Cheremisin O.

The paper analyzes the effect of special, additional and individual legislative acts adopted by the central authorities in order to supplement and specify the positions of the Charter of 1785 to improve the financial state of the towns and cities in the Southern Ukrainian region. The role of the regional-individual laws for the towns and cities in the South of Ukraine was extremely important since they offered opportunities for the development of the municipal budgets and trade. Excise duties, farming of revenues and servitude were common for all the provinces in the South of Ukraine. They differed in private privileges, for instance, class payments were more characteristic of the towns in Ekaterinoslav province, more privileges were given on trade and land ownership for the towns of Taurida province. The only province in the South of Ukraine, the towns of which were given some financial assistance, was Kherson province. Financial support was given to the towns from the state treasury for the best payment of the state taxes. But the only conclusion that can be drawn is that the towns and cities in the South of Ukraine did not have a satisfactory financial position. According to new laws, many positive phenomena were introduced, but the financial position of the towns and cities did not improve. For instance, the self-government had more opportunities and rights in managing the municipal economy and more independence in the formation and use of the budget. But the general plan of dividing estimates into mandatory and non-mandatory costs, direct and indirect, current and occasional profits, direct and indirect, ordinary and extraordinary remained without changes. The conclusions emphasize that, as a result of the effect of additional, special and individual laws, the newly-established municipal public authorities in the South of Ukraine received mandatory costs for the state needs with much less opportunities in financial and economic initiative. Therefore, the social-economic activity was enclosed in the space of legislative-administrative directives, but the activity of individual municipalities had their own specificity of the development.Key words: the South of Ukraine, municipal authorities, municipality, legislation, legal frame. У статті аналізується дія спеціальних, додаткових та індивідуальних законодавчих актів, які приймались центральною владою з метою доповнення та уточнення позицій Жалуваної грамоти 1785 р. для покращення фінансового становища міст південноукраїнського регіону. Роль регіонально-індивідуальних законів для міст Півдня України була надзвичайно важлива, оскільки вони створювали можливості для розвитку міських бюджетів та торгівлі. Спільними у всіх губерніях Півдня України були акцизні збори, винні відкупи, постійна повинність. Різнилися у приватних пільгах. Так, для міст Катеринославської губернії більш характерним явищем було станові виплати, для міст Таврійської губернії більше пільг надавалося для розвитку торгівлі та щодо земельної власності. Єдиною губернією Півдня України, у міста якої призначалась певна грошова допомога, була Херсонська. Із державної казни надавалось фінансове заохочення містам за найкраще виконання державних податків, але висновок можна зробити лише єдиний, що в містах Півдня України було незадовільне фінансове становище. Нові закони стимулювали появу багатьох позитивних явищ, але особливо не покращувалася фінансова система міста. Так, самоврядування отримало більше можливостей і прав у веденні міського господарства і більше самостійність у формуванні та використанні бюджету. Але сам загальний план поділу кошторисів на обов’язкові та необов’язкові витрати, прибутки поточні та випадкові, прямі та не прямі, ординарні та надзвичайні збереглися без особливих змін. У висновках відзначено, що результатом дії додат-кових, спеціальних та індивідуальних законів стало те, що новостворені міські громадські інституції влади на Півдні України отримали обов’язкові витрати на державні потреби із значно зменшеними можливостями у фінансовій та господарській ініці-ативі. Тому соціально-економічна активність виявилася в замкнутому просторі законодавчо-адміністративних настанов, але із розвитком індивідуальних особливостей у діяльності кожного окремого муніципалітету.Ключові слова: Південь України, міське самоврядування, муніципалітет, законодавство, правова система.

2019 ◽  
pp. 219-246
Pablo Martínez Riquelme

Los procesos de producción de espacios turísticos se expresan en sendas espacio-temporales, asociadas a una producción material, como las infraestructuras, equipamiento y conectividad, pero también en una producción inmaterial, basada en la difusión de imaginarios territoriales vinculados a la experiencia turística. Se busca analizar dicho proceso, en la Araucanía andino-lacustre chilena, entre 1900-1940, a partir de los relatos de los primeros viajeros con motivaciones turísticas a finales del siglo XIX y el rol de Estado como actor promotor de la turistificación del territorio en el sur de Chile. The processes of production of tourist spaces are expressed in space-time paths, associated with a material production, such as infrastructures, equipment and connectivity, but also in an immaterial production, based on the diffusion of territorial imaginaries linked to the tourist experience. It is sought to analyze this process, in the Chilean Andean-lacustrine Araucanía, between 1900-1940, based on the account of the first travelers with tourist motivations at the end of the 19th century and the role of the State as a promoter of the touristification of the territory in the South of Chile.

2021 ◽  
鬼谷 子

The research focuses on how the Nguyen dynasty it became the first to have the largest territory in the history of Vietnam in its nearly 60 years of establishing and reigning over the unified country in the first half of the 19th century. It is seen that in terms of organizing the state apparatus, Gia Long and Minh Mang retained the system of agencies of the previous dynasties and continued reforms to ensure socio-political stability in their governance at that time. The study also clarifies the social role of Confucianism in the Nguyen dynasty, i.e. in the first half of the 19th century, which, in our opinion, is theoretically and practically significant, with the hope of further unraveling the role of Confucianism in that period.

2015 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 512-515
Alexandru Stoian ◽  
Teodora Drăghici

Abstract The principle of legality represents one of the most important principles of the state of law, which significantly contributes to defending the law order and the social balance. Established as a principle of the organization and functioning of the state public authorities at the Revolution of 1789 in France, the acknowledgement of the principle of legality in an act having a constitutional value marked the moment of foundation for the state based on law principles and represented a premise of creating a modern public administration. The principle is present at the level of each judiciary branch, which provides for its popularity due to its specificity. The paper aims at achieving a brief analysis of the role of the principle of legality in public law, presenting its importance in constitutional and administrative law.

2013 ◽  
Vol 19 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 275-281 ◽  
Tom Crook

Building on Mary Poovey’s reflections, this article outlines a two-fold genealogy of habit in the context of the philosophy and practice of liberalism. One aspect relates to the word ‘habit’, which by the 19th century had come to mean the repetitive actions of the body and mind, thus shedding its former association with dress and collective customs. The second relates to how ‘habit’ functioned as a means of mediating the tensions of liberalism, three in particular: between the self and the social; between an individual’s past, present and future actions; and between the role of the state and the role of self-government.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
pp. 2403-2412
Pham Thi Lan

The research focuses on how the Nguyen dynasty it became the first to have the largest territory in the history of Vietnam in its nearly 60 years of establishing and reigning over the unified country in the first half of the 19th century. It is seen that in terms of organizing the state apparatus, Gia Long and Minh Mang retained the system of agencies of the previous dynasties and continued reforms to ensure socio-political stability in their governance at that time. The study also clarifies the social role of Confucianism in the Nguyen dynasty, i.e. in the first half of the 19th century, which, in our opinion, is theoretically and practically significant, with the hope of further unraveling the role of Confucianism in that period.

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 34-66
Joyce Valdovinos

The provision of water services has traditionally been considered a responsibility of the state. During the late 1980s, the private sector emerged as a key actor in the provision of public services. Mexico City was no exception to this trend and public authorities awarded service contracts to four private consortia in 1993. Through consideration of this case study, two main questions arise: First, why do public authorities establish partnerships with the private sector? Second, what are the implications of these partnerships for water governance? This article focuses, on the one hand, on the conceptual debate of water as a public and/or private good, while identifying new trends and strategies carried out by private operators. On the other hand, it analyzes the role of the state and its relationships with other actors through a governance model characterized by partnerships and multilevel networks.Spanish La provisión del servicio del agua ha sido tradicionalmente considerada como una responsabilidad del Estado. A finales de la década de 1980, el sector privado emerge como un actor clave en el suministro de servicios públicos. La ciudad de México no escapa a esta tendencia y en 1993 las autoridades públicas firman contratos de servicios con cuatro consorcios privados. A través de este estudio de caso, dos preguntas son planteadas: ¿Por qué las autoridades públicas establecen partenariados con el sector privado? ¿Cuáles son las implicaciones de dichos partenariados en la gobernanza del agua? Este artículo aborda por una parte, el debate conceptual del agua como bien público y/o privado, identificando nuevas tendencias y estrategias de los operadores privados. Por otra parte, se analizan el rol y las relaciones del Estado con otros actores a través de un modelo de gobernanza, definido en términos de partenariados y redes multi-niveles.French Les services de l'eau ont été traditionnellement considérés comme une responsabilité de l'État. À la fin des années 1980, le secteur privé est apparu comme un acteur clé dans la fourniture de certains services publics. La ville de Mexico n'a pas échappé à cette tendance et en 1993, les autorités publiques ont signé des contrats de services avec quatre consortiums privés. À travers cette étude de cas, nous nous interrogerons sur deux aspects : pourquoi les autorités publiques établissentelles des partenariats avec le secteur privé ? Quelles sont les implications de ces partenariats sur la gouvernance de l'eau ? Cet article s'intéresse, d'une part, au débat conceptuel sur l'eau en tant que bien public et/ou privé, en identifiant les tendances nouvelles et les stratégies menées par les opérateurs privés. D'autre part y sont analysés le rôle de l'État et ses relations avec d'autres acteurs à travers un modèle de gouvernance, défini en termes de partenariats, et des réseaux multi-niveaux.

Svetlana Pirozhok

The relevance of determining the theoretical and methodological determinants of the Robert von Moll’s concept of the social state is due to the need to determine the patterns of evolution of ideas about the state and law, as well as the need to assess the ability to use the potential of the Robert von Moll’s theoretical and legal heritage, his predecessors and contemporaries to identify the optimal model of the social state. Modern Russia attempts to build such state. The proclamation and consolidation of Russia as a social state governed by the rule of law at the constitutional level requires attention both to the experiments carried out in social and legal development, and to the practices of social reform, and also to those ideas that have not yet been embodied. The ideas of European scholars regarding the evolution of the state-legal organization of society in the early modern period, based on which Robert von Mohl (1799–1875) developed original concepts of a social state and a state governed by the rule of law are discussed in the article. An analysis of the state of European political and legal thought and identification of the factors that have a significant impact on the development of Robert von Mohl’s doctrine of a social state governed by the rule of law are the purposes of the scientific article. The methodological basis of the study was the dialectical-materialistic, general scientific (historical, systemic) and special (historical-legal, comparativelegal) methods of legal research. The method of reconstruction and interpretation of legal ideas had great importance. As a result of the study, it was concluded that in the first half of the 19th century in European political and legal thought various approaches was formed to consider the problems of social protection and how to resolve them. The development trend of European political science became the transition from ideas and principles formed in the conditions of police states and enlightened absolutism to the ideas of a state governed by the rule of law (constitutional) that protects the rights and freedoms of a citizen. At the same time, it was a question of the rights and freedoms of only a part of the population: the proletariat growing in number and significance was not always evaluated as an independent social stratum. The axiological principles of state justification have also changed. Rights and utility principle became dominant principles. In the first half of the 19th century the social issue as an independent scientific problem of the European political and legal thought was not posed and not systematically developed. Questions about the social essence of the state, the specifics of the implementation of the state social function, the features of public administration in the new stage of socio-economic development of society predetermined the emergence of the idea of a social state. This idea was comprehensively characterized in the Robert von Mohl’s works. He went down in the history of political and legal thought as founder of the concepts of social and governed by the rule of law state.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-97

The article is devoted to the review of current changes in the legislation on notaries related to the development of electronic civil circulation, analysis of existing digital risks and assessment of the role of notaries in combating them. In modern economic realities, a significant expansion of the sphere of competence of the notary is carried out by introducing completely new notarial actions into the scope of the notary’s terms of reference. At the same time, the notary does not just follow the general ‘digital’ trend, but independently makes significant efforts to effectively perform the tasks of the social sphere regulator assigned to it by the state. The creation of the Unified Notary Information System as part of the formation of the technological infrastructure to ensure the security and stability of legal relations in the context of electronic civil circulation takes to a new level the quality of notarial services and the security of legally relevant information. The role of notaries significantly increases in conditions when the use of digital technologies in the economy, public administration, social sphere becomes one of the main vectors of world development, and society and the state inevitably face the flip side of this process – digital risks that jeopardize the safety of participants in civil turnover and their property. In 2020, as part of the implementation of the national program ‘Digital Economy’, it is planned to introduce a number of innovations that will create the basis for a stable and secure ‘digital’ turnover.

Torun Reite ◽  
Francis Badiang Oloko ◽  
Manuel Armando Guissemo

Inspired by recent epistemological and ontological debates aimed at unsettling and reshaping conceptions of language, this essay discusses how mainstream sociolinguistics offers notions meaningful for studying contexts of the South. Based on empirical studies of youth in two African cities, Yaoundé in Cameroon and Maputo in Mozambique, the essay engages with “fluid modernity” and “enregisterment” to unravel the role that fluid multilingual practices play in the social lives of urban youth. The empirically grounded theoretical discussion shows how recent epistemologies and ontologies offer inroads to more pluriversal knowledge production. The essay foregrounds: i) the role of language in the sociopolitical battles of control over resources, and ii) speakers’ reflexivity and metapragmatic awareness of register formations of fluid multilingual practices. Moreover, it shows how bundles of localized meanings construct belongings and counterhegemonic discourses, as well as demonstrating speakers’ differential valuations and perceptions of boundaries and transgressions across social space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Irina N. Mysliaeva ◽  

The article examines the causes and directions of transformation of the social functions of the state. The role of liberal ideology in changing the forms and methods of state social policy in the context of globalization is determined. The interrelation between specific measures of social support of the population and the interests of large transnational capital in modern society is revealed.

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