scholarly journals Pibid Diversidade: experiência fortalecedora na Licenciatura em Educação do Campo da UnB – Planaltina – DF

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
pp. 113
Rosineide Magalhães de SOUSA

Este artigo traz a experiência do Pibid Diversidade, da CAPES, na Licenciatura em Educação do Campo (LEdoC), da Universidade de Brasília, Campus Planaltina – DF, no período de 2014 ao início de 2018, como política pública de fortalecimento à formação inicial docente. Para este trabalho, são utilizados conhecimentos da área de Educação do Campo e dos Letramentos como prática social, com olhar de uma leitura etnográfica. Tem como contexto principal as escolas de Educação Básica do Campo (da região Centro-Oeste), com ênfase na construção da organização escolar e do trabalho pedagógico para os anos finais do Ensino Fundamental e para o Ensino Médio. Com o objetivo de formar educadores para atuarem na Educação Básica em escolas do campo, simultaneamente, contribuiu para a construção coletiva de um projeto de formação de educadores que sirva como referência a políticas de Educação do Campo. O projeto do Pibid Diversidade, para esse curso, tem, ainda, o objetivo primordial de promover os letramentos múltiplos (leitura e escrita dos diferentes conhecimentos e linguagens, associando diferentes áreas do conhecimento em um trabalho multidisciplinar) dos licenciandos e das escolas do campo.  O Pibid Diversidade ampliou as possibilidades da formação de qualidade dos futuros docentes, promovendo a inserção deles na escola desde o início da licenciatura, possibilitando uma experiência de práxis pedagógica. Educação do Campo. Pibid Diversidade. Formação inicial de professores. Letramentos Múltiplos. Pibid Diversidade: a reinforced experience in the Rural Education Graduation of the UnB – Planaltina – Federal District ABSTRACTThis article brings the experience of the Pibid Diversidade (Institutional Program of Scholarship for the Introduction to Teaching: Diversity), of CAPES, degree in the rural education (LEdoC) of the University of Brasília, Planaltina Campus – Federal District, in the period from 2014 to the beginning of 2018, as a public politic of reinforcement of the initial teachers education. To this work, we use the knowledge in the Rural Education field and the literacy as a social practice, looking through an ethnographic reading. Brought as a main context, schools of basic education of the countryside (in the Midwest region), with emphasis in the construction of the scholar organization and the pedagogic work to the final years of the elementary school and to the high school. The objective of educating teachers to act in the basic education in rural schools, simultaneously, contributed to the collective construction of a project of teachers education that fits as a reference to rural education politics. The project of Pibid Diversidade, to this course, has had the primordial objective of promoting the multiples literacies (reading and writing of different knowledge and languages, connecting different fields of knowledge in a multidisciplinary work) of the graduating students and the rural schools. The Pibid Diversidade widened the possibilities of education with quality to the future teachers, furthering their insertion in the school since the start of the graduation, making possible an experience of a pedagogic praxis. Rural Education. Pibid Diversidade. Initial Teachers Education. Multiple Literacies.

Taiana Furtado dos Anjos ◽  
Allan Rocha Damasceno

This article discusses the theoretical and conceptual reflections of the interface between Special Education and Rural Education in the context of Brazilian public policies in contemporary times. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the concept of Rural Education within a historical approach drawn by social movements against the mechanisms of exclusion and segregation of peasant subjects, including in this process the target audience of Special Education, strengthening the movement of struggle and resistance to guarantee inclusive social rights already won in the legal provisions. Our intention is to present the main legal frameworks of Brazilian educational legislation, seeking to identify the elements that establish a dialogue between Special Education and Rural Education as modalities of Inclusive Education in contemporary society, with emphasis on the Operational Guidelines for Basic Education in Rural Schools and its Complementary Guidelines and the National Policy on Special Education from the perspective of Inclusive Education, among others. This article is a bibliographic essay that uses the lens of Critical Theory, with emphasis on Theodor Adorno's thinking, in the critical-reflexive analysis of Special Education in the Field, resulting in the identification of the main elements of convergence that consolidate the interface between the modalities aforementioned, evidencing the necessary articulation in the consolidation of inclusive public policies for students targeting Special Education in rural schools.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-182
Vanessa Marion Andreoli ◽  
Lilian Medeiros De Mello

RESUMO Compreendendo a Educação ambiental crítica como potencializadora do diálogo de saberes, da valorização e do fortalecimento comunitário, este texto traz o relato da experiência de um projeto de extensão, atualmente em curso, desenvolvido junto às comunidades das Ilhas do litoral paranaense atendidas por Escolas do Campo. Tem-se a escola como um espaço no qual é necessário criar situações que possibilitem o aprofundamento de temáticas oriundas das realidades socioambientais locais. Durante a primeira fase do projeto foi realizado um diagnóstico participativo nas nove escolas de Ensino Fundamental (de Sexto a Nono Ano) e Médio em funcionamento nas ilhas do Paraná. Foi possível identificar as principais problemáticas e interesses locais, assim como as demandas que possibilitam adequar a proposta formativa a cada realidade. Verificou-se que o professor, como mediador do processo educativo, necessita articular o currículo com a prática social dos estudantes e das comunidades. Para tanto, o projeto prevê a construção coletiva de materiais didáticos que contemplem a realidade socioambiental de cada região, assim como os saberes e fazeres locais aliados ao currículo. Palavras Chave: Educação ambiental crítica; Educação do campo; Oceanografia socioambiental; Saberes e fazeres do mar; Formação continuada; Extensão universitária. ABSTRACT Understanding Critical Environmental Education as a potentiator of the dialogue of knowledge, valorization and community empowerment, this text presents the experience of an extension project, currently underway, developed with the communities of the Parana Coastal Islands served by Rural Schools. The school is understood as a space in which it is necessary to create situations that allow the deepening of themes from the local socio-environmental realities. During the first phase of the project, a participatory diagnosis was carried out in the nine elementary schools (from 6th to 9th grade) and high schools operating in the islands of Paraná. It was possible to identify the main issues and local interests, as well as the demands that make it possible to adapt the formative proposal to each reality. It was found that the teacher, as a mediator of the educational process, needs to articulate the curriculum with the social practice of students and communities. To this end, the project foresees the collective construction of didactic materials that contemplate the socio-environmental reality of each region, as well as local knowledge and practices combined with the curriculum. Keywords: Critical environmental education; Rural education; Socioenvironmental oceanography; Knowledge and practices of the sea; Continuing formation; University extension.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 303
Maria Clarisse Vieira ◽  
Julieta Borges Lemes Sobral ◽  
Renato Hilário dos Reis

Este artigo trata das singularidades da Educação Popular constituídas desde 1985 entre a Universidade de Brasília e o movimento popular das cidades do Paranoá e Itapoã no Distrito Federal, Brasil. Para compreender essas especificidades, são realizadas análises bibliográficas de pesquisas acadêmicas que tratam do efeito desse processo educativo na vida de educandos, educadores populares, professores da rede pública e estudantes universitários. O resultado dessa análise indica como características desse projeto de Educação Popular: a constituição de sujeitos a partir do entrelaçamento do ser de amor-poder-saber; o aprendizado pelos educandos de que os problemas de seu cotidiano são oportunidades de superação e não de desistência; o aprendizado pelos educadores da importância da construção coletiva; e, por fim, o processo formativo dos estudantes da UnB que destaca a indissociabilidade da relação teoria-prática.Palavras-chave: Educação popular; Educação de Jovens e Adultos; Formação de Educadores.Singularities of popular education of the cities of Paranoá-Itapoá (DF): construction between University of Brasilia and Organized Popular MovementABSTRACTThis article deals with the singularities of Popular Education established since 1985 between the University of Brasília and the popular movement of the cities of Paranoá and Itapoã in the Federal District, Brazil. In order to understand these specificities, bibliographic analyzes of academic research are carried out that address the effect of this educational process on the lives of students, popular educators, public school teachers and university students. The result of this analysis indicates as characteristics of this Popular Education project: the constitution of subjects from the intertwining of the being of love-power-knowledge; the learning by students that the problems of their daily lives are opportunities to overcome and not give up; the learning by educators of the importance of collective construction; and, finally, the training process of UnB students, which highlights the inseparability of the theory-practice relationship.Keywords: Popular Education; Youth and Adult Education; Teacher Training.Singularidades de la educación popular en las ciudades de Paranoá-Itapoá (DF): construcción entre la Universidad de Brasilia y el Movimiento Popular OrganizadoRESUMENEste artículo trata sobre las singularidades de la Educación Popular establecida desde 1985 entre la Universidad de Brasilia y el movimiento popular en las ciudades de Paranoá e Itapoã en el Distrito Federal, Brasil. Para comprender estas especificidades se realizan análisis bibliográficos de investigación académica que abordan el efecto de este proceso educativo en la vida de estudiantes, educadores populares, docentes de escuelas públicas y estudiantes universitarios. El resultado de este análisis señala como características de este proyecto de Educación Popular: la constitución de sujetos a partir del entrelazamiento del ser amor-poder-conocimiento; los estudiantes aprenden que sus problemas diarios son oportunidades para superar y no darse por vencidos; el aprendizaje por parte de los educadores de la importancia de la construcción colectiva; y, finalmente, el proceso de formación de los estudiantes de la UnB, que destaca la inseparabilidad de la relación teoría-práctica.  Palabras clave: Educación popular; Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos; Formación Docente.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Eloy Alves Filho ◽  
Osvaldo Freitas de Jesus

Este artigo é resultado de uma pesquisa, desenvolvida junto ao Programa Mestrado Profissional em Educação: Formação Docente para a Educação Básica da Universidade de Uberaba, Campus de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. Objetivou-se compreender como a educação do campo, por meio de sua proposta pedagógica, relaciona-se com os princípios da educação popular, visando a uma formação humana que valorize e respeite os saberes e cultura do campo. O procedimento metodológico adotado foi a pesquisa bibliográfica, documental, observacional e entrevista com profissionais da educação, em cinco escolas rurais, fundamentando-se nos princípios da educação popular apregoados por Freire (2016, 2011), Brandão (2012), Arroyo (2012, 2004), Caldart (1997), que nos auxiliaram para uma reflexão crítica sobre a educação do campo no município de Uberlândia. Os resultados encontrados, analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo e dos dados coletados, levaram-nos a crer que, tanto teoricamente como na prática, a educação do campo e a educação popular se complementam, bem como permitem a formulação de práticas educativas inovadoras, que reconheçam e valorizem os saberes de todos os sujeitos envolvidos no processo educativo. Percebeu-se que a participação da comunidade escolar na elaboração de um Projeto Político Pedagógico mais democrático e inclusivo não tem ocorrido no município. Encontrou-se também, ao contrário do que prevê todo o marco regulatório, desde a União, Estado e Município, a aplicação da mesma grade curricular tanto nas escolas urbanas como nas localizadas no meio rural. As principais justificativas foram relacionadas às características atuais do espaço rural que se assemelham ao meio urbano.Palavras-chave: Educação do campo; Educação popular; Formação humana. ABSTRACT: This article is the result of a research, developed in the Professional Master Degree in Education: Teacher Training for Basic Education of the University of Uberaba, Campus of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais State. The objective was to understand how the education of the rural area, through its pedagogical proposal, is related to the principles of popular education, aiming at a human formation which values and respects the knowledge and culture of the peasants. The methodological procedure adopted was the bibliographical, documentary, observational and interview research, based on the principles of popular education preached by Freire (2016, 2011), Brandão (2012), Arroyo (2012, 2004), Caldart (1997), who helped us for a critical reflection on rural education in the city of Uberlândia. The results were analyzed through content analysis and the collected data led us to believe that, both theoretically and in practice, rural education and popular education complement each other, as well as allowing the formulation of innovative educational practices that recognize and value the knowledge of all the subjects involved in the educational process. It was noticed the participation of the school community in the elaboration of a more democratic, inclusive Pedagogical Political Project has not occurred in the municipality. Contrary to what the entire Union, State and Municipality had foreseen, it was verified that all of them used the same curriculum in both urban and rural schools. The main justifications were related to the current characteristics of the rural space that resemble the urban environment.Keywords: Rural education; Popular education; Human formation.

Eulália Maimoni ◽  
Ormezinda Ribeiro

Aborda questões que envolvem as práticas de leitura e escrita na escola e a interferência da família nesse processo, considerando as concepções de letramento que subjazem a essa prática e como a família tem contribuído para a mudança ou para a cristalização das práticas escolares de leitura e escrita que emergem dessas diferentes concepções. Com base em pesquisas realizadas na Universidade de Uberaba, são apresentadas as implicações da participação de pais para a proficiência em leitura e escrita de alunos de ensino fundamental. Palavras-chave: letramento; práticas de leitura e escrita; família. Abstract This article approaches questions that involve reading and writing in the school and the interference of the family in this process, considering the conceptions of literacy and how the family contributes for the change or the crystallization of the schooling practices of reading and writing that emerge from these different conceptions. According to researches carried through in the University of Uberaba, the implications of the participation of parents for the proficiency in reading and writing of basic education pupils are presented. Keywords: literacy; reading and writing; family.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
James A. Bryant Jr.

The article provides an overview of the turbulent and challenging times facing teachers and administrators in rural schools. The article examines literature from over the past decade to paint a full picture of the economic and social pressures exerting themselves in rural America and the impact these forces are having in rural schools. This work argues that rural education has been ignored too long by policy makers and even many Americans, and that this crime of omission has had disastrous consequences for many small communities. The article concludes with an examination of some of the tentative but hopeful steps that are being taken to address the crisis in rural education.

Marilene Santos

The following article, whose nature is descriptive and bibliographic, aims, based on Goal eight of the National Education Plan 2014-2024 (PNE), to identify some indicators for the Countryside Education. For such purpose, we consider the educational reality of the countryside based on: the low schooling of the population; in the negative evolution of the enrollments number in the last few years; and in the circumstances through which the quality benchmark, provided by the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb), has been unproductive to the define public policies aimed for the Countryside Education. Despite the operational difficulties of the educational system to obtain the necessary information for its composition, the results of the last two Ideb, however, already show progress. Based on these indicators, we conclude that some actions aimed at increasing the schooling of the countryside population were undertaken, however, the unequal educational condition among young people living in the countryside and those who live in the urban areas still persists. There is a possibility of fulfilling the goal eight of PNE by 2024, however, this may not mean progress in guaranteeing the countryside population’s rights to an education of quality, but, on the contrary, its reduction.

Janna Klostermann

This essay responds to the recent “Statement on Writing Centres and Staffing” (Graves, 2016), making visible differing conceptualizations of writing in it. More particularly, I will make visible traces of the statement that position writing as a measurable skill, aligning with the priorities of university administrators, and traces of the statement that position writing as a complex social practice, aligning with the needs of student writers and writing centre tutors/specialists. I trouble understandings of writing that maintain the university as a site of exclusion, while pushing for future contributions that take seriously the everyday, on the ground work of student writers and writing centre tutors/specialists.

Consuelem da Silva Sarmento ◽  
Sergio Luiz Lopes

The object of this study is the formative trajectory of graduates of the Degree Course in Rural Education at the Federal University of Roraima. The main objective was to identify the challenges of the teaching profession from the perspective of these subjects, based on their formative experience in that course. The research adopted as an instrument for data collection the interview (with 16 graduates), based on the oral history method (Thompson, 1998). The analysis, of a qualitative nature, was structured from the categories: the training path and the teaching profession. The voices of the graduates revealed the importance of this course as an implementation of public policies for the training, at a higher level, of field subjects, which was a dream for most of the survey respondents. In addition, they exposed the difficulties encountered in getting a place to work in rural schools. For most interviewees, the lack of recognition of the course by government entities affects the offer of places in selective and public examinations. Thus, this work aims to expand the debate on proposals for Rural Education.

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