scholarly journals Penerapan Viewboard GO+ Berbasis Yii Sebagai Media Monitoring Pembayaran Mahasiswa

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-77
Khanna Tiara ◽  
Tuti Nurhaeni ◽  
Ika Amalia

Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin cepat dan selalu berubah-ubah dari tahun-ketahun membuat inovasi dalam membuat suatu karya yang kreatif, seperti halnya Perguruan Tinggi Raharja sangat membutuhkan sistem informasi yang relevan, akurat, cepat, dan efisien untuk menunjang keberlangsungan aktivitas akademik kedepannya. Green Orchestra Plus atau biasa juga disebut dengan GO+, merupakan sebuah sistem pelayanan informasi pembayaran mahasiswa secara online yang dibuat untuk Perguruan Tinggi Raharja sebagai sistem yang memberikan informasi pembayaran berupa RBK,RBR, dan cara pembayaran dengan menggunakan Virtual Account. GO+ memiliki tujuan yaitu membantu mahasiswa mendapatkan informasi pembayaran secara mudah dan cepat.  Adapun tujuan viewboard GO+ adalah sebagai tempat dan wadah informasi dari data-data yang ada di database GO+ sehingga nantinya akan menampilkan informasi akurat dan terkini yang berkaitan dengan pembayaran mahasiswa. Dengan adanya tujuan viewboard ini juga dapat memudahkan staff memonitoring data mahasiswa. Database merupakan persyaratan dalam memonitoring sebuah data berbasis komputer. Sistem pemonitoring ini membantu dan memberikan alternatif untuk pihak staff keuangan dan untuk seluruh Pribadi Raharja. Hal ini berguna untuk memudahkan staff memonitoring semua yang berkaitan dengan masalah mengolah data yang terdapat pada GO+ menjadi sebuah viewboard. Viewboard ini berbasis Web karena viewboard yang diterapkan untuk menampilkannya menggunakan Website, dan caranya pembuatannya menggunakan tools Yii Framework. Kata kunci: GO+, Viewboard, Monitoring The development of information technology is getting faster and ever-changing from year to year making innovation in creating a work that is creative, as does College Raharja desperately need information systems that are relevant, accurate, fast, andefficient in order to support the sustainability of the academic activities in the future. Green Orchestra Plus or also called as GO +, is a system of information service of student online payments are made to higher education as a system that gives Raharja payment information in the form of RBK, RBR, and payment method using Virtual accounts. GO + has a purpose and that is helping students get payment information easily and quickly. As for the purpose of viewboard is to GO places and container information from data that is in the databases GO + so that later will display current and accurate information relating to the payment of the student. With the purpose of viewboard it can also make it easier for staff to monitor students ' data. The database is a requirement in the monitor of a computer-based data. This pemonitoring help system and provide an alternative to the managerial, and party to the general audience. It is useful to mak e it easier for staff to monitor all issues relating to theprocessing of data contained on the GO + into a viewboard. This Web-based Viewboard because viewboard are applied to display it using the Website, and the way of its creation using tools Yii Framework. Keywords: GO +, Viewboard, Monitoring  

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-36 ◽  
Ade Supriatna

Rice production and productivity in Subang district must be easily informed by the Department of Agriculture in accordance with advances in information technology and the internet. This study is about data and information that is integrated into a computer-based information system related to the yield of rice crops. The computer-based rice yield report is intended to make it easier to enter data sourced from the corm area online. Then from the user (community) side it will be more practical and easier to get information. And services at the subang agriculture service do not always have to be directly in the office but can be done online. That way the reporting process, fast and structured.Reporting, which was originally still manual, was to recapitulate paper-based transactions and then switch to the application of web-based computer technology and the research method was quantitative.

CCIT Journal ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 349-371
Sudaryono Sudaryono ◽  
Anita B Wandanaya ◽  
Fitria Indriyani

Advances in information technology and the rapid pace of development in all sectors considered highly relevant to the relationship between computers. So spur of information technology to transform follow any changes that occur, due to the increasing needs of a growing. To some extent, there are still problems to deal with at the moment, including information regarding student alumni data are quite hard to come by society and the entire academic community colleges, thus inhibiting the activities and some decision-making. Therefore, the making of an application system that appropriate and accurate information is highly recommended. With online methods based systems, information systems alumni data will be very easy to obtain. The iADA is an information system based alumni data online are very practical. In this article describe the issues that arise as well as solving the problems examined. In addition there are three (3) characteristics and 7 (seven) advantage of this application, and the benefits of the method flowchart iADA. Featured listings on its implementation of programs written using ASP scripts. It can be concluded that the contribution of the system to maximize iADA various forms of service, and can be used as a medium of information that is valid for the entire academic community colleges and the general public.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-93 ◽  
Untung Rahardja ◽  
Indri Handayani ◽  
Randy Wijaya

Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin cepat dan selalu memberikan inovasi dalam membuat suatu karya yang kreatif dan bermanfaat dalam memberikan informasi sama dengan hal nya Perguruan Tinggi Raharja yang sangat membutuhkan informasi dan sistem informasi yang akurat,cepat dan efisien. untuk menunjang keaktifan penulis karya ilmiah atau jurnal dengan TMJ merupakan sebuah sistem pelayanan penulisan karya ilmiah atau jurnal dari hal memberitahukan informasi pembukaan jurnal, template jurnal dan submit jurnal dengan tujuan, memberitahukan kepada seluruh mahasiswa sehingga tidak mengalami kekurangan dalam informasi mengenai jurnal adapun tujuan dari Viewboard TMJ adalah sebagai tempat pelayanan informasi dari data-data yang sudah ada dan terkait dengan penulisan karya ilmiah atau jurnal sehingga nanti nya akan menampilkan informasi yang valid juga dapat mudah untuk di pantau dengan menggunakan berbasis komputer, hal ini memudahkan admin untuk mengolala data yang terdapat pada TMJ menjadi sebuah Viewboard. Viewboard ini berbasis web karena Viewboard yang diterapkan untuk menampilkan informasi menggunakan website Kata kunci : TMJ, Viewboard, Journal The rapid development of information technology and always provide innovation in making a creative and useful work in providing information similar to Raharja High School which is in desperate need of information and information system that is accurate, fast and efficient. to support the activeness of the author of a scientific or journaling work with TMJ is a system of writing service of scientific papers or journals of the matter informing the opening of the journal, journal template and submit the journal with the purpose, notify all students so that there is no shortage in information about journals as for the purpose of Viewboard TMJ is as a place of information services from existing data and related to the writing of scientific papers or journals so that later it will display valid information can also be easy to monitor by using a computer-based, it is easier for the admin to mengolala data contained in TMJ becomes a Viewboard. This Viewboard is web based because the Viewboard is applied to display information using the website.Keywords: TMJ, Viewboard , Journal  

Tech-E ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Ricky Tri Utomo ◽  
Ceng Giap Yo

Expert Systems are computer-based applications that are used to solve problems as the expert thinks. Many college students majoring in Information Technology are difficult to get the thesis title topic even though it has been reading many journals and looking for some references. Therefore to make it easier college students, then the author wants to create an application where college students majoring in Information Technology can more easily get the thesis title topic so the work of thesis becomes more fluent and not obstructed. This app is web based. In system design, the author used several methods in his research that is method of Analyze, Design, and Implementation. Methods in the design of this expert system even this also used forward chaining method as tracking ahead and best first search method. And also using data collection method mean literature study and questionnaire from system that has been created. The result of Expert System of Thesis Title Topic Selection with Forward Chaining method web based expected to be useful and helpfully college students in getting the thesis title topic. Based on questionnaire that has been shared and filled, it can be said that the Expert System of Thesis Title Topic Selection with Forward Chaining Method Web Based is helpful and beneficial for the college students because it helps college student Information Technology in getting Thesis Title.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 41
Derman Derman ◽  
Harmini Harmini

<p>The development of Information Technology is increasingly demanding that Higher Education to provide information quickly to meet the needs of Information and Monitoring Course for Lecturers, Students and Admin staff. This study aims to design a Model Information System and Monitoring Course at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Semarang Web-based. Coverage includes lecture planning, lecturing, evaluation of lecturing, control of lecturing and improvement of lecture planning. This research produces an application of Information System and Monitoring model of lecturing which aims to facilitate and accelerate the preparation of time, room and course schedule and ease in monitoring the attendance status of lecturers in class either to students or other parties in real time without having to come to campus check board information . The contribution of this research results will greatly affect the application of science and technology for higher education institutions and to realize the development of Faculty of Engineering Semarang University as a leading Faculty in 2023. The method used is dynamic priorities method which prioritizes the process that has the highest <br />priority and is able to respond to changes in the system environment operate. Modeling the system using XAMPP package in which integrated MySQL module for database purposes, PHP for management of information systems, and Apache for simulation purposes. The results showed the implementation of the application of Information Systems Monitoring System Lectures Faculty of Engineering, University of Semarang goes well.</p>

CCIT Journal ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-190
Aris Martono ◽  
Padeli Padeli ◽  
Rosalina Miliartha

The development of information technology is growing rapidly as one of them used to interacting with other people. Information technology can connect us with others regardless of time and place. This is possible because of the existence of a container that community (forums) discussions on-line learning. However, in Higher Education of Raharja the development of discussion for learning is less developed for regular class or a class that is not a superclass or i-learning class because the manual is face to face or face to face for the discussion of learning in Higher Education of Raharja. Therefore, it can be made a formal community for container or the learning process in order to facilitate the discussion of faculty and students in the learning process outside of lecture hours that can be accessed anytime and anywhere and can provide accurate information so that the information obtained by the faculty and students to be more relevant. Discussion of web-based learning system is designed with a user friendly system so that  is easy to access and understand, facilitate communication between faculty and students, and also facilitates getting materials lecture material, as well as assist in the distribution and collection of duties and tasks quickly lecturers also can manage the values that will given to students. The methodology used is a structured analysis and development ranging from analyzing the system that runs through UML, perform elicitation, and describes the proposed system through UML. The final results are achieved from this research is the creation of a learning system that can be accessed anywhere, anytime, and always follow the lecture material information or update

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-35
Untung Rahardja ◽  
Khanna Tiara ◽  
Ria Utami

Dalam sebuah Perguruan Tinggi, penyediaan suatu pelayanan informasi sangatlah penting apalagi jika didukung dengan kecanggihan teknologi yang kian berkembang sangat pesat. Perguruan Tinggi Raharja merupakan salah satu kampus yang bergerak dibidang IT yang memiliki sebuah sarana atau media dalam hal pelayanan informasi kepada seluruh Pribadi Raharja yang merupakan bagian dan masih berkesinambungan didalam sebuah pelayanan lainnya yaitu iDuHelp!. Pelayanan informasi tersebut dinamakan ROOSTER (Role Online System Ticketing Raharja) yang fungsinya yaitu memberikan sebuah pelayanan berupa penyampaian informasi didalam sebuah tiket online yang dibuat oleh operator iDuHelp! dan tiket tersebut diberikan kepada customer iDuHelp! untuk mendapatkan pelayanan terusan yang akan ditindaklanjuti kepada pihak yang terkait yang disebut PIC atau admin dari masing-masing TPi dan FiR yang ada pada Perguruan Tinggi Raharja. ROOSTER merupakan sistem yang sudah berjalan cukup lama dari generasi ke generasi dan terus melakukan pengembangan serta perbaikan agar sistem tersebut dapat digunakan lebih optimal lagi, tujuan ROOSTER itu sendiri yaitu agar seseorang atau customer mendapatkan informasi yang akurat dari pihak yang terpercaya serta tersampaikan dengan tepat waktu. Terdapat beberapa kendala dalam sistem ROOSTER yang berjalan saat ini, seperti tiket overdue yang tidak pernah tampil lagi, ketidakakuratan sebuah data yang membuat tiket dengan full name yang tampil membuat pengguna ROOSTER tidak nyaman dan keliru dan informasi kerap kali terlambat diterima oleh customer, sehingga dibutuhkannya suatu perbaikan agar performa ROOSTER dapat berjalan lebih baik lagi dan nyaman digunakan. Kata kunci: ROOSTER, Pelayanan Informasi, iDuHelp! In a university, providing an information service is important especially if backed up with increasingly sophisticated technology is developing very rapidly. Prog College is one of the campus engaged in IT who have a medium or media in terms of information services to the whole person Prog that is part and still continuous in a more services are iDuHelp !. The information ministry called ROOSTER (Role Online Ticketing System Prog) whose function is to give a service in the form of information delivery in an online ticket made by the operator iDuHelp! and the ticket is given to the customer iDuHelp! to obtain the services of the canal will be followed to the relevant parties called PIC or administrator of each TPI and FIR contained in Higher Education Prog. ROOSTER is a system that has been running for a long time from generation to generation and continue to develop as well as improvements to the system can be used more optimally, the purpose ROOSTER itself, namely that persons or customers get accurate information from reputable parties and delivered in a timely manner. There are some constraints in the system ROOSTER currently running, such as ticket overdue that never appear again, inaccuracy of a data to create a ticket with a full name that appears to make the user ROOSTER uncomfortable and wrong and the information is often too late accepted. Keywords: ROOSTER, Information Services, iDuHelp!  

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 88
Hendri Ahmadian ◽  
Ima Dwitawati ◽  
Malahayati Malahayati

The supporting documents for accreditation forms are the most important part in the accreditation submission process. Otherwise the process of finding and collecting documents supporting accreditation forms are still done manually. This study aims to design the information systems which supports web-based accreditation in Department of Information Technology  UIN Ar-Raniry. The designing process refered to regulation of National Accreditation Board for Higher Education and followed the latest instrument in 4.0 version. The application has namely SIDASI 4.0. The research method of this study is the Rapid Application Development (RAD) process which uses the PHP programming language and MYSQL as database engine. SIDASI 4.0 can only be accessed by users who have already registered and obtained an account as username and password. The SIDASI 4.0 have support the accreditation submission phase as the digital documentation forms.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-64
Untung Rahardja ◽  
Khanna Tiara ◽  
Maya Ima Erviani

Seiring dengan pesatnya perkembangan di dunia telekomunikasi yang ditandai dengan era digital, khususnya di bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. Raharja Fox atau biasa juga disebut dengan RhjFox, merupakan sebuah forum online resmi yang dibuat untuk Perguruan Tinggi Raharja sebagai tempat untuk berdiskusi dan bertukar pikiran dalam hal hobi, pendapat, atau aktifitas lainnya. RhjFox juga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan wawasan dan pengetahuan Pribadi Raharja, untuk mengembangkan kreatifitas pada Pribadi Raharja, untuk menyediakan informasi mengenai Perguruan Tinggi Raharja, serta untuk menjadi tempat diskusi dan bertukar pendapat atau pikiran. Keistimewaan RhjFox adalah dapat menyajikan informasi yang berhubungan dengan Perguruan Tinggi Raharja maupun informasi dari pengetahuan luar Perguruan Tinggi Raharja. viewboard RhjFox adalah sebuah Tampilan yang menggambarkan aktifitas didalam RhjFox yang datanya bersumber dari database RhjFox untuk para member RhjFox seperti Pribadi Raharja, Staff, dan Dosen. Dengan adanya viewboard RhjFox dapat bertujuan untuk menginformasikan mengenai data-data yang ada di database RhjFox sehingga menjadi sebuah penunjang keputusan yang nantinya akan menampilkan informasi akurat dan terkini yang berkaitan dengan perihal RhjFox. Database merupakan persyaratan dalam membuat sebuah Sistem Penunjang Keputusan berbasis komputer. Sistem penunjang keputusan ini membantu dan memberikan alternatif untuk pihak manajerial, dan kepada khalayak ramai umumnya. Hal ini berguna untuk memudahkan pengambil keputusan yang terkait dengan masalah mengolah data yang terdapat pada RhjFox menjadi sebuah viewboard. Kata kunci : RhjFox, Viewboard, Penunjang Keputusan Along with the rapid development of telecommunications in the world characterized by the digital age, particularly in the field of information and communication technology. Raharja Fox or also known as RhjFox, is an official online forum created for Raharja College as a place to discuss and exchange  ideas  in  terms  of  hobbies,  opinions,  or  other  activities.  RhjFox  also  aims  to  enhance personal  knowledge  and  insight Raharja,  to  develop  creativity  in  Personal  Raharja,  to  provide information about College Raharja, as well as to be a place of discussion and exchange opinions or thoughts. RhjFox privilege is able to present information related to College Raharja nor information from knowledge outside College Raharja. viewboard RhjFox is a Display which describes activities in RhjFox whose data is sourced from the database RhjFox to the member RhjFox as Personal Raharja, Staff, and professors. With the viewboard RhjFox can aim to inform about the existing data in the database  of  RhjFox  so  that  it  becomes  an  ancillary  decision  that  later  will  display  current and accurate  information  relating  to  the  subject RhjFox. The database is a requirement in mak ing a computer-based Decision Support Systems. This decision support system to assist and provide an alternative to the managerial, and party to the general audience. It is useful to mak e it easier for decision makers associated with processing the data contained on a RhjFox into a viewboard. Keywords: RhjFox, Viewboard, Decision Support  

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