scholarly journals Concepções sobre a Relação Ensino-Pesquisa no/do Currículo da Licenciatura em História da UFPE em Contexto de Reforma Curricular

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 36
Danielle CAMELO ◽  

O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar concepções construídas por docentes e funcionário do corpo técnico-administrativo do curso de licenciatura em História da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco sobre a relação ensino-pesquisa proposta pelo curso a partir de sua reforma curricular, implantada em 2012.2. Para construímos a pesquisa, utilizamos a entrevista semiestruturada como instrumento metodológico. Foram entrevistados/as docentes do curso e funcionário do corpo técnico administrativo. A análise dos dados foi realizada a partir da produção teórica de Soares e Cunha (2017); Cunha (2011); Monteiro e Penna (2011); Tardif (2002); Freire (1997), e categorizada a partir da técnica da Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin. As entrevistas mostraram divergências entre as concepções dos sujeitos sobre o currículo do curso, o processo de reforma e, dentro disto, acerca da concepção teoria-prática, concebida como indissociável por um grupo de sujeitos e como dicotômica por outro grupo. Ensino-Pesquisa. Formação de Professores/as. Licenciatura.ABSTRACTThe objective of this article is to analyze conceptions built by professors and employees of the technical-administrative staff of the degree course in History of the Federal University of Pernambuco about the teaching-research relationship proposed by the course from its curricular reform, implemented in 2012.2 To build the research, we use the semi-structured interview as a methodological tool. The course teachers and administrative staff were interviewed. The data analysis was performed from the theoretical production of Soares e Cunha (2017); Cunha (2011); Monteiro and Penna (2011); Tardif (2002); Freire (1997), and categorized from the technique of Content Analysis of Bardin. The interviews showed divergences between the subjects' conceptions about the course curriculum, the reform process and, within this, about the theory-practical conception, conceived as inseparable by one group of subjects and as dichotomous by another group.Teaching-Research. Teacher Training. Bachelor's Degree.RESUMENEl propósito de este artículo es analizar las concepciones construidas por profesores y funcionarios del personal técnico-administrativo del curso de Historia en la Universidad Federal de Pernambuco sobre la relación de enseñanza-investigación propuesta por el curso a partir de su reforma curricular, implementada en 2012.2. Para construir la investigación, utilizamos la entrevista semiestructurada como herramienta metodológica. Los profesores y el personal técnico administrativo fueron entrevistados. El análisis de datos se realizó con base en la producción teórica de Soares y Cunha (2017); Cunha (2011); Monteiro y Penna (2011); Tardif (2002); Freire (1997), y categorizado según la técnica de análisis de contenido de Bardin. Las entrevistas mostraron divergencias entre las concepciones de los sujetos sobre el currículo del curso, el proceso de reforma y, dentro de esto, sobre el concepto de teoría-práctica, concebido como inseparable por un grupo de sujetos y como dicotómico por otro grupo.Enseñanza-Investigación. Formación del profesorado. Licenciatura.RIASSUNTOQuesto articolo ha lo scopo di analizzare le concezioni costruite da professori e dipendenti del personale tecnico-amministrativo del corso di Storia dell'Università Federale del Pernambuco sul rapporto insegnamento-ricerca proposto dal corso dalla sua riforma curriculare, attuato nel 2012.2. Per costruire la ricerca, abbiamo usato l'intervista semi-strutturata come strumento metodologico. Sono stati intervistati insegnanti e personale amministrativo del corso. L'analisi dei dati è stata eseguita sulla base della produzione teorica di Soares e Cunha (2017); Cunha (2011); Monteiro e Penna (2011); Tardif (2002); Freire (1997), e classificato usando la tecnica di Content Analysis di Bardin. Le interviste hanno mostrato divergenze tra le concezioni dei soggetti sul curriculum del corso, il processo di riforma e, all'interno di questo, sulla concezione teoria-pratica, concepita come inseparabile da un gruppo di soggetti e come dicotomica da un altro gruppo.Insegnamento-Ricerca. Formazione degli insegnanti. La laurea.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
pp. 254 ◽  
Rayane Pereira SANTOS ◽  
Ana Cláudia da Silva RODRIGUES

RESUMOEste trabalho apresenta um recorte de uma discussão sobre contextualização a partir da pesquisa intitulada: “Currículo contextualizado: trilhando caminhos para a valorização da identidade campesina”, cujo objetivo foi analisar como o processo de contextualização curricular contribui para a valorização da realidade do campo. A abordagem metodológica utilizada foi qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso; como instrumento de coleta de dados, utilizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada realizada com nove profissionais da educação do campo de uma instituição escolar da zona rural, localizada no município de Bananeiras/PB. Os dados foram analisados por meio da Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin (2011); foram organizadas quatro categorias: currículo, contextualização, identidade e educação do campo. Apresenta-se aqui a categoria Contextualização, enfatizando como o contexto campesino pode contribuir para que o ensino seja significativo. Constatou-se que a contextualização reforça a valorização da identidade campesina, da escola e do local em que a mesma está inserida.Contextualização. Currículo. Educação do Campo.Contextualized curriculum in country schools: reports of an experience ABSTRACT This paper presents a clipping of a discussion about contextualization from the research entitled: “Contextualized Curriculum: Walking Paths for the Appreciation of Peasant Identity”, whose objective was to analyze how the process of curricular contextualization contributes to the appreciation of the reality of the field. The methodological approach used was a qualitative case study, as a data collection instrument was used the semi-structured interview conducted with nine field education professionals from a rural school institution located in Bananeiras/PB. Data were analyzed using Bardin's Content Analysis (2011), four categories were organized: curriculum, contextualization, identity and field education. The category Contextualization is presented here, emphasizing how the peasant context can contribute to meaningful teaching. It was found that the contextualization reinforces the appreciation of the peasant identity, the school and the place where it is inserted. Contextualization. Curriculum. Field Education. Curriculum contestualizzato ne le scuole de le aree rurali: il raconto di un vissuto RIASSUNTO Questo lavoro espone una discussione sulla contestualizzazione basata sulla ricerca dal titolo: "Curriculum contestualizzato: la via per la valorizzazione dell'identità rurale", il cui obiettivo é analizzare come il processo ha contribuito ne la valutazione del le persone che vivono ne le aree rurali. Un approccio metodologico utilizzato per il tipo qualitativo di studio, come strumento per la raccolta di dati utilizzati in un'intervista semi-strutturata condotta con il nove maestri di un istituto scolastico dell'area rurale nella cittá di Bananeiras/PB. Per le analisi é stata scelta na teoria de Bardin (2011) o datto sono stati organizzati in quattro categorie: curriculum, contestualizzazione, identità e educazione rurale. È presentato qui nella categoria Contextualização, sottolineando come o il contesto contadino può contribuire in modo che non sia significativo. La conclusione fa pensare che contextualizare contribuisce per la valorizzazione dell'identità contadina.Contestualizzazione. Curriculum. Educazione Rurale. Plan de estudios contextualizado en escuelas rurales: informes de una experiencia RESUMEN Este artículo presenta un recorte de una discusión sobre la contextualización de la investigación titulada: “Currículum contextualizado: senderos para la apreciación de la identidad campesina”, cuyo objetivo era analizar cómo el proceso de contextualización curricular contribuye a la apreciación de la realidad del campo. El enfoque metodológico utilizado fue un estudio de caso cualitativo; Como instrumento de recolección de datos, utilizamos una entrevista semiestructurada con nueve profesionales de educación rural de una institución escolar rural, ubicada en el municipio de Bananeiras / PB. Los datos se analizaron utilizando Bardin Content Analysis (2011); Se organizaron cuatro categorías: currículum, contextualización, identidad y educación sobre el terreno. La categoría Contextualización se presenta aquí, enfatizando cómo el contexto campesino puede contribuir a una enseñanza significativa. Se encontró que la contextualización refuerza la apreciación de la identidad campesina, la escuela y el lugar donde se inserta. Contextualización. Plan de estúdios. Educación de campo.

Carlos Alfredo Ferraz de Oliveira

Na aldeia do Pé do Monte, localizada na portaria do Parque Nacional do Monte Pascoal, no extremo sul da Bahia, vivem índios que atuam como condutores indígenas do parque com a função de guiar e informar os visitantes a importância desta área natural e suas relações histórico e culturais com a unidade de conservação. Este artigo tem o objetivo de descrever brevemente o contexto sociocultural da etnia Pataxó no extremo sul da Bahia e identificar as formas de comunicação dos condutores indígenas do Parque Nacional do Monte Pascoal, podendo verificar se durante a função de condutor, estes indígenas expressam as lutas sociais e tradições desta etnia na localidade. A pesquisa foi realizada através de estudo bibliográfico do histórico sociocultural dos Pataxós na região, entrevista semi estruturada com liderança indígena da aldeia do Pé do Monte, observação participante dos trabalhos dos condutores indígenas e análise do conteúdo dos dados coletados. Ao final da pesquisa foi possível identificar as formas de comunicação utilizadas pelos condutores indígenas com os visitantes, verificando o ecoturismo étnico como meio de oportunizar a expressão de antigas e novas tradições Pataxó ao visitante. ABSTRACT In the Monte Pascoal National Park, indigenous guides from the Pataxó Indian settlement of Pé do Monte, located at the park entrance, inform visitors about the importance of this natural area and its historical and cultural relationship with the conservation unit. The purpose of this article is to briefly describe the sociocultural context of the Pataxó ethnic group in the extreme south of Bahia and to examine the forms of communication employed by the park's indigenous guides. The research was conducted through bibliographical study of the sociocultural history of the Pataxós in the region, a semi-structured interview with the Indian leader of the Pé do Monte settlement, participatory observation of indigenous guide work and content analysis of the collected data. Guides were found to communicate with visitors by way of visual art, crafts, ritual as well as verbal narrative. The research establishes that in the course of their work, the guides exteriorize their indigenous social struggles, and that ethnic ecotourism favours the expression of Pataxó traditions both new and old while reinforcing their ethnic identity. KEYWORDS: Popular Communication; Ethnic Ecotourism; Ethnic Pataxó.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (25) ◽  
pp. 105-115
Sara Bravo Villanueva

Este trabajo fue elaborado como producto de una investigación más amplia, donde uno de los objetivos de la indagación fue reconstruir y comprender el proceso de integración que vivieron los académicos que dieron origen al Programa Único de Posgrado en Pedagogía, como consecuencia de la reforma al Reglamento General de Estudios de Posgrado de 1996 en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). La reconstrucción histórica de la reestructuración del posgrado requirió identificar y describir el entramado de relaciones que se entretejieron durante este periodo de cambio, a partir de la experiencia y relato de los académicos, por lo que, se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada como dispositivo metodológico para acercarme a informantes clave y reconstruir la historia de la creación del Programa Único de Posgrado en Pedagogía de la UNAM, sus objetivos, directrices, orientaciones, actores, estrategias, ideas centrales, conflictos, posicionamientos, acuerdos, desacuerdos, etc. Esta etapa de transformación es analizada desde la perspectiva de la teoría de los campos de Pierre Bourdieu, por la lucha de poder que enfrentan los protagonistas, se analizan los elementos que les permitieron su incorporación al campo, los haberes que pusieron en juego para posicionarse dentro del Comité de Reestructuración y la disputa de poder por pertenecer al nuevo programa de posgrado; fue un proceso de reforma, rivalidad, conocimiento y desconocimiento entre las distintas entidades, donde finalmente se puede develar cómo cambió la correlación de fuerzas durante la integración académica. This work was elaborated as a product of a broader investigation, where one of the objectives of the investigation was to reconstruct and comprehend the process of academic integration experienced by academics, postgraduate professors from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (FFyL), the Center of Studies on the University (today IISUE) and the National School of Professional Studies Aragón (today FES Aragón), all academic entities of the National Autonomous College of Mexico (UNAM), in the creation of the Postgraduate One Program in Pedagogy as a consequence of the reform’s provisions to the General Regulations for Postgraduate Studies of 1996. A semi-structured interview was conducted as a methodological device to approach key informants, members of the 1997-98 Postgraduate Restructuring Committee, and members of the Academic Committee, who would help me to reconstruct the history of the creation of UNAM’s Postgraduate One Program in Pedagogy, its objectives, guidelines, orientations, participants, strategies, central ideas, conflicts, positions, agreements, disagreements, etc. The reconstruction of the reform process required identifying and describing the framework of the relations that interweaved during this period, and that allows us to build and rebuild the process of change, based on the academic’s experience and story. This process is analyzed from the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory for the power struggle that the protagonists face. Analyzes the elements which permit their incorporation to the field, the abilities brought into play to position inside the Restructuring Committee and the power dispute for belonging and conforming the new Postgraduate Program; a process of rivalry reform, knowledge, and ignorance between their participants, where it can finally be revealed how the correlation of forces in the academic integration process changed. The study started from the assumption that the institutional intentions of the 1996 postgraduate reform were one thing, regarding the integration of entities with related fields of knowledge with the purpose of potentiating resources, specifically enriching the academic establishment, through its permanent interaction between schools, faculties, centers, and research institutes; and how they assumed it, how they understood it and what implications the articulation of these academic entities had.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
Joan C Cheruiyot ◽  
Petra Brysiewicz

This study explores and describes caring and uncaring nursing encounters from the perspective of the patients admitted to inpatient rehabilitation settings in South Africa. The researchers used an exploratory descriptive design. A semi-structured interview guide was used to collect data through individual interviews with 17 rehabilitation patients. Content analysis allowed for the analysis of textual data. Five categories of nursing encounters emerged from the analysis: noticing and acting, and being there for you emerged as categories of caring nursing encounters, and being ignored, being a burden, and deliberate punishment emerged as categories of uncaring nursing encounters. Caring nursing encounters make patients feel important and that they are not alone in the rehabilitation journey, while uncaring nursing encounters makes the patients feel unimportant and troublesome to the nurses. Caring nursing encounters give nurses an opportunity to notice and acknowledge the existence of vulnerability in the patients and encourage them to be present at that moment, leading to empowerment. Uncaring nursing encounters result in patients feeling devalued and depersonalised, leading to discouragement. It is recommended that nurses strive to develop personal relationships that promote successful nursing encounters. Further, nurses must strive to minimise the patients’ feelings of guilt and suffering, and to make use of tools, for example the self-perceived scale, to measure this. Nurses must also perform role plays on how to handle difficult patients such as confused, demanding and rude patients in the rehabilitation settings.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 147 ◽  
Ahmad Syahid ◽  
H. Husni

This study aims to analyze the character values ​​in Sirah Nabawiyah Ar-Rahiq Al-Makhtum by Syafiyyurrahman al-Mubarakfuri, so that it is revealed how the character education of the Prophet Muhammad. and analyze its relevance to current educational goals. The research method used is library research, the type of research approach is deductive and the analysis method is content analysis. Data collection techniques used were library techniques. This research succeeded in proving that prophetic values ​​based on the history of the Prophet Muhammad have a strong relevance to the concept of contemporary character education. Prophetic values ​​loaded with character education in this era, especially related to religiosity, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democracy, curiosity, national spirit, love of the motherland, respect for achievement, friendship, love for peace , likes to read, care about the environment, care about social, and responsibility.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 463-486
Jessica L. Mackelprang ◽  
Seema L. Clifasefi ◽  
Véronique S. Grazioli ◽  
Susan E. Collins

Traditio ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 75 ◽  
pp. 87-125

The “Defense of Medicine” prefaces the Codex Bambergensis Medicinalis 1, a Carolingian collection of medical texts. Some scholars have dismissed the Defense as an incoherent patchwork of quotations. Yet, missing from the literature is an adequate assessment of the Defense's arguments. This present study includes the first English translation accompanied by a complete source commentary, a prerequisite for valid content analysis. When read systematically and with attention to the author's use of sources, the Defense is limpid and cogent. Its first purpose is to defend the compatibility of Christian faith and secular medicine. Key propositions include the following: God made nature good, so the natural sciences are reconcilable with divine learning; scripture respects medicine; God expects the sick to avail of physicians and deserves honor for healings done through physicians. Counter-arguments used by the Defense's opponents, who rejected medicine on principle, can also be reconstructed from the text. Two further purposes of the Defense have hitherto been explored insufficiently. After justifying medicine, the Defense addresses sick patients. It encourages them that illness can be spiritually healthful, an instrument for curing their souls. The Defense then addresses caregivers. It tells them why they should succor the sick, even the poor: not for gain or fame, but in imitation of Christ and as if treating Christ himself, whose image the sick bear. The Defense thus contributes to the history of ideas on medicine, health, sickness, and the ethics of altruistic care.

2021 ◽  
pp. 088626052110163
Jessica E. Meyer ◽  
Varna Jammula ◽  
Peter A. Arnett

Objective. The present study aimed to explore the prevalence of subconcussive head trauma, traumatic brain injury (TBI), potential hypoxic events, and hypoxic brain injury (HBI) in victims of physical intimate partner violence (IPV). The study also aimed to characterize the injury presentation and mechanisms of injury in this population. Method. A group of 47 female participants with a history of at least one relationship that included physical violence completed a structured interview assessing for subconcussive hits, TBI, and HBI. Participants ranged in age from 19 to 55, and had an average of 15.3 years of education. Forty-four participants completed the structured interview in person and three participants completed the interview over the phone. Results. The majority of participants reported sustaining at least one impact to the head and approximately half of the participants sustained at least one impact that resulted in a mild TBI. Approximately half of the participants experienced at least one incident of having difficulty breathing due to a violent act from their partner, and approximately one-third of participants reported symptoms consistent with mild HBI. The most common mechanisms of injury were being hit with a closed fist and being strangled. Conclusions. The high levels of head trauma observed in this study highlight the need for clinical and community providers to screen victims of physical IPV for head trauma. The unique characteristics of this population (female sex, high frequency of injuries, and presence of HBIs) indicate that research evaluating the cognitive effects of injuries in this population is needed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Katie Kanter ◽  
Ryan Gallagher ◽  
Feyisope Eweje ◽  
Alexander Lee ◽  
David Gordon ◽  

Abstract Background The incidence of opioid-related overdose deaths has been rising for 30 years and has been further exacerbated amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Naloxone can reverse opioid overdose, lower death rates, and enable a transition to medication for opioid use disorder. Though current formulations for community use of naloxone have been shown to be safe and effective public health interventions, they rely on bystander presence. We sought to understand the preferences and minimum necessary conditions for wearing a device capable of sensing and reversing opioid overdose among people who regularly use opioids. Methods We conducted a combined cross-sectional survey and semi-structured interview at a respite center, shelter, and syringe exchange drop-in program in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, during the COVID-19 pandemic in August and September 2020. The primary aim was to explore the proportion of participants who would use a wearable device to detect and reverse overdose. Preferences regarding designs and functionalities were collected via a questionnaire with items having Likert-based response options and a semi-structured interview intended to elicit feedback on prototype designs. Independent variables included demographics, opioid use habits, and previous experience with overdose. Results A total of 97 adults with an opioid use history of at least 3 months were interviewed. A majority of survey participants (76%) reported a willingness to use a device capable of detecting an overdose and automatically administering a reversal agent upon initial survey. When reflecting on the prototype, most respondents (75.5%) reported that they would wear the device always or most of the time. Respondents indicated discreetness and comfort as important factors that increased their chance of uptake. Respondents suggested that people experiencing homelessness and those with low tolerance for opioids would be in greatest need of the device. Conclusions The majority of people sampled with a history of opioid use in an urban setting were interested in having access to a device capable of detecting and reversing an opioid overdose. Participants emphasized privacy and comfort as the most important factors influencing their willingness to use such a device. Trial registration NCT04530591.

1992 ◽  
Vol 5 (1_suppl) ◽  
pp. 135-140 ◽  
S. Perini ◽  
A. Beltramello ◽  
C. Mazza ◽  
A. Maschio ◽  
E. Piovan ◽  

Sono stati sottoposti a trattamento endo-vascolare 19 pazienti in età pediatrica. L'embolizzazione è stata praticata come metodica pre-operatoria (9 casi); pre-radiochirurgica (2 casi); come singolo atto terapeutico per il trattamento di 1 fistola A-V diretta e di 1 aneursma della vena di Galeno; come terapia palliativa in 6 MAV giganti a sede centrale profonda. In tutti i casi è stata effettuata una embolizzazione particolata utilizzando in 17 casi come agente embolizzante il filo di polylene e in 2 casi particelle di spugna di Silastic. In base ai risultati, alle complicanze, al controllo successivo, sono state tratte le seguenti conclusioni: il trattamento vascolare delle lesioni del bambino rappresenta una efficace metodica prechirurgica soprattutto per le MAV estese e in sede critica. L'efficacia del trattamento come metodica pre-radiochirurgica non è ancora stata ben determinata. L'esiguità dei casi sottoposti non ha permesso una conclusione defmitiva, comunque l'embolizzazione ha permesso la riduzione del nido angiomatoso a dimensioni suscettibili di radio-chirurgia. Utilizzata come unica terapia, in assenza d'intervento, la metodica si è rivelata molto utile nel trattamento delle fistole A-V a linea retta (1 caso guarito definitivamente) e nel trattamento dell'aneurisma della vena di Galeno (1 caso trattato incompletamente e tuttora in osservazione). Non sono stati riscontrati, invece, risultati soddisfacenti nel trattamento palliativo di MAV cerebrali molto estese (sopra i 50 ml). In questi casi l'embolizzazione non ha contribuito ad un miglioramento significativo della recidiva emorragica e della mortalità, stimata sulla base della storia naturale ma, al contrario, ha sottoposto i piccoli pazienti a rischi di ischemia e soprattutto di emorragia. Per questi motivi il nostro orientamento attuale è di non sottoporre a trattamento tali malformazioni in età pedriatrica.

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