2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Dewi Anggraini

The background of this study is the teaching and learning process in the classroom VB SDN 002 Bagan Besar, Dumai in social studies that are still dominated by teachers so that students become passive blindly accept the material provided by the teacher and the learning outcomes are not satisfactory with an average value below KKM. This study aims to determine whether there is influence of the method of discussion, both individually and classically on learning outcomes in the VB class IPS Subjects in SDN 002 Bagan Besa Kecamatan Bukit Kapur, Dumai. The study was conducted for 32 students consisting of 20 men and 12 women. Data were collected through observation by the observer uses observation sheets to the data the method of discussion, and through postes unutuk learning outcomes data. The results showed that the method of discussion individually significant influence on student learning outcomes. Where 28 people declared complete their study of 32 students. Seen in the classical, was the method of discussion is also a significant influence, namely the classical completeness gain of 87.53%, with an average score 75.31. This means that the discussion method can improve student learning outcomes either individually or classical.Keywords: methods of discussion, social studies learning outcomes

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-129
Maulida Maulida ◽  
Wadhuli Jannati

The purpose of this study is to find out how the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model for class VIII students in FIQIH subjects at MTs. Exemplary Gebang. To find out how to improve student learning outcomes for class VIII FIQIH subjects at MTs. Exemplary Gebang. To find out whether the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model can improve the learning outcomes of class VIII students in FIQIH subjects at MTs Teladan Gebang. Learning outcomes are something that cannot be separated from learning. Based on the observation activities that have been carried out, the background of this research is that students are less active in the learning process, students are less confident in expressing opinions, students are more focused on their own activities when listening to the explanation given by the teacher, so this has an impact on student learning outcomes in Fiqh lessons is still low, in class VIII students, totaling 32 students at MTs Teladan Gebang, it is known that the learning process is less than optimal. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model to improve student learning outcomes. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model can improve student learning outcomes for class VIII FIQIH subjects at MTs Teladan Gebang. The goal to be achieved in this study is to determine the effect of the Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model on student learning outcomes. Class VIII Fiqh subjects at MTs Teladan Gebang. The type of research used is classroom action research with the design used is pretest and posttest. This research was conducted in class VIII MTs Teladan Gebang. Data collection techniques used observations, tests and interviews, then analyzed using hypothesis testing. The results showed that the average score obtained by class VIII at MTs Teladan Gebang in the Pre Test was 58 with 7 students' completeness (21.87). %). In Cycle I, the average student score was 71.34 with a completeness of 20 students (62.5%). In Cycle II the average score of students is 85 with student completeness as many as 32 people (87.5%). This proves that there is a significant effect of the Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model on student learning outcomes for Fiqh Class VIII MTs Teladan Gebang..  

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-50
Mikrayanti Mikrayanti

ABSTRACT This research was motivated by the problem of the low learning outcomes of students of Bima City Middle School 6. To overcome this problem, research was conducted using the Open-ended approach. This study examines the problem of improving student learning outcomes. This research is a Classroom Action Research which consists of two cycles, in which each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, action, observation and evaluation, and reflection. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative analysis is done by using student learning outcomes data. Qualitative analysis is done using the results of the observation sheet during the teaching and learning process. From the results of data processing, the percentage of learning completeness in the first cycle was 83% with an average value of 82.08, while the percentage of learning completeness in the second cycle was 92% with an average value of 86.67. The average score of student learning activities in cycles I and II was 3.46 and 3.89 with the active category. The results showed that students were more active and motivated in the teaching and learning process and there was an increase in student learning outcomes in each cycle using the Open-ended approach. Keywords: Open-ended and learning outcomes. This research was motivated by the problem of the low learning outcomes of students of Bima City Middle School 6. To overcome this problem, research was conducted using the Open-ended approach. This study examines the problem of improving student learning outcomes. This research is a Classroom Action Research which consists of two cycles, in which each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, action, observation and evaluation, and reflection. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative analysis is done by using student learning outcomes data. Qualitative analysis is done using the results of the observation sheet during the teaching and learning process. From the results of data processing, the percentage of learning completeness in the first cycle was 83% with an average value of 82.08, while the percentage of learning completeness in the second cycle was 92% with an average value of 86.67. The average score of student learning activities in cycles I and II was 3.46 and 3.89 with the active category. The results showed that students were more active and motivated in the teaching and learning process and there was an increase in student learning outcomes in each cycle using the Open-ended approach. Keywords: Open-ended and learning outcomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Rovita Mansur

The main problem in this study is the lack of learning motivation of students in the implementation of learning in social studies subjects in class III SDN 50 Bulu 'Datu, which amounts to 23 students. Sources of data in this study were obtained directly from students and teachers of class  III SDN Bulu’ Datu. Data collection techniques are carried out using observation, tests, interviews, and documentation. Data processing and analysis techniques used are analysis quantitative data and qualitative data. The results showed that: with the application of the crossword puzzle media the students' learning outcomes each cycle had increased. Based on student learning outcomes test of class III SDN Bulu’ Datu conducted in two cycles shows that the learning outcomes of students have increased, from cycle 1 the average value is 88 with a percentage of 100% completeness, while cycle II has an average score of 93 with a percentage of 100% and has met the KKM which is 70. Thus the results of this study can be concluded that, using the medium of crossword puzzles on social studies subjects can improve student learning outcomes.

Lenny Aprilitsnaeni

<p><em>The science learning process carried out by the teacher is still conventional which tends to make students feel bored and does not provide opportunities for students to be active in learning so that there are still many students who have difficulty following the learning process which results in low student learning outcomes. This problem is also experienced by students at SD Negeri Ngrajek 1. The purpose of this study is to improve student learning outcomes through the Problem Based Learning learning model for fourth grade students at SD Negeri Ngrajek 1. The research form is Classroom Action Research (CAR). Based on the percentage of student learning outcomes, the average value in each cycle can be obtained, namely in the first cycle there was an increase in the average value of 8.75, namely the initial average value of 66.25 increased to 75. Classical student learning outcomes are still classified as moderate. with an average acquisition of 79 in the 70-79 interval in the medium category. In the second cycle the average score of students increased by 12.5, which was originally an average of 66.5 students in the second cycle the average value was 79 in the medium category. In cycle III the average score of students also increased by 14.5, which was originally 66.5 students on average in cycle III the average value was 81. Classical student learning outcomes were in the interval 80-89 in the high category. This means that learning through the Problem Based Learning method can improve the learning outcomes of fourth grade students at SD Negeri Ngrajek 1.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Zulkifli Zulkifli

This research is based on the low learning outcome of mathematics students of grade VIII SMPN 4 Tambang.The purpose of this research is to improve the learning outcomes of mathematics through the application ofinquiry learning with CTL approach. This research was conducted in SMPN 4 Tambang with subject of classVIII-D students with 29 students. This classroom action research was started in early January 2017. Theresearch instrument consists of a teacher and student activity sheet instrument and a test of learning outcomes.Based on the results of research and discussion can be concluded that the strategy of inquiry learning with CTLapproach can improve student learning outcomes of mathematics on the subject matter of algebraic form inclass VIII-D SMPN 4 Tambang. On the basic score the number of students who reached the KKM as many as 14people (48.28%) with an average score of 58.79. In cycle I the number of students who reach the KKM of 19people (65.52%) with an average value of 65.69%. In cycle II the number reaching KKM is 25 people (86.21%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-96

Low activity, student creativity in the learning process can result in the teaching and learning process being less than optimal so that the material presented is incomplete according to the expected completeness criteria. From the results of observations and discussions with the history subject teacher, information is obtained that the learning system has not fully involved students as the subject of learning consequently the final result to be achieved, namely individual and classical learning completeness with KKM (minimum completeness criteria) has not been achieved. One of the efforts made to improve the process and student learning outcomes, a learning method is used that makes it easier for students to compile and understand information or the content of the lesson text in increasing understanding of social studies subject matter so that learning outcomes are expected to increase, through the use of the SQ3R method. Based on the background of the problem, the formulation of the problem in this study is: "How are the students' learning outcomes increased through the SQ3R method in history learning for students of XII SMA Negeri 1 Tembilahan Hulu Indragiri Hilir? "The purpose of this study is to determine the activities of teachers and students as well as the improvement of student learning outcomes in history subjects through the SQ3R method for class XI SMAN 1 Kateman Indragiri Hilir. The conclusion of this study is that the student learning outcomes, before CAR the average daily test was 64.3, after the CAR based on the daily test cycle I increased to 81.8 and was included in the good category. In the second cycle of daily tests, it increased again to 92.8 and was included in the very good category. Thus, the use of the SQ3R method can improve student learning outcomes in history learning for class XII at SMAN 1 Tembilahan Hulu, Indragiri Hilir Regency

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Wa Ode Arini Maut

ABSTRAK: Masalah pokok penelitian ini adalah apakah penggunaan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Talking Stick pada mata pelajaran IPS dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi aktivitas ekonomi dan potensi sumber daya alam di kelas IV SDN 8 Tongkuno Kabupaten Muna? Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi aktivitas ekonomi dan potensi sumber daya alam melalui penggunaan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Talking Stick pada mata pelajaran IPS di kelas IV SDN 8 Tongkuno Kabupaten Muna. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas IV SDN 8 Tongkuno Kabupaten Muna pada semester genap Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019 dengan jumlah siswa 23 orang, yang terdiri dari 10 orang laki-laki  dan 13 orang perempuan. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari tes hasil belajar untuk melihat keberhasilan belajar siswa setelah penerapan model pembelajaran Talking Stick,  lembar observasi untuk guru dan siswa untuk melihat kondisi pelaksanaan tindakan. Prosedur penelitian ini terdiri dari: (1) perencanaan, (2) pelaksanaan tindakan, (3) observasi dan evaluasi, dan (4) refleksi. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa. Jenis data  dalam penelitian ini adalah data kuantitatif  adalah hasil belajar siswa yang diambil dengan menggunakan tes hasil belajar, dan data kualitatif diambil dari hasil  observasi aktivitas guru dan aktivitas siswa. Data hasil penelitian pada siklus I siswa tuntas berjumlah 14 siswa dengan persentase 60,9% dan siswa tidak tuntas berjumlah 9 siswa dengan persentase 39,1% dengan nilai rata-rata siswa 70,2. Keberhasilan aktivitas mengajar guru pertemuan pertama sebesar 63,64% dan pertemuan kedua sebesar 72,73%. Data hasil penelitian pada siklus II siswa tuntas berjumlah 20 siswa dengan persentase 87% dan siswa tidak tuntas berjumlah 3 siswa dengan persentase 13% dengan nilai rata-rata siswa 81. Keberhasilan aktivitas mengajar guru pertemuan pertama sebesar 90,91% dan pertemuan kedua sebesar 100%. Kata Kunci: Model, Hasil Belajar, Talking Stick ABSTRACT: The main problem of this research is whether the use of the Talking Stick type cooperative learning model in social studies subjects can improve student learning outcomes on economic activity material and natural resource potential in class IV SDN 8 Tongkuno Muna Regency? The research objective is to improve student learning outcomes on economic activity material and natural resource potential through the use of a Talking Stick type cooperative learning model in social studies subjects in class IV SDN 8 Tongkuno Muna Regency. This research was conducted in class IV SDN 8 Tongkuno Muna Regency in the even semester of the 2018/2019 Academic Year with a total of 23 students, consisting of 10 men and 13 women. The data of this study were obtained from the learning achievement test to see the success of student learning after the application of the Talking Stick learning model, observation sheets for teachers and students to see the conditions of action implementation. The procedure of this research consists of: (1) planning, (2) implementing actions, (3) observation and evaluation, and (4) reflection. Data sources of this research are teachers and students. The type of data in this study is quantitative data is the learning outcomes of students taken using learning outcomes tests, and qualitative data taken from observations of teacher activities and student activities. The results of research in the first cycle of students complete 14 students with a percentage of 60.9% and 9 students who did not complete the number of students with a percentage of 39.1% with an average value of 70.2 students. The success of the teaching activities of the first meeting teachers was 63.64% and the second meeting was 72.73%. The results of the research in the second cycle of students completed 20 students with a percentage of 87% and students who did not complete numbered 3 students with a percentage of 13% with an average value of students 81. The success of teaching activities of the first meeting teacher was 90.91% and the second meeting was 100 %. Keywords: Model, Learning Outcomes, Talking Stick

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Lidia Muri

The study aimed to describe the implementation of scaffolding game media to improve learning outcomes of thematic learning in VI-grade at SDN 27 Pontianak (Pontianak 27 State Elementary School). The research method used by researchers was descriptive. The form of research was Classroom Action Research. Data collection techniques in this study were observed and questionnaire responses of students. Research collection tools in the form of observation sheets. This research was conducted for two cycles. The results of this study included the ability of teachers to plan learning using scaffolding game media, namely cycle I (85.81%), increased 9.94% in cycle II (95.75%) with an average value of 87.41% (category very good). The ability of teachers to implement learning in the first cycle (76.19%) increased by 16.27%, and the second cycle to 92.46% with an average value of both cycles of 92.46% (very good category), an increase of 16, 27%. The first cycle learning activities with an average of 76.45% increased by 14.84% in the second cycle with an average value of 89.07%, the average score of the second cycle learning activities 81.65% (once category) and the questionnaire response positive students as much as 85.93% (very good category). The first cycle learning outcomes test with an average value was 76.45, and the second cycle was 79.48%, the average value of the learning outcomes test was 77.97% (good category), and an increase of 30.3%. Based on data analysis of student learning outcomes, shows that the use of Scaffolding Game media can improve student learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-239
Animar Animar ◽  

The spread of the Corona virus has had a significant impact on the world of education. The policy taken by many countries, including Indonesia, is to close all educational activities. This makes the government and related institutions have to present an alternative learning process. Many factors affect student learning outcomes coupled with changes in learning conditions due to the Corona virus (Covid-19) outbreak. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the impacts and constraints of the Covid-19 outbreak on teaching and learning activities, especially in Geography subjects at SMA Negeri 1 Sikur. Data collection was carried out using the pretest - posttest method of students' abilities before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, data analysis was carried out by quantitative methods using paired sample t-test to test the difference in the effect of the two treatments on the interrelated sample groups. The results of the analysis indicate that there is a difference in the average Geography learning outcomes of 11th grade of social science students before and after the outbreak of the corona virus. Information was obtained that the average value of student learning outcomes during the face-to-face learning process was 86.27, better than the average value when the learning process was carried out online which was 75.73. Keywords: covid-19 impact, learning outcomes, geography

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Siti Nurohmah ◽  
Nanang Kosim ◽  
Dede Rohaniawati

This study aims to determine student learning outcomes in Arabic subjects before the application of Big Book media, the process of applying Big Book media and student learning outcomes after the application of Big Book media in class IV MI Naelushibyan. The research method used is classroom action research through four repetitive stages of planning, implementation, observation or observation, and reflection. The object of research was 15 students. The research instrument consisted of a teacher activity observation sheet, a student activity observation sheet and a written test. Data collection techniques use observation and test techniques. The results obtained from this study are the learning outcomes of students in the pre cycle get an average score of 53. The first cycle obtained the average value of teacher activity 72.2% and cycle II obtained an average value of 94.4%. Student activity in cycle I obtained an average value of 69.21% and cycle II obtained an average value of 91.07%. Student learning outcomes in cycle I obtained an average value of 77, cycle II obtained an average value of 83.6. It can be concluded that Big Book media can improve student learning outcomes.

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