2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
Fitria Dewi Navisa

 Benda asuransi erat hubungannya dengan teori kepentingan (interest theory) yang secara umum dikenal dalam hukum asuransi. Kepentingan itu harus sudah ada pada benda asuransi pada saat asuransi diadakan atau setidak-tidaknya pada saat terjadi peristiwa yang menimbulkan kerugian (evenemen). Problematika yuridis dalam penelitian ini adalah belum adanya penjelasan terkait asas kepentingan dalam Undang-Undang No. 14 Tahun 2014 tentang Perasuransian (kekosongan norma), sehingga tidak terdapat standarisasi tentang asas kepentingan beserta karakteristiknya. Untuk menemukan jawaban atas permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, maka peneliti akan mempergunakan teori-teori hukum tertentu sebagai landasan untuk menganalisanya. Teori itu meliputi; Teori Perlindungan Hukum, Teori Kepastian Hukum, Teori Investasi, dan Teori Asuransi. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah bersifat yuridis normatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4 macam pendekatan, yakni pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach), pendekatan konseptual (conseptual approach), pendekatan kasus (case approach), dan pendekatan perbandingan (comparative approach). Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analisis, deskriptif berarti usaha mengemukakan gejala-gejala secara lengkap di dalam aspek yang diselidiki agar jelas keadaan dan kondisinya. Menurut teori kepentingan (interest theory) pada benda asuransi melekat hak subjektif yang tidak berwujud. Kepentingan itu sifatnya absolut, artinya harus ada pada setiap objek asuransi dan mengikuti kemana saja benda asuransi itu berada. Kepentingan itu harus sudah ada pada benda asuransi pada saat asuransi diadakan atau setidak-tidaknya pada saat terjadi peristiwa yang menimbulkan kerugian (evenemen). Bagi tertanggung yang memiliki benda asuransi, kepentingannya melekat pada benda asuransinya.           Pada konteks perjanjian asuransi, maka dalam mencapai kepentingan berdasar keadilan dan kemanfaatan tidak dapat hanya berdasar keuntungan penanggung, melainkan kemanfaatan berupa kesempatan bagi pihak yang seharusnya bisa jadi tertanggung demi kesetaraan.Kata kunci: Asas Kepentingan, Karakteristik, Asuransi Object insurance is closely related to the theory of interest (interest theory) which is generally known in insurance law. The interest must already exist in the insurance object when the insurance is held or at least when the event that caused the loss (evenemen). Juridical problematic in this research is that there is no explanation related to the principle of interest in Law No. 14 of 2014 concerning Insurance (void norms), so there is no standardization of the principle of interests and their characteristics. To find answers to problems in this study, the researcher will use certain legal theories as a basis for analyzing them. The theory includes; Legal Protection Theory, Legal Certainty Theory, Investment Theory, and Insurance Theory. The approach method used is normative juridical. This study uses 4 kinds of approaches, namely the statute approach, conceptual approach, case approach, and comparative approach. This research is a descriptive analysis, descriptive means an attempt to express the symptoms in full in the aspects being investigated to make it clear the conditions and conditions. According to the theory of interest (interest theory) on insurance objects inherent in intangible subjective rights. The importance is absolute, meaning that it must exist in every insurance object and follow it wherever the insurance object is located. The interest must already exist in the insurance object when the insurance is held or at least when the event that caused the loss (evenemen). For the insured who has insurance objects, their interests are inherent in the insurance object. In the context of insurance agreements, in achieving interests based on justice and benefits, it cannot only be based on the profits of the guarantor, but rather benefits in the form of opportunities for those who should be insured for equality.Keywords: Principle of Interest, Characteristics, Insurance

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-48
Sri Walny Rahayu ◽  
Widiya Fitrianda

Lagu-lagu tradisional Aceh merupakan bagian rezim hak cipta dan termasuk dalam ekspresi budaya tradisional masyarakat Aceh, kekayaan dan identitas bangsa. Untuk memajukan lagu-lagu tradisonal sebagai bagian kebudayaan Aceh, diperlukan langkah strategis melalui perlin-dungan, pengembangan, pemanfaatan, pembinaan untuk mewu-judkan masyarakat Aceh yang berdaulat secara politik, berdikari secara ekonomi, dan berkepribadian dalam Kebudayaan. Hal lainnya, lagu-lagu tradisional Aceh merupakan hak milik yang dapat beralih melalui warisan. Dalam praktiknya ahli waris pencipta lagu-lagu Aceh tidak memahami dan belum mendapatkan hak ekonominya  sebagai-mana diatur dalam Pasal 16 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta. Budaya masyarakat komunal berbeda pandang dengan filosofi konsep hak kekayaan Intelektual, bersifat eksklusif monopoli, dan lemahnya implementasi penegakan hukum hak cipta merupakan persoalan yang harus mendapat perhatian pemerintah di Aceh dalam melestarikan budaya tradisonalnya. Tujuan penulisan menjelaskan perlindungan hukum terhadap lagu tradisional Aceh yang merupakan ekspresi budaya tradisional, menjelaskan perlindungan kepada ahli waris pencipta lagu Aceh melalui warisan menurut Undang-Undang Hak Cipta, Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata, dan Hukum Islam menjelaskan kendala pengalihan pencipta hak ekonomi lagu-lagu tradisional Aceh melalui warisan. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder sebagai data utama, atau yang disebut penelitian yuridis normatif yang menguji norma hukum sebagai objek penelitian. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan hukum komparatif. Tulisannya disajikan dalam bentuk analisis deskriptif. Aceh Traditional Cultural Expression and Its Inheritance Model Traditional Acehnese songs which are part of the copyright regimes are one part of the expression of traditional Acehnese culture, wealth and national identity. The promotion of Acehnese culture through traditional songs requires a strategic step through protection, development, utilization, and coaching to realize an Acehnese society that is politically sovereign, economically independent, and has a personality in culture. Other things Traditional Aceh songs are property rights that can be transferred through inheritance. In practice the heirs of Acehnese songs creators do not understand and obtain economic rights from the commercial use of Acehnese songs as stipulated in Article 16 paragraph (2) of Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright. The communal society's culture is different from the philosophy of the concept of intellectual property rights that is exclusively monopoly and the weak implementation of copyright law enforcement is an issue that must be gotten the attention of the government, especially in Aceh to preserve the traditional Acehnese culture which is the expression of its people. The purpose of writing is to explain the legal protection of traditional Acehnese songs which are expressions of Acehnese cultural identity, explain the protection to the heirs of the creators of Aceh songs through inheritance according to the 2014 UUHC, the Civil Code and Islamic Law and explain what constitutes obstacles to the transfer of rights economic creator of traditional Acehnese songs through inheritance. This type of research uses secondary data as the main data, or so-called normative juridical research that tests legal norms as the object of research. The approach used is the conceptual approach and comparative legal approach. This writing is presented in the form of descriptive analysis.

I Ketut Ngastawa

Paper that had the title: "Juridical implications of the Constitutional Court Decision Number 011-017/PUU-I/2003 on the Legal Protection for the Rights to be Eelected." This explores two issues: 1) how the legal protection of the settings selected in the state system of Indonesia ; 2) what are juridical implications of the Constitutional Court Decision Number 011-017/PUU-I/2003 on the legal protection for the rights to be elected. To solve both problems, this paper uses normative legal research methods. Approach being used is the statute approach, case approach, and a conceptual approach. Further legal materials collected were identified and analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques. Legal protection for the right to be elected in the state system of Indonesia can be traced from the 1945 opening, the articles in the body of the 1945 Constitution, Article 27 paragraph (1), Article 28D (1) and paragraph (3) and Article 28 paragraph (3) 1945 Second Amendment, MPR Decree Number XVII/MPR/1998, Article 43 of Law Number 39 of 1999, Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and Article 25 of the International Covenant  on Civil and Political Rights. Discussion of the juridical implications of the Constitutional Court Decision Number 011-017/PUU-I/2003 on the legal protection for the rights to be elected have been included: a) only on the juridical implications of representative institutions no longer marked with specified requirements as stipulated in Article 60 letter g of Law Number 12 Year 2003 in Law Number 10 Year 2008; b) juridical implications of the political field for the right to be elected is the absence of any discriminatory treatment in legislative product formed by the House of Representatives and the President as well as products of other legislation forward.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 257
Nandi Wardhana

Indonesian competition law today requires a renewal of one of them concerning the doctrine of essential facilities duties. The doctrine essential facilities duties is a doctrine imposed on a dominant business actor who has access to essential facilities to provide access for competing business actors to use the facility. Regulation of essential facilities duties are needed to reduce dominance of a dominant firm in a particular market. This study uses a statutory approach, conceptual approach, and a comparative approach between the arrangements in the United States, Europe and Indonesia. The approach is expected to illustrate, harmonize problems arising, and provide better legal protection in the world of business competition. The doctrine essential facilities duties were first applied in the United States and then followed by European countries. The doctrine of essential facilities duties in the United States is based on the sherman act and uses theapproach rule of reason. The doctrine of essential facilities duties in European countries based on EC focuses on refusal to deal. The doctrine of essential facilities duties is explicitly implied in Law No. 5 of 1999. From this study it is concluded that the regulation on essential facilities duties in Law No. 5 of 1999 still can not provide a good legal protection for business competition in Indonesia.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>Post- cold war the number ofmilitary privatization has been raising with many role in .This raises legal problemrelated to the legal status of PMSCs contractors. The method used is a normative legal research with statute approach, the historical approach, conceptual approach, as well as the comparative approach. Results of the study are presented in the form of descriptive analysis. The study concluded that generally the contractors are civilian unless and during they aredirectlyparticipatein thehostilities.</em></p><p><strong><em>Key world: </em></strong><em>PMSCs contractor; legal status; direct participation</em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Pasca perang dingin terjadi peningkatan privatisasi militer dengan banyaknya penggunaan kontraktor <em>Private Military and Securites </em>Companies PMSCs untuk berbagai peran di wilayah-wilayah konflik. Hal ini menimbulkan masalah hukum terkait status hukum kontraktor tersebut mengingat belum jelasnya aturan yang ada.Metode penelitianyang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan <em>statute approach</em>, <em>historical</em>, c<em>onceptual </em>dan <em>comparative approach </em>yang disajikan secara deskriptif analitis. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah bahwa secara umum dikatakan kontraktor PMSc adalah civilian yang berhak atas perlindungan dari penyerangan langsung kecuali dan selama mereka ambil bagian langsung dalam permusuhan..</p><p><strong>Kata kunci: </strong>kontraktor PMSCs, status hukum, partisipasi langsung</p>

Sefriani ,

<p>Abstract<br />Post- cold war the number ofmilitary privatization has been raising with many role in .This raises legal problemrelated to the legal status of PMSCs contractors. The method used is a normative legal research with statute approach, the historical approach, conceptual approach, as well as the comparative approach. Results of the study are presented in the form of descriptive analysis. The study concluded that generally the contractors are civilian unless and during they aredirectlyparticipatein thehostilities.<br /><em>Key world: PMSCs contractor; legal status; direct participation</em></p><p>Abstrak<br />Pasca perang dingin terjadi peningkatan privatisasi militer dengan banyaknya penggunaan kontraktor Private Military and Securites Companies PMSCs untuk berbagai peran di wilayah-wilayah konflik. Hal ini menimbulkan masalah hukum terkait status hukum kontraktor tersebut mengingat belum jelasnya aturan yang ada.Metode penelitianyang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan statute approach, historical, conceptual dan comparative approach yang disajikan secara deskriptif analitis. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah bahwa secara umum dikatakan kontraktor PMSc adalah civilian yang berhak atas perlindungan dari penyerangan langsung kecuali dan selama mereka ambil bagian<br />langsung dalam permusuhan..<br /><em>Kata kunci: kontraktor PMSCs, status hukum, partisipasi langsung</em></p>

Ni Nyoman Juwita Arsawati ◽  
Putu Eva Ditayani Antari

The purpose of this paper is to examine the customary law sanctions that are threatened against perpetrators of sexual violence against children, for example in the people of Tenganan Village, Karangasem-Bali, which are Balinese customary law communities who still adhere to their traditions in the era of modernization and globalization that is developing in Bali. Whether the customary sanctions for perpetrators of sexual violence against children in Tenganan Village, Karangasem-Bali are in accordance with the principle of fulfilling children's rights. This research is a type of normative legal research or what is often called doctrinal research. The approach used in this research is the Legislative Approach, the Conceptual Approach and the Comparative Approach. The result of this paper is that customary sanctions against sexual violence against children that occur in Tenganan Village do not position children as victims of sexual violence. On the other hand, children are placed in a position to participate as perpetrators. The customary sanctions do not provide legal protection and fulfillment of children's rights for child victims of sexual violence. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sanksi hukum adat yang diancamkan kepada pelaku kekerasan seksual terhadap anak, contohnya pada masyarakat Desa Tenganan, Karangasem-Bali yang merupakan masyarakat hukum adat Bali yang masih memegang teguh tradisinya di era modernisasi dan globalisasi yang berkembang di Bali. Apakah sanksi adat bagi pelaku kekerasan seksual terhadap anak di Desa Tenganan, Karangasem-Bali telah sesuai dengan prinsip pemenuhan hak anak.Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian hukum normative yang menggunakan tiga jenis pendekatanantara lain pendekatan Perundang-undangan, Pedekatan Konseptual dan Pendekatan Perbandingan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa sanksi adat terhadap kekerasan seksual terhadap anak yang terjadi di Desa Tenganan tidak memposisikan anak sebagai korban kekerasan seksual. Sebaliknya anak ditempatkan pada posisi turut serta sebagai pelaku. Dalam sanksi adat tersebut tidak memberikan perlindungan hukum dan pemenuhan hak anak bagi anak korban kekerasan seksual.

Zeto Bachri ◽  
Suhariningsih Suhariningsih ◽  
Sukarmi Sukarmi ◽  
Iwan Permadi

The establishment of the Bankruptcy Law aims to overcome the difficulties of the business world in terms of debt and receivables in continuing their activities. However, in practice the PKPU and Bankruptcy institutions are used as a means of resolving ordinary civil disputes, this is due to Article 225 paragraph (3) and (5) in conjunction with Article 222 paragraph (1) and (2). The purpose of this study is to analyze the ratio legis for debtors in relation to the ratio legis Article 225 paragraph (3) and paragraph (5) associated with the purpose of establishing Bankruptcy and Suspension Of Debt Payment Obligations (UUK-PKPU). This research is normative legal research with a statute approach, the case approach, historical approach, comparative approach, and the conceptual approach. The legal materials used are primary, secondary, and tertiary. The analysis technique uses legal logic, legal interpretation teleologically, hermeneutics, grammatically, and systematically. The results of the study indicate that the ratio legis regarding PKPU as regulated in Article 225 paragraph (3) and paragraph (5) has a vague norm when it comes to the purpose of establishing UUK-PKPU, that PKPU is a means for debtors so that debtors can restructure their debts. So that no rights are given to debtors who are not present at the PKPU session resulting in no legal protection for the debtor to defend himself by conveying the reasons for the debtor's absence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-54
Sudjana - Sudjana

This study discusses the use of constitutive principles (first to file) on brands based on Act No. 20 of 2016 concerning Trademarks and Geographical Indications in the perspective of protection theory and legal purposes. Research methods used: normative juridical approach, by examining library materials or secondary data through primary legal materials (legislation), secondary legal materials (opinions of legal experts), and tertiary legal materials (dictionaries and other sources); descriptive analysis research specifications; and data analysis is done in a qualitative normative manner. The results of the study showed: (1). The theory of protection that is in accordance with the basis for consideration is issued Law No. 20 of 2016 concerning brands in point a is Public Benefit and Economic Growth Stimulus Theory. But in its implementation, it must be supported by other brands of legal protection theory, namely Reward Theory; Recovery Theory; Incentive Theory; and Risk Theory. (2). The use of constitutive principles (first to file) in brands reflects the legal objectives of "certainty" and means of social change but does not pay much attention to aspects of "fairness" and expediency. "

Made Dwi Juliana

One type of a criminal in the capital market is the practice of  insider trading. Insider trading is an act that involves a group of insider in the capital market who deliberately exploit information that has not been released to investors with the advantages. In insider trading there are two actors such as party directly as an insider who works in the company or indirect as tippee party who obtain confidential information from an insider. Tippee is the party who receives confidential information from an insider either passively or actively against the law or not against the law for personal gain in the stock trading. This is very detrimental to the investors in the stock trading. Because of that if needs the protection for investors against the actions of the Tippee.  This study discusses two (2) problem first about the subject matter of the action form Tippee in insider trading to the stock at Indonesia and the second about OJK authority on legal protection for investors in case of insider trading by the Tippee in capital market activities. This research is a normative law. The Method approach is the approach of legislation, conceptual approach and comparative approach. Legal materials used are primary and secondary legal materials. Mechanical collection of legal materials is through the study of literature that further uses analysis techniques that description techniques and interpretation. The results shows that this form of action Tippee can be done actively and passively. Actively to perform an unlawful act such as stealing information. In is not trying to fight the law, but to obtain inside information and legal safeguards for investors to act with regard to insider trading Tippee do give legal certainty through legislation and legal certainty by the OJK through law enforcement

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-179
Khairunnisa Noor Asufie ◽  
Yulia Qamariyanti ◽  
Rachmadi Usman

A notary is a public official appointed by an authorized official who plays a role in the field of civil law. The authority of the Notary is regulated in Article 15 of Act Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendment to Law Number 30 Year 2004 concerning Acts of Notary Position. Regarding the authority of the Notary as a public official (openbaar ambtenaar) who has the authority to make authentic deeds can be burdened with responsibility for the authentic deed he made. The need for legal protection for Notaries against these risks, it is necessary to have an insurance / notary position insurance as a way of transferring risk. The legal problems that occur are the absence of an insurance product / Notary position insurance and the form of insurance / notary position insurance. The purpose of this study is to identify the urgency and form of insurance / coverage of the Notary Position. Legal research conducted is normative legal research by conducting research on the legal system. Legal research conducted by the author using a legislative approach, conceptual approach, and comparative approach. The urgency of the use of insurance protection / coverage of the Notary position is an important one as a way of transferring the risks faced by Notaries and as a form of maximum legal protection for Notaries in the execution of positions. The use of insurance / coverage against the risk of implementing a Notary can be in the form of Professional insurance more specifically in the form of Notary insurance which is part of insurance / general coverage which is insurance / loss coverage in the form of new products made by insurance companies / insurance as fulfillment of insurance / insurance needs for Notary in carrying out the position of Notary

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