Vicarious Pleasures: Photography, Modernity, and Mid-Victorian Domestic Journalism

Charlotte Boman

Family magazines such as the Leisure Hour (1852–1905) and All the Year Round (1859–95) featured articles on the rise of new visual media technologies, linking them to domestic consumption and a rapidly shifting urban environment. In this essay, Charlotte Boman focuses specifically on the stereoscope, which became popular after being introduced to the public at the Great Exhibition (1851). Photography was a frequent topic of discussion in the mid-Victorian periodical press and played a key role in constructing the relationship between middle-class domesticity and the urban environment, demonstrating the ‘reciprocity between graphic and verbal culture and the resulting erosion of the private-public dichotomy’ (p. 216). Because women were so closely associated with privacy and domestic life, urban photography had the effect of unsettling conventional gender relations and destabilising the divide between public and private space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 7204
Anastazija Dimitrova ◽  
Antonín Vaishar ◽  
Milada Šťastná

This article discusses the relationship between a consumer lifestyle and the environment. The willingness to adapt to a sustainable lifestyle was tested through a questionnaire among students of Mendel University in Brno, who are theoretically well-informed people. Overall, 417 students answered, i.e., 19% of the respondents. The students generally recognised the need to address environmental issues, and 90.6% intended to change their lifestyle in this direction. Among the barriers, they mentioned in particular lack of time, lack of financial resources, lack of specific information and insufficient conditions. Addressing this issue requires close co-operation in education between governmental and non-governmental organisations in both the public and private sectors. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the situation in that it has drawn attention to the response of local companies to the global problem.

Verioni Ribeiro Bastos

Diante da estrutura do sistema de ensino brasileiro no qual encontramos a disciplina, Ensino Religioso, constitucionalmente obrigatória no ensino fundamental das escolas públicas até as Ciências das Religiões nas Universidades Federais brasileiras, busco realizar um diálogo com outras trabalhos usando estes como interrogações para questionar o comum tido como natural, ou seja, a presença do religioso na esfera pública. Somado a isto o debate com autores que discutem a realidade francesa e a narração de dois casos extraídos da  observação participante completam a intenção de apresentar um ângulo mais agudo de refletir sobre a realidade brasileira no que concerne a religião, política e educação, como também, como o público e o privado caminham juntos na mentalidade da população do país. A secularização à brasileira anda a passos lentos e o quadro político-social e educacional do Brasil precisa de menos análises do que está posto e questionar por que o que está posto parece normal e se perpetua por gerações e gerações.Palavras-chave: Laicidade: ensino religioso. Política. Brasil. França.AbstractTaking the ideias of some authors we will try to understand the interconnections between religions and public sphere in Brazil and France. In Brazil we get two exemples of the relationship between public sphere and the religion: the presence of Religious Education and the Science Religions in the brazilian federal universities. In other hand we try to understand how in France we can see the relation between the religions and the public sphere thourgh the eyes of some authors who speak about it using two exemples we will show in this text. Completing the intention to present a more acute angle to reflect on the Brazilian reality with regard to religion, politics and education, as well as public and private walk together in the mindset of the country's population. Secularization Brazilian's slow steps and the socio-political framework and Brazil's educational needs less analysis than is post and question why what's post looks normal and perpetuates for generations and generations.Keywords: Secularism: religious education. Politics. Brazil. France.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
Kumaran Kanapathipillaii

<p>Social media such as Facebook has become an essential strategic tool for organisations. Facebook is a platform where a large pool of consumers would use to make purchase decisions. Organisations are designing and maintaining their Facebook account to expand their social networks and build relationships with the public. This research explains current situations regarding the influence of online social media technology with reference to Facebook on employees' work performance in Malaysia. The problem statement focuses on both the public and private sectors in Malaysia. Additionally, various literature was reviewed, indicating the relationship between social media (usage at work, sociability, and trust) and work performance. The mediating role of the organisational framework on the relationship between online social media technology (Facebook) and work performance was also scrutinised to formulate the research hypothesis. The findings of this research established a significant relationship between online social media (Facebook) and organisational framework and work performance. Conclusively, the hypothesis depicted that the organisational framework fully mediates the relationship between online social media technology (Facebook) and employees' work performance in public and private sectors in Malaysia. This study also verifies that both the public and private sector organisations that incorporate Facebook can enhance networking and information sharing, influencing employees' work performance, creating a stable organisational framework, generating value for customers, and improving employee relationships with all stakeholders. In conclusion, work performance can be heightened by a well planned and structured organisational framework. Additionally, through a well planned and implemented online social media technology such as Facebook, an organisation would have a smooth operating organisational framework and a workforce with enhanced performance.</p><p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0854/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

2019 ◽  
pp. 26
Antonio Díaz Sotelo

ResumenEl objeto de este texto es la exposición y análisis de los procedimientos de intervención pública en el paisaje urbano de la ciudad de Madrid. El objetivo último de ese análisis es identificar el modelo público para el paisaje urbano en Madrid.  Este texto se centra en la exposición analítica de documentos oficiales antes que en sus conclusiones definitivas, por lo que le corresponde la denominación de Informe.  Este informe se organiza en dos partes: una exposición teórica que enmarca el posterior análisis de instrumentos administrativos de intervención en el paisaje.  Se concibe como parte de la investigación de Tesis Doctoral titulada “Transformación Reciente del Paisaje Comercial en el Centro Histórico”, acotada en un marco temporal de apenas diez años, marcado por la crisis y la desregulación económica, y en un marco territorial limitado al centro histórico de Madrid. Esa investigación se enmarca en una reflexión general sobre la relación entre actividad económica y paisaje urbano. El interés de este informe para la investigación es sobre la utilidad de ese modelo público para el paisaje urbano en Madrid como parámetro para valorar la rentabilidad de los esfuerzos públicos y privados en la mejora de la calidad del paisaje urbano.AbstractThe purpose of this text is the exhibition and analysis of public intervention procedures in the urban landscape of the city of Madrid. The ultimate goal of this analysis is to identify the public model for the urban landscape in Madrid. This text focuses on the analytical exposition of official documents rather than on their final conclusions, for which reason the denomination of Report corresponds. This report is organized in two parts: a theoretical exposition that frames the subsequent analysis of administrative instruments of intervention in the landscape. It is conceived as part of the Doctoral Thesis research titled "Recent Transformation of the Commercial Landscape in the Historic Center", bounded within a period of just ten years, marked by the crisis and economic deregulation, and in a territorial framework limited to the historic center of Madrid. This research is part of a general reflexion on the relationship between economic activity and urban landscape. The interest of this report for the investigation is about the utility of that public model for the urban landscape in Madrid as a parameter to assess the profitability of public and private efforts in improving the quality of the urban landscape.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S1) ◽  
pp. 506-528
Harvey G.O. Igben ◽  
Michael E. Ilaya

New media is a trending innovation and its influence in the promotion of mutual understanding between organizations and strategic publics is a more contemporary issue. This study evaluates the perception of public relations practitioners on the incorporation of new media into the process of promoting good relationships between organizations and strategic publics in Nigeria. The fundamental goal is to examine if public relations practitioners find new media helpful in carrying out public relations activities in their organizations. This study is hinged on Technological determinism theory.  Findings show that public relations practitioners of both public and private organizations do perceive the adoption of new media technologies in the performance of their function for the promotion of mutual understanding as supportive to quick and interactive approaches to dissemination of information from organizations to strategic stakeholders and the public. The study recommends that more public relations practitioners of organizations especially public organizations should be encouraged to use new media in course of executing their professional assignments.

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 77
Andreea Gabriela Lupu

<p>This article tackles the means of theatre space reconfiguration in the apartment theater (<em>lorgean theater</em>), simultaneously analyzing the relation between public and private specific to this form of art. Structured around both a theoretical analysis and a qualitative empirical investigation, this paper emphasizes the traits of the theatre space as component of an artistic product received by the audience, and its value in the process of artistic production, within the theatre sector. The case study of <em>lorgean theater, </em>including a participant observation and an individual interview, enables the understanding of these two aspects of the spatial configuration, emphasizing its hybrid nature in terms of spatial configuration and the public-private relation as well as the act of reappropriation of the domestic space through an alternative practice of theatre consumption.</p>

2021 ◽  
Rachael Anderson

<p>The airport is a site that blurs spatial boundaries. While primarily functioning to move aircraft and passengers between land and air, the airport is simultaneously a complex social institution that mediates the relationship between the local and global, the public and private, and national and international space. This thesis discusses the changing nature of Auckland International Airport and Wellington International Airport as spaces that are produced through a number of historical, economic and political contexts. Using spatial, cultural and critical theory along with concepts from human geography and mobilities research, this study examines each airport as a dynamic, ongoing process of spatial relations. Central to this analysis is the understanding that space, subjectivity and technologies of power produce and reproduce each other on different scales. Drawing upon news stories, promotional material, institutional representations and popular representations of Auckland and Wellington airports, the following thesis will explore the ways in which their spaces have been imagined, produced and used over time.</p>

2021 ◽  
Rachael Anderson

<p>The airport is a site that blurs spatial boundaries. While primarily functioning to move aircraft and passengers between land and air, the airport is simultaneously a complex social institution that mediates the relationship between the local and global, the public and private, and national and international space. This thesis discusses the changing nature of Auckland International Airport and Wellington International Airport as spaces that are produced through a number of historical, economic and political contexts. Using spatial, cultural and critical theory along with concepts from human geography and mobilities research, this study examines each airport as a dynamic, ongoing process of spatial relations. Central to this analysis is the understanding that space, subjectivity and technologies of power produce and reproduce each other on different scales. Drawing upon news stories, promotional material, institutional representations and popular representations of Auckland and Wellington airports, the following thesis will explore the ways in which their spaces have been imagined, produced and used over time.</p>

Kenneth L. Hacker ◽  
Eric L. Morgan

Emerging media technologies are increasingly reconfiguring the public sphere by creating new spaces for political dialogue. E-democracy (digital democracy) and e-government can be usefully served by these emerging technologies; however, their existence does not automatically equate to increased political participation. There is still a need to develop specific and theoretically-oriented approaches to a newly reconfigured public sphere. Employing a structurational perspective, this essay addresses the relationship between political participation, emerging media, new media networking, and e-democracy. While new media networking increases the potential for political participation, depending on various factors such as access, usage and skills, the potential exists for increasing disempowerment as well. The chapter concludes with recommendations for the use of new media networking in ways that enhance e-democracy.

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