Daviq Chairilsyah

ABSTRACT Cheating on Elementary or  Primary School Students does not happen just now while it is hard for teachers and schools to overcome this behavior. It will make the child accustomed to being dishonest as long as they reach a high score and it is impactful until they are adults. This behavior is not fair to other students who have studied hard and been honest in completing exams and assignments from teachers at school. Cheating is an act or method that is dishonest, fraudulent, and justifies anything to get a high score in completing the task, especially on tests or exams. This article used literature revieuw in research methodology to explained situational factors, dispositional factors, personal factors, and external factors are the cause of cheating. Most of the time, cheating on students are replacing the answers in the exam after reading notes when the teacher out of the classroom, using notes or bring answers have been prepared, notice or demand answers from other students, and allow other students to view or copy his answers. The participation of parents, classroom teachers, school institutions, and improving self-awareness of students is needed so that cheating does not become a habit to reach a high score in the future. Keywords: cheating, elementary school , students Abstrak: Perilaku mencontek pada anak sekolah dasar bukanlah hal baru terjadi namun sangat sulit untuk ditanggulangi oleh guru dan sekolah. Perilaku ini akan membuat anak akan terbiasa menjadi pribadi yang tidak jujur dalam menginginkan suatu prestasi dan nilai yang tinggi dan akan berdampak hingga dewasa. Perilaku mencontek ini sangat merugikan siswa lain yang telah belajar dengan keras dan jujur dalam menyelesaikan ujian dan tugas-tugas yang diberikan oleh pendidik di sekolah. Perilaku mencontek adalah suatu perbuatan atau cara-cara yang tidak jujur, curang, dan menghalalkan segala cara yang dilakukan seseorang untuk mencapai nilai yang terbaik dalam menyelesaikan tugas terutama pada ulangan atau ujian. Faktor situasional, faktor disposisional, faktor personal dan faktor eksternal adalah faktor-faktor penyebab seorang anak melakukan perilaku mencontek. Bentuk perilaku mencontek pada siswa yang sering terjadi adalah mengganti jawaban saat ujian dengan menggunakan catatan ketika guru keluar dari kelas, menggunakan catatan atau membawa jawaban yang telah dipersiapkan, melihat atau meminta jawaban dari orang lain, dan mengizinkan seseorang melihat atau mengkopi jawabannya. Diperlukan peran serta orang tua, guru kelas, lembaga sekolah serta meningkatkan kesadaran diri para siswa agar perilaku mencontek tidak menjadi kebiasaan dalam menginginkan suatu prestasi yang tinggi di masa mendatang. Kata kunci: mencontek, sekolah dasar, murid

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 135-142
T.A. Yudina ◽  
S.V. Alekhina

The article presents results of an empirical study of the age dynamics of the social situation of develop¬ment in primary school students in inclusive education. The study sample consisted of 328 children aged from 7 to 11, including 18 children with SEN, studying in two inclusive schools in Moscow. The hypothesis of the study was that the characteristics of the objective and subjective aspects of the social situation of chil¬dren’s development change in accordance with the two phases of primary school age. The characteristics of the social situation of the development of children were measured using the “Sociometry” method and two projective methods: “Color Test of Relationship” and “Sentence Completion Test”. The age dynamics is ob¬served in changes in the social position and the system of orienting images of primary school students. The significant differences between the distribution of sociometric statuses of students in inclusive classes and the age standard obtained in the conditions of traditional education were found. The results of the study reveal the specificity of elementary school students’ development in conditions of inclusive education.

2012 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
О. Р. Лиховид

У статті розкрито особливості організації роботи учнів основної школи з краєзнавчим матеріалом на уроках географії. Подано зразки інтерактивних технологій, що сприяють ефективному засвоєнню нового матеріалу на міжпредметній основі.Ключові слова: учні основної школи, географія, краєзнавство.  In the article the characteristics of the organization of primary school students with local history material. Examples of the interactive technologies that promote assimilation of new material on the interdisciplinary basis. Key words: elementary school students, geography, and ethnography.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Hafiziani Eka Putri ◽  
Cahya Karisma Pertiwi ◽  
Aisyah Herlina Arrum ◽  
Rifa Nurhanifa ◽  
Aan Yuliyanto

AbstractThis study was motivated by the importance of mathematical connection ability for elementary school students. It was necessary to develop an instrument that suitable the indicators of mathematical connection ability to understand the students' mathematical connection ability. The goal of this research was to develop an appropriate mathematical connection ability instrument for primary school students. This study was applied using Research and Development. The participants were 34 third-grade students at an elementary school in Purwakarta, SDN Nagrikaler, chosen through purposive sampling. The instrument was an essay test consisting of six open questions about whole numbers. The indicators developed in composing questions were related to the mathematical connection ability, namely connections inter topics in mathematics, other subjects, and everyday life. The questions were made beforehand in the expert judgment, then tested to see the validity, reliability, difficulty index, and discrimination power index. The validity test analysis indicated that six items on the instrument were valid, the reliability of the test instruments was very high. Meanwhile, the difficulty level was classified as difficult and moderate, and the discrimination power was also categorized as good and very good criteria. Thus, those six developed questions could be applied to measure mathematical connections in the topic of operations of whole numbers for second-grade elementary school students and were suitable for further research instruments on similar subjects and variables even at different times and places.AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pentingnya kemampuan koneksi matematis bagi siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengembangkan instrumen yang sesuai dengan indikator kemampuan koneksi matematis untuk memahami kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen kemampuan koneksi matematis yang sesuai untuk siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development. Partisipan adalah 34 siswa kelas III SD di Purwakarta, SDN Nagrikaler, yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes esai yang terdiri dari enam pertanyaan terbuka tentang bilangan cacah. Indikator yang dikembangkan dalam menyusun soal berkaitan dengan kemampuan koneksi matematis, yaitu koneksi antar topik dalam matematika, mata pelajaran lain, dan kehidupan sehari-hari. Soal-soal tersebut dibuat terlebih dahulu sesuai saran expert, kemudian diuji untuk melihat validitas, reliabilitas, indeks kesukaran, dan indeks daya diskriminasi. Analisis uji validitas menunjukkan bahwa enam item pada instrumen tersebut valid dan reliabilitas instrumen tes sangat tinggi. Sedangkan tingkat kesukaran tergolong sukar dan sedang, dan daya pembedanya juga termasuk kriteria baik dan sangat baik. Dengan demikian, 6 item soal yang dikembangkan tersebut dapat diterapkan sebagai instrumen untuk mengukur koneksi matematis dalam pembelajaran matematika pada topik operasi hitung bilangan cacah terhadap siswa kelas dua SD dan layak digunakan untuk instrumen penelitian selanjutnya pada subjek dan variable sejenis meskipun pada waktu dan tempat berbeda.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 86-91
Candra D. Hamdin ◽  
Handa Muliasari

The drug is known as a preparation used by humans as a healing medium. The origin of the drug is a toxic compound that can be dangerous when using it. The usage of drugs can be obtained if it is used correctly. Basic knowledge about drugs is very important to know so that the benefits of drugs can be obtained. The Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI) has made a simple method to facilitate drug use, by carrying out the national program "DAGUSIBU" which is to Get, Use, Save, Disposed of medicines correctly. Some knowledge about drugs such as preparations (form), dosage, side effects, drug hazards must be known as early as possible. This FARMACIL coaching and cadre program will provide guidance to Primary School Students about basic knowledge of medicine. Coaching is carried out with interesting class mentoring. The basic knowledge curriculum for medicine will be delivered in 8 events for 2 months. After the basic material is delivered, then it is evaluated and then carried out cadre. The formation of Farmacil and farmacil Extracurricular became the main objective of this program. Monitoring of the program will be carried out continuously. The results obtained after the FARMACIL cadre class activities took place were elementary school students had basic knowledge about medicine, the birth of FARMACIL cadres at Cakranegara 2 Elementary School and planning of FARMACIL extracurricular formation

Academia Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Ina Fitria ◽  
Machful Indra Kurniawan

This study aims to describe the difficulties of elementary school students in writing poetry and to describe the factors of the difficulties of elementary school students in writing poetry. This study describes descriptively the difficulties of students in writing poetry. The method of data collection in the core research is carried out by means of a literature study method that has been studied and analyzed by the researchers themselves. The results obtained from this study are that students have difficulty determining the title/idea or theme in writing poetry, students have difficulty making rhythmic words, students have difficulty making imaginative sentences, students have difficulty making diction words or sentences. Meanwhile, the factors that make it difficult for students to write poetry are external factors, namely the teacher has not used innovative learning strategies, approaches, models and methods, and, the teacher has not used innovative learning media.

Nguyen Cong Khanh ◽  
Do Thi Huong ◽  
Tran Thi Ha

The paper presented the current situation of the level of elementary school teachers’ assessment on the implementation of the regulation of assessing primary school students according to Circular 22. The sample of the survey consisted of 813 teachers of some elementary schools in 6 provinces such as Lao Cai, Hanoi, Thua Thien Hue, Dak Lak, Tra Vinh and Ho Chi Minh City. The survey results showed that the majority of teachers have had a proper awareness of the purpose, principles, scientific bases and how to evaluate elementary school students according to the competency approach. At the same time, they also had very positive comments about the changes in behavior, their own perceptions and the implementation of orientation activities for students in the classroom towards developing capacity. However, a significant proportion of the surveyed teachers still had  incorrect perceptions and beliefs and so far, they faced a number of difficulties. The results obtained from the survey are considered as a very useful document for management as well as educators to review the strengths and limitations in the process of implementation to devise strategies and remedies in the near future.

Ika Rachmawati ◽  
Supriyono Supriyono ◽  
Rintis Rizkia Pangestika

The objectives of this study was to develop a mathematics bulletin media based on a realistic approach to fourth-grade elementary school students and its feasibility for use. The development model used in this research is the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) development model. The data collection technique in this study was conducted by interviewing questioner, test, and documentation. The instruments used in this research was media expert validation sheets, material experts, and teacher practitioners, practicality sheets for students and learning mastery test questions. The results of the research on the development of mathematical newsletter media based on a realistic approach are: 1) this research produces products in the form of mathematical newsletter media based on a realistic approach for grade IV elementary school students, 2) the results of the feasibility analysis of newsletter media based on a realistic approach are obtained from validation by two expert lecturers and classroom teachers. IV elementary schools obtained a mean score of  3.58 with the valid category, the results of the practicality of the product were fulfilled from the student response questionnaire got a score of 98% with very positive criteria, and the product effectiveness test was fulfilled from the learning completeness test with learning completeness reaching 100%.

Regina Da Silva Pina Neves ◽  
Leonardo Gomes Pires

Este estudo analisa as produções escritas de escolares da educação básica, elaboradas a partir das atividades desenvolvidas no contexto do PIBID de matemática da Universidade de Brasília, com os seguintes objetivos: 1) compreender os processos de conceituação matemática de escolares da educação básica, revelados em suas produções escritas e, 2) compreender como a análise da produção escrita de escolares da educação básica desenvolve licenciandos para a mediação em processos de conceituação matemática. Participaram do estudo 13 escolares do 3º ano do Ensino Médio (17 anos) de Escola Pública e 1 licenciando de Matemática da UnB (21 anos). Os escolares tiveram encontros semanais de duas horas com o referido licenciando, totalizando 26 horas, em atividades que abordam conceitos de simetria, noções de probabilidade e funções. Os resultados mostraram que os escolares apresentaram escrita matemática e em língua portuguesa incoerentes com o ano escolar em questão e dificuldades conceituais relacionadas aos conceitos abordados. Diante disso, o licenciando desenvolveu novas estratégias metodológicas e o discurso mediacional a fim de auxiliar os escolares na superação das dificuldades, por meio da análise constante da produção escrita revelada nos encontros. Desse modo, a análise da produção escrita de escolares mostrou-se fundamental para o processo de formação inicial em curso.Palavras-chave: Produção Escrita. Formação Inicial. Docência. Matemática.AbstractThis study analyzes the written productions of elementary school students, based on the activities developed in the context of PIBID of Mathematics at the University of Brasilia, with the following objectives: 1) to understand the processes of mathematical conceptualization of primary school students revealed in their written productions e, 2) to understand how the analysis of written production of elementary school students develops the licenciando for mediation in processes of mathematical conceptualization. The study included 13 students from the 3rd year of high school (17 years) of public school and 1 bachelor of mathematics from UnB (21 years). The students had weekly meetings of two hours with the mentioned licenciando, totalizing 26 hours, in activities that approach concepts of symmetry, notions of probability and functions. The results showed that the students presented in mathematical and in Portuguese language incoherent writing with the school year in question and conceptual difficulties related to the concepts addressed. Thus, the licenciando developed new methodological strategies and the mediational discourse in order to help the students in overcoming the difficulties, through the constant analysis of the written production revealed in the meetings. Thus, the analysis of the written production of schoolchildren has proved to be fundamental to the process of initial formation in progress.Keywords: Written production. Inicial formation. Teaching Mathematics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 148-155
Yana A. Mamonova ◽  
Denis V. Tsarev ◽  

The purpose of the work is to theoretically justify and experimentally prove the effectiveness of the use of musical and didactic games as a means of teaching younger students in music lessons and identify its advantages in comparison with traditional methods. The main conclusion of the work – a comparative analysis of the results of experimental work showed that significant changes took place in the development of the musicality of elementary school students, in which musical and didactic games were used. In general, after the use of music and didactic games in music lessons in elementary school, more schoolchildren with a high level of musicality development were identified. The results of the study showed the effectiveness and efficiency of developing the musicality of primary school students using music and didactic games and the feasibility of their use in music lessons in primary school. The great advantage of games is that this type of work is joyfully perceived by younger students, and you can organize the game so that it will contribute to solving the problems of their musical training, education, development. When using music and didactic games in music lessons in elementary school, the dynamics of the development of the musicianship of students is clearly observed.

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