scholarly journals Suitability of new subterranean clovers in the Canterbury region

K. Widdup ◽  
C. Pennell

The annual legume, subterranean clover, is adapted to permanent pastures in the summer drought-prone areas of eastern New Zealand. Dry summers over the last decade in Canterbury have renewed the interest from farmers in the use of sub clover. As the previously used cultivars Mt Barker and Tallarook are no longer available, a trial was established at AgResearch Templeton to evaluate a new series of cultivars and breeding lines from Australia together with recent New Zealand selections. The lines were sown in rows in May 1993 and assessed for seed set, autumn seedling regeneration and spring growth under sheep grazing for 4 years. The new Australian cultivars had improved seed set and consistently better seedling regeneration and herbage yield compared with older cultivars. The late-flowering, small-leaved and densely branched types were best adapted to the Canterbury environment. The late-maturity cultivars Denmark and Leura, selected from Sardinian germplasm, re-established 50% more seedlings and produced 25% greater late winter/ spring growth than Mt Barker and Tallarook in the third year. The New Zealand selection Ak 948 had similar performance to Denmark and Leura but the remaining selections were mediocre by the fourth year. The Sardinian ecotype breeding material appeared well-adapted to Canterbury conditions and future cultivars based on this material may be most suitable. Further trials are required in harsher sites to confirm these cultivar recommendations. Keywords: Australian cultivars, dry regions, herbage yield, seedling regeneration, subterranean clover, Trifolium subterraneum

2008 ◽  
Vol 48 (8) ◽  
pp. 1133 ◽  
B. S. Dear ◽  
B. F. Hackney ◽  
G. M. Dyce ◽  
C. A. Rodham

Swards of four cultivars of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) were cut at three different times to determine the effect on forage yield and quality, seed set and seedling regeneration in two successive seasons in southern New South Wales. The four cultivars of subterranean clover (Seaton Park LF, Junee, Goulburn and Clare) were cut on 23–25 September (early cut), 8–10 October (mid cut) or 22–23 October (late cut), to simulate an early silage, late silage or hay cut. Additional treatments imposed included either grazing or leaving the regrowth after cutting and raising the cutting height from 3 to 6 cm. Forage yields ranged from 3.5 to 9.3 t dry matter (DM)/ha in the first year and from 2.0 to 5.9 t DM/ha in the second year. Herbage yield was influenced by both cultivar and harvest time with the highest yields achieved with the mid cut. Lower forage yields at the later cut were attributed to losses due to respiration and decay under dense leaf canopies. Changes in forage quality were consistent across both years, with in vivo DM digestibility declining from 76–79% to 69–70% as cutting time was delayed. Crude protein fell from 22–24% to 14–17% over the same period, depending on cultivar. Seed yields in both years were influenced by both cutting time and cultivar with a positive relationship (R2 = 0.45–0.61) between herbage present in late spring after a period of regrowth and subsequent seed yield. The early flowering cultivar Seaton Park LF had the highest seed yield in both years and the more erect cultivar Clare had the lowest. Seed yields declined with later cutting time but increased by an average of 39% when the cutting height was raised from 3 to 6 cm. Seedling regeneration reflected seed yield responses with the largest seedling regeneration occurring in treatments cut early. The study found that forage conservation in early October is likely to yield more and be of higher quality than swards cut later in the season. Seed set is greatly reduced by all cutting strategies to levels unprofitable for seed harvesting but may be adequate for pasture regeneration.

1992 ◽  
Vol 32 (8) ◽  
pp. 1095 ◽  
BS Dear ◽  
DJ Conlan ◽  
MF Richards ◽  
NE Coombes

The tolerance of 6 cultivars of Trifolium subterraneum (subterranean clover) to simazine applied at 0.63 and 1.25 kg a.i./ha was determined under weedfree conditions in the field by measuring herbage and seed yields. Large herbage yield losses occurred as a result of the simazine in spring in the 2 years of the experiments. In 1989, spring herbage yield losses of the cultivars at the 0.63 and 1.25 kg/ha simazine rates averaged 56 and 82%, respectively. In 1990 the spring herbage yield losses were 27 and 51%. Significant variation in tolerance was observed between cultivars in both years, with Trikkala being the most tolerant and Karridale the most susceptible cultivar. Rate of herbicide had the greatest effect on herbage yield, with cultivar having a smaller effect. In 1989, with relatively favourable spring conditions, clover seed yields were depressed by simazine, but in 1990 when drier conditions prevailed during flowering and seed set, seed yields were unaffected or slightly increased by simazine in all cultivars except the early-flowering cultivar Dalkeith. Seed yields of simazine-treated swards were 196-1480 kg/ha in 1989 and 359-686 kg/ha in 1990. The seed yield response in 1990 suggests that herbicides which retard growth in winter help to conserve soil water and, therefore, may benefit seed filling later in the season. The presence of Lolium rigidum at spraying did not reduce the effect of the herbicide on clover herbage yield and had no effect on seed set. Although simazine may reduce herbage yields and, in some cases, seed yields, its use may be justified for the control of annual grasses when other factors such as disease control, pasture quality, and level of weed competition are considered.

1991 ◽  
Vol 31 (6) ◽  
pp. 777
MDA Bolland

The effect of superphosphate applications (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 125 kg P/ha to the soil surface) on the dry matter (DM) herbage production of dense swards of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum cv. Junee) and yellow serradella (Ornithopus compressus cv. Tauro) was measured in a field experiment on deep, sandy soil in south-western Australia. The swards were defoliated with a reel mower at weekly intervals from 88 to 158 days after sowing, to a height of 2 cm for the first 9 cuts, 4 cm for the tenth cut and 5 cm for the eleventh cut. Yellow serradella was more productive than subterranean clover. Consequently, for the relationship between yield and the level of phosphorus (P) applied, yellow serradella supported larger maximum yields and required less P than subterranean clover, to produce the same DM herbage yield. Maximum yields of yellow serradella were 12-40% larger. To produce 70% of the maximum yield for yellow serradella at each harvest, yellow serradella required about 50% less P than subterranean clover. However, when yields were expressed as a percentage of the maximum yield measured for each species at each harvest, the relationship between yield and the level of P applied was similar for both species, and they had similar P requirements.

2001 ◽  
Vol 52 (10) ◽  
pp. 973 ◽  
B. S. Dear ◽  
J. M. Virgona ◽  
G. A. Sandral ◽  
A. D. Swan ◽  
B. A. Orchard

Seed production of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) in mixtures with lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula (Schrader) Nees cv. Consol), cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L. cv. Currie), phalaris (Phalaris aquatica L. cv. Sirolan), danthonia (Austrodanthonia richardsonii (Cashm.) H.P. Linder, cv. Taranna), and lucerne (Medicago sativa L. cv. Aquarius) was compared with pure and degraded (invaded by annual volunteers) annual subterranean clover pasture at 2 sites (Junee and Kamarah) in the southern wheatbelt of New South Wales. Seed yields, clover seedlings in winter, and the change in the proportion of 3 subterranean clover cultivars (Dalkeith, Seaton Park, Goulburn) when grown with and without perennials were assessed. The effect of thinning the perennials to 10 plants/m2 on clover seed set was examined at the drier site. Seed production of subterranean clover in the mixtures was depressed by up to 50% compared with the pure and degraded annual swards. Initial clover seed poduction in the mixtures was at least 60 kg/ha even in the drought year at the wetter site (Junee), and >85 kg/ha at Kamarah, the drier site (seedling establishment at Kamarah failed in the drought year). Clover seed reserves in the following 2 years progressively increased to >300 kg/ha in the perennial swards at Junee but were <100 kg/ha by the end of the third year at Kamarah. In comparison, seed reserves in the pure clover and degraded annual swards were >650 kg/ha at Junee and >350 kg/ha at Kamarah. Reducing perennial density to 10 plants/m2 at the drier site increased clover seed yield about 3-fold in the first year compared with unthinned perennial swards. The increased seed yield was due to increased numbers of burrs set and increased seeds per burr and, in all perennial pasture treatments except lucerne, increased seed size. Clover seedling regeneration in 3rd and 4th year after sowing was substantially lower in the perennial-based mixtures than annual plots, with a significant (P < 0.05) positive correlation at both sites between clover seedling regeneration and seed bank size (1996, r2 = 0.46–0.64; 1997, r2 = 0.64–0.85). Following false breaks in early autumn, clover seedling populations were substantially higher in the pure and degraded clover treatments than in most perennial treatments. The proportion of the 3 cultivars present in the seed bank at the end of the pasture phase differed between sites but the sward type only influenced the proportion at the drier site. At the medium rainfall site, the later maturing cultivar Goulburn constituted 27–54% of the seed bank and the early flowering Dalkeith 25–46%, with unsown cultivars being insignificant ( <1%). At the low rainfall site, Dalkeith was the major component (33–52%) of the seed bank but the background population of unsown cultivars constituted 11–48%, the lowest proportion being in swards without a perennial component. The proportion of Goulburn was highest (23%) in the pure sward and lowest (10%) in lucerne and phalaris. It was concluded that subterranean clover could form relatively stable mixtures with perennials in medium rainfall environments, with clover populations increasing with time. In lower rainfall environments, clover seedling populations in perennial swards may be low due to reduced seed set and decreased seedling survival following early autumn rains. In these environments earlier maturing, hard-seeded cultivars are more likely to persist in mixtures and there is more potential for unsown cultivars to constitute a greater proportion of the sward. Decreasing perennial density offers scope for improving clover seed set and survival in these environments.

2007 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 123 ◽  
B. S. Dear ◽  
G. A. Sandral ◽  
J. M. Virgona ◽  
A. D. Swan ◽  
B. A. Orchard ◽  

The effect of the density of 3 perennial species, phalaris (Phalaris aquatica L.), wallaby grass (Austrodanthonia richardsonii Kunth), and lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), on seed set, regeneration, and the relative competitiveness of 3 cultivars of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) was examined in 2 environments in the south-eastern Australian wheatbelt. Seed yields of subterranean clover were inversely related to perennial density at both sites over the first 2 years, the relationship varying with perennial species. Phalaris depressed the seed yield of clover more than lucerne and wallaby grass in the second and third year at equivalent densities. Clover seed yield was positively related to clover herbage yield in late spring at both sites, and inversely related to perennial herbage yield. Clover seed yield displayed an increasing linear relationship with the proportion of light reaching the clover understorey in spring, which in turn was inversely related to perennial density and perennial herbage yield. Clover seedling regeneration in mixed swards in autumn was positively related to the size of the summer seed bank, but negatively related to perennial density. Clover seedling survival following a premature germination at Kamarah was inversely correlated to the density of phalaris and lucerne in the sward. The relative competitiveness of the 3 subterranean clover cultivars varied between sites, with climatic conditions (rainfall and growing-season length) having a greater effect on the relative cultivar performance than companion perennial species or density. The later maturing subterranean clover cv. Goulburn became the dominant cultivar at the wetter site, constituting 72% of the seed bank, but declined to only 3–8% of the seed bank at the drier site. The proportion of the early flowering cultivar Dalkeith in the seed bank increased over time at the drier site and was highest (53%) in plots with the highest perennial density. We concluded that although perennial pasture species will depress clover seed yield and subsequent regeneration, these effects could be minimised by reducing perennial densities and exploiting variations in competitiveness between perennial species as identified in this study. Sowing earlier maturing subterranean clover cultivars would only be an advantage in increasing clover content in low-rainfall environments. The findings suggest that clover seed reserves and regeneration could also be increased by using grazing management to reduce the level of shading of clover by perennials, a factor associated with reduced clover seed yield.

1960 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 723 ◽  
NW Grylls ◽  
JW Peak

Resistance to subterranean clover stunt virus was explored in 390 strains and named varieties of subterranean clover from the Mediterranean regions, England, France, the Iberian peninsula, New Zealand, and Australia. High levels of genetic resistance were shown in the Australian varieties Tallarook, Hill's Small, and Bass B. Resistance of a selected group of F2's was found to be midway between that of the parents. In selected groups of F4 generation hybrids, and in selected second and third generation backcrosses, resistance equal to that of Tallarook was shown. The apparent recovery of some plants during tests in the glass-house was shown to be a form of temporary tolerance to the virus.

2008 ◽  
Vol 59 (6) ◽  
pp. 561 ◽  
P. G. H. Nichols ◽  
M. P. You ◽  
M. J. Barbetti

Twenty-eight cultivars and 106 F6-derived breeding lines of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) were screened in the field for their response to clover scorch disease caused by race 1 of Kabatiella caulivora. Eleven of the cultivars, including Denmark and Goulburn, were classified as resistant. Breeding lines with Denmark parentage had 55% of progeny with resistance, while those of Goulburn had only 19% of resistant progeny, suggesting different modes of inheritance. Selection for resistance to race 2 of K. caulivora in the F4 generation markedly increased the probability of selecting F6-derived lines with resistance to race 1, suggesting linkage between genes for resistance to both races.

1974 ◽  
Vol 14 (71) ◽  
pp. 749 ◽  
PG Ozanne ◽  
KMW Howes

The effects of four common fertilizers containing calcium on seed production in subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) were measured at six locations over five years in a total of fifteen field experiments. Calcium as a sulphate, carbonate or phosphate salt was applied to subterranean clover pastures either at the start of the growing season (autumn) or at flowering (spring). Gypsum, plaster of Paris, or lime gave large increases in seed yield per unit area and also per unit weight of tops. Spring applications of superphosphate increased seed yields in only two out of four experiments. Gypsum applied in spring at 200-500 kg ha-1 was as effective as 2,000 kg ha-1 of lime applied in autumn. Applications of lime in spring were much less effective. Increased seed yields were due to increases in burr yield, seed number per burr, and mean weight per seed. They were usually accompanied by increases in calcium concentration in the seed. Responses in seed production to calcium applications were obtained in all three sub-species of Trifolium subterraneum. In two experiments, newly sown on a soil type on which subterranean clover regeneration and persistence is commonly very poor, applied calcium doubled or quadrupled seed set. In 13 experiments using soils on which subterranean clover had persisted as the major component of the pasture for several years, calcium in the year of application increased the total seed bank by 6 to 31 per cent, and the current seed set by a greater amount.

2007 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 226 ◽  
P. G. H. Nichols ◽  
G. A. Sandral ◽  
B. S. Dear ◽  
C. T. de Koning ◽  
D. L. Lloyd ◽  

Izmir is a hardseeded, early flowering, subterranean clover of var. subterraneum (Katz. et Morley) Zohary and Heller collected from Turkey and developed by the collaborating organisations of the National Annual Pasture Legume Improvement Program. It is a more hardseeded replacement for Nungarin and best suited to well-drained, moderately acidic soils in areas with a growing season of less than 4.5 months. Izmir seed production and regeneration densities in 3-year pasture phases were similar to Nungarin in 21 trials across southern Australia, but markedly greater in years following a crop or no seed set. Over all measurements, Izmir produced 10% more winter herbage and 7% more spring herbage than Nungarin. Its greater hardseededness and good seed production, makes it better suited to cropping rotations than Nungarin. Softening of Izmir hard seeds occurs later in the summer–autumn period than Nungarin, giving it slightly greater protection from seed losses following false breaks to the season. Izmir is recommended for sowing in Western Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Queensland. Izmir has been granted Plant Breeders Rights in Australia.

1985 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 455 ◽  
GR Stirling ◽  
MF Wachtel

In south-eastern South Australia root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne hapla) caused losses to potato crops in fields that were sown once every 5- 15 years and were used for grazing in the intervening years. Although seed used by some growers was infested with M. hapla, the nematode also survived between potato crops on subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum), the dominant pasture species, and capeweed (Cryptostemma calendula). Subterranean clover was the most abundant alternate host. Nematodes invaded clover seedlings that established following rain in April and produced eggs about 12 weeks later. A second generation was produced in late winter and spring, so that a relatively high root-knot nematode population was present when potatoes were planted. The population increased rapidly on potatoes and numbers capable of causing severe root damage were observed 10- 15 weeks after planting. The growing of non-host crops, or the use of herbicides or cultivation to eliminate subterranean clover in the winter prior to the potato crop, should be investigated. In a nematicide trial, ethylene dibromide at 70 and 110 kg/ha increased yields of potato cv. Pontiac by about 90%.

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