scholarly journals The Problem of the Church and the Nation as Two Forms of the Organization of Humanity in Arsen Richinsky's Scientific Works

2006 ◽  
pp. 53-56
O. Yushchyshyn

Acquaintance with the work of "Problems of Ukrainian Religious Consciousness" by Arsen Richinsky showed that the questions raised by the researcher at the beginning of XX century. even more actualized at the beginning of the XXI century. - in the period of Ukrainian Independent Nation's approval, when with the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations", in 1991 the influence of religious factor on the consciousness of Ukrainian society increased. This research, without exaggeration, is a tremendous contribution to the Ukrainian theoretical and practical religious studies. Also important is the scientific editing and streamlining of its leading contemporary scholars in the field of national-religious issues A. Kolodny, O. Sagan, and A. Goodyma, without which it would remain unknown to the reader and history as a whole, and would not be an incomplete component of the Christian factor - universal perception of the gospel doctrine through the prism of national color.

2013 ◽  
pp. 137-144
O. Rudakevych

Ukrainian national pedagogy has always been based on the organic combination of national and Christian ideals. Christian humanity was the norm of interpersonal, interethnic, and everyday social existence of our people. The modern Ukrainian society needs spiritual improvement, which is obviously, according to the author, only in the interaction of four fundamental factors: the state, the Church, the system of education and the family. The features of Ukrainian spirituality and mental characteristics were the object of research by M.Kostomarov, V.Antonovich. P. Kulis, T. Shevchenko, M. Hrushevsky. I.Franko, V.Lipinsky, O.Kulchytsky, G.Vaschenko, A.Richinsky and V.Yaniva. Today it is right to recall the words of the outstanding Ukrainian teacher G.Vaschenko, who insisted, first of all, on the implementation of the principle of educational education, which should follow the slogan "service to God and the Motherland", and therefore it is necessary to ensure the unity of national and Christian ideals in the present titular nation [Vashchenko P General principles teaching. In 4 parts - Munich: B.V., 1948. - 4.1. - 285 s.]. The bitter prophecy is the saying of the Ukrainian enlightener A.Richinsky: "The result of spiritual fatigue is that the life of the people becomes too materialistic. With the decline of national shrines and unifying ideology, everyone cares only about the private interest, the provision of material well-being, feeling already impotent to dream of the higher ideals of the nation "[Rychinsky A. Problems of Ukrainian religious consciousness. - Ternopil, 2002].

2013 ◽  
pp. 95-107
V. Klymov

The April 1991 Law of Ukraine "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations" fell on the hard part, which its creators did not guess, to be the regulator of relations in the religious sphere during the period of radical socio-political, economic and spiritual changes in the Ukrainian society, the permanent religious- church differentiation (divisions, mergers, joins, splits) of churches and religious organizations, separation of previously almost unipolar composition of hierarchs, clergy, believers according to the criteria of national orientation, canonicality

2014 ◽  
pp. 61-65
Liudmyla O. Fylypovych

The democratic transformations that have taken place in our country since independence have laid the foundations for new state-church relations. The relations between the state and the Church in this situation have acquired fundamentally new qualities, which, unlike the past, are characterized by a generally stable partnership, mutual respect and cooperation. Such relations are enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations", other legislative acts and international legal agreements.

Liudmyla O. Fylypovych

The right to freedom of religion is enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine on Freedom of Conscience and religious organizations. Article 35 of the Constitution of Ukraine states that this right includes the freedom to profess any religion or not to profess any, to freely send individually or collectively religious ceremonies, to conduct religious activities.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (19) ◽  
pp. 130-134
Oleksandr N. Sagan

State-church relations in Ukraine are regulated by one of the best in Europe, the Law of Ukraine "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations". However, this law can not solve the problem of confrontation between the Moscow and Kiev Orthodox patriarchates in our country, as this confrontation has gone beyond the religious conflict and, in fact, is an external expression of ideological and civilizational choice (tolerance of values) of Orthodox believers.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (19) ◽  
pp. 164-167
Alla Boyko

The multifunctionality enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine and the tolerance of various religious groups that prevail in the Ukrainian society allow each citizen to find his way to God and publicly reveal his own worldview and worldview, including in the media. Therefore, in our society there should be an interest in different denominations and religious movements that are represented in the media space of the state. Some confessions, namely, the UOC-KP, UkhC, UOC-MP, Muslims, Jews, Protestant churches, are to some extent justified. But in Ukraine there are many religious organizations, around which there is a so-called information blockade, to a certain extent artificial. That is, some religious organizations operate outside the media, or information in the media about their activities is not sufficient, which often leads to various fabrications, speculation, which become the basis for stereotyped perception of a phenomenon.

1999 ◽  
pp. 100-105
S. Tkach

Recently, the religious factor in a number of circumstances (historical, economic, ideological) plays an increasingly important role in the socio-political life of our state. Religious organizations have become an integral part of the political and cultural spheres of life and greatly influence the socio-political processes in the Ukrainian state. This is evidenced, in particular, by the aggregated data of sociological surveys conducted by various centers and institutions, according to which the church community is most trusted by the population of our country (about 27.6%) (for comparison: the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine - 3.1%, state government-3%, judicial bodies-4%). Therefore, the analysis of social processes in the context of confessional measurement is now of particular importance

2013 ◽  
pp. 204-207
Anatolii M. Kolodnyi

Ukraine is a country of freedom of beliefs and beliefs. The Constitution of the country (Article 35) provides its citizens with not only the right to profess any religion, but also the freedom of religious activity, prohibits the binding of any one of the religions by recognizing it as a state. In the civil society of Ukraine, each of its citizens is sovereign. In accordance with the Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations (Article 3), he is free to accept or change his religion of his choice. Every citizen has the right to express and freely distribute his religious beliefs. "No one can set obligatory beliefs and outlooks. No coercion is allowed in determining a citizen's attitude to religion ..., to participation or non-participation in worship, religious rites and ceremonies, teaching religion. " Thus, by proclaiming the right to freedom of religion, freedom of religion, the Ukrainian state, if it considers itself to be democratic and claims to join such a united Europe, is obliged to create conditions for the functioning of different religions in its territory.

1999 ◽  
pp. 35-43
Halyna Oleksandrivna Slavuta

The word "freedom" at all times was worried by progressive humanity. The notion of "freedom of conscience" is one of the specific varieties of the word. At the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He was interpreted in all ways abroad and in Russia in particular. Declared by the manifesto of the king in 1905, the freedom of conscience, according to many, did not bring the expected release of "religious slavery." For several decades, the Soviet ideologues have argued that only the Leninist decree on freedom of conscience, church and religious organizations, or, in other words, the Decree on the separation of church from state and school from the church, issued in 1918, marked a new era in the spiritual life of the people.

2002 ◽  
pp. 115-123
Olena Nykytchenko

For the sake of developing a discussion on the problem of defining “freedom of conscience,” let us start by saying that, at first glance, there is no such problem at the surface. At least, when you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with this topic in the textbooks on religious studies, where very often only the presence of this democratic institution in our society and the legal guarantees of its existence, or the political principles on which it is based, are given. Meanwhile, the periodical and the scientific press have shown that in many cases the exercise of freedom of conscience in our country is far from what the law requires, as well as from the political demands that justify it.

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