy, have been pivotal to the evolution of psychology since its emergence as a special science in the 19th-century. These contributions tend to get overshadowed by the unpalatable aspects of his dualism of mind and body and his denial of animal consciousness, doctrines for which he was and still is much pilloried. However, both doctrines are relevant to understanding how from its inception the subject matter and scope of psychological investigation was framed, for underlying the Cartesian concept of mind is not one dualism but two: a dualism of mind and body and a dualism of life and mind. The mind, for Descartes, could not be theorized on its own terms without conceiving of it at least to some extent independently of the physiological processes of the human body, on the one hand, and the life functions of biological organisms, on the other. Descartes’ legacy for psychology as a discipline is thus twofold. It created the conceptual space for the concept of mind to emerge as a threshold concept in its own right, distinct from the concept of matter that defined mechanics, and it demarcated those uniquely human capacities that enabled psychology to differentiate itself from the newly emerging evolutionary biology of the 19th-century, even though it would remain more closely aligned with biology than physics thenceforth. Without both dualisms of mind and body and life and mind, it is difficult to envisage how psychology as a special science distinct from anatomy and the life sciences could have emerged, and for this the discipline of psychology owes Monsieur Descartes a considerable debt.

DoisPontos ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Mario Ariel González Porta

A filosofia alemã do século XIX posterior a Hegel está bastante estudada em três direções. A primeira, que surge da luta entre hegelianos de esquerda e direita, acaba por conduzir ao materialismo e ao marxismo; a segunda, que se expressa na vertente irracionalista e anti-sistemática, passa por Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard e Nietzsche; a terceira é constituída pelo neo-kantismo e suas derivações, cuja versão oficial teria suas raízes fincadas pelo famoso discurso inaugural de Zeller e pelo livro de Otto Liebmann, que deram o impulso ao movimento “Zurück zu Kant”. Em tal visão de conjunto, o grande ausente é um movimento contínuo, ainda quando irregular e multifacetado, que terminará conduzindo à filosofia contemporânea. Este movimento tem em Trendelenburg uma figura chave. É com suas “Investigações Lógicas” que se inicia a reformulação das relações entre filosofia e ciência e, neste sentido, o verdadeiro retorno a Kant. O fato de sua obra principal ter exatamente o mesmo nome que a coleção de ensaios temáticos de Frege, a obra de ruptura de Husserl e as dissertações de doutorado de Cohen, Dilthey e Brentano significa algo mais que curiosas coincidências. “Zurück zu Kant” (Adolf Trendelenburg the overcoming of idealism and the roots of contemporary philosophy) Abstract Considering history of philosophy as a whole, the two main traditions of thought from the 20th century (analytic and phenomenological-hermeneutic) can be regarded as being variants of one same fundamental turn. This systematic relation is connected to a common historical root. To highlight it implies to review the ideas that are deeply in the basis of the historiography of the German thought in the 19th century. Beyond names, problems and theses that may appear to have at first sight no relationship whatsoever, we can notice a continuous unitary development that has not yet received all the attention it deserves. In this movement, Adolf Trendelenburg stands out, once the beginners of both the abovementioned traditions and of neokantianism (Frege, Brentano, Dilthey and Cohen) received a decisive impulse from his reflections.

1996 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-255 ◽  
Stefan Rossbach

In this paper, we understand the advent of a “scientific spirit” as a revival of Gnosticism, which proclaims the superiority of man over his creator and considers knowledge (gnosis) to be the key to salvation. Salvation is here understood as a form of “emancipation”. Empirically, we see our interpretation confirmed in the tremendous influence of the Corpus Hermeticum and the Lurianic Cabala on all the Renaissance scientists. In the second part of this essay, we continue a line of research inaugurated by Ferdinand Christian Baur in the 19th century, and look for Gnostic outlooks in contemporary philosophy and social science. By reading Niklas Luhmann's systems theory as a modern version of Gnostic mysticism, we do not intend to dismiss the relevance of his work. For if Gnosticism defines “modernity”, we should not be surprised to find a speculative, Gnostic system among society's self-descriptions.

1996 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 347-364
Federico Albano Leoni ◽  
Francesca M. Dovetto

Summary The basic idea of the modern Motor Theory of Speech Perception (Liberman et al. 1963) is that “the perception of speech is tightly linked to the feedback from the speaker’s own articulatory movements”. In this paper we try to show how the same idea was already formulated by the French philosopher Maine de Biran (1805) and taken up in the second half of the 19th century by psychologists (like Steinthal) and linguists (like Kruszewski and Paul). However, whereas in the 19th century the articulatory point of view was not only dominant, but also the only one incorporated in a general theory of language, in the 20th century the articulatory perspective is supplemented by the acoustic one (cf. Malmberg 1967). This was only hinted at by Ferdinand de Saussure in the Cours, but fully expressed in Jakobson & Halle (1956). In this respect, Liberman’s Motor Theory is to be considered much less original than it has been claimed.

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