Kozihora M.A.

Purpose. The aim of the article is to determine the conceptual content of continuous traumatic stress and the contexts of its application. Methods. The investigation uses methods of the literature theoretical study in combination with analysis, synthesis and generalization. Results. The article presents the results of the analysis of the main psychological literature sources to determine the conceptual content of the prolonged traumatic stress concept. The main application contexts of the continuous traumatic stress concept are singled out and analyzed: the context of man - caused and natural disasters, the military context, the contexts of domestic violence and pandemics. The leading feature of continuous traumatic stress caused by disasters has been found to be that they cannot determine the exact time when one traumatic event ended and another began. A sign of prolonged traumatic stress in servicemen who are in the combat zone is that they are not only there, but also directly involved in the action. Equally important is the context of domestic violence against women and children. It was found that women who are constantly in such stressful situations, constantly feel discomfort when communicating with men. Children who experience prolonged domestic violence have broken relationships with adults and lack communication skills with peers. The introduction of quarantine in connection with a pandemic has been identified as a continuous traumatic and stressful situation. The pandemic situation has a negative impact not only on the social status, but also on the psychological state of people, including the most vulnerable groups: health workers, people with chronic diseases and the elderly. After the disease, some people experience fear, anxiety, depression, which disappear in a few months. Conclusions. The results of the study allowed us to conclude that prolonged traumatic stress indicates the impact of past, present and future stressors, which cannot be avoided. This concept is used in several contexts: man-made and natural disasters, the military context, the contexts of domestic violence and pandemics. Traumatic situations have not only social but also psychological impact, which manifests itself both immediately and sometime after a long traumatic experience.Key words: constant danger, traumatic event, domestic violence, military conflicts, psychological trauma, pandemic. Мета. Метою статті є визначення концептуального змісту тривалого травматичного стресу та контексти його застосування. Методи. У дослідженні використано методи теоретичного вивчення літератури в сукупності аналізу, синтезу й узагальнення. Результати. У статті представлено результати аналізу основних психологічних літературних джерел щодо визначення концептуального змісту поняття тривалого травматичного стресу. Виділено та проаналізовано основні контексти застосування поняття тривалого травматичного стресу: контекст техногенних і природних катастроф, військовий контекст, контексти домашнього насилля та пандемії. З’ясовано, що провідною особливістю тривалого травматичного стресу людей внаслідок катастроф є те, що вони не можуть визначити точний час моменту, коли одна травмуюча подія закінчилась, а інша розпочалася. Ознакою тривалого травматичного стресу у військовослужбовців, які перебувають у зоні проведення бойових дій, є те, що вони не тільки там перебувають, а й беруть безпосередню участь у діях. Не менш важливим є контекст домашнього насильства щодо жінок та дітей. Виявлено, що жінки, які постійно перебувають у таких стресових ситуаціях, постійно відчувають дискомфорт під час спілкування з чоловіками. У дітей, які переживають тривале домашнє насильство, порушуються зв’язки з дорослими, є недостатня кількість навичок спілкування з однолітками. Визначено, що тривалою травматичною і стресовою ситуацією є введення карантину у зв’язку з пандемією. Ситуація пандемії негативно впливає не тільки на соціальний статус, а й на психологічний стан осіб, зокрема найбільш уразливих груп: медпрацівників, осіб із хронічними захворюваннями, літніх людей. Після перенесеної хвороби деякі люди відчувають страх, занепокоєння, депресію, які за декілька місяців зникають. Висновки. Результати дослідження дали змогу дійти висновків про те, щотривалий травматичний стрес позначає вплив минулих, теперішніх та майбутніх стресорів, яких неможливо уникнути. Це поняття застосовується в декількох контекстах: техногенних та природних катастроф, військовому контексті, контекстах домашнього насильства та пандемії. Травматичні ситуації мають не лише соціальний, а й психологічний вплив, що проявляється як одразу, так і за деякий час після тривалого травматичного досвіду.Ключові слова: постійна небезпека, травмуюча подія, домашнє насильство, військові конфлікти, психологічна травма, пандемія.

World Science ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 71-79
Рыбык Л. А.

The preambule gives the reasons for the relevance of the problem of experiencing the loss and grief of the perished law enforcers` wives in Ukraine, providing them with psychological counseling and the necessary psychological assistance based on the modern scientific heritage, world and local practical experience. The aim of the study is to examine the theoretical and practical approaches of providing psychological assistance to widows, as well as to analyze the impact of psychological assistance on the overall level of adaptive grieving.The main part reveals the main theoretical and practical approaches to the definition of varieties, structure and content of systemic psychological support based on extreme psychology and crisis intervention. It was noted the necessity of providing emotional support and psychological assistance at the early stages of experiencing grief and loss. It presents the brief description of the factors influencing psychological state of the person, who is in an emergency situation - the sudden death of a loved one.The concept of adaptive and non-adaptive ways of responding to stress factors, based on a study by E. Lindemann, is considered. Psychological reactions are described that correspond to different phases of a crisis state after a traumatic event, accordingly to the studies of D. Aguilera and J. Messick. The results of a comparative experimental psychological examination of the perished law enforcers` wives are set out in order to determine the significance of individual factors of socio-psychological adaptation for the formation of effective psych correctional programs. Statistically reliable data on the impact of psychological support on the general level of socio-psychological adaptation are obtained. In conclusion, it is stated the reasonability of providing the psychological assistance in case of loss, taking into account the hierarchy of personal problems. Experimentally proven that, when providing systemic psychological assistance, there is a tendency towards to of adaptability and emotional comfort indicators, decrease of level and moving away from problem situations avoidance.

Jasim Anwar

With the ever-increasing number of natural disasters, it is important to understand the impact on the health and wellbeing of survivors, especially women. The reproductive and mental health of women contributes significantly to their overall wellbeing. The Chapter gives an overview of natural disasters with an emphasis on consequences of earthquakes of health and wellbeing of the survivors. It includes a critical review of published studies on psychological trauma and reproductive health following earthquake disasters. Among the psychological consequences of earthquakes, this chapter describes post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety. The last section of this chapter reviewed reproductive health in relation to the mental health consequences following natural disasters.

O. Tokhtamysh

This topic is particularly relevant in the context of combat operations in eastern Ukraine against the occupation of the country, where members of the combined forces operation in each day are in a situation threatening the life and risk of getting a military psychological trauma. The article considers the elements and conditions of post-traumatic growth in the context of the rehabilitation process and the social promotion of human development after a traumatic event. The phenomenon of post-traumatic growth can transform the concept of rehabilitation into a term that can be labeled as "proabilitation". The forms of social and rehabilitation support in terms of creating conditions for post-traumatic growth and their effectiveness are explored. The theoretical and applied models with resource elements of the rehabilitation process and post-traumatic growth process are analyzed. It is noted that the traditional model of posttraumatic growth pay attention to the process of rumination and getting control over it and ignores one of the basic symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder, such as uncontrolled visual images (flash backs). The two-component concept of post-traumatic growth, which may be «illusory» or «adaptive», can also be presented as a «compensatory» or «healing» type with regard to the presence or absence of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms after reaching post-traumatic growth. Posttraumatic growth occurs in several domains and can be depending on the type of traumatic event experienced, the individual reactions and the psychological qualities of the person. This process is not such that it automatically eliminates the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, the same, rejecting the need for psychotherapeutic and psychosocial care and focusing only on post-traumatic growth can be a false strategy for those who have experienced a traumatic event. Consequently, the phenomenon of post-traumatic growth can be regarded as a powerful resource factor for the rehabilitation process, in particular, as a motivational component of psychosocial assistance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 111-119
G. N. Savchenko ◽  
O. V. Koltsova

Aim objective is to study the relationship between the viability of HIV-infected women and their psychological state, lifelong orientations, and coping strategies for developing psychological intervention.Materials and methods. The study participants were patients of the St. Petersburg Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS. The questionnaire includes the socio-demographic characteristics of women. «Resilience Test» S. Muddy, test «Meaningful Life Orientations» (SJO) D. A. Leont’ev, Stress Management Strategies (SACS) Questionnaire C. Hobfall, the SSD-12 scale evaluates the psychological stress associated with somatic symptoms. The Impact of Event Scale is designed to measure specific human responses to stressors, where a common scale measures the degree to which a response to HIV infection is a traumatic event.Results. The average age of women who participated in the training is 38.9 years. 48,1% (13/27) have higher education. 37% (10/27) have No children. 48,1% (13/27) of women are single (do not have a permanent sexual partner). 33,3% (9/27) of the participants were diagnosed with HIV infection less than a year ago. The training included a complex of three classes. Participants gathered once a week from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The group was open. Those who completed a set of three classes were asked to fill out a feedback form. The indicators of the «Resilience» test at a high level of statistical significance are positively associated with the indicators of the LSS «General Intelligence», «Goals in Life», «Life Process», «Life Efficiency», «Locus of Control-I», «Locus of Control-Life». The severity of the perception of the diagnosis of HIV infection as a traumatic event has a two-way connection with psychological tension (at the cognitive, affective and behavioral levels), a negative connection with the meaning of life orientations and the need to find the «source» of the meaning of life at the moment. The traumatic effect of HIV infection is associated with aggressive behavior, difficulties in the meaningfulness of what is happening, with a loss of vigilance and self-confidence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 168-178
Yulianna Yasenchuk

The article outlines the main aspects of provision of rehabilitation services for servicemen and participants in the antiterrorist operation. The concept of psychological rehabilitation in the context of a systematic approach is considered in details and its main features are formed. Special attention is paid to the study of previous work, to the mechanism of providing rehabilitation services to all servicemen. In the context of the current tasks, the legal base on this issue, the approved and priority initiatives was investigated. The most frequent distribution among the demobilized soldiers of antiterrorist operation is occupied by people with the main characteristics of post-traumatic stress disorder. The percentage correlation with such features in 2015-2017 was investigated and the main aspects of the mechanism of ensuring the full maintenance of social support were formed.Military actions and the conduct of the antiterrorist operation led to increase in the number of psychological stress disorders among the military. In the course of work we managed to find out that since the beginning of the antiterrorist operation and to date, the system of psychological rehabilitation of the military is gradually improving, but the question remains its effective functioning and compliance with world standards.After returning to a peaceful life, soldiers should be involved in rehabilitation activities and receive comprehensive complex rehabilitation in accordance with individual programs.The question was also raised on the issue of soldiers with post-traumatic stress, who had undergone rehabilitation and rehabilitation and required long-term social support. The most effective in reducing the impact of post-traumatic stress disorder is the integration of the soldiers’ negative experience in order to use it for personal growth, self-development, self-realization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 65-85
Kristia Novia ◽  
Tita Hariyanti ◽  
Laily Yuliatun

Natural disasters are still a matter of the world until today. The events pose not only physical impact but also psychological impacts that leave deep sorrow and fear. The survivors of the disaster felt they were at a very unsettled condition, felt very fearful, felt agitated for uncertain circumstances, and became very easily panicked until they could experience anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This systematic review aims to identify the impact–effects often posed by natural disasters on the soul health of survivors. Data searching is done on the Proquest, Pubmed, Science Direct, Sage, and Scopus databases that were converged in the 2013 to 2019 ranges. The psychological impact experienced by the victims after natural disaster events are depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), fear, suicide experiments, and other mental health disorders such as mood changes and a loss of interest in an activity. Natural disasters can hurt the mental health of the victims. If the psychological problems that occur to the victims are not immediately addressed, the victims will fall on more mental severe disorder conditions.

2018 ◽  
Emily Berger ◽  
Matthew Carroll ◽  
Darryl Maybery ◽  
Dylan Harrison

Children from disadvantaged backgrounds often experience high levels of traumatic stress from multiple sources, however, little is known about their experiences and the responses of their teachers following disasters. The aim of this study was to examine, from the perspective of teachers, the impact of a critical community-wide traumatic event on student and staff wellbeing, student learning and teaching practices at a specialist school for disadvantaged and displaced youth in Australia. Eight school staff were interviewed, including administrative, teaching and support personnel, with their responses interpreted using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Results focused largely on the impact of the event and the resultant relocation of the school, on staff and student health, reduced opportunities for learning, changes to teaching and student engagement, and the strengths and limitations of the trauma-informed approach of the school. Implications for teacher education and school trauma-informed models are discussed.

2020 ◽  
pp. 135910452098002
Ioanna Giannopoulou ◽  
Clive Richardson ◽  
Danai Papadatou

In our prospective study, 168 adolescents exposed directly or indirectly to the same traumatic event—a fatal school bus accident—in which seven students were killed instantly, were assessed for post-traumatic stress, depression and grief symptoms at 2- and 18-months post-accident. Prevalence rates of likely PTSD and depression were noted across all types of physical proximity exposure: 77.6% and 48.1% respectively in the indirectly exposed group, 79.4% and 47.1% respectively in the directly in-the-area exposed group, and 77.8% and 42.1% respectively in the directly in-bus exposed group. One-fifth experienced high and unremitting levels of grief symptoms over time (“persistent grief”); 17% with initially high levels of grief symptoms showed a decrease at 18 months but were still within the low medium range (“towards recovery”); 39% with initially medium/high grief symptoms reported low levels of grief at the follow-up (“recovery”); and 23% of the participants experienced grief symptoms that remained persistently low (“resilient”). The absence of both PTSD and depression at 18 months predicted adjustment to loss, whereas the absence of depression at 18 months predicted a recovering course of grief. The findings highlight the impact of high levels of post-traumatic stress and depression symptoms on the long-term persistent grief outcome.

2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-22
M. S. Tareen ◽  
C. McDowell ◽  
K. Naqvi ◽  
A. Bashir ◽  
P. Keenan ◽  

In the aftermath of the major earthquake that hit Pakistan in 2005, there appeared to be a paucity of psychometric tools validated in Urdu. It was decided to translate the Impact of Event Scale - Revised (IES-R) so as to obtain an internationally validated and recognised psychometric tool for use in research into post-traumatic stress disorder. The resulting Urdu and English versions of the IES-R were compared for linguistic, conceptual and scale equivalence. The Urdu version of the IES-R (UIES-R) can be used for clinical, psychological trauma populations in Pakistan with evidence of good reliability and satisfactory validity. In trauma research in Pakistan the UIES-R will be an extremely useful psychometric tool.

2000 ◽  
Vol 14 (2_suppl1) ◽  
pp. S5-S12 ◽  
J. R. T. Davidson

Trauma has an enormous impact on both individuals and society as a whole. Recognition of the extent of this impact by the medical profession has been relatively slow but, with our growing appreciation of the prevalence of trauma exposure in civilian as well as combat populations, the true scale of trauma-related psychiatric consequences is beginning to emerge. It has been reported that more than 60% of men and 51% of women experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetimes. Of these, 8% and 20%, respectively, fall victim to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) indicating that more women are at risk for developing PTSD. Individuals experience severe psychiatric stress that is compounded by significant comorbid illness. This impacts critically upon quality of life resulting in grave functional and emotional impairment. In addition, there is a detrimental cost to society with high financial and social consequences from the significantly elevated rates of hospitalization, suicide attempts and alcohol abuse.

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