2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-145
Aprilianti Pratiwi ◽  
M. Girindra Madanacaragni

AbstrakPerkembangan teknologi telah mengubah proses komunikasi, tak terkecuali pada aspek promosi. Proses promosi yang semula banyak dilakukan secara tatap muka kini telah dimediasi dengan media komputer atau biasa disebut dengan CMC (Computer Mediated Communication). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi   bentuk   promosi   Cap   Go  Meh   Bogor   Street   Festival   yang dilakukan oleh akun Instagram @cgmbogor_fest.  Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian  ini  adalah  etnografi  virtual.  Melalui  metode  observasi  mendalam secara virtual yang telah dilakukan, diketahui bahwa panitia Cap Go Meh Bogor Street  Festival  melakukan  promosi  pariwisata  melalui  akun  @cgmbogor_fest dengan   mengunggah   poster   digital,   poto,   video   dan   potongan   poto.   Dari keempat bentuk promosi digital pada akun @cgmbogor_fest, poster menjadi alat promosi  utama karena dalam poster terdapat beberapa informasi, diantaranya tentang  waktu  dan  tempat  pelaksanaan  festival,  pengisi  acara,  nomor  kontak yang  dapat  dihubungi  serta  media  sosial  yang  dapat  ditelusuri.  Penggunaan media sosial menjadi salah satu media yang seringkali digunakan untuk promosi pariwisata dikarenakan dapat meningkatkan awareness masyarakat untuk dapat hadir ke suatu tempat secara nyata dengan bantuan informasi dari dunia maya.Kata Kunci: CMC, etnografi virtual, instagram, promosi pariwisata, social media marketing AbstractTechnological developments have changed the communication process, including the promotion aspect. The promotion process, which was previously done face- to-face, has now been mediated by computer or commonly known as CMC (Computer Mediated Communication). The purpose of this study was to identify the form of the Bogor Street Festival Cap Go Meh promotion carried out by the Instagram account @cgmbogor_fest. The method used in this research is virtual ethnography.  Through  a  virtual  in-depth  observation  method  that  has  been carried  out,  it is known  that  the committee  of the Cap Go Meh  Bogor  Street Festival  promotes  tourism  through  the @cgmbogor_fest  account by uploading digital  posters,  photos,  videos  and  photo  grid.  Of  the  four  forms  of  digital promotion   on   the   @cgmbogor_fest    account,   digital   poster   is   the   main promotional  tool because in the poster there is some information, including the time and place of the festival, the performers, contact numbers and contactable social media. The use of social media is one of the media that is often used for tourism promotion because it can increase public awareness to be able to present a real place with the help of information from cyberspace. Keywords: CMC, instagram, social media marketing, tourism promotion, virtual etnography

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-101
Dwi Ajeng Widarini

Aisyiyah as one of the Muhammadiyah women's organizations has a means of communication through social media that aims to provide information for progressive women. The Instagram account Aisyiyah currently has 7425 followers with the amount of material posted 561. One of the materials that is the focus of socialization on reproductive health and women's nutrition. As an interactive media tool, Instagram is used to provide knowledge through means of live IG, posting photos, and polling. What is the effectiveness of using Aisyiyah's Instagram account in the dissemination of reproductive health and women's nutrition. The theory used in this study, computer mediated communication. This type of research is qualitative - descriptive with data collection carried out through interviews, observation and literature studies. The results of this study can illustrate the use of social media by Aisyiyah especially in reproductive socialization and nutrition for women.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-78
Novianto Yudha Laksana ◽  
Ahda Fadhilah

Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) becomes a new form of communication. Interpersonal communication has now moved into cyberspace thanks to CMC's role. CMC's implementation in touch is when two or more communion can only exchange information through computer media or the latest communication technology. CMC is categorized as synchronous if the connection delivers in a discussion room or chat room. In comparison, asynchronous CMC occurs when the communication process coincides. Twitter is one of the social media often used as a place of interaction on the internet. Based on Twitter data, 83% of Indonesian millennial users consider Twitter a reliable source for product information. This study aims to gain communication technology's meaning in giving birth to interpersonal relationships between Twitter users among adolescents. The research method uses online literature and observation studies. The results revealed that interactions on social media Twitter among adolescents could form intimate relationships among communication participants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 205630512098447
Daphna Yeshua-Katz ◽  
Ylva Hård af Segerstad

This study highlights the challenges of computer-mediated communication for vulnerable individuals and groups, by studying boundary work in stigmatized communities online. Five stigmatized online communities with different affordances were studied: (1) “pro-ana” blogs; (2) an infertility discussion board; (3) a Facebook group for bereaved parents; and (4) two WhatsApp groups for Israeli veterans of war with post-traumatic stress disorder. In-depth interviews with members and administrators ( n = 66) revealed that social media affordances such as low anonymity and high visibility may marginalize those living with stigma. While research literature applauds social media for allowing the formation and maintenance of social capital, our study highlights the paradox caused by these very same affordances. To offer safe and functioning environments of support, the communities must guard against impostors whose presence threatens their safe havens. Simultaneously, this may make these groups inaccessible to those who truly need support and remove such groups from the public eye.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-32
Otilia Pacea

In the context of internet genre migration and proliferation, conventional taxonomies are no longer valid. To classify blogs between thematic and personal blogs is to blissfully ignore the legions of successful content prosumers, from political blogs to travel blogs, from food blogs to MAD (mom and dad) blogs, from fashion blogs to milblogs. With the recent explosion of social media, the digital landscape shifted and today there are more voices online than ever before. For blogs, however, the original purpose for communication has always been twofold: to inform and to emote. Computer-mediated communication may be overpopulated with a myriad of mixed forms and blogs might be dead or simply, difficult to reach with so much overlapping. Yet high-impact blogs still remain and are widely read. This paper explores the language of high-impact blogs, testing a new methodology for genre analysis to solve genre hybridity in the case of computer-mediated discourse.

Elayne Coakes ◽  
Dianne Willis

This paper investigates the use of computer mediated communication (CMC) in colleges of further and higher education in the UK. Analysis is carried out by institutional type as preliminary investigation shows there are considerable differences between universities and colleges in terms of email usage. A total of 30 institutions replied to the survey: 14 Universities and 16 Colleges, some by email, others by post. This percentage is approximately 6.5% of all universities in the UK and 7% of all colleges. Whilst not a large percentage in total the results were so consistent across the sectors’ replies that they can be considered sufficiently representative of their sector. The study focuses on the use of email in support of the communication process and offers insights into the range of practice involved.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 27
Iman Mohamed Mahfouz

The language of Computer-mediated Communication (CMC) is known to deviate from standard language in many ways dictated by the characteristics of the medium in order to achieve brevity, speed as well as innovation. Together with the intrinsic features of CMC in general, the character limitation imposed by the popular social media platform, Twitter has triggered the use of a number of linguistic devices including shortening strategies in addition to unconventional spelling and grammar. Using two parallel corpora of English tweets written by Egyptians and non-Egyptians on a similar hashtag, the study attempts to compare the shortening strategies used in both datasets. A taxonomy for orthographic and morphological shortening strategies was adapted from Thurlow and Brown (2003) and Denby (2010) with particular focus on message length, punctuation, clipping, abbreviations, contractions, alphanumeric homophones and accent stylization. Given the scarcity of linguistic studies conducted on Egyptian tweets despite the vast amount of data they offer, the study compares the findings about tweets written by Egyptians in English as a foreign language to previous studies. The findings suggest that Egyptians tend to omit punctuation more frequently, whereas non-Egyptians favor abbreviations, contractions and clipped forms. The results also indicate that Twitter may be shifting towards longer messages while at the same time increasingly employing more shortening strategies. The study also reveals that character limitation is not the only factor shaping language use on Twitter since not all linguistic choices are governed by brevity of communication.

2020 ◽  
Emily L Morrow ◽  
Fangyun Zhao ◽  
Lyn Turkstra ◽  
Catalina Toma ◽  
Bilge Mutlu ◽  

BACKGROUND Individuals with a history of traumatic brain injury (TBI) report fewer social contacts, less social participation, and more social isolation than noninjured peers. Cognitive-communication disabilities may prevent individuals with TBI from accessing the opportunities for social connection afforded by computer-mediated communication, as individuals with TBI report lower overall usage of social media than noninjured peers and substantial challenges with accessibility and usability. Although adaptations for individuals with motor and sensory impairments exist to support social media use, there have been no parallel advances to support individuals with cognitive disabilities, such as those exhibited by some people with TBI. In this study, we take a preliminary step in the development process by learning more about patterns of social media use in individuals with TBI as well as their input and priorities for developing social media adaptations. OBJECTIVE This study aims to characterize how and why adults with TBI use social media and computer-mediated communication platforms, to evaluate changes in computer-mediated communication after brain injury, and to elicit suggestions from individuals with TBI to improve access to social media after injury. METHODS We conducted a web-based survey of 53 individuals with a chronic history of moderate-to-severe TBI and a demographically matched group of 51 noninjured comparison peers. RESULTS More than 90% of participants in both groups had an account on at least one computer-mediated communication platform, with Facebook and Facebook Messenger being the most popular platforms in both groups. Participants with and without a history of TBI reported that they use Facebook more passively than actively and reported that they most frequently maintain web-based relationships with close friends and family members. However, participants with TBI reported less frequently than noninjured comparison participants that they use synchronous videoconferencing platforms, are connected with acquaintances on the web, or use social media as a gateway for offline social connection (eg, to find events). Of the participants with TBI, 23% (12/53) reported a change in their patterns of social media use caused by brain injury and listed concerns about accessibility, safety, and usability as major barriers. CONCLUSIONS Although individuals with TBI maintain social media accounts to the same extent as healthy comparisons, some may not use them in a way that promotes social connection. Thus, it is important to design social media adaptations that address the needs and priorities of individuals with TBI, so they can also reap the benefits of social connectedness offered by these platforms. By considering computer-mediated communication as part of individuals’ broader social health, we may be able to increase web-based participation in a way that is meaningful, positive, and beneficial to broader social life.

Mary Lee Hummert

The study of the relationship between stereotypes and communication is strongly interdisciplinary, involving not only communication scholars from many areas (interpersonal, discourse, organizational, mass media, computer-mediated communication, and so forth) but also social psychologists, sociolinguists, psycholinguists, and political scientists. In particular, the attention to stereotypes by communication scholars and to communication by social psychologists has helped advance scientific knowledge of the influence of stereotypes as cognitions on communicative behaviors—even at the level of word choice—and the equally strong influence of communication in all its forms on the construction and persistence of stereotypes. The research from both communication and psychological approaches has primarily applied social-scientific theories and methods to the study of stereotypes and communication, providing critical insights into stereotyping as an interpersonal communication process in which the influence of stereotypical beliefs is often implicit, that is, outside the conscious awareness of communicators. Media scholars have added to these insights by highlighting the ways mass media reflect and perpetuate social stereotypes. Discourse scholars have contributed yet another important layer of knowledge, showing how writers and speakers subtly implicate and instantiate stereotypes in text and talk. All of these approaches—interpersonal communication and psychology, discourse, and mass media—have considered the effects of communicative stereotyping on individuals and societies, strategies to reduce negative outcomes, and communication as a resource to lessen stereotyping.

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