scholarly journals 3 Elaboración del mapa de ruido de las calles de la ciudad de Cuenca, a de partir de características viales y densidad de tráfico.

2017 ◽  
pp. 39-49
Christian Tacuri Ortega ◽  
Felipe Calderón Peralvo ◽  
Julia Martínez Gavilanes ◽  
Chester Sellers Walden ◽  
Omar Delgado Inga

Debido al progresivo crecimiento del parque automotor en la ciudad de Cuenca-Ecuador, se evidencian congestiones por la sobresaturación del tráfico en las vías de la ciudad, las cuales colapsan en horas pico, ocasionando, como consecuencia, elevados niveles de ruido. Por esta razón, el presente artículo tiene como objeto modelar el ruido generado por el tráfico vehicular en las principales calles de la ciudad. Para ello se utilizará el modelo de predicción de ruido NMPB-Routes-96 en el software especializado en ruido “Datakustik CadnaA”; para el efecto se ha realizado un levantamiento de los datos requeridos por el software, además de validar, depurar y sistematizar la información de la geodatabase proporcionada por la Dirección Municipal de Tránsito y Transporte (DMT) del GAD municipal de Cuenca, en la cual hay información sobre las características viales y del parque auto motor de la ciudad. Palabras clave: Ruido, mapa, CadnaA, nivel de presión sonora. AbstractDue to the progressive growth of the car park in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador, there is evidence of congestion due to the over-saturation of traffic on the city’s roads, which collapse in peak hours, resulting in high noise levels, resulting in high noise levels. For this reason, this article aims to model the noise generated by vehicular traffic in the main streets of the city, using the noise prediction model NMPB-Routes-96 in the specialized noise software “Datakustik CadnaA”, for this purpose a survey of the data required by the software has been carried out, besides validating, debugging and systematizing of the geodatabase information provided by the Municipal Transit and Transport Department (DMT) of the municipal GAD of Cuenca , in which there is information about the road characteristics and of the automotive park of the city. keywords: Noise, map, CadnaA, sound pressure level.

Daniel Alfredo Delgado Gutierréz ◽  
Liborio Lenin López Hernández ◽  
Wellington Jordan Pita Suarez ◽  
Eduardo Humberto Ortiz Hernández

  La ciudad de Portoviejo experimenta uno de los problemas más frecuentes de las ciudades cuyo parque automotor va en crecimiento, que tienen una alta actividad comercial y gran concentración de actividad burocrática, el congestionamiento vehicular. El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar la composición del tránsito vehicular y proponer soluciones y alternativas a este problema en uno de los focos de congestionamiento de la ciudad, ubicado a lo largo de la Avenida América, desde su intersección con la Avenida Manabí hasta su intersección con la calle Ramón Fernández, zona a la que se ha denominado “Sector Bancario”. Para dicho efecto la metodología se respaldó en la aplicación de un aforo vehicular, la práctica de una encuesta dirigida a los conductores y la observación de los investigadores. Los resultados permitieron identificar tres causas frecuentes del problema: las denominadas “horas pico”, el tipo de vehículo y, principalmente, el conductor.   PALABRAS CLAVE: tránsito; tránsito vehicular; congestionamiento vehicular; soluciones y alternativas   ABSTRACT The city of Portoviejo experiences one of the most frequent problems of the cities where the car park is growing, which have a high commercial activity and a high concentration of bureaucratic activity, vehicle congestion. The objective of this research work was to analyze the composition of vehicular traffic and propose solutions and alternatives to this problem in one of the congestion points of the city, located along Avenida América, from its intersection with Avenida Manabí to its intersection with Ramón Fernández street, an area called “Banking Sector”. For this purpose, the methodology was supported by the application of a vehicle count, the practice of a survey directed at drivers, and the observation of researchers. The results allowed identifying three frequent causes of the problem: the so-called "rush hours", the type of vehicle and, mainly, the driver.   KEYWORDS: transit; vehicular traffic; traffic congestion; solutions and alternatives

Jurnal Zona ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-74
Muhammad Yevizal ◽  
Aras Mulyadi ◽  
Ferry Fatnanta

Completion of the transportation problems in the city of Pekanbaru currently only looked at in terms of congestion, but not touching insights from environmental aspects such as performance air pollution and noise levels. This research was conducted at the observation point road ahead Repair Tambusai lord Eastern Daihatshu, road Tuanku Tambusai West Side Mall SKA, North Soekarno Hatta street front retail outlets, street front Soekarno Hatta South Hotel Ibis Pekanbaru. V / C Ratio highest in the afternoon rush hour on the road ahead Tambusai lord Stations Daihatsu ie 0.86 pelyanan road performance E. Quality Standard ambient NOx emissions do not exceed the threshold of ambient quality standards, the NOx emission = 281.76 mg/m3. Quality Standard ambient CO emissions do not exceed the threshold of ambient quality standards, namely emission = 7456.79 mg/m3, the noise level over the limit of noise that is 71.41 dB (A). To balance the load reduction in pollutant emissions and noise levels at the flyover plan with the plan of special bus lane traffic volume assumptions have to move 25% of the transfer of the road users of private vehicles and motorbikes switch to using mass public transport vehicles ie Trans Metro bus Pekanbaru.

Emmanouil A. Papadimitriou ◽  
Grigorios P. Papageorgiou ◽  
Nikolaos Alamanis ◽  
Theodosia-Niki Diakosavva

Greece, as well as other developed countries, is facing the growing problem of road traffic noise. It stands for a severe problem in the urban areas of the country, including the city of Larissa. The root cause is the huge increase in traffic volume and the lack of adequate urban infrastructure planning. Estimation of the level of road traffic noise is usually conducted using acoustic meters. It is widely accepted that most of the cities’ population is exposed to high noise levels due to controversial traffic capacity. Moreover, high noise levels are strongly related to phycological and neurological diseases. Thus, it is of utmost importance, the road noise levels to be lower than dictated by relevant specification limits. To develop better noise-environment policies, relative research should focus on the measurement of in-situ noise levels, so as appropriate for each case corrective measures to be taken. The present paper examines the noise levels of a center road of the 5th Greek city, in terms of population, compared to worldwide adopted noise specification limits. The clear aim stands for finding the percentage of road noise that exceeds commonly accepted threshold values, namely limit values of European Union and World Health Organization. The results of this research strongly indicate that measured noise values override upper limit values in a certain extent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 176-189
Kuldeep Kuldeep ◽  
Sohil Sisodiya ◽  
Dr. Anil K. Mathur

The most common environmental concern in metropolitan cities worldwide is noise pollution. Kota metropolis (India) is also suffering from the problem of the increased noise level in the urban environment. Kota metropolis has been selected for the assessment of noise pollution. The main reasons behind the increasing level of noise in the city are increased population, rapid urbanization and industrialization, increased transportation facilities, urban development, construction and demolition works etc. The noise levels were recorded for day-time (6 am to 10 pm) as per Indian standard time for 96 days. Sixteen sampling points are made within the city depending upon the category of area/zone such as industrial, residential, silence and commercial. Six days were prescribed for each sampling location for noise level measurement. Noise descriptors such as Lmax, Lmin, L10, L50, L90, NC (noise climate), Lnp (noise pollution level), Leq (equivalent noise level), and NEI (noise exposure index) were computed with the observed data. Noise descriptors are very useful to indicate the physiological and psychological effects of noise pollution associated with noise levels. It makes regulating agency to take necessary actions in high noise areas for noise vulnerable groups such as Childs, old persons etc. Noise levels were recorded with the digital sound level meter " HTC SL-1350". Obtained equivalent noise levels were in between 65 dB(A) to 85 dB(A). The results were then compared with the WHO standards of community noise levels, and Indian noise pollution standards. It is noticed that the noise levels in all monitoring stations were well above the limits of the standards prescribed by the WHO and CPCB. Small variations in noise levels were observed for all sampling locations i.e. noise levels were almost similar at sampling locations. Noise levels were distinct in magnitude for morning and evenings hours. Noise Exposure Index (NEI) was greater than 1 which shows significant high noise levels in all the sampling locations. Kota metropolis desperately needs new strategies to reduces the high noise level in the city. Regulating agencies should take necessary action before things get out of control. Some immediate actions are suggested in the study.

2021 ◽  
pp. 181-195
Juan Pablo Carvallo-Ochoa

Históricamente, la casa se ha constituido como el espacio fundamental que permite la realización de las actividades domésticas, la interrelación familiar y el desarrollo y afianzamiento del yo personal. Diversos autores concuerdan que durante el siglo XX suceden las mayores alteraciones en las estructuras sociales, entornos de ciudades y en la vivienda y sus espacios (Cañar & Torres, 2018); convirtiéndose esta, en el laboratorio de experimentación teórico y de aplicación práctica de los modernos estilos de vida (Añón, 2013). En el Ecuador, las transformaciones sociales, económicas y políticas de inicios de siglo, se dieron paralelamente a las transformaciones tecnológicas y energéticas, las cuales con mayor o menor demora llegaban a Cuenca. La presente investigación plantea estudiar la modernización de la casa burguesa en Cuenca, a partir de la identificación y análisis de las estrategias proyectuales aplicadas, en la casa Peña (1954) y la casa Vázquez (1962), por el Arq. Cesar Burbano Moscoso. Estas viviendas se caracterizaron por la innovación y búsqueda de una nueva manera de habitar, asumiendo los cambios que la ciudad exigió a mediados del siglo XX. En los dos casos se evidencia como la tipología tradicional de casa con patio interior, organizada centralmente y alineada y conectada a la calzada, se invierte y muta en una tipología radicalmente contraria, compuesta por construcciones aisladas y retiradas de la calle, modificando así las relaciones, internas de la casa y con la ciudad. El estudio explora procesos arquitectónicos, enfocando el interés en reconocer criterios y valores que provienen de las obras, así como elementos arquitectónicos y urbanos de un momento particular de la arquitectura cuencana. Palabras clave: Arquitectura moderna, vivienda moderna, transformaciones del espacio doméstico, Cesar Burbano Moscoso, Cuenca-Ecuador. AbstractHistorically, the house has been constituted as the fundamental space that allows the realization of domestic activities, family interrelationship and the development and strengthening of the personal self. Several authors agree that during the twentieth century the greatest alterations in social structures, city environments and housing and its spaces took place (Cañar & Torres, 2018); becoming the laboratory of theoretical experimentation and practical application of modern lifestyles (Añón, 2013). In Ecuador, the social, economic and political transformations at the beginning of the century were parallel to the technological and energy transformations, which with greater or lesser delay reached Cuenca. This research proposes to study the modernization of the bourgeois house in Cuenca, based on the identification and analysis of the applied project strategies, in the Peña House (1954) and the Vázquez House (1962), by the architect Cesar Burbano Moscoso. These houses have been characterized by innovation and the search for a new way of living, assuming the changes  that the city demanded in the mid-twentieth century. In both cases it is evident how the traditional typology of a house with an interior patio, centrally organized, aligned and connected to the road, is inverted and transformed into a radically opposite typology, composedof isolated structures and withdrawn from the street, thus modifying the internal relations to the house and with the city. The study explored architectural processes, approaching the interest in recognizing criteria and values that come from the works, as well as architectural and urban elements of a particular moment of Cuenca architecture. Keywords: Modern architecture, modern housing, transformations of domestic space, Cesar Burbano Moscoso, Cuenca-Ecuador

2014 ◽  
Vol 26 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 29-36 ◽  
MMM Hoque ◽  
LK Basak ◽  
M Rokanuzzaman ◽  
Sajal Roy

The study was carried out to ascertain the level of noise pollution at different locations in Tangail municipal area. For this purpose noise levels were measured at different locations at different periods of the day. At all the locations the level of noise were found to be higher than the acceptable level. The intensity of noise was found lower with increasing distance from the road side. The noise level on the main road near hospital, shopping center and bazars was above the standard level recommended by MoEF. From the survey motor vehicles were found as the main cause of high noise level. The most common problems with high noise level were found to increased heart beat, drowsiness, headache and hearing impairment. DOI: Bangladesh J. Sci. Res. 26(1-2): 29-36, December-2013

2017 ◽  
pp. 73
María Perona Alonso

ResumenEsta investigación parte de la necesidad de poner el foco en los servicios que los ecosistemas pueden llegar a ofrecer en las áreas urbanas tomando en este caso, a los ríos como elemento clave en la planificación urbana. Desde este enfoque, se propone un análisis general de la relación entre el río, la ciudad y los ciudadanos, a través de las estrategias y técnicas de gestión de los entornos fluviales urbanos, los servicios ecosistémicos y el bienestar humano. Asimilando de este modo conceptos propios de la ecología y el urbanismo, y traduciéndolos a un lenguaje común y simplificado. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la integración es la hoja de ruta a seguir en el camino hacia la ciudad habitable. Palabras clave  Servicios ecosistémicos, ecosistema urbano, río urbano, estrategia hidráulica, estrategia ambiental, bienestar humanoAbstractThis part of the investigation of the need to focus on the services that ecosystems can reach urban areas, taking in this case urban rivers as an important element in urban planning. From this approach, a general analysis of the relationship between the river, the city and the citizens is proposed, through the strategies and techniques of management of urban river environments, ecosystem services and human welfare. Assimilating, in this way, concepts proper to Ecology and Urbanism, and translating them into a common and simplified language. The results obtained from the integration of the road map to follow on the way to the habitable city. KeywordsEcosystem services, urban ecosystem, urban river, hydraulic strategy, environmental strategy, human welfare

Daniel Brisach ◽  
Matthew Griffith ◽  
Janelle Konchar ◽  
Stephen Petfield ◽  
Peter Popper ◽  

Exposure to high noise levels may be the most common occupational hazard. Recent estimates suggest that as many as 30 million Americans are exposed to noise levels greater than the current safe limits for workplaces. At current durations of exposure, it is expected that 25% of these workers will develop permanent, noise-induced hearing loss. In many of these industrial environments, high levels of vibration also exist that can lead to several injuries and ailments. To address the adverse effects associated with the use of high noise emission impact tools, a study was initiated to develop and evaluate alternate tool designs that reduce the potential for hearing loss and vibration-related injuries. Recent work has focused on integrating advanced engineering polymers (composites) into tool designs for the purpose of eliminating direct metal-to-metal impact. This approach has several significant performance advantages including reduced operator discomfort due to hand-arm mechanical shock, reduced noise, and less danger from flying metal fragments. To quantify sound emission characteristics of these new designs, continuous sound pressure, maximum sound pressure, and maximum sound pressure level were measured using an array of five precision microphones each located 1 meter from the tool. Data was sampled at 40 kHz while test subjects operate both pneumatic tools and hand-struck tools. Frequency spectra of the sound pressure signals were examined for all tool treatments, and indicate that the addition of a polymer insert between metal impact components significantly reduces noise emission, especially at higher frequencies. Sound pressure levels were reduced by as much as 4 dBA compared to conventional tool designs. Similar reductions were observed in vibration transmission in the hand and arm. As a result, tools that integrate polymer-based components may be operated for longer daily exposure times without inducing hearing loss or vibration-related injuries. Data from this study may also help auditory and ergonomic specialists in understanding impulse noise characteristics and exposure.

Samantha Junqueira Moreira ◽  
Warde Antonieta Da Fonseca-Zang ◽  
Cecília de Castro Bolina ◽  
Stella Alonso Rocha ◽  
Paulo Henrique Trombetta Zannin

In hospital environments, high noise levels can result in damage to patients' treatments, delaying their rest and recovery. The sound pressure level (SPL) in hospital areas during the day must not exceed 50 dB and 45 dB (A) at night, according to NBR 10.151/2019. This research aimed to carry out environmental monitoring of equivalent sound pressure levels (LAeq) at fifteen points in the vicinity of three hospitals in the central region of the municipality of Umuarama-PR, during working days, at four different times, in the months of August, September and November 2018 and continued in March 2019. To this end, we sought to map the LAeq of the points, compare them with data from municipal and federal legislation and relate the LAeq to the volume of vehicular traffic. The collected SPL were higher than recommended by NBR 10.151 at all times and measurement points, during the week, and when considering the municipal regulations, only one point is in the equipment's accuracy limit. From the statistical analysis, a very strong correlation was observed between LAeq and the total volume of vehicles, and also a strong correlation between the descriptors L10 and L50 and the volume of vehicles. The Traffic Noise Index (TNI) was also calculated and the LAeq values ​​were compared with a subjective noise rating. The results show a scenario of noise pollution in the area and there is a need for the application of mitigating measures.

1974 ◽  
Vol 83 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-124
Fred H. Bess ◽  
Denis W. Gale ◽  
John D. Aarni ◽  
Nicholas P. Redfield

The noise levels of many off-the-road vehicles (ORVs) are potentially capable of causing damage to the human auditory mechanism. Most drivers of these machines refuse to wear ear protection because they contend that their helmets provide adequate attenuation. This study was designed to evaluate the attenuation of two typical recreational helmets. The results of this investigation indicated that recreational headgear alone is not sufficient protection from high noise levels. Drivers of ORVs should wear some form of ear protection in conjunction with their headgear until the noise levels of these machines are reduced.

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