scholarly journals Damage to Residual Trees in Thinning of Broadleaf Stand by Mechanised Harvesting System

Forests ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Branko Ursić ◽  
Dinko Vusić ◽  
Ivica Papa ◽  
Tomislav Poršinsky ◽  
Željko Zečić ◽  

This research was conducted to determine the cause, intensity and location of damage (stem, butt end, root collar, root) and the extent of damage to standing trees during felling and processing by an harvester and timber extraction by a forwarder (cut-to-length system). The research was conducted in the central part of the Republic of Croatia in the Management Unit (MU) “Bjelovarska Bilogora” during the thinning of Subcompartment 14b, area of 18.28 ha, in the stand of hornbeam (Carpino betuli—Quercetum roboris fagetosum Rauš 1975), age 70, and of Subcompartment 14c, area of 9.07 ha, in a stand of common beech (Carici pilosae—Fagetum Oberdorfer 1957) aged 79 years. The thinning intensity was 12.13% in Subcompartment 14b and 13.72% in Subcompartment 14c. Field measurements were carried out on sample plots—the first time in 2017 to determine the intensity and characteristics of the damage to standing trees with regard to the cause of the damage (harvester or forwarder), and the second time in 2018 to determine the overall intensity and features of the damage to standing trees after finishing harvesting operations. For all trees remaining in the stand after the harvesting operations, the following were determined: tree species, diameter at breast height (DBH), the position of the tree in the stand depending on the forest traffic infrastructure, and—if damaged—cause of damage, type of damage, the position of damage on the tree, and dimensions of damage. The intensity of the damage was expressed by the ratio of damaged and undamaged trees, with a detailed analysis of bark damage (squeezed-bark damage and peeled-bark injuries). The results of the research indicate the highest prevalence of peeled-bark injuries. In relation to the total number of standing trees, trees with peeled-bark injuries were more represented in Subcompartment 14c (39%) than in Subcompartment 14b (33%). In Subcompartment 14b, the harvester and the forwarder damaged an equal number of trees, while in Subcompartment 14c, the harvester damaged 59% of the damaged trees. In both subcompartments, an average of 83% of (peeled bark) injuries were up to 1.3 m above the ground. In both subcompartments, the most common (67%) were injuries up to 100 cm2 in size, for which many authors claim the tree can heal by itself. Given the increasing use of harvester-forwarder systems in deciduous stands and research results that indicate possible damage to standing trees, it is necessary to pay attention to all phases of planning and execution of timber harvesting operations, thus minimising negative effects.

Galina Mindru ◽  

In the Republic of Moldova, the main factor contributing to the floods is the torrential rains from the warm semester of the year, which create favorable conditions for triggering strong, sometimes catastrophic floods in the rivers of the republic, especially in the smaller ones. During the study period, 40 floods with significant damage were recorded in the country, with an annual frequency ranging from 0 to 12 cases. In the administrativeterritorial profile, the damages caused by the aforementioned floods varied greatly. Based on the statistical data, a digital map was developed reflecting the degree of exposure of the territory of the Republic of Moldova in the administrative-territorial aspect to the mentioned risk, expressed by the value of the damages caused. In order to reduce the impact caused by the flood floods, measures have been developed to prevent, reduce and combat the negative effects of that risk.

2017 ◽  
pp. 135-149
Celina M. Masek

Since the beginning of the 90’s there have been strong emotions associated with the emergence of many groups called cults in Poland. These groups are accused of illicit and unethical methods to recruit new members and their psychological dependence, resulting in blind obedience to leaders. Sects, carrying out their activities in the form of various types of religious formations, religious associations, churches and other religious organizations, brought to life after 1989 in Poland, operate on the basis of three acts, which include: 1. The Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 2 April 1997 ; 2. The Act on Guarantees of freedom of conscience and religion of 17 May 1989; 3. Act of April 7, 1989 r.- Law on Associations. Given the range of opinions and concerns regarding the issue of regulation of sects in Poland this question , posed in particular by the lawyer, of the legal status of the activities of religious sects , and in a broader aspect of their place in the modern world, seems to be reasonable, what is confirmed by the media , but mostly by the facts of the activities of these groups in society. As for the international standards, nowadays there are more and more information about the negative effects of the activity of sects throughout the world, what raised interest of social institutions and the authorities of individual countries in this subject. It encouraged the authorities to create an overall analysis to assess the degree of harmfulness of newly established movements, both in a national and international level. Especially in the late eighties of the twentieth century all kinds of reports and other documents devoted to the problem of sects and new religious movements began to appear. The theme was taken also by the representatives of Communities: Council of Europe, the European Union, as well as organs of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. These acts are only recommendations. They are mainly opinion- forming acts and have no legal force. However, in countries, they are crucial, because they are issued by important authorities To sum up, the activity of sects arouses interest in Europe. Although each country has different guidelines and varied range of impact, collaboration is indispensable nowadays.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (21) ◽  
pp. 9168
Ferréol Berendt ◽  
Eduardo Tolosana ◽  
Stephan Hoffmann ◽  
Paula Alonso ◽  
Janine Schweier

The complexity of highly structured forests with multiple tree species, especially when coniferous and broadleaved tree species are mixed, as well as stands with extended machine operating trail spacing and inclined terrain, create challenging operational conditions for mechanized timber harvesting and extraction. Motor-manually felling trees within the midfield and bunching them at the machine operating trails, prior to the arrival of a harvester-forwarder system, is a complex operation. The aim of this study was to assess and compare tethered harvester productivities of a thinning operation, for felling and processing standing trees and for processing bunched trees, through a time study in forest stands with 40-m distances between machine operating trails. Total operational costs of the analyzed thinning operation were 69 €/m3o.b., including extraction using a multiple forwarder approach. Tree species, merchantable timber volume, and whether the trees were standing or presented as bunched logs all had a significant effect on the harvester time consumption. Moreover, harvester positioning time was significantly shorter when trees were already bunched at the machine operating trail. While the productivity of standing or bunched spruce trees did not differ significantly between the cases (approximately 18 m3o.b./productive machine hours excluding all delays (PMH0)), the productivity of standing broadleaved tree species (8.3 m3o.b./PMH0) was much lower than that of bunched trees (15.5 m3o.b./PMH0). Thus, the described timber harvesting and extraction system may be a valuable option for forest stands with high proportion of broadleaved trees.

2015 ◽  
Vol 61 (4) ◽  
pp. 211-220 ◽  
Ilya Shegelman ◽  
Pavel Budnik ◽  
Evsey Morozov

Abstract The modern technological process of timber harvesting is a complex system both technically and organizationally. Nowadays, the study of such systems and improvement of their efficiency is impossible without the use of mathematical modeling methods. The paper presents the methodology for the optimization of logging operations based on the queueing theory. We show the adapted queueing model, which characterizes the process of logging with the use of a harvesting set consisting of harvesters and forwarders. We also present the experimental verification of the designated model that confirmed mode’s adequacy. The analysis of the effectiveness of the investigated harvesting set was conducted and the recommendations for its optimization were drawn. The research was conducted in the Pryazhinsky District in the Republic of Karelia. We showed that significant improvement of operational efficiency of the investigated harvesting set in the study area cannot be done by adjusting separate machine operations (i.e. by reducing the time of operations execution and their steadiness). However, a change in the number of machines allowed significant improvement in the operational efficiency. The most optimal harvesting set design for the experimental area consisted of two harvesters and two forwarders.

Tehnika ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 75 (4) ◽  
pp. 395-400
Vera Marković

Gender disparity is present in the field of engineering and more broadly STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). Statistical data on the enrollment in one of technical faculties in the Republic of Serbia over three decades illustrate this phenomenon, and there is a similar situation everywhere in the world. The negative effects of the under-representation of women in these areas on society and the economy have been recognized and a number of measures have been taken to mitigate them. With rapid technological changes, information technology development and the fourth industrial revolution, the labor market is changing and the global demand for STEM professions is growing. This paper discusses the impact that these technological changes may have on the existing disparity between women and men in the mentioned areas.

2014 ◽  
Vol 12 (20) ◽  
pp. 171
Саша Вученовић ◽  
Драган Миловановић

Резиме: Управљање пројектима је процес креативне оптимизације расположивих ресурса који укључује припрему, оцјену, извршење и пословање предмета инвестирања. У посљедњем периоду може се примијетити да све већи број предузећа у Републици Српској улази у реализацију пројеката који не дају очекиване (пројектоване) ефекте. Анализом резултата проведеног истраживања дошло се до закључка да већина предузећа у Републици Српској не примјењује концепт управљања пројектима, што негативно утиче на ефикасност управљања пројектима и рационалну (оптималну) алокацију ресурса у предузећима. Ефекти инвестирања у предузетничке пројекте у Републици Српској су скромни, односно 45% пројеката који се реализују представљају промашене инвестиције на којима предузеће трпи губитке. Остварени ефекти инвестирања у складу су са планираним тек код 18% пројеката, а већи од планираних у 5% пројеката. Посматране инвестиције нису имале ни позитивне ни негативне ефекте код 10% пројеката.Summary: Project management is the process of creative optimization of available resources, including the preparation, evaluation, implementation and management of cases of investment. In the last period, it may be noted that an increasing number of enterprises in the Republic of Srpska enters the implementation of projects that do not provide the expected ( projected ) effects. By analyzing the results of the study led to the conclusion that most of the companies in the Republic of Srpska does not apply project management concepts, which negatively affects the efficiency of project management and rational ( optimal ) allocation of resources in companies. The effects of investment in entrepreneurial projects in the Republic of Srpska modest, or 45 % of the projects that are being implemented are the failed investment where a company suffers losses. The effects of investments in accordance with the planned only in 18 % of the projects, a greater than 5 % of the planned projects . Observed investment had both positive and negative effects in 10 % of projects.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 31-48
Krystian Pachucki-Włosek

The article aims to present the positive and negative effects of the change in the position of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The article focuses on economic issues, comparing the policy of President Islam Karimov and the policy of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The work also compares the foreign policy of both leaders towards Uzbekistan’s largest political partners: Russia and China. The above article tries to answer the question: are the changes in Uzbekistan significant after 2016 or only superficial?

TEME ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 299
Milan Marković ◽  
Ivana Marjanović

The aim of the paper is to identify the episodes of currency crises in the Republic of Serbia using the exchange market pressure (EMP) index. The country's resilience to currency crises prevents the collapse of the currency and the transfer of negative effects to the entire financial and real sector, so the research and assessment of the factors of currency crises is extremely important. The survey shows that the strongest strikes on the Serbian dinar were in the period of the global financial crisis in 2008, so that adjusting to shocks from abroad is crucial for the sustainability of the applied managed floating exchange rate regime. On the other hand, the stability of the national currency depends mainly on the achieved macroeconomic results, which are presented globally using the misery index.

Doina Guzun ◽  
Dorin Dusciac ◽  
Ala Mindicanu ◽  
Sandra Ayad ◽  
Frederic Boisard

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