Study on the tax culture and compliance with the obligations of the Arenales food market in the city of Ica [Estudio sobre la cultura tributaria y el cumplimiento de obligaciones mercado de abasto arenales de la ciudad de Ica]

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Alejandro Alfredo Quispe Mayuri ◽  
Edward Wilfredo Gutierrez Anchante ◽  
Leonidas Alejandro Maldonado Bendezú

This article deals with the study of the tax culture of the Arenales food market merchants in the city of Ica and how it affects compliance with obligations. The study seeks to strengthen the tax culture; which is understood as the set of values, beliefs and attitudes shared by a social group in relation to taxation, important factors that lead to constant compliance with tax obligations, in addition, it seeks that people assimilate knowledge about the subject matter and understand the importance of your tax responsibilities. It is concluded that the tax culture has a significant impact on the tax obligations of the Arenales food market merchants. In addition, a low level of tax culture is perceived that adversely affects compliance with tax obligations, these aspects occur because there is a deficient knowledge of tax management; where 53.0% state the lack of training. There are also serious deficiencies in relation to tax habits; where 58.9% express that they do not make their timely tax payments. And also a deficient tax awareness, where 50.3% do not issue payment vouchers, aspects that limit compliance with their tax obligations.

Erick Wijaya ◽  
Peby Pebriantara

Some of the problems in SMA IT Alia are currently the students having trouble if you have to get materials easily and quickly when students were out of school hours as well as students having trouble if you have to understand about materials when students permission did not go to school. It is hoped that this application can make it easier for students in getting information a course in the form of Chatbot, and allow teachers to get into the class of digital to access and upload the subject matter Moodle. Through technology Chatbot, in SMA IT Alia are currently students are expected to be questions and answer about understanding the subject matter. Chatbot can interpret the message given by the user, the process, the message, the excute what needs to chatbot do based on orders from users, and the outcome of the execution of programs are provided to users [1]. Based on the results of tests carried out, then it can be concluded that the construction of this application will results in application of learning to chatbot is based on android. Its is hoped that the construction of the application of learning to chatbot, the students in SMA IT Alia the city of Tangerang will facilitate in the activities of the study.

Ewa Waryś

The article presents the contemporary cultural landscape of the historical workers’ settlements, located within the current administrative boundaries of the city of Katowice. Selected building complexes are standardized in terms of typology and building design, but differ in terms of the conservation status and forms of protection. The aim of the discussion is to show the relationship between the artistic and architectural aesthetics and public spaces related to the industry. The subject matter is an attempt to draw attention to the problem of the conservation status of most parts of the historical complexes of residential buildings in Upper Silesia, their untapped potential and declining values.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Nurhawaisyah Nurhawaisyah

Mosiulika Mosijagai is the Kaili Ledo language in the city of Palu, Central Sulawesi Province. Mosiulika means "Say / say," Mosijagai means "Beware, be careful." In the assessment of skills, the "Mosiulika Mosijagai" method is still used. There are two things that are assessed, namely typing speed and typing accuracy. Of the 30 students tested, there were 19 (63.33%) students who completed, which reached a speed of ≥ 200 EPM as many as 8 (26.67%). In terms of typing accuracy, of the 30 students who were tested, all of them were complete, and those who reached ≥ 99% accuracy were 5 (16.67%). Classical completeness is 100% and classical absorption is 96.13%. The results of the knowledge assessment with the Plickers application are, of the 23 students who took the test with 14 questions that were displayed, there were 11 values ranging from 0 to 50. Only 2 students were able 50% answered questions, there were even students who did not answer correctly or in other words the acquisition was 0%. Classical completeness and classical absorption for typing speed and the realm of knowledge have not been achieved. This is due to constraints due to the lack of learning time in post-natural disasters, while increasing speed requires sufficient time to increase the number of exercises. As for the incompleteness in the realm of knowledge because students as survivors, who have not fully recovered from trauma, still find it difficult to fully concentrate on the subject matter.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Lailatul Rofiah

The main actor in education is a teacher. the task of the teacher is not only to enter the class, convey the subject matter, give assignments, then finish, but the teacher has the task of how the students who have diverse characteristics can be active and have creative thinking. Before transmitting their creativity to students, the teacher as an educator must know the creative potential that must be possessed. Teacher creativity can arise if the teacher is active in activities / training conducted at school or outside the school such as active activities in the MGMP, active in MGMP can arise if the teacher has high work motivation. The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the effect of teacher's work motivation on the creativity of economic teachers in high schools throughout the city of Malang, (2) the effect of MGMP activeness on the creativity of economic teachers in high schools throughout Malang, (3) the influence of teacher's work motivation and activeness in MGMP, towards the creativity of economic teachers in high schools throughout Malang. The results of this study are teacher work motivation and activeness in MGMP together have a significant effect on the creativity of economic teachers in high schools throughout Malang City. Related to this research, it is suggested that: the teacher develops his abilities and skills to prepare, implement and evaluate learning that is more creative and innovative again by following trainings carried out at school and outside the school.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-174
Thiago Douglas Silva de Medeiros ◽  
Saulo Roberto de Oliveira Vital ◽  
Jeane Medeiros Silva ◽  
Flávia Luana Dantas

A Geografia Física precisa de mudanças em sua didática, para que possa ser mais bem compreendida pelos alunos. Inovar as metodologias e desprender-se da exclusividade do livro didático é um primeiro passo. Assim, o presente trabalho traz a experiência de um estágio supervisionado, onde foi realizada uma intervenção pedagógica em uma escola da rede pública de ensino da cidade de Caicó/RN. O objetivo foi aproximar o conteúdo de hidrografia à realidade dos alunos, para que houvesse um melhor entendimento da temática abordada e para que os mesmos entendessem a importância dos reservatórios artificiais para a região do Seridó Potiguar. A partir de então, foi possível perceber que o interesse maior dos discentes em aprender um conteúdo geográfico ocorre quando se desenvolvido uma aula onde não se usa, somente, o livro didático, mas também o auxílio de outros recursos e busca-se familiarizar o tema às vivências dos estudantes.Palavras-chave: Hidrografia, Reservatórios artificiais, Ensino de Geografia. ABSTRACTPhysical Geography needs changes in its didactics so that the students can better understand it. Innovating the methodologies and to detach of the exclusivity of the textbook is a first step. Thus, the present work brings the experience of a supervised internship, where a pedagogical intervention was carried out in a public school in the city of Caicó / RN. The objective was to bring the hydrographic content closer to the students' reality, so that a better understanding of the subject matter could be understood and for them to understand the importance of the artificial reservoirs for the Seridó Potiguar region. From then on, it was possible to perceive that the students' greatest interest in learning a geographic content occurs when a class has been developed where not only the textbook is used, but also through of other resources and it is sought to familiarize the theme the experiences of the students.Keywords: Hydrography, Artificial Reservoirs, Geography Teaching. RESUMENLa geografía física necesita cambios en su didáctica para que los estudiantes puedan entenderla mejor. Innovar metodologías y lanzar exclusividad de libros de texto es un primer paso. Así, el presente trabajo trae la experiencia de una pasantía supervisada, donde se realizó una intervención pedagógica en una escuela pública de la ciudad de Caicó / RN. El objetivo era acercar el contenido hidrográfico a la realidad de los estudiantes, para que se entendiera mejor el tema abordado y para que entendieran la importancia de los reservorios artificiales para la región de Seridó Potiguar. A partir de entonces, fue posible darse cuenta de que el mayor interés de los estudiantes en aprender un contenido geográfico ocurre cuando se desarrolla una clase donde no solo se usa el libro de texto, sino también la ayuda de otros recursos y busca familiarizar el tema a las experiencias de los alumnos.Palabras clave: hidrografía, reservorios artificiales, enseñanza de geografía.

the first place through inflationary financing. In subsequent rounds of the operation of the multiplier, however, the effects would be similar on the whole to those obtaining from domestically financed investment. Perhaps a brief mention should be made of the probable operation of a negative multiplier as well. The decline in the Handicrafts & Small Scale Industrial sector can partly be attributed to the uncertainties and restrictions imposed upon the private sector by the Revolution, but it could certainly also be attributed in part to the decline in demand that the inflationary process would have caused, as higher proportions of family budgets were being diverted to those producing and/or trading in foodstuffs. Finally, our analysis based on n and y runs in terms of national aggregates, although clearly the model underlying it is one involving inter-sectoral transfers of marketed surplus from agriculture to non-agriculture. This aggregation conceals some important aspects of the process. First, it ignores the possibility of non-inflationary productive investments based on rural labour accumu-lation, and thereby exaggerates the strategic necessity of extracting and transferring rural surplus product. Second, it ignores the fact that the rural sector is largely insulated from the urban food market, since it has the first claim to foodgrain consumption. The implication follows that the urban areas are thus rendered even more vulnerable to variations in agricultural output and marketed product. This fact was starkly highlighted by the recent Ethiopian experience, and the extreme consequences for the urban population form the subject matter of the following section which documents the im-poverishment of an increasing proportion of urban households.

2019 ◽  
pp. 275-300
Stanley Finger

Gall and Spurzheim arrived in Paris during October 1807, while the Napoleonic Wars were still raging and where Napoleon Bonaparte was reshaping every aspect of society. Napoleon despised foreigners and considered Gall’s doctrine absurd. He urged Georges Cuvier, one of his appointed guardians of French science, to reject it. Nonetheless, Gall made inroads, giving public lectures and demonstrations on his organologie that were well received, while seeing patients to support himself. Encouraged by these ventures, he and Spurzheim wrote a Mémoire and submitted it to the Institut National in 1808. Cuvier, who headed the evaluating committee and was being guided by Napoleon, rejected it as unoriginal and unsuitable for the division for Sciences Mathématiques et Physiques, even though the subject matter was basic anatomy and not more controversial organologie. Gall was furious and sent letters expressing his disappointment to Cuvier, but to no avail. Consequently, he published a book covering the submission, the rejection, and his retorts. And rather than leaving France, he opted to continue his lecturing and medical practice in the city with many amenities, and he continued to work on a series of volumes he was already calling his “great work.”

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-234
Shtendera A ◽  

The paper focuses on the author's method of assessing pedestrian and transport mobility of residents of modern multi-storey buildings and complexes. The study of transport routes in cities is the subject matter of entire scientific and design institutes, therefore, the method has been designed to make architects, researchers, developers and urban planners aware of a housing unit in terms of its accessibility, as well as to assess its impact on the city.

Elżbieta Kaczmarska

This article presents selected districts of Valencia and the gradual transformation of their image. The formulation of an appropriate strategy of action and the effect of an example that were initiated by the construction of the City of Arts and Sciences have broken through the stagnation in thinking about space. Revitalisation efforts have been initiated in many of the city’s districts, as well as in its suburban zone. The great explosion of ideas and emotions also carried over to expanding the historical traditions of the city and the holistic, multi-directional approach to the subject matter of renewal, providing the city with economic stimulation. The author’s own analyses presented in the article pertain to Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias (City of Arts and Sciences), the new development of the Poblats Marítims coastal district, the Ciutat Fallera district and the Orba district of the town of Alfafar, located in Valencia’s metropolitan area. Various proposals for transforming the spatial structure of these districts point to the possibility of conducting an experimental hybrid policy intended to reconcile economic rescaling, entrepreneurship and cultural regionalism in the planned landscape.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-62
Muhammad Amin ◽  
Neni Mulyani ◽  
Uswatun Hasanah

Abstract: The design of the 12 V amplifier module which was held at SMK Negeri 5 in the city of Tanjungbalai, received from 80 students whose dedication was conducted, more than 75 students successfully completed the 12 V amplifier assembly project and the category was successful, and 3 students were only able to reinforce the transfer project. but it can not be lit and 2 more students can not finish to the end. The 12 V amplifier module design training aims to increase the capacity to increase the skills in the practicum field, especially in the field of audio video engineering which is pursued according to the existing majors. The subject matter in service at SMK 5 Tanjungblai, discussing the 12 volt amplifier work system, schematic designer to PCB board, testing electronic components using digital multitester and testing amplifiers using input from the mobile jack and oscilloscope.Keywords: 12 Volt Amplifier, Service, SMK 5 TanjungbalaiAbstrak: Perancangan modul amplifier 12 Volt yang diadakan di SMK Negeri 5 kota tanjungbalai, mendapatai dari 80 siswa yang mengikuti pengabdian yang dilakukan, lebih dari 75 siswa berhasil menyelesikan project perakitan amplifier 12 V dan tergologn kategori berhasil, dan 3 siswa hanya mampu menyelesaikan project amplifier, tetapi tidak bisa menyala dan 2 siswa lagi tidak bisa menyelesaikan sampai akhir. Pelatihan perancangan modul amplifier 12 V, ini bertujuan untuk menambah kompetensi siswa untuk meningkatkan hardskill dibidang praktikum, khususnya dibidang produktif jurusan teknik audio video yang ditekuni sesuai jurusan yang diambil. Pokok bahasan dalam pengabdian di SMK Negeri 5 Tanjungblai, membahas tentang sistem kerja amplifier 12 volt, perancangan scematik ke board PCB , pengujian komponen elektronik dengan menggunakan multitester digital dan pengujian amplifier dengan menggunakan input dari jack handphone dan oscilloscope. Kata Kunci: Amplifier 12 Volt, Pengabdian, SMK Negeri 5 Tanjungbalai

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