Pendidikan Karakter Profetik dalam Sirah Nabawiyah (Telaah Kitab al-Râhiq al-Makhtûm Karya Shafiy al-Rahmân al-Mubârakfuri)

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 147 ◽  
Ahmad Syahid ◽  
H. Husni

This study aims to analyze the character values ​​in Sirah Nabawiyah Ar-Rahiq Al-Makhtum by Syafiyyurrahman al-Mubarakfuri, so that it is revealed how the character education of the Prophet Muhammad. and analyze its relevance to current educational goals. The research method used is library research, the type of research approach is deductive and the analysis method is content analysis. Data collection techniques used were library techniques. This research succeeded in proving that prophetic values ​​based on the history of the Prophet Muhammad have a strong relevance to the concept of contemporary character education. Prophetic values ​​loaded with character education in this era, especially related to religiosity, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democracy, curiosity, national spirit, love of the motherland, respect for achievement, friendship, love for peace , likes to read, care about the environment, care about social, and responsibility.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
M. Yusuf

The Nurul Yaqin book is one of the yellow books that tell the history of the journey and struggle of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in spreading Islam. In the book, many stories are told about the joys and sorrows of the Prophet and his companions in the mission of spreading Islam. There are also many descriptions of essential and historical events that have become the treasures of Muslims. One of the efforts to connect the chain of the Prophet's struggle is to teach this book again with methods and media that are fun to students. The use of instructional media is expected to help students capture their imagination, increase their enthusiasm, spark their enthusiasm and provoke their creativity in studying historical books. This research is library research with a qualitative research approach. The data collection method uses the documentary study method. The data analysis method used is the content analysis method. The purpose of this study is to help teachers make it easier for students to accept and understand the contents of the Nurul Yaqin book by utilizing learning media in the form of pictures and maps.

Lusiana Rahmatiani

ABSTRACT Character education is one of the focus of educational goals in Indonesia. The importance of character education because of the declining ethics, morale of learners and the increasing popularity of student delinquency, such as brawl and drug addicts. Implementation of character education is very important to evaluate how the process and results. The research was conducted at SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. The purpose of this study describes the implementation of lisa program, libra, patujar applied in SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. Knowing the value of characters generated in the program lisa, libra, patujar applied in SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. The research method used is qualitative method with data collection technique, observation, interview and documentation. Suggestion of research result that is importance of socialization about character education to learners, teachers and society to support the embodiment of school program libra libra patujar. Schools should involve parents and community as partners in the coaching and habituation of student characters. Keywords: Character Education, Character Value, Lisa, Libra Patujar ABSTRAK Pendidikan karakter merupakan salah satu fokus tujuan pendidikan di Indonesia. Pentingnya pendidikan karakter karena semakin menurunnya etika, moral peserta didik dan semakin maraknya kenakalan pelajar, seperti tawuran dan pecandu narkoba. Implementasi pendidikan karakter sangat penting untuk dievaluasi bagaimana proses dan hasilnya. Penelitian dilakukan di SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan implementasi program lisa, libra, patujar yang diterapkan di SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. Mengetahui nilai karakter yang dihasilkan dalam program lisa, libra, patujar yang diterapkan di SMPN 1 Cilamaya Wetan. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data, observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Saran hasil penelitian yaitu pentingnya sosialisasi mengenai pendidikan karakter kepada peserta didik, guru dan masyarakat untuk menunjang keterwujudan program sekolah lisa libra patujar. Sekolah harus melibatkan orang tua dan masyarakat sebagai partner dalam pembinaan dan pembiasaan karakter siswa. Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Karakter, Nilai Karakter, Lisa, Libra Patujar

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-168
Syarifah Nur Aini ◽  
Awanis Akalili

Dakwah discussing Islamic values are not only obtainable through religious lectures, television broadcasts, or certain book category. Dakwah could also be performed by using social media; a medium that is dominated by milennials. Dakwah performed by @indonesiatanpapacaran, is an example for dakwah movement in social media. This account is favored by individuals who pursue “hijrah” (hegira/hijra). Not only introducing the nurture of Islamic values, this account also has its profitable business going. Some religious narrations could function as commodity materials, both online and offline. In the end of the day, the capitalist could gain great benefit by this account’s movement. The objective of this study is to obtain an overview of commodification process performed by @indonesiatanpapacaran. Research method used is content analysis. Data collection was conducted by analyzing all contents posted in @indonesiatanpapacaran Instagram account. Some data including contents, values, and even narrations, are the highlight of the analysis. All contents in marriage principals could be seen as potential contents made use by Indonesia Tanpa Pacaran movement.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-214
Alimuddin Alimuddin

This research aims at analysing the interactive education concept in Qur’an wich examines specifically surah al-Baqarah (2) verse 133 and surah al-Saffat (37) verse 102. This research applied both qualitative research approach and are uses type of research literature (Library Research). The technique of data collection carried out in this Reseach was decomentation techniques. Furthermore, the collected data was analysed by using the content Analysis Method. The finding shows that educative interaction in the koran has purposes of promoting a generation of monotheism (Tauhid) to Allah, diligent in worship, and noble character. The achievement is significantly influenced by the personality influenced by the personality of an educator who is patient, caring, and knows the students’ psychology. Moreover, an educative interaction within Qur’an to correspond between values, knowledge and behavior wich lead the learners to be great figures, being able to build a mindset namely scientific thought and noble character.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-147
Rahmat ◽  
Fitriah Ningsih

Syarikah al-abdan is a form of muamalah that can be applied today in improving the welfare of the people. However, in practice today, it seems that there are problems among Muslims in seeing and sorting out the practice of syarikah al-abdan which is following the Shari'a. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to describe the syarikah al-abdan scheme and its current contemporary application forms. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive research approach with library research techniques and content analysis. The results of this study indicate that syarikah al-abdan is a form of business cooperation between two or more people preceded by mutual agreement in determining the results of the profits and/or wages between them. However, in its implementation, it is necessary to pay attention to the pillars and requirements of the syarikah al-abdan, and to consider the views of the majority of madhhab scholars and the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI). In practice, this study describes the form of syarikah al-abdan in the profession of fisherman and tailor.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-38
Luisya Kamagi

Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memahami secara komprehensif nilai-nilai humaniora dalam antologi puisi "Blues untuk Bonnie" karya WS Rendra. Metode penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan studi pustaka, dan teknik analisis data dengan analisis isi melalui kajian struktural semiotik. Hasil penelitian yakni antologi puisi Blues untuk Bonnie karya WS Rendra mengandung nilai-nilai humaniora yang terlihat melalui tanda-tanda semiotik berupa moralitas, simpati, empati, kasih sayang, kepedulian, kerjasama, dan toleransi. Temuan penelitian ini merekomendasikan bahwa masih banyak jenis-jenis karya sastra yang dapat dijadikan objek kajian dengan menggunakan pendekatan-pendekatan yang berbeda untuk mengungkap nilai-nilai pendidikan terutama pendidikan karakter bagi siswa dan mahasiswa. Temuan penelitian ini memberikan implikasi terhadap pengajaran sastra di sekolah lanjutan sampai perguruan tinggi dalam bentuk penyusunan bahan ajar atau pengembangan model pembelajaran apresiasi sastra sebagai alternatif pemecahan masalah pendidikan karater bangsa. Kata Kunci: Nilai-nilai humaniora, antologi puisi, kajian struktural semiotik Abstract The objective of this research is to understand comprehensively the humanities values in antology of poetry "Blues for Bonnie" by WS Rendra. The research used content analysis method with qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are used library study and data analysis techniques with content analysis through the study of structuralism semiotic. The result was the antology of poetry 'Blues for Bonnie" by WS Rendra contains humanities values seen through semiotic signs are morality, symphaty, empbaty, love, care, togetherness, and tolerant. The findings lead to the recomendation that there are still many kinds of literary works which can be the object of research by using different approaches for investigating education characters! values for students. This finding implicates to literary instruction in schools to universities in forms of teaching materials or literary appreciation instruction as one of the alternative problem solving of the nation character education. Keywords: humanity values, poetry antology, structuralism semiotic research

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 206
Nana Sutarna ◽  
Agus Saeful Anwar

This study aims to explore the value of character and philosophy of life of the founder of Muhammadiyah (KH. Ahmad Dahlan). The research method used is library research. The primary data source is the philosophy of the teachings of KH. Ahmad Dahlan, and the secondary sources are other books that are relevant and relevant to the research. Analysis of the data used in this study is the Content analysis method. The author's findings relate to the question that KH. Ahmad Dahlan bequeathed seven philosophies and his messages, in which teaches to be a visionary human being able to think ahead that is to be happy in the world and the hereafter. Character Value is exemplified by him, namely the value of religious character, honesty, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, national spirit, love of the motherland, valuing achievement, friendly or communicative, peace-loving, fond of reading social care and responsibility. The character education of KH. Ahmad Dahlan can support government character education so that it becomes an active character education.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali nilai karakter dan falsafah hidup pendiri Muhammadiyah (KH. Ahmad Dahlan). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Sumber data primer adalah falsafah ajaran KH. Ahmad Dahlan, sumber sekundernya adalah buku-buku lain yang bersangkutan dan relevan dengan penelitian. Analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode content analysis. Temuan penulis berkaitan dengan pertanyaan yang ada bahwa KH. Ahmad Dahlan mewariskan tujuh falsafah dan pesan-pesan beliau, yang di dalamnya mengajarkan supaya menjadi manusia yang visioner mampu untuk berfikir kedepan yaitu supaya dapat bahagia dunia dan akherat. Nilai Karakter yang dicontohkan oleh beliau yakni nilai karakter religius, jujur, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingin tahu, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat atau komunikatif, cinta damai, gemar membaca, peduli sosial, dan tanggungjawab. Adapun pendidikan karakter KH. Ahmad Dahlan dapat mendukung pendidikan karakter pemerintah sehingga menjadi pendidikan karakter yang efektif.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 673-691
Khaerul Aqbar ◽  
Aswar Aswar ◽  
Muh. Sepriadi

This study aims to determine the practice of product contracts and a review of Islamic law on gold savings products in Sharia pawnshops. The research method used a field research approach (filed reaserch) which was qualitative descriptive, and data collection was obtained through observation, interviews and library research (library reaserch), and the research locus was carried out at the Pinrang Syariah Pegadaian Branch. The research results found that; First, regarding the practice, the Pinrang Branch of the Sharia Pegadaian provides many facilities for customers who want to start investing in gold. In addition, Pegadaian Syariah also offers products in the form of Gold Savings, which is a gold buying and selling service with deposit facilities. As for the process of liquidating (selling) gold, it is carried out in two ways, namely by reselling it if the customer wants cash and printing if the customer wants it in the form of gold bullion. Second, the Gold Savings scheme in Sharia Pawnshops is a problematic contract because one of the contracts has an element of usury, to be precise in the murabahah contract, where scholars have different opinions about its abilities. Jumhur ulama agree on the prohibition (because some scholars from syafi'iyyah and malikiyyah argue that gold is included as ṡaman (price, means of payment, money) which cannot be exchanged in installments, because it causes usury and must be done in cash at the time of the contract. Third, DSN MUI and other contemporary scholars consider that the sale and purchase of gold / murabahah gold is permissible both in cash and credit as long as they are not intended as security (price) but sil'ah (goods).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-51
Muhammad Heriyudananta

This study aimed to determine the competence of writing student scientific papers in Indonesia and the factors that influence it. This research is a type of library research (library research). The data sources that are the study of this research are books, scientific articles from journals, papers, magazines, and so on, which are relevant to this study and can answer the main problem. At the same time, the approach used in this research is philosophical. While the data collection technique used is documentation. In order to direct the accuracy and accuracy of the data under study, the analysis method used is content analysis. The findings of this study indicate that the competence of Indonesian students in writing scientific papers is still very low. In writing, most of them do not heed the guidelines and rules of writing scientific papers, and the level of plagiarism is very high. Based on the research results, in general, the most challenging problems students face in writing scientific papers are difficulties in obtaining references and not knowing writing techniques. Meanwhile, the factors that cause difficulties in writing scientific papers are, for example, low motivation of students in writing, lack of self-confidence and lack of mood, low reading interest, low student curiosity, and students' understanding of scientific writing that is not good as well as low mastery, against his writing conventions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Islahudin Islahudin ◽  
Muhajir Muhajir

This study aims to determine the intellectual education of Ali bin Abi Thalib. The research method uses data collection techniques in the form of studying and collecting data through reading materials sourced from primary books and secondary books related to the themes discussed. This type of research is qualitative with library research, namely collecting data or scientific papers from the library, and analyzing it with content analysis. The results of his research are that the purpose of education is to humanize humans and deliver them to true happiness (al-sa'adah al-abadiyah). The curriculum used is an educational curriculum that is not much different from the curriculum of the Prophet Muhammad. The educational method used is sima'ah, which is a method that emphasizes the listening dimension, siyahah, which is an observation method based on wandering experience and siyadah, is a method of instilling authority in the realm of leadership.

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