2020 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 317-322
Alina Misjura ◽  
Dhulfiqar Аlbarkaayi ◽  

The issue of increasing the motivation of pupils to the subject "Physical culture and health," independent regular exercises, improvement of motor skills, and the formation of physical education knowledge is currently very relevant in the educational system. There are new views and theoretical and practical recommendations on the problems of physical education of schoolchildren. Many experts in this field believe that it is possible to form an interest to physical culture in special conditions of school or out-of-school visits of sports sections. Other researchers see a solution to this problem in increasing the number of physical education lessons or raising physical education in home environment. However, there is no generally accepted position on this issue. Purpose: to determine the physical needs, motives and values for physical culture of elementary schoolchildren attending day-care centers. Materials and methods: the organization of the study is represented by conducting a diagnostic questionnaire of the needs, motivation and value spheres of physical culture of the 59 pupils of the 4th grades of secondary schools No. 24 and No. 59 of Gomel, visiting day-care centers. Results: the results of the questionnaire made it possible to see the actualization of nine physical education needs and values among puplis. The needs for physical education, physical education and motor skills acquired maximum importance. Physical education, which is not important for pupils, includes the needs for adequate physical education, health and physical education. Conclusion: a child cannot be an active and interested participant in physical education without a balanced system of physical education needs, motives and values. Therefore, to solve this problem, it is very important for a teacher to understand not only the structure and content of these spheres of human culture, to know the mechanisms for their formation, but also to know how to diagnose them. Keywords: demand-motivation sphere; elementary school pupils; motivation; physical education; motive; physical education environment; physicality; motor skills; physical fitness; physical education thinking

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (10) ◽  
Abdulrahman Nasser Alshahrany ◽  
Halijah Bt Ibrahim

Over recent decades, the common understanding of hearing impairment has improved.  People are more concerned with hearing impairment and have come to a consensus that care and positivity must be addressed. Therefore, recent trends in children with hearing disabilities inclusion have started in regular schools. The holistic training program provides opportunities for everyday people to learn about their abilities and special skills. The teacher needs to take care of the locomotive and object control skills of the child through the development of necessary motor skills to meet life requirements, such as walking, running, throwing, etc. The current study explores the ability of primary school children with hearing loss to incorporate an exergame to improve fundamental motor skills within an inclusive physical education classroom in Saudi Arabia. The study used a Qualitative Method and carried out a content analysis together with a Systematic Literature Review to understand the research carried out in this field. A detailed analysis was carried out of secondary data from articles indexed in Scopus and the websites of the scientific databases and other related documents in the field of study.  This study would expand the research awareness related to the success of vital engine skills in elementary school children with hearing impairment through the use of an exergame in comprehensive physical education.

Anang Setiawan ◽  
Yunyun Yudiana ◽  
Surdiniaty Ugelta ◽  
Seni Oktriani ◽  
Didik Rilastiyo Budi ◽  

The level of motor skills of elementary school students can be influenced by many things such as movement experience, the environment, and facilities for learning so that it also impacts on learning outcomes. This study intends to find out the differences in physical education and sports learning outcomes of floor gymnastic material from elementary school students who have high motor skills. Floor gymnastic learning material is used in two cooperative learning model strategies (Student Teams Achievement Divisions and Jigsaw). The research approach method used was an experiment with a Pre-Experimental design. The students' motor skills were measured using the Johnson Fundamental Skills Test, while the series of floor motion exercises for Grade V Elementary School students were used as research instruments. The results of his study showed that there were differences in physical education learning outcomes and sports materials on floor gymnastics, groups of students with the STAD strategy got better learning outcomes compared to the Jigsaw strategy group. So, it can be concluded that the use of the STAD strategy cooperative learning model for students with high motor skills gives a better influence than Jigsaw's strategy on learning outcomes of physical education and sports learning exercises for floor gymnastics.AbstrakTingkat keterampilan motorik siswa Sekolah Dasar bisa dipengaruhi oleh banyak hal seperti pengalaman gerak, lingkungan, serta fasilitas untuk pembelajaran sehingga berdampak pula terhadap hasil belajarnya. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga materi senam lantai dari siswa Sekolah Dasar yang memiliki keterampilan motorik tinggi. Materi pembelajaran senam lantai digunakan pada dua strategi model pembelajaran kooperatif (student Teams Achievement Divisions dan Jigsaw). Metode Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen dengan desain Pre-Experimental. Keterampilan motorik siswa diukur menggunakan Johnson Fundamental Skills Test, sedangkan rangkaian gerak senam lantai untuk siswa Sekolah Dasar kelas V digunakan sebagai instrumen penelitian. Hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga materi senam lantai, kelompok siswa dengan strategi STAD mendapatkan hasil belajar yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kelompok strategi Jigsaw. Sehingga, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran kooperatif strategi STAD kepada siswa dengan keterampilan motorik tinggi memberikan pengaruh yang lebih baik daripada strategi Jigsaw terhadap hasil belajar pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga materi pembelajaran senam lantai.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 289-297
Margarita Levkova ◽  
Alina Misjura ◽  
Evgeny Gusinets ◽  
Margarita Levkova ◽  

Physical education is the main objective of physical education in preschool educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. This is an integral part of the successful improvement of a diversified personality, both in the field of physical culture and in the connection with other areas of life. In this regard, the issue of increasing the level of formation of physical education knowledge, an integral part of the cognitive component of personal physical education, is currently very relevant in the education system at all its levels. The modern system of preschool and general secondary education in the field of physical education is aimed at creating knowledge and ideas about physical culture among pupils as a part of the general human culture, revealing and developing child’s physical abilities and, in general, increasing pupils’ interest in sports. Currently, new views and theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of physical education of preschoolers are emerging. Many experts in this field believe that it is possible to form an interest in physical culture in special conditions of kindergarten or out-of-school visits to sports sections. Other researchers see a solution to this problem in increasing the number of physical education classes or in educating the physical culture of the individual in a home environment. However, there is no generally accepted position in this regard. Purpose: to determine the physical needs, motives and values for physical culture of elementary schoolchildren attending day-care centers. Materials and methods: the organization of the study is represented by conducting a diagnostic questionnaire through test tasks developed by the authors, compiled taking into account the age characteristics of older preschool children on the basis of the Preschool Center for the Development of a Child in Chechersk. Results: the results of the study revealed the general level of formation of the cognitive component of personal physical education of older preschool children, as well as the most learned types of five basic physical education knowledge in boys and girls of preschool age: about physical exercise, health, personal hygiene, physical opportunities, the Olympic movement. Girls were found to have a higher overall level of physical education than boys in testing physical capabilities and the Olympic knowledge. Conclusion: without a balanced system of physical education knowledge a child cannot be an active and interested participant in physical education. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, it is very important for a teacher to understand not only the structure and content of this most important component of personal physical culture, to know the mechanisms for its formation, but also to possess the method of its diagnosis. Keywords: cognitive component; senior preschoolers; physical education knowledge; personal physical education; physical culture of the individual; physical education environment; physical education thinking.

2021 ◽  
pp. 32-37
Hryhorenko H.V. ◽  
Hryhorenko D.P.

Is provided theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature and legal framework, the relevance and ways to optimize the health function of education. Thepurpose is a theoretical analysis and general practical recommendations for physical culture and health work in the structure of educational institutions. Research methods: analysis, comparison, generalization; pedagogical observations, interviews, sample surveys, questionnaires; quantitative analysis of research data using methods of mathematical processing. Research participants: students and teachers of secondary schools of the city. The research was conducted in the context of educational activities of students in physical education lessons and extracurricular activities. Results.The system of physical culture and health and sports activities provided for the organization of extracurricular and extracurricular health, preventive educational activities, active recreation, relaxation, taking into account the workload, age and psychophysical development of students. Possibilities of pedagogical influence of the educational and improving environment and recreation are considered. There is a general description of the quest “Steps to Health”, the purpose of which is to involve students in active and regular physical education, education of a harmoniously developed, socialized personality. It is proposed to use in educational work the existing natural objects, historical monuments of the region for sports and recreation activities. The given examples of optimal forms of work, which have a positive effect on the formation of students' healthy worldview, confirm the data obtained from the study. The generalized practical recommendations concerning the organization of physical culture and improving work in general educational institutions in extracurricular time are stated.Conclusions. The use of various forms of measures for physical culture and health work, taking into account the psychophysical features provides a positive dynamics of the formation of a conscious attitude of students to physical culture, healthy lifestyle, health culture.Key words: physical culture and recreation work, technologies, forms, methods, recreation, health culture, extracurricular hours. У статті надано теоретичний аналіз науково-методичної літератури та законодавчої бази, визначено актуальність і шляхи оптимізації здоров’язберігаючої функції освіти. Мета статті полягає в теоретич-ному аналізі та загальних практичних рекомендаціях щодо фізкультурно-оздоровчої роботи в структурі діяльності навчальних закладів. Методи дослідження: аналіз, порівняння, узагальнення; педагогіч-ні спостереження, бесіди, вибіркове опитування, анкетування; кількісний аналіз даних дослідження з використанням методів математичного опрацювання. Учасники дослідження: учні й учителі загаль-ноосвітніх закладів міста. Дослідження проводилися в умовах навчально-виховної діяльності учнів на уроках фізичного виховання та заходах позакласної роботи. Результати. Наведено дані опитування щодо отримання необхідних знань з формування рухової активності, здорового способу життя, осо-бистісного ставлення учнів до фізкультурних і спортивних заходів спонукали до оптимізації роботи в школі. Система фізкультурно-оздоровчих і спортивних заходів передбачала організацію позаклас-них і позашкільних оздоровчих, превентивних виховних заходів, активного оздоровчого відпочинку, релаксації з урахуванням навчального навантаження, вікових особливостей і психофізичного розвитку учнів. Розглядаються можливості педагогічного впливу освітньо-оздоровчого середовища та рекреації. Надано загальний опис квесту «Кроки до здоров’я», мета якого – залучення школярів до активних і регулярних занять фізичною культурою, виховання гармонійно розвиненої, соціалізованої особисто-сті. Пропонується використання у виховній роботі наявних природних об’єктів, історичних пам’яток регіону для спортивно-оздоровчих заходів. Наведені приклади оптимальних форм роботи, які позитив-но впливають на формування в учнів здоров’ятворчого світогляду, підтверджують отримані дані прове-деного дослідження. Викладено узагальнені практичні рекомендації щодо організації фізкультурно-оз-доровчої роботи в загальноосвітніх навчальних закладаху позаурочний час. Висновки. Застосування різноманітних форм заходів з фізкультурно-оздоровчої роботи з урахуванням психофізичних особли-востей забезпечує позитивну динаміку формування свідомого ставлення учнів до фізичної культури, здорового способу життя, культури здоров’я.Ключові слова: фізкультурно-оздоровча робота, технології, форми, методи, рекреація, культура здоров’я, позаурочний час.

Aleksey Yurevich KONOVALOV

One of the priority directions of the state policy regarding people with disabilities is their professional adaptation and social integration into society. The use of adaptive physical education in most cases remains the only effective method of their physical rehabilitation and self-realization. However, nowadays the process of adaptive physical education needs to be improved, and the goal is to establish organizational and pedagogical conditions that increase and reduce motor activity among people with disabilities that are educated in the system of a regional inclusive secondary vocational education. As a result, the parameters have been established that affect the motor activity of people with disabilities: the category of violations found, smoking, age, mobility before entering the technical school, place of residence, sex, nutrition, workload, availability or absence of free time, availability or lack of conditions for practicing the desired physical culture and sports.

2017 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 27993 ◽  
Donesca Machado ◽  
Nadia Cristina Valentini ◽  
Alessandra Bombarda Müller ◽  
Keila Ruttnig Guidony Pereira

***Motor development, cognition and language in infants who attend day care centers***   AIMS: To evaluate the acquisition of motor milestones in the first two years of life and the relationship between gross motor function and manipulation, cognition and language in infants who attend day care centers.   METHODS: Cross-sectional study with a non-probabilistic sample of infants attending public and private day care centers in a city in southern Brazil. The Alberta Infant Motor Scale and the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development were used to assess the motor performance of each child. Descriptive statistics were used for the characterization of the sample and simple linear regression in three different age groups (group 1: between six and nine months; group 2: between 10 and 12 months; group 3: between 13 and 16 months) for the analysis of relationships between the variables gross and fine motor skills, cognition and language.   RESULTS: We studied 63 infants between six and 16 months of age who did not present statistically significant differences in their biological and sociodemographic characteristics when the three stratified groups were compared. Most children did not acquire the developmental milestones in the period expected for their age group. There was correlation between the developmental scores, and the gross motor function was able to explain a large part of the variability in the fine motor function, cognition and language scores (R2ajust>0.5) over the first two years of life.   CONCLUSIONS: The evaluated motor skills occurred generally late in the sample. The delay in the acquisition of gross motor milestones had an impact on the overall developmental skills, corroborating the influence of gross motor function in the other domains of development.

Carolina T. Souza ◽  
Denise C. C. Santos ◽  
Rute E. Tolocka ◽  
Letícia Baltieri ◽  
Nathália C. Gibim ◽  

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