2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Jefryadi Jefryadi

The 2013 curriculum-based integrative thematic learning model is a learning strategy that involves several subjects into a learning theme that uses an interdisciplinary approach to provide meaningful experiences to students in the learning process. The application of this learning model requires adequate infrastructure and mature teacher understanding concepts. Integration and success in this learning model can be seen from the aspect of understanding of the learning model, aspects of the learning strategy, and aspects of the use of media in learning. Because every teacher has their own characteristics in conveying learning to students, in order to achieve learning objectives. Therefore the writer wants to examine more deeply how the application of the 2013 curriculum-based integrative thematic learning model in MIN Yogyakarta II and MI Ma'had Islamy Kotagede Yogyakarta?. This study aims to determine the mastery of integrative thematic learning models, the strategies applied and the media used by teachers in the application of integrative thematic learning models. This research is categorized in the type of field research (Field Research) which is descriptive with qualitative research methods using theories about integrative thematic learning models then proceed to drawing conclusions. The results showed that in general these two institutions had applied the integrative thematic learning model well. The teacher's mastery of the learning model and the methods used by the teacher in linking learning material are already good so that learning becomes a unified and meaningful whole for students. Then the strategies used by the teacher in planning learning activities, preliminary activities, core activities and closing activities are quite diverse and adjusted to the needs and interests of students. The media used have their respective characteristics and are always adapted to the learning material to be taught. Although they have differences in learning strategies and the media used in teaching, however, they have the same goal of achieving success in teaching so that the expected goals can be achieved and provide meaningful experiences to students.

Achmad Abdul Munif ◽  
Mokh. Fakhruddin S ◽  
Tatak Winata

This study began with the OME AKE learning model applied at MTs Al-Arief Jati Gili Genting Sumenep Madura, students were active in learning, even academic and non-academic achievements of students were very good. The study of this research is the application of the OME AKE learning model in MTs. Al-Arief Jate Gili Genteng Sumenep. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of field research (field research). Steps The application of the OME AKE learning model in increasing the learning activeness of students at MTs Al-Arief Jate-Gili Genting-Sumenep runs according to the educational process standards. In learning, it refers to the syntax that is determined, with the first steps being learning orientation, modeling, topic exploration, analysis and problem solving, communicating the results and evaluation. The implementation of the OME AKE learning model in increasing student learning activeness is in children's learning being invited to do orientation or introduction to learning material, especially from the aspect of knowledge, after that children play a role according to their respective tasks, the children then analyze the material in detail, after the analysis is done then the results are conveyed to his friends in the form of presentations in groups and in class, the teacher then gives an evaluation of the process and results of the students. Students actively learn: such as paying attention (visual activities), listening, discussing, students 'readiness to ask questions, students' courage, listening and solving problems (mental activities).  

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 302-307
Tulus ◽  
Muhammad Zarlis ◽  
Sawaluddin ◽  
M.R. Syahputra

The term learning model is distinguished from the term learning strategy, method learning or learning procedure. The term learning model has broader meaning than a strategy, approach, method or procedure. Learning models are patterns of interaction between students, teachers, and material learning that includes strategies, approaches, methods and techniques learning. Elaborate that learning strategies are tactics or tips planned by the teacher related to the whole preparation of learning can be achieved effectively. While the approach is the way taken by the teacher in the implementation of learning so that the active ideas presented can be adapted to then be understood by students. There are two types of active learning, namely: a methodological approach and material approach. Methodological approach concerns the way students Adapting the active ideas presented into their cognitive structures that are in line in the way taken by the teacher in presenting learning materials the. Examples of methodological approaches are intuitive, analytic, synthetic, spiral, inductive, deductive, thematic, realistic and heuristic. The result of this research is  the material approach able to present an active concept through other active concepts already owned by students. The example presents the concept of addition with using the number line or set approach.

Indah Ayu Lestari ◽  
Imam Mustafa Kamal ◽  
Yola Oktariandini

The purpose of this writing is to motivate and encourage teachers to improve the quality of learning with more interesting learning models. In addition, this writing aims to motivate students to be more active in the learning process and can also improve the quality of learning. In general, the implementation of the learning process is only carried out using less varied learning methods that make students tend to be inactive and not develop. These problems must be taken seriously, especially by the teacher. Teachers must be able to inspire students to be actively involved in the learning process. The selection and determination of appropriate learning strategies in accordance with the characteristics of students will certainly produce the desired learning goals. To make it happen, it can be combined with the Realistic Mathematics learning model with Task and Forced Learning Strategies. Realistic Mathematics Learning Model is a learning method that is oriented towards mathematical everyday experiences and applying mathematics in everyday life. Meanwhile, the Task and Forced Learning Strategy is a strategy that focuses on assigning tasks that require students to finish on time so that the learning process can run effectively. Forced and forced learning strategies were chosen to complement and perfect the implementation of realistic mathematics learning models in the classroom. The researcher tried to combine this method in order to be able to see a significant effect on students' understanding in solving problems that occurred. The incorporation of Realistic Mathematics learning models with Task and Forced Learning Strategies is expected to have an influence on increasing students' understanding in completing tasks, and making student learning outcomes better, and expected to be able to make students develop their respective creativity. Keywords: Learning, Realistic Mathematics, Task and Forced Learning Strategies

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-25
Norma Yunaini

This study aims to namely the design of appropriate learning models for children with special needs in inclusive classes. This research is important to understands the learning of special needs students according to their needs and characteristics, to achieve optimal learning. The type of research that researchers do is field research (Field Research) based on qualitative research. This study resulted in three conclusions, namely: 1) classical learning model. 2) contextual learning model. 3) direct learning model. The process includes concrete learning media that are easy to find and easy to use.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Fatma Wati

This type of research is a field research (field research) with quantitative approach. This study used an experimental method that is pre-experimental design. The study population was students grade XI MA Siti Mariam, and sampling using sampling saturated. Data analysis techniques in this research is descriptive statistics, normality test, heteroscedasticity test and simple linear regression. The results show that there is active learning strategies influence the type of the great wind blows toward student learning outcomes in the material in the limit of infinite grade XI MA Siti Mariam 2015/2016 school year, as indicated by thitung> t table (6.532> 2.120) and the regression coefficients X amounted to 0.632 states that any type of active learning strategies influence the great wind blows (X) rose unit then learning results in an infinite limit students will increase by 0.632 units. In R2 test known type of active learning strategies the great wind blows has the effect of 73% for improved learning outcomes in infinite limit.                                                                                                  Keywords: influence, active learning, the great wind blows, the limit at infini

Annisa Faidah Hasanah ◽  
Linda Ari Wibowo ◽  
Lamtioma Rinca Pardede

The purpose of this writing is to make students more active, discipline able to work together, in the learning process and also can improve learning creativity. The learning process in Indonesia is currently too monotonous and runs as it is without focusing on learning. So, this problem must be taken seriously, especially by the teacher. Therefore, the teacher must be able to inspire students to be actively involved in the learning process. The selection and determination of learning strategies that are most appropriate to the characteristics of students will certainly produce the desired learning goals. To make it happen, a merger of Collaborative Learning Mathematical Learning Model with Task and Forced Learning Strategy is combined. Collaborative Learning is a Learning Model that forms groups that makes it easier for teachers and students to complete learning material. Task and Forced Learning Strategies are strategies that focus on giving assignments and a little coercion so that students complete their tasks on time so that the learning process can run effectively. By modifying the Collaborative Learning Mathematics Learning Model with Task Learning Strategies and Forces students will motivate students that learning is the responsibility, all students will be more active, creative, and disciplined in learning, making students not delay work or assignments given, and will make group work becomes solid. To apply the Collaborative Learning Mathematics Learning Model with Task and Forced Learning Strategies teachers should have better and more mature planning. The teacher should master and understand the rules in the Collaborative Learning Mathematical Learning Model with Task and Forced Learning Strategies, and the teacher must always motivate students to be more active in learning.

Lea Christy Restu Kinasih ◽  
Dewi Fatimah ◽  
Veranica Julianti

The selection and determination of appropriate learning strategies can improve the results to be obtained from the application of classroom learning models. This writing aims to discipline students to develop individual abilities of students to be more active in the learning process and improve the quality of learning. The learning process in Indonesia in general only uses conventional learning models that make students passive and undeveloped. In order for the quality of learning to increase, the Team Assisted Individualization learning model is combined with the task learning and forced strategies. The Team Assisted Individualization cooperative learning model is one of the cooperative learning models that combines learning individually and in groups. Meanwhile, task and forced learning strategies are strategies that focus on giving assignments that require students to complete them on time so that the learning process can run effectively. Students are required to do assignments according to the given deadline. This makes students become familiar with the tasks given by the teacher. Combining or modifying the learning model of the assisted individualization team with forced and forced learning strategies is expected to be able to make students more active, disciplined, independent, creative in learning and responsible for the tasks assigned. Therefore this method of incorporation is very necessary in the learning process and can be applied to improve the quality of learning in schools.

Tita Mila Mustofani ◽  
Ita Hartinah

This writing aims to help teachers to increase motivation, activity, creativity, and critical thinking of students in solving problems in class. The way to increase student motivation in learning in class is to choose the right learning model with ongoing learning material. One learning model that increases students' creativity and critical thinking in problem solving is a Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model. To improve students' insights in order to easily solve problems there is a need to do tasks, if students do not do the task then they must accept the agreed upon consequences when making learning contracts, thus modifying the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model with task strategies and forced. The results of the modification of learning with the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model through forced and forced strategies are expected to improve the learning process so that students become more disciplined and do not waste time doing assignments. The advantages of modifying the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model with task and forced learning strategies are increasing student learning motivation, improving the quality of learning, training students' understanding by giving assignments continuously, teaching discipline to students in order to be accountable for tasks assigned, and reducing laziness in students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 55-77
Nurhasnah Nurhasnah ◽  
Yogia Prihartini

The Arabic learning process is directed to encourage, guide, develop, and foster students' Arabic language skills, Arabic language skills will also support students in understanding the sources of Islamic teachings, such as the Al-Qur'an and Hadith, and other books that use Arabic . In the Arabic learning process, it is expected that students will have good abilities in learning Arabic. To achieve the expected objectives, the Hiwar learning strategy is to use the Hiwar (conversation) method. The lesson material consists of fluency in speaking by using Arabic.This research is a field research in the form of descriptive qualitative research. Data collection was carried out by interview, observation and documentation. The data analysis used is descriptive in the form of secondary data and primary data. In analyzing the data, it begins with examining the data, after the data is collected then its contents are clarified and analyzed, then interpreted and concluded. The Arabic learning process at MAN 1 Payakumbuh has been implemented in accordance with the existing curriculum, based on Content Standards (SI) and Graduates Competency Standards (SKL), which explains that learning Arabic at Islamic Senior High School is a process of activities directed at encouraging, guiding, develop and develop fushha Arabic language skills, by prioritizing the ability to read and understand reading material. The ability to speak and compose sentences is aimed at strengthening reading skills, which is the main goal of learning, namely the ability to communicate as well as a provision for understanding Islamic teachings from the original sources, namely Al-Quran and Al-hadith. The conclusion of this study is that it turns out that students are still not able to carry out good faith in Arabic and cannot use it in daily conversations, because the learning strategies used are still not optimal due to the lack of media and supporting infrastructure that support the learning process of Hiwar. So that it hasn't got maximum results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Pudun Tadam

Abstract: Strategic Learning involves Learning Strategies and Teaching Strategies that can help bring success to a student. The research objective answers the question: What is the meaning of a Learning Strategy? What is an Effective Learning Strategy? What are the Learning Strategies among Teachers against Students in the Context of Solving Learning Difficulties? The answer is: Learning strategies are the methods that will be selected and used by a teacher to deliver learning material that aims to make it easier for students to receive and understand learning material, which in the end can be mastered learning objectives at the end of learning activities. Three aspects of effective learning strategies are: (1) Students Need Continuous Strategic Instruction. (2) Teachers Promote Self-Awareness in Metacognition in the Classroom. (3) Teachers Can Recognize and Understand Different Learning Profiles. Learning Strategies between Teachers and Students in the Context of Solving Learning Difficulties are: (1) learning difficulties manifested in classrooms, (2) difficulties demonstrated by students in classrooms, and (3) strategies to help students who have difficulty paying attention in class . Abstrak: Strategic Learning melibatkan Strategi Pembelajaran dan Strategi Pengajaran yang dapat membantu membawa kejayaan kepada seorang mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian menjawab pertanyaan: Apakah pengertian Strategi Pembelajaran? Bagaimanakah Strategi Pembelajaran yang Efektif? Bagaimanakah Strategi Pembelajaran di antara Guru terhadap Siswa dalam Konteks Memecahkan Kesulitan Belajar? Jawabannya adalah: Strategi pembelajaran adalah cara-cara yang akan dipilih dan digunakan oleh seorang pengajar untuk menyampaikan materi pembelajaran yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan peserta didik menerima dan memahami materi pembelajaran, yang pada akhirnya tujuan pembelajaran dapat dikuasainya di akhir kegiatan belajar. Tiga hal strategi pembelajaran yang efektif adalah: (1) Siswa  Memerlukan Instruksi Strategi yang Berkelanjutan. (2) Guru  Mempromosikan Kesadaran Diri dalam Metakognisi di Kelas. (3) Guru-guru Dapat Mengenali dan Memahami Profil Pembelajaran yang Berbeda. Strategi Pembelajaran di antara Guru terhadap Siswa dalam Konteks Memecahkan Kesulitan Belajar adalah: (1) kesulitan belajar dimanifestasi dalam bilik kelas, (2) kesulitan didemonstrasi oleh siswa dalam bilik kelas, dan (3) strategi-strategi untuk membantu siswa yang kesulitan perhatian di kelas.

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