scholarly journals Growth and Production Performances of Crossbred Climbing Perch Koi, Anabas testudineus in Bangladesh

AHM Kohinoor ◽  
MS Islam ◽  
DA Jahan ◽  
MM Khan ◽  
MG Hussain

The study was performed for evaluating the growth and production performances of crossbred climbing perch (Anabas testudineus) during August to October 2009. The crossbred groups of fish were produced by crossing between native climbing perch and Thai climbing perch (A. testudineus). Growth and production performances was compared at grow out condition between crossbred groups in the two reciprocal crosses of treatments viz. T1: Native climbing perch (?) × Thai climbing perch (?) and T2: Thai climbing perch (?)×Native climbing perch (?. At the same time, they were compared also with their respective control F1 pure line groups i.e. T3: Native climbing perch (?) × Native climbing perch (?) and T4: Thai climbing perch (?) × Thai climbing perch (?). It was evident from the results that among the treatments in grow out system, the highest mean harvesting weight was 69.25±9.01 g found in T4 (Thai climbing perch), which was significantly different (P<0.05) from all other treatments. Whereas, T3 (native climbing perch) also showed the lowest mean harvesting weight 33.38±8.74 g and showed significant differences (P<0.05) among all the treatments. The mean harvesting weight of both the crossbred groups i.e. T1 and T2 were 50.83±6.65 and 59.94±7.83 g, respectively and these results were statistically insignificant (P>0.05) between them but significant among all other treatments. The highest (93.60%) and lowest (83.06%) survival rates were observed in Thai koi (T4) and native Koi (T3) parental stocks, respectively. Wider variations in terms of productions performances were observed among the treatments, where the gross production of T1, T2, T3 and T4 were 2,753±96.67, 3,401±73.26, 1,733±168.47 and 4,051±185 kg/ha, respectively. The productions obtained from crossbred groups were at intermediate compared to their control pure line groups. Higher FCR mean value was observed in native control line (T3), while, lower FCR mean value was observed in Thai control line (T4). DOI: Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 2 (1): 19-25, June, 2012

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 313-322 ◽  
MN Mondal ◽  
J Shahin ◽  
MA Wahab ◽  
M Asaduzzaman ◽  
Y Yang

An experiment was conducted to compare production and economic performance of Thai Climbing Perch (Anabas testudineus) and Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) under three management systems. The nursed juveniles of Thai Climbing Perch (6.22 ± 0.15g) and Tilapia (22.52 ± 0.73g) were stocked at 50 Thai Climbing Perch per 1m3 cage and 50 Tilapia per 80m2 open pond (Caged Perch); 50 Tilapia per 1m3 cage and 50 Thai Climbing Perch per 80 m2 open pond (Caged Tilapia); and both 50 Thai Climbing Perch and 50 Tilapia per 80m2 pond (Mixed culture) as three treatments with three replicates for each. Pelleted feed (35% crude protein) was given twice daily (8.0 h and 16.0 h) at a rate of 10% body weight of Thai Climbing Perch for first month and 5% body weight of Thai Climbing Perch for rest of the culture period (90 days) to cages for the integrated cage-pond culture and to open ponds for the mixed culture. Among the measured water quality parameters transparency (cm), alkalinity (mg l-1), nitrite-nitrogen (mg l-1), and chlorophyll-a (μg l-1) were significantly different among the treatments. A total of 43 genera of phytoplankton and 16 genera of zooplankton were identified from the pond water. The mean abundance of total macro-benthic organisms was not significantly different (P>0.05). The mean survival rate of Thai Climbing Perch was high, ranging from 86.67% to 98.67%. Gross yield of Thai Climbing Perch was the highest in the Caged Perch. Survival of Tilapia was also high, ranging from 94.00% to 96.67%. The combined FCRs were 0.75, 0.77 and 0.85 in the Caged Perch, Mixed culture and Caged Tilapia systems, respectively. Economic analysis revealed that a significantly higher (P<0.05) cost-benefit ratio was obtained in the Caged Perch treatment. Therefore, it is concluded that the integrated cage-pond culture system with the high-valued Thai Climbing Perch in cages and low-valued Tilapia in open ponds may be a better option for rural pond aquaculture considering the production and economic benefit. Keyword: Cage culture; Integrated aquaculture; Climbing Perch; Tilapia DOI: 10.3329/jbau.v8i2.7943 J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 8(2): 313-322, 2010  

HPB Surgery ◽  
1991 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 235-249 ◽  
Susumu Yamasaki ◽  
Masatoshi Makuuchi ◽  
Hiroshi Hasegawa

The number of hepatectomies has increased greatly in recent years. Surgery for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in the normal liver has not increased. However, the increase in numbers of hepatectomies for HCC associated with liver cirrhosis is remarkable. More than 80% of our hepatectomy cases were cirrhotic and about 80% of these cirrhotic cases had HCCs 5cm or less in diameter. The operative mortality rate has improved in the latter half of this series, from 10.1% (9/89) to 1.5% (5/338), in spite of an increase in cases with poor liver function. This corresponds to a decrease in the mean value of the annual operative blood loss. The survival rates after hepatectomy for all cases (n = 378) were 40.6% ± 6.6 (% ± SE) for 5 year and 22.7% ± 5.3 for 10 year at the end of 1988. A difference of the 5-year survival rate between the patients operated on before 1981 (n = 78, 25.6% ± 4.9) and after 1982 (n = 300, 46.1% ± 4.8) was observed (p<0.05). Because the cancer-free survival rates of the patients operated on in the two periods, before 1981 and after 1982, were almost the same, the recent improvement of the survival rates seems to be due to a prolongation of survival time after recurrence.

2018 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 164-173 ◽  
Ahmadi Ahmadi

Abstract Phototaxis in climbing perch (Anabas testudineus) was investigated by subjecting fish to LED light traps (blue, green, yellow, orange, red, white) and control (total 13 traps). The trap was constructed of polyamide (PA) nylon monofilament (31.75 mm mesh size), fastened around two wire ring frames (∅ 490 mm) with a net height of 270 mm. A lamp was placed on the bottom of the trap. 96 individuals, consisting of 34 males and 62 females, were analysed. Both continuous and blinking light traps were considerably higher in the number of catch compared to the control. The body size of catch ranged from 76-135 mm TL and 8.00-55.00 g W. The mean YPUEs (yield per unit effort) for male and female were 4.00 ± 2.25 and 7.00 ± 4.50 g trap−1 trial-1, respectively. The CPUEs (catch per unit effort) for continuous, blinking light traps and the control ranged from 0.43 to 0.93, 0.21 to 0.86, and 0.21 fish trap−1night−1, respectively. The mean condition factor (K) values of 2.10 ± 0.40 for males and 2.13 ± 0.34 for females indicate fish with better condition. Positive group responses of fish were more pronounced in the middle size classes between 90 and 109 mm TL. Negative allometric growth pattern (b) (1.7271-1.8828) was observed, indicating that the culture system should be refined. A. testudineus showed positive phototaxis to the “colors of light”. In addition, efforts to collect climbing perch from the wild for breeding and commercial purposes may benefit from this study.

1970 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 265-280
G. M. HUGHES ◽  

1. Respiration of the climbing perch Anabas has been studied under five different experimental conditions. (a) The mean O2 consumption of a fish allowed free access to air, is about 113 c.c./kg/h at 25°C. The fish obtain nearly equal amounts of oxygen through the gills and through the accessory organs. (b) The overall O2 consumption from water of a fish allowed free access to nitrogen is nearly the same as during normal respiration from water with access to air. (c) The O2 consumption is reduced when the fish is out of water and obtains all its oxygen from air. (d) The O2 consumption from air increases considerably when the fish is maintained in de-oxygenated water and depends upon surfacing for its oxygen supply. (e) The O2 consumption of a fish kept in aerated water and prevented from surfacing remains at a minimum level relative to the other four conditions. 2. Much more carbon dioxide is released through the gills than through the accessory organs (10:1) when the fish respires from aerated water with access to air. The accessory organs are much more important for O2 uptake. 3. The respiratory quotient is approximately 1 when the fish is in aerated water, with or without access to air, but is only 0.7 when the fish is out of water. 4. Anabas can live out of water for 6-10 h if protected from dehydration. It continues to breathe quietly in air-saturated water using its gills alone for shorter periods (6-8 h) when denied free access to air.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Randi Febriansyah ◽  
Muhammad Sugihartono ◽  
M Yusuf Arifin

Climbing Perch (Testudineus Anabas, Bloch) are Indonesian native fish that live in freshwater and brackish habitats, these Climbing Perch (A. testudineus, Bloch) have a high economic value not only in the form of live fish as consumption purposes, these fish are in the form processed also has a high selling price on the market. The purpose of this study was to determine the growth and survival rates of Climbing Perch Seeds (A. testudineus, Bloch) which were maintained in containers using shellter and without shellter. This study uses 2 different treatments, namely using shellter and without shellter. The seeds of Climbing Perch are then spread into an aquarium with a volume of 54 liters with a density of 3 fish / liter Climbing Perch. The results showed that the maintenance of Climbing Perch using shellter gave the best growth rate and survival of Climbing Perch.Keywords: Climbing Perch, Shellter Technology, Survival, Water QualityAbstrakIkan betok (Anabas Testudineus, Bloch) merupakan ikan asli Indonesia yang hidup pada habitat perairan tawar dan payau, Ikan betok (A. testudineus, Bloch) ini mempunyai nilai ekonomis yang tinggi tidak hanya dalam bentuk ikan hidup sebagai tujuan konsumsi, ikan ini dalam bentuk olahan juga memiliki harga jual yang tinggi di pasar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat kelangsungan hidup Benih Ikan Betok (A. testudineus, Bloch) yang dipelihara dalam wadah menggunakan shellter dan tanpa shellter. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 perlakuan yang berbeda yaitu menggunakan shellter dan tanpa shellter. Benih ikan betok kemudian ditebarkan kedalam akuarium dengan volume sebanyak 54 liter dengan kepadatan benih ikan betok 3 ekor/liter. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemeliharaan benih ikan betok menggunakan shellter memberikan tingkat kelangsungan hidup benih ikan betok terbaik.Kata Kunci : Benih Betok, Teknologi Shellter, Kelangsungan Hidup, Kualitas Air

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
Mohd Effendi Wasli ◽  
Douglas Bungan Ambun ◽  
Meekiong Kalu ◽  
Mogeret Sidi ◽  
Hafsah Nahrawi ◽  

Abstract. Wasli ME, Ambun DB, Kalu M, Sidi M, Nahrawi H, Elias H. 2020. Assessment on the growth performance of planted Dryobalanops beccarii at reforestation sites after implementation of selective girdling. Biodiversitas 21: 1880-1889. This study was conducted to evaluate the growth performance of planted Dryobalanops beccarii Dyer at reforestation sites after silvicultural practices in Gunung Apeng National Park (GANP), Sarawak. The assessed area was planted with D. beccarii in 2005 and undergo silvicultural treatment by understory clearing which implemented annually. Due to the suppressed growth rate of the planted trees, an additional silvicultural treatment, the selective girdling on selected pioneer species, was implemented once, in 2012. In this study, study plots with two treatments were established: T1: understory clearing only (control plot), and T2: additional selective girdling of existing pioneer species in addition to the understory clearing practice applied in T1. The growth performance of the planted D. beccarii in terms of DBH, height, survival and mean annual increments in diameter (MaiD) and height (MaiH) were assessed and monitored at the initial stage when the selective girdling treatment was applied and 4, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 months after girdling. Our findings showed that the survival rates of planted trees at 72 months under treatments T1 and T2 were 82.9% and 79.2%, respectively. The average tree DBH in T2 was significantly higher than that in T1, and the average tree DBH values for T1 and T2 were 7.5 cm and 9.4 cm, respectively. The average tree heights for T1 and T2 were 8.3 m and 9.2 m, respectively. In terms of the mean annual increments in height (MaiH) and diameter (MaiD), those in T2 were significantly higher than those in T1. Our findings indicated that T2 started to show better growth performance than T1 after a period of 36 months. In conclusion, the additional silvicultural treatment by selective girdling at the reforestation site had a long-term, progressive effect on the growth performance of the planted trees.

Noriyuki Kuwano ◽  
Masaru Itakura ◽  
Kensuke Oki

Pd-Ce alloys exhibit various anomalies in physical properties due to mixed valences of Ce, and the anomalies are thought to be strongly related with the crystal structures. Since Pd and Ce are both heavy elements, relative magnitudes of (fcc-fpd) are so small compared with <f> that superlattice reflections, even if any, sometimes cannot be detected in conventional x-ray powder patterns, where fee and fpd are atomic scattering factors of Ce and Pd, and <f> the mean value in the crystal. However, superlattices in Pd-Ce alloys can be analyzed by electron microscopy, thanks to the high detectability of electron diffraction. In this work, we investigated modulated superstructures in alloys with 12.5 and 15.0 at.%Ce.Ingots of Pd-Ce alloys were prepared in an arc furnace under atmosphere of ultra high purity argon. The disc specimens cut out from the ingots were heat-treated in vacuum and electrothinned to electron transparency by a jet method.

1987 ◽  
Vol 26 (06) ◽  
pp. 253-257
M. Mäntylä ◽  
J. Perkkiö ◽  
J. Heikkonen

The relative partition coefficients of krypton and xenon, and the regional blood flow in 27 superficial malignant tumour nodules in 22 patients with diagnosed tumours were measured using the 85mKr- and 133Xe-clearance method. In order to minimize the effect of biological variables on the measurements the radionuclides were injected simultaneously into the tumour. The distribution of the radiotracers was assumed to be in equilibrium at the beginning of the experiment. The blood perfusion was calculated by fitting a two-exponential function to the measuring points. The mean value of the perfusion rate calculated from the xenon results was 13 ± 10 ml/(100 g-min) [range 3 to 38 ml/(100 g-min)] and from the krypton results 19 ± 11 ml/(100 g-min) [range 5 to 45 ml/(100 g-min)]. These values were obtained, if the partition coefficients are equal to one. The equations obtained by using compartmental analysis were used for the calculation of the relative partition coefficient of krypton and xenon. The partition coefficient of krypton was found to be slightly smaller than that of xenon, which may be due to its smaller molecular weight.

1968 ◽  
Vol 20 (01/02) ◽  
pp. 044-049 ◽  
B Lipiński ◽  
K Worowski

SummaryIn the present paper described is a simple test for detecting soluble fibrin monomer complexes (SFMC) in blood. The test consists in mixing 1% protamine sulphate with diluted oxalated plasma or serum and reading the optical density at 6190 Å. In experiments with dog plasma, enriched with soluble fibrin complexes, it was shown that OD read in PS test is proportional to the amount of fibrin recovered from the precipitate. It was found that SFMC level in plasma increases in rabbits infused intravenously with thrombin and decreases after injection of plasmin with streptokinase. In both cases PS precipitable protein in serum is elevated indicating enhanced fibrinolysis. In healthy human subjects the mean value of OD readings in plasma and sera were found to be 0.30 and 0.11, while in patients with coronary thrombosis they are 0.64 and 0.05 respectively. The origin of SFMC in circulation under physiological and pathological conditions is discussed.

1996 ◽  
Vol 75 (05) ◽  
pp. 772-777 ◽  
Sybille Albrecht ◽  
Matthias Kotzsch ◽  
Gabriele Siegert ◽  
Thomas Luther ◽  
Heinz Großmann ◽  

SummaryThe plasma tissue factor (TF) concentration was correlated to factor VII concentration (FVIIag) and factor VII activity (FVIIc) in 498 healthy volunteers ranging in age from 17 to 64 years. Immunoassays using monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were developed for the determination of TF and FVIIag in plasma. The mAbs and the test systems were characterized. The mean value of the TF concentration was 172 ± 135 pg/ml. TF showed no age- and gender-related differences. For the total population, FVIIc, determined by a clotting test, was 110 ± 15% and the factor VIlag was 0.77 ± 0.19 μg/ml. FVII activity was significantly increased with age, whereas the concentration demonstrated no correlation to age in this population. FVII concentration is highly correlated with the activity as measured by clotting assay using rabbit thromboplastin. The ratio between FVIIc and FVIIag was not age-dependent, but demonstrated a significant difference between men and women. Between TF and FVII we could not detect a correlation.

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