scholarly journals Design of Management Information Systems Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) And Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) Universitas Darussalam Gontor

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-25
Oddy Virgantara Putra ◽  
Yoke Suryadarma ◽  
Muhammad Arsyad Maulana

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at Universitas Darussalam Gontor (UNIDA) is an important activity that can be proven by the number of MoUs that have been carried out. However, because the management of the MoU is still manual, there is a risk of damage, loss, and duplication of the MoU data. In this research, an information system for the Bureau of Cooperation, Alumni, and International Affairs UNIDA has been built to meet the bureau's needs in managing data correctly so that students and lecturers can utilize the data. The system is made in the form of a website using the concept of Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Single Page Application (SPA) by applying the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) methodology. The study results show the satisfaction value of the respondent's assessment is at 4.11 on a scale of five, which means that this information system provides satisfaction to users. In the subsequent project research, this system can develop an authentication site for user security.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-16
Arief Herdiansah ◽  

The monitoring information system is one of the main functions in managing student data in Generasi Cerdas private lesson. This study provides the results of an analysis and design of a monitoring information system that can be used to facilitate services to students in monitoring including grades and student absence. This application developed using UML Design and PHP Programming with CodeIgniter Framework and use MySQL Database. CodeIgniter is an open source framework in the form of a PHP framework with an MVC model (Model, View, Controller) for building dynamic websites. The resulting application has been able to provide information of teacher, student, student value and student absence data to assist in processing student and teacher data in the Generasi Cerdas private lesson, so that the institution has a faster, more efficient monitoring information system and easier to use.

Zuwika Sani ◽  
Hadi Kurnia Saputra

Koperasi Pegawai jurusan Teknik Elektro-Elektronika merupakan koperasi yang bergerak dibidang simpan pinjam yang dikelola oleh dosen dan staff yang berada di dalam Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang (FT-UNP). Proses pengelolaan koperasi pegawai jurusan ini masih dalam pengelolaan yang kovensional dibagian administrasi, pengelolaan data simpan pinjam, pengelolaan angsuran pinjaman dan data-data mengenai informasi koperasi. Meskipun sudah melibatkan teknologi komputer dalam proses menyimpan dan mengelola data, akan tetapi cara tersebut tidak efektif dan efisien. Setelah melakukan riset, maka penulis menimpulan bahwa sangat dibutuhkan sistem pendukung yakni sistem informasi koperasi. Sistem informasi dirancang untuk memudahkan pengelolaan serta pengambilan keputusan dalam berbagai bidang pada suatu organisasi atau perusahaan. Sistem informasi koperasi ini dirancang menggunakan  tahapan-tahapan  diagram perancangan sistem dan perancangan database. Sistem koperasi ini juga melibatkan  bahasa pemograman PHP dan Framework Codeigniter yang bertujuan memudahkan untuk membangun sistem dan membantu dalam pengelolaan koperasi. Sistem Informasi ini memiliki fitur, yaitu halaman registrasi pendaftaran anggota, menu simpanan, menu pinjaman, menu pengumuman mengenai infromasi tentang koperasi. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan  adalah Waterfall  dan didukung dengan menggunakan konsep arsitektur Model View Contrholler (MVC) yang membedakan logika dan layout  yang dapat dilihat dari bagaimana pengguna mengakses data dan melakukan transaksi pada sistem informasi yang dirancang ini. Pada proses pengelolaan data dan transaksi koperasi yang menggunakan metode ini jadi lebih terstruktur dan layak digunakan untuk mengolah semua data koperasi secara terkomputerisasi dan dapat dijangkau dengan mengakses sebuah web.Kata kunci : Aplikasi, Koperasi Jurusan Simpan Pinjam,  MVC, Web. The Employee Cooperative majoring in Electrical-Electronic Engineering is a cooperative engaged in savings and loans managed by lecturers and staff within the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Padang (FT-UNP). The process of managing employee cooperatives in this department is still under conventional management in the administrative section, managing savings and loans data, managing loan installments and data regarding cooperative information. Although it has involved computer technology in the process of storing and managing data, this method is not effective and efficient. After doing research, the author concludes that a support system is needed, namely a cooperative information system. This cooperative information system is designed using the stages of system design diagrams and database design. This cooperative system also involves the PHP programming language and the CodeIgniter Framework which aims to make it easier to build a system and assist in managing cooperatives. This information system has features, namely member registration registration page, savings menu, loan menu, announcement menu regarding information about cooperatives. The system development method used is Waterfall and is supported by using the architectural concept of Model View Controller (MVC) which distinguishes logic and layout that can be seen from how users access data and make transactions on this designed information system. In the process of managing data and cooperative transactions using this method, it becomes more structured and feasible to use to process all cooperative data computerized and can be reached by accessing a web.Keywords:  Application, Savings and Loans Department Cooperative, MVC, Web.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-200
Dwi Cita Septia Candra ◽  
Lutfi Syarifullah ◽  
Muhammad Nur Faiz

The Tuition Payment Information System was designed because at this time the payment of tuition at SMP Islam Cilacap still uses the general ledger, causing inaccuracies in payment data by employees (administrative). The purpose of this research is to help solve problems in the processing of tuition payment data, making payment data reports, searching payment data, knowing payment data information, and knowing the school money payment report. The system is designed using MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture and SMS Gateway notifications as well as system development methods using System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with Waterfall model. In addition, the system design uses PHP and HTML programming languages, database management is MySQL and uses the Laravel framework. Based on the results of the system test and the results of the questionnaire by 10 respondents that 14% stated enough, 44% stated well and 42% stated very well calculated by the calculation of the Likert scale of 86% entered the excellent qualification which means successful. So it can be concluded that this system can solve existing problems by facilitating the processing of payment data, assisting in the creation of school money payment reports, helping in speeding up the search for payment data, knowing the payment information of tuition without having to come to school, and knowing the payment data report quickly without having to go through a long recap process.

Respati ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Jefonses Yarsian Pote ◽  
Yustina Rada

INTISARICitizen journalism adalah sebuah kegiatan kejurnalistikan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang atau orang biasa bukanlah seorang yang memang bidang yang ia kerjakan. Citizen journalism mendekatkan diri bagi seseorang maupun masyarakat untuk bisa menjadikan setiap individu seolah-olah menjadi wartawan. Dimana mereka mampu memberitakan maupun menginformasikan kejadian-kejadian yang berada di lingkunngan mereka kepada publik. Selama ini penyebaran informasi mengenai potensi di pulau sumba belum merata. Tidak meratanya informasi pada masyarakat sumba dan kurangnya informasi mengenai potensi di sumba timur membuat masyarakat semakin sulit berkembang di era teknologi informasi sekarang ini. Untuk menyampaikan informasi yang cepat dan akurat dibutuhkan kerjasama antara berbagai pihak, Terutama antara penyaji informasi serta pengakses informasi. Diharapkan dalam perkembangan sistem informasi ini masyarakat sumba berperan aktif dalam penyajian informasi terkini, teraktual dan yang paling dibutuhkan masyarakat lainnya, apalagi jika pemerintah daerah dapat mendukung sistem informasi ini. Metodelogi yang digunakan untuk membangun sistem ini adalah Model Waterfall. Model ini merupakan sebuah pendekatan terhadap pengembangan perangkat lunak yang sistematik, dengan beberapa tahapan, yaitu: System Engineering, Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing dan Maintenance. Konsep pengembangan yang digunakan adalah Model-View-Controller atau MVC adalah sebuah metode untuk membuat sebuah aplikasi dengan memisahkan data (Model) dari tampilan (View) dan cara bagaimana memprosesnya (Controller). Dalam implementasinya kebanyakan framework dalam aplikasi website adalah berbasis arsitektur MVC. MVC memisahkan pengembangan aplikasi berdasarkan komponen utama yang membangun sebuah aplikasi seperti manipulasi data, antarmuka pengguna, dan bagian yang menjadi kontrol dalam sebuah aplikasi web.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menyediakan media bagi warga Sumba dalam memberikan informasi apapun mengenai konten lokal di pulau sumba seperti informasi pertanian, perkebunan, kehutanan, pariwisata, informasi budaya, informasi sosial, informasi politik, hukum, HAM dan sebagainya. Inilah yang saat ini dibutuhkan masyarakat akan efisien dan efektifnya sebuah informasi. Perancangan sistem informasi ini dipilih menjadi salah satu jalan untuk membangun sumba menjadi pulau yang maju dan modern.Kata Kunci— Sistem Informasi,  Konsep MVC, Citizen journalism. ABSTRACTCitizen journalism is a journalistic activity undertaken by a person or an ordinary person who is the field he does. Civic journalism also encourages the individual or society to be able to become individual journalists. Where they are able to report and inform events that are in their circles to the public. So far, information on the potential of the island of Sumba has not been evenly distributed. Unequal information on the Sumbanese community and information on potential in eastern Sumba. Communities increasingly difficult to develop in the era of information technology today. To convey information quickly and accurately required cooperation between various parties, both between information renderers and accessing information. It is expected that in this information system development, the Sumba community is active in presenting the latest information, actual and most needed by other community, especially if local government can support this information system.The methodology used to build this system is the Waterfall Model. This model is an approach to software development, with several stages, namely: System Engineering, Analysis, Design, Encoding, Testing and Maintenance. The development concept used is model-View-Controller or MVC is a method to create an application with separate data (see) and the corresponding way (Controller). In the implementation of framework in the application of website-based architecture MVC. MVC is developing a major component-based application that builds an application such as data manipulation, user interface, and parts that become controls in a web application.The purpose of this research is to provide media for the citizens of Sumba in providing any information about local content in Sumba Island such as information on agriculture, plantation, forestry, tourism, cultural information, social information, political information, law, human rights and so on. This is what today's society needs to be efficient and effective information. The design of this information system is chosen to be one way to build sumba into a developed and modern island.Keywords— Information Systems, MVC Concepts, Citizen journalism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 838
Mochammad Alif Kurniawan ◽  
Iskandar Fitri ◽  
Deny Hidayatullah

Thesis is the result of a scientific research paper written and adapted to the scientific rules that apply in writing and the process of working on a thesis, usually students are guided by two supervisors. Because during the pandemic and the difficulty of consulting with supervisors and the establishment of health protocols to avoid the impact of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the author intends to build a Thesis Guidance Information System application that can be accessed online and based on a website and facilitates the thesis implementation process. Features contained in the system include students who can submit ideas and thesis titles and can see notifications of ideas and thesis titles being rejected or not. Students who carry out theses can be ensured that they are supervised by their supervisors, therefore supervisors can guide their students using the application and can carry out online sessions and seminars. The thesis guidance information system is designed using the Model View Controller architecture which separates the user interface, data and control. This object-oriented system development model uses the Unified Modeling Language model which aims to analyze and model applications designed using Model View Controller-based architecture. The software development method used in the development of this system is Rapid Application Development because it has relatively simple features. The User Centered Design approach is that users in every stage of system development are also involved, so that the system formed can be used according to system needs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-96
Yanni Suherman

Research conducted at the Office of Archives and Library of Padang Pariaman Regency aims to find out the data processing system library and data archiving. All data processing is done is still very manual by using the document in writing and there is also a stacking of archives on the service. By utilizing library information systems and archives that will be applied to the Office of Archives and Library of Padang Pariaman Regency can improve the quality of service that has not been optimal. This research was made by using System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which is better known as waterfall method. The first step taken on this method is to go directly to the field by conducting interviews and discussions. This information system will be able to assist the work of officers in terms of data processing libraries and facilitate in search data archives by presenting reports more accurate, effective and efficient.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Munich Heindari Ekasari ◽  
Desy Diana ◽  
Mohamad Saefudin

Geographyc Information System (GIS) is an information system that is applied to store, recall, enter, analyze, process, and produce data in the form of geographic data, used for decision making in support of a system development plan. The problem of finding information to find out the location of various places in an area with the help of smart phones. The use of smart phones in a growing community, then the idea arose to create an application called Find Your Futsal, which is an application about futsal field information based on the Geographyc Information System in the Tangerang area. Futsal has many benefits for the surrounding community. They can use the futsal field to support various futsal activities. The design method of this GIS application research application uses the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) research method. Started designing the displays in the application, designing the database used in making the application. Next start the application by coding with a predetermined programming language using the Android Studio application. Furthermore, it is compiled and implemented on Android-based mobile devices. The application of the results of this study is a geographic information system application futsal field in the city of Tangerang that is simple and easy to use. As well as GPS and maps as features in it.

Indri Andriyani ◽  
Cecep Kurnia Sastradipraja ◽  
Sudin Saepudin

Perpustakaan sebagai salah satu media pembelajaran bagi para siswa dalam mencari sumber referensi belajar dan berperan penting dalam menunjang proses pendidikan. Pada SMP Negeri 2 Cisaat Sukabumi perpustakan adalah salah satu sarana bagi siswa untuk mencari referensi pelajaran. Namun pada sistem yang sedang berjalan saat ini, perpustakaan masih menggunakan sistem manual yaitu dengan pencatatan pembukuan, kelola anggota, dan notifikasi peminjaman. Proses manual tersebut dinilai kurang efisien dan memakan banyak waktu, serta dokumen yang dapat rusak atau hilang disebabkan kejadian tertentu. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sistem informasi yang dapat mengelola manajemen perpustakaan dengan lebih efektif dan efisien dengan menggunakan smart library berbasis web. Model prototipe adalah salah satu Model System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) yang dapat membantu proses pembangunan Smart Library berbasis web. Sehingga dapat membantu manajemen perpustakaan lebih terstruktur dan dengan proses yang cepat, efektif, dan efisien. Hasil dari kuisioner pengujian beta rata-rata menunjukan 80% menjawab setuju pada aplikasi smart library yang dibuat. Library as one of the learning media for students in finding sources of learning references and plays an important role in supporting the educational process. At SMP Negeri 2 Cisaat Sukabumi library is one of the means for students to find reference lessons. But in the current system, the library still uses a manual system, namely by recording books, managing members, and borrowing notifications. The manual process is considered inefficient and time-consuming, as well as documents that can be damaged or lost due to certain events. Therefore we need an information system that can manage library management more effectively and efficiently by using web-based Smart Library. Prototype Model is one of the System Development Live Cycle Model (SDLC) that can help the process of building a web-based Smart Library. So that it can help library management be more structured and with a fast, effective, and efficient process. The results of the beta test questionnaire on average showed 80% answered agreed on the smart library application made.

Novan Zulkarnain

Exports and imports are driving the nation's economy and state revenue sources. Customs as a state agency is assigned to manage the country's income. Customs and its staff are still experiencing difficulties in reporting receipt of export and import of plant or company. One of the policy is issued, each factory or company shall make the information system to determine information about the export of finished goods and raw material imports. The problem is the lack of standardization in the information that must be made by the manufacturer or company. The problem is the lack of standardization in the information that must be made by the manufacturer or company. This study makes the design of information systems based on web-based exports and imports that can be used by all factories or companies in Indonesia, particularly in PT.Windu Eka. The design method used is the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) Analysis, Design and Testing Prototype. This information system consists of web-based software with PHP programming and MySQL database that aims to provide information online, so the reports more accessible and faster made to be reported to Customs.

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