The Desarrollismo Years: The Failures of Sexualised Nationhood in 1960s Spain

Annabel Martín

This chapter explores the transformative power of newly introduced neoliberal economic policies in 1960s Spain. Focusing on films including Jaime Camino’s Los felices sesenta/The Happy Sixties and Jorge Grau’s Noche de verano/Summer Night, the chapter teases out the tensions that the films establish between the allure of capitalism, consumerism or the potential for social upward mobility on the one hand, and erotic frustration on the other. Moreover, while the films suggest a certain sexual liberalisation both of the characters and 1960s Spanish cinema and Spanish society more widely, they also commodify bodies. In the new neoliberal regime, bodies become consumers as well as consumer objects.

Philip Manow

The first chapter motivates the book’s central research question: how did the German variant of capitalism emerge, and what today is its central functioning logic? The chapter argues that past and recent accounts of Germany’s economic performance and economic policy have failed to fully explain how long-term stable economic coordination could have evolved in as large a country as Germany, and that this has also translated into an often biased view of Germany’s current economic policies. The chapter sketches the basic argument of the book—namely that the German welfare state was the prime means of economic coordination for unions and employers, labor and capital—and situates it in two relevant literatures: the Varieties of Capitalism literature on the one hand and the Comparative Welfare State literature on the other. The chapter also presents an overview of the book.

2020 ◽  
pp. 115
Gaetano Antonio Vigna

Resumen: En esta contribución se estudia la escena del aprendizaje lector y el encuentro con el libro que seis escritores contemporáneos cristalizan en sus libros de memorias. A través del análisis de tres tópicos estrechamente relacionados con dicha vivencia de la etapa infantil —la influencia de mentor; la rebelión al mundo escolar; el listado de obras influyentes—, se apreciará el poder consolador y correctivo del libro en el trasfondo histórico de la Guerra Civil española y de los primeros años del franquismo. A partir de esta aproximación, el artículo mostrará, por un lado, cómo los niños protagonistas de los libros escogidos contestarán el canon literario impuesto y el sistema educativo oficial, rechazado a favor del autodidactismo. Por el otro, será posible apreciar el retrato que estos memorialistas ofrecen de aquellos años de represión.Abstract: In this paper we study the scene of the learning of reading and the encounter with the Book as six contemporary writers narrate in their memoirs. Through the analysis of three autobiographemes related to this experience of the childhood —the mentor’s influence; the school rebellion; the list of influential literary works—, we will appreciate the consoling and corrective power of the book during the Spanish Civil War and the earlier years of the Francoist regime. From this approach, this paper will show, on the one hand, how the main characters of the selected memoirs reject the imposed literary canon, as well as the formal educational system in favor of self-learning. On the other, it will give us a portrait of Spanish society in those repressive years.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Olaf Beuchling

Spanish Gitanos or Calé form one of the largest Romany minorities in the EU. While they lived at the margins of Spanish society over centuries, their living and educational conditions have improved considerably within the last three decades. This article focuses on the educational situation of the Gitanos by incorporating empirical studies published on that topic in the recent years in Spain. It can be shown that the schooling of this ethnic minority has improved on the one hand, while considerable educational disparities continue to exist in comparison to the majority population on the other hand. In conclusion, some recent challenges are discussed which are of relevance for this specific case of educational inequality.

2003 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 666-687 ◽  
Ronald Janssen ◽  
Emmanuel Mermet

After reviewing the different theories on the impact of EMU on wage policies and the way in which trade unions have sought to organise international coordination of wage bargaining in Europe, this article investigates whether EMU has had an effect on wage formation. It finds that there is indeed such an effect. EMU has gone hand in hand with relatively lower wage increases than in the pre-EMU period. European coordination of wage bargaining therefore remains necessary and has to be strengthened. This article also describes the interaction that has taken place over the last five years between wage formation on the one hand and macro-economic policies on the other. We find that here there is much scope for an improved and more intense dialogue between trade unions, the ECB and governments.

Alexander Nützenadel

Even though some scholars have highlighted the modernizing effects of Fascist social and economic policies, transformation theory has rarely been applied to the Fascist regimes of the interbellum period. This was mainly due to the antidemocratic and destructive character of Fascist regimes. This chapter argues that transformation theory can be used to explain some basic features of Fascism within a comparative framework. In particular, this theory is helpful to explore the complex interaction between ideology and political institutions on the one hand and long-term social and economic change on the other. Even though Germany and Italy represent the most interesting cases because Fascism was able to establish powerful dictatorial regimes, the historical analysis should not be limited to these two countries. Applied to other countries and world regions, the theory might explain why Fascist movements failed there.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 293
Rubén Rodríguez Puertas ◽  
Alexandra Ainz Galende

With the aim of understanding the recent migration processes of young Spaniards settled in Chile, the present paper analyzes, on the one hand, how these young people experience their arrival and establishment in said Latin American country and, in the other hand, how the process of returning and readjusting to Spanish society takes place. For that, and following the procedures of the Grounded Theory, the discourses of 37 Spanish migrants obtained through in depth interviews were analyzed: 22 of them are living in Chile and the other 15 returned to Spain after spending a long period in Chilean society and have been living in Spain for at least one year since then. All of them have university degrees, are between 25 and 35 years old, and arrived in Chile between 2013 and 2018. This qualitative study shows the way in which these migrants experience their sociocultural integration in Chilean society, which could be typified as “nostalgic” since it is characterized by the idealization of and the longing for their society of origin. Another key characteristic is the eventual return to the country of origin, in which the desynchronization they experience is especially remarkable: after a long period abroad, they feel disconnected from the transformations that have taken place in their original environment, which leads them to experience a difficult process of readjustment to Spanish society that sometimes is even more complex than that experienced abroad.

Héctor Álvarez García

En el marco de la legislación censoria de la España imperial pretendemos analizar, por una parte, el origen cultural y doctrinal del concepto sociológico de opinión pública en nuestro país, que hunde sus raíces en el absolutismo contrarreformista y fue adoptando una fisonomía reconocible en el seno de la sociedad española del Siglo de Oro, gracias a la contribución de nuestros tratadistas barrocos; y, por otra, la dimensión política y adoctrinadora de la Nueva Comedia y de la predicación religiosa, ya que constituyeron los más efectivos resortes propagandísticos de manipulación de masas impulsados desde el Poder en orden a conseguir la adhesión emocional y, por tanto, irracional del pueblo español al régimen monárquico-señorial de los Austrias.In the framework of the censorship legislation of imperial Spanish we pretend to analyze, on the one hand, the cultural and doctrinal origin of sociological concept of public opinion in our country, which has its roots in counter-reformist absolutism and was adopting a recognizable physiognomy within the spanish society of the Golden Age thanks to the contribution of our baroque writers; and, on the other, the political and indoctrinating dimension of the New Comedy and religious preaching, since they constituted the most effective propaganda springs of mass manipulation driven by the Power in order to achieve emotional accession and, therefore, irrational from the spanish people to the Hispanic monarchy. 

Res Publica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-48
Henri Capron ◽  
Jean-Louis Kruseman

The main point developed in this paper is the demonstration of the attitudes characterizing the major Belgian political parties. This is achieved through a factorial analysis applied to a set of data resulting from the answers given by the major parties leaders to various specific questions regarding bath the prevailing economie as well as institutional issues at the eve of the election of December 17th, 1978. From that point it has been possible to compare those results with the one obtained from the data concerning the 1974 programmes.The results of the statistical analysis show that white in 1974 the strongest positive associations between parties corresponded to tht traditional ethical and socioeconomic cleavages, four years later the linguistic dimension was predominant with a stronger homogeneity characterizing the Dutchspeaking group than what could be observed for the Frenchspeaking one.The factorial analysis allows for a graphical representation of the respective positioning of the parties along the statistically significant factorial axes. Applied to two sets of data, the first one on purely institutional matters, the second one on both institutional and economic policies, the analysis reveals clearly through the various graphs presented the linguistic cleavage as well as the divergences about the extent of regional competences and minorities protection, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the degrees of regional economic autonomy and of public intervention in the business life.

Seraina Rüegger ◽  
Heidrun Bohnet

This chapter examines the link between forced migration as a response to environmental degradation on the one hand, and conflict and security in host countries, on the other. From a political science perspective, the authors review existing research on migration as a reason for conflict, with a particular focus on refugees. They show that forced migrants per se do not influence violence in host countries, but only in those cases where refugees are socially and economically marginalized. Also, when aid services are unequally distributed to them and host communities. Thus, the authors highlight the need for governments to pursue inclusionary socio-economic policies towards their population and refugees as a prevention against dangerous tensions. They also present the limitations of current knowledge and indicate future research to solve the challenges associated with forced displacement.

George Thadathil

This chapter focuses on the life and achievements of Sri Narayana Guru, a transformative figure in the social, political, and intellectual landscape of modern Kerala whose impact has been felt across all communities even as he remains a largely unknown figure in north India. The manner in which one person's intervention in one community is receiving attention from individuals and groups beyond the shores of Kerala and outside the original community within which he had his receptivity is shown as providing the transformative power to effect social change not only in Kerala but even beyond. Narayana Guru and his successors in the Gurukula Foundation lineage provide the vantage point for the potential of the movement. The unique approach of the Guru in challenging domination without antagonizing the other nor deprecating the elegance of the self, cutting through the societal sham, offers a renewed 'advaita' accessible to all, as argued in this chapter.

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