scholarly journals A tanulási eredmény alapú képzésfejlesztés hatása a felnőttkori tanulás minőségére

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Éva Farkas

A felnőttképzés minőségi követelményei jelentősen szigorodtak az új felnőttképzési törvény 2013. évi hatályba lépése óta. Ugyanakkor a felnőttkori tanulás minőségét nem a jogszabályok kényszerítik ki. A minőség a képző intézmény munkájával biztosítható. A minőségbiztosítás egyik eszköze lehet a tanulási eredmények megközelítés alkalmazása a felnőttképzési programok fejlesztésében. A tanulási eredmény szemléletű gondolkodás és képzéstervezés jelentős innovációs potenciált hordoz a felnőttképzési szektor számára. A tanulási eredmény alapú követelménytámasztás következetesebbé, átgondoltabbá teszi a képzés tervezését, a képzési programok kivitelezését, a követelmények meghatározását és a mérés-értékelést. A felnőttképzési programok tanulási eredmény alapú fejlesztése számos előnnyel jár a képző intézmény, az oktató, a felnőtt tanuló és a munkáltató számára és hozzájárul a felnőttkori tanulás eredményességének és minőségének növeléséhez.***The quality requirements of adult training have become stricter since 2013, when the new act on adult training was adopted. Beside the legal regulations the quality of adult learning will be insured by the effective work of adult training institutions. One of the tools of quality assurance can be the using learning outcomes based approach in the process of adult training curriculum design. Thinking and programme planning based on learning outcomes carry significant innovation potentials in adult learning sector. Learning outcomes based curriculum makes the planning and implementation processes of adult training more consistent and thorough together with the determination of related requirements as well as measurement and assessment. The application of learning outcomes carries several advantages for training institutions, educators, adult learners and employers and contributes to the enhancement of the quality and efficiency of the adult learning system and the learning process of those participating in it.

O. Bukhanovskaya ◽  
N. Demcheva

Method of calculating the index of crisis of gratification has been developed on the basis of the complete survey of 995 students of medical university and 804 students of engineering university, determination of clinical and social parameters and factors related to the process of education in the specialized university. It included: a scale for the assessment of the degree of intellectual intensity, academic performance, stress situations related to the peculiarities of education. Reliable differences in values between groups of healthy students, students with preclinical and clinical forms of mental disorders are revealed as a result of calculation of the index of gratification. The authors conclude that satisfaction with the results of education has a significant impact on the mental health of university students.

2016 ◽  
Vol 58 (5) ◽  
pp. 492-509 ◽  
Prashan Shayanka Mendis Karunaratne ◽  
Yvonne A Breyer ◽  
Leigh N Wood

Purpose – Economics is catering to a diverse student cohort. This cohort needs to be equipped with transformative concepts that students can integrate beyond university. When a curriculum is content-driven, threshold concepts are a useful tool in guiding curriculum re-design. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – The evidence for this pedagogic need can be seen in the UK’s higher education economics curriculum framework which is formulated around the threshold concepts of economics. Through a literature review of the application of threshold concepts in economics, the researcher has systematically re-designed an entry-level economics course. This research has been applied to the course structure, the learning and teaching activities, as well as the assessments. At the end of the semester, students students were surveyed on the student experience of the curriculum design and the course activities. The course grades noted the achievement of the students’ learning outcomes. Findings – When comparing the survey responses and the student course results to the previous semesters, there is a significant improvement in student experience as well as student learning outcomes of the course curriculum. Practical implications – This research provides curriculum developers with a benchmark and the tools required to transform economics curricula. Social implications – An engaging, transformative and integrative entry-level economics course is often the only exposure most business graduates have to the economics way of thinking and practice. Originality/value – This is the first comprehensive study that applies a curriculum re-design based on threshold concepts across an entry-level economics course.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-96

Low activity, student creativity in the learning process can result in the teaching and learning process being less than optimal so that the material presented is incomplete according to the expected completeness criteria. From the results of observations and discussions with the history subject teacher, information is obtained that the learning system has not fully involved students as the subject of learning consequently the final result to be achieved, namely individual and classical learning completeness with KKM (minimum completeness criteria) has not been achieved. One of the efforts made to improve the process and student learning outcomes, a learning method is used that makes it easier for students to compile and understand information or the content of the lesson text in increasing understanding of social studies subject matter so that learning outcomes are expected to increase, through the use of the SQ3R method. Based on the background of the problem, the formulation of the problem in this study is: "How are the students' learning outcomes increased through the SQ3R method in history learning for students of XII SMA Negeri 1 Tembilahan Hulu Indragiri Hilir? "The purpose of this study is to determine the activities of teachers and students as well as the improvement of student learning outcomes in history subjects through the SQ3R method for class XI SMAN 1 Kateman Indragiri Hilir. The conclusion of this study is that the student learning outcomes, before CAR the average daily test was 64.3, after the CAR based on the daily test cycle I increased to 81.8 and was included in the good category. In the second cycle of daily tests, it increased again to 92.8 and was included in the very good category. Thus, the use of the SQ3R method can improve student learning outcomes in history learning for class XII at SMAN 1 Tembilahan Hulu, Indragiri Hilir Regency

Hatice Leblebici ◽  
Banu Yücel Toy

The overall aims of this study are to conduct a needs analysis of curriculum design of the “Human Rights, Citizenship and Democracy” course for the teacher candidates at the Department of Classroom Teaching and to propose a curriculum design. In this study, convergent parallel mixed methods design comprising both qualitative and quantitative data collection is used. In the qualitative aspect of the needs analysis, in-depth interviews with eight primary school teachers who taught or have been teaching the “Human Rights, Citizenship and Democracy” course in the fourth year of the primary school, three instructors from Department of Classroom Teaching at the Faculty of Education who are teaching a course with similar content and six teacher candidates registered at the 4th grade of the same department were counducted. Based on the interview results, a “Needs Analysis Questionnaire” was developed by the researchers and used for the quantitative dimension. The questionnaire is applied to 80 teacher candidates who are 3rd and 4th grade classroom teacher candidates in a a state university in Istanbul. Qualitative data were analyzed through the content analysis carried out by using NVivo11 analysis software. In the analysis of the quantitative data, a descriptive analysis was made by using SPSS.20 software package. According to results, It is seen that the teacher candidates are barely knowledgeable about the child rights; and that the teacher candidates appreciate the learning outcomes of the course design, and yet they consider themselves quite incompetent for these learning outcomes. Additionaly, the results demonstrated that an education programme on human rights, citizenship and democracy should be offered to the teacher candidates as a must course. In line with the results of the needs analysis, an education programme design model on human rights, citizenship, democracy and child rights is proposed.

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Basri

Educational services in schools is part of the community and the public school. Service quality is a product and or services in accordance with established quality standards and customer satisfaction. Quality in education include the quality of input, process, output, and outcome. Input-grade education when it is ready to proceed otherwise. The process of quality education to create an atmosphere where learning is active, innovative, creative, effective, dan fun. Output otherwise qualified if the learning outcomes of academic and non academic students achieving at least equal to the minimum completeness criteria specified. Outcome graduates expressed significantly faster when absorbed in the world of work, fair wages, all parties acknowledge and satisfied with the intelligence, skill, personality. Government's efforts to service and quality of education is the use of School-Based Management (SBM) is accompanied by the determination of output criteria, processes, and educational input at school. Expected Output school student achievement / school both academic and non academic generated meets the specified criteria. (2) process, ie, among others: the effectiveness of teaching and learning process, schools have the teamwork of a compact, intelligent and dynamic, the school has the authority (autonomy), school evaluation and continuous improvement, (3) input, ie, among other : the school has: policies, goals, and quality objectives are clear, available resources, feasible, and highly dedicated.Pelayanan pendidikan di sekolah adalah bagian dari masyarakat dan sekolah umum. Kualitas layanan adalah produk dan atau jasa sesuai dengan standar kualitas yang ditetapkan dan kepuasan pelanggan. Kualitas dalam pendidikan termasuk kualitas input, proses, output, dan hasil. Input-kelas pendidikan bila sudah siap untuk melanjutkan sebaliknya. Proses pendidikan yang berkualitas untuk menciptakan suasana di mana pembelajaran aktif, inovatif, kreatif, efektif, menyenangkan Dan. Keluaran dinyatakan memenuhi syarat jika hasil belajar siswa akademik dan non akademik mencapai paling tidak sama dengan kriteria kelengkapan minimal yang ditetapkan. Lulusan Hasil mengungkapkan secara signifikan lebih cepat ketika diserap di dunia kerja, upah yang adil, semua pihak mengakui dan puas dengan, keterampilan kepribadian kecerdasan,. Upaya Pemerintah untuk pelayanan dan kualitas pendidikan adalah penggunaan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS) disertai dengan penentuan kriteria output, proses, dan input pendidikan di sekolah. Keluaran sekolah diharapkan prestasi siswa / sekolah dihasilkan akademik baik akademis dan non memenuhi kriteria yang ditentukan. (2) proses, yaitu, antara lain: efektivitas proses belajar mengajar, sekolah memiliki teamwork yang kompak, cerdas dan dinamis, sekolah memiliki kewenangan (otonomi), evaluasi sekolah dan perbaikan terus-menerus, (3) input, yaitu, antara lain: sekolah memiliki: kebijakan, tujuan, dan sasaran mutu yang jelas, sumber daya yang tersedia, layak, dan berdedikasi tinggi.

2021 ◽  
Darren Turnbull ◽  
Ritesh Chugh ◽  
Jo Luck

One of the significant challenges facing vocational training institutions is the conundrum of providing the best possible learning outcomes to a diverse range of people using pedagogical practices and materials that by design demand uniformity in delivery approaches. In this paper, we examined a snapshot of perspectives from teachers and students in two distinctly different vocational training institutions, one in China and the other in Australia. Comments from participants revealed that flexible approaches to course delivery, the provision of a range of different types of learning materials, and institutional support in teacher training and curriculum design are vital elements in implementing an inclusive learning space for students. This paper proposes that a triad of interrelated elements, consisting of pedagogy, learning materials and institutions, are bound together by learning management systems that facilitate the creation of multi-modal course delivery approaches. We further contend that teaching practices that pigeonhole people as belonging to immutable categories of learning styles are outmoded and detract from creating inclusive learning environments. The findings from this study indicate that best practice approaches for developing truly engaging educational environments are rooted in the facilitation of individual autonomy in the learning process. The creation of opportunities for constructive interaction between learners is needed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-101
Wulan Rahayu Syachtiyani ◽  
Novi Trisnawati

The covid-19 pandemic has shifted the learning system in Indonesia to distance learning, or better known as online learning. Various education units carry out online learning, this can bring about changes in learning activities. Whether it’s from students, teachers and the learning environment. From the existing phenomena, the researcher wants to conduct an analysis related to learning motivation and student learning outcomes during the covid-19 pandemic. This study aims (1) to find out how student motivation during the covid-19 pandemic and (2) to find out how student learning outcomes during the covid-19 pandemic. This research is qualitative descriptive study using a qualitative approach. The research subjects were students of X OTKP class, vocational high school 1 Ngawi while the value of student learning outcomes was taken in the General Administration subject. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. While the data analysis technique uses percentages. From the research conducted, it was found that the six indicators of learning motivation got an average of 84,28%, which means that student learning motivation falls into the high motivation category. While the average value of student learning outcomes got a percentage of 82,64%. Which means that student learning the category of good learning outcomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Aisyah Aisyah

This research is experimental research on students class XI of MIPA in SMA Negeri 3 Purwokerto. This research takes the title of "The Influence of the Application of the Cooperative Learning Model Type Course Review Horay (CRH) Against the Liveliness of learning and the Results of the Economic Study (study on the Grade XI MIPA in SMA Negeri 3 Purwokerto)". The purpose of this research is to know the difference in learning outcomes and learning activity between the learning model Course Review Horay (CRH) with conventional learning model, to know the influence of learning model Course Review Horay (CRH) against the learning outcomes and learning activity, as well as to know the influence of the liveliness of the learning results of learning. The population of this research is the grade XI MIPA in SMA Negeri 3 Purwokerto. The number of samples taken in this study is 72 i.e. 2 Class XI of MIPA which each class amounted to 36 students. Purposive Sampling Method used in the determination of the sample. Based on the results of the research and the anallisis data indicate that (1) there is a significant difference between the model of learning learning activeness cooperative Course Review Horay (CRH) and conventional learning model on economics. (2) there are significant differences between the learning outcomes learning model cooperative Course Review Horay (CRH) and conventional learning model on economi. (3) there is a positive influence learning model cooperative Course Review Horay (CRH) against the liveliness of the study on economic. (4) there is a positive influence learning model cooperative Course Review Horay (CRH) against the results of the study on economic. (5) there is no positive influence between the liveliness of student learning against the results of the study on economic. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen pada siswa kelas XI MIPA di SMA Negeri 3 Purwokerto. Penelitian ini mengambil judul “Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Course Review Horay (CRH) terhadap Keaktifan Belajar dan Hasil Belajar Ekonomi (Studi pada Siswa Kelas XI MIPA di SMA Negeri 3 Purwokerto)”.        Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan keaktifan belajar dan hasil belajar antara model pembelajaran Course Review Horay (CRH) dengan model pembelajaran konvensional, untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Course Review Horay (CRH) terhadap keaktifan belajar dan hasil belajar, serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh keaktifan belajar terhadap hasil belajar. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI MIPA di SMA Negeri 3 Purwokerto. Jumlah sample yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah 72 yaitu 2 kelas XI MIPA yang masing-masing kelas berjumlah 36 siswa. Purposive Sampling Method digunakan dalam penentuan sample. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan anallisis data menunjukkan bahwa (1) Terdapat perbedaan signifikan keaktifan belajar antara model pembelajaran kooperatif Course Review Horay (CRH) dengan model pembelajaran konvensional pada mata pelajaran ekonomi. (2) Terdapat perbedaan signifikan hasil belajar antara model pembelajaran kooperatif Course Review Horay (CRH)  dengan model pembelajaran konvensional pada mata pelajaran ekonomi. (3) Terdapat pengaruh positif model pembelajaran kooperatif Course Review Horay (CRH)  terhadap keaktifan belajar pada mata pelajaran ekonomi. (4) Terdapat pengaruh positif model pembelajaran kooperatif Course Review Horay (CRH)  terhadap hasil belajar pada mata pelajaran ekonomi. (5) Tidak terdapat pengaruh positif antara keaktifan belajar siswa terhadap hasil belajar pada mata pelajaran ekonomi.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Siti Sahara ◽  
Sugeng Priyanto

Currently, Covid-19 is a hot topic of conversation in all countries, including Indonesia. In Indonesia itself, a Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy was implemented to suppress the spread of this virus so that all activities carried out outside the home must be stopped until this pandemic has subsided. The imposition of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) made the learning system change from a classical system to a Distance Learning (PJJ) or online system. In the Introduction to Management course, student participation was found to be low during the learning process. Lecturers have difficulty determining whether students take learning seriously or not. Often in distance learning, some students deliberately put up a video that has been recorded, so that it seems like they are following the learning process, but in reality, they are doing something else. This is caused by several factors, including media which can be in the form of video lessons and student interest in learning. Looking at the description above, researchers are interested in conducting research that aims to determine the effect of using video learning and learning interest on learning outcomes in the Management Introduction course in the distance learning process during the Covid 19 pandemic. This research was conducted in the D3 Transportation Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, the State University of Jakarta in semester 113 of the 2020/2021 school year. This research is an ex post facto research with a quantitative approach. The number of samples in this study consisted of 76 students. The data collection technique is done by using questionnaires and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed using a multiple regression test. The results of this study indicate that Fcount ≥ Ftable = 13.53 ≥ 3.124 so it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between the use of instructional videos (X1) and interest (X2) on learning outcomes in the Introduction to Management (Y) course. For this reason, the role of lecturers is indispensable in continuously making creative innovations in developing various kinds of learning media that can increase student interest in learning during the Covid 19 pandemic. 

2021 ◽  
Yew Kee Wong

The assessment outcome for many online learning methods are based on the number of correct answers and than convert it into one final mark or grade. We discovered that when using online learning, we can extract more detail information from the learning process and these information are useful for the assessor to plan an effective and efficient learning model for the learner. Statistical analysis is an important part of an assessment when performing the online learning outcome. The assessment indicators include the difficulty level of the question, time spend in answering and the variation in choosing answer. In this paper we will present the findings of these assessment indicators and how it can improve the way the learner being assessed when using online learning system. We developed a statistical analysis algorithm which can assess the online learning outcomes more effectively using quantifiable measurements. A number of examples of using this statistical analysis algorithm are presented.

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