scholarly journals Transcriptome Analysis and Expression of Selected Cationic Amino Acid Transporters in the Liver of Broiler Chicken Fed Diets with Varying Concentrations of Lysine

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (16) ◽  
pp. 5594
Collins N. Khwatenge ◽  
Boniface M. Kimathi ◽  
Samuel N. Nahashon

Amino acids are known to play a key role in gene expression regulation. Amino acid signaling is mediated via two pathways: the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) and the amino acid responsive (AAR) pathways. Cationic amino acid transporters (CATs) are crucial in these pathways due to their sensing, signaling and transport functions. The availability of certain amino acids plays a key role in the intake of other amino acids, hence affecting growth in young birds. However, the specific mechanism for regulating lysine transport for growth is not clear. In this study, we analyze the transcriptome profiles and mRNA expression of selected cationic amino acid transporters in the livers of broilers fed low and high lysine diets. Birds consumed high-lysine (1.42% lysine) or low-lysine (0.85% lysine) diets while the control group consumed 1.14% lysine diet. These concentrations of lysine represent 125% (high lysine), 75% (low lysine) and 100% (control), respectively, of the National Research Council’s (NRC) recommendation for broiler chickens. After comparing the two groups, 210 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified (fold change >1 and false discovery rate (FDR) <0.05). When comparing the high lysine and the low lysine treatments, there were 67 upregulated genes and 143 downregulated genes among these DEGs. Analysis of Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) and the Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis show that cellular growth, lipid metabolism and lysine metabolism pathways were among the significantly enriched pathways. This study contributes to a better understanding of the potential molecular mechanisms underlying the correlation between lysine intake, body weight gain (BWG) and feed intake (FI) in broiler chickens. Moreover, the DEGs obtained in this study may be used as potential candidate genes for further investigation of broiler growth customized responses to individualized nutrients such as amino acids.

F.I. Vasilevich ◽  
V.M. Bachinskaya ◽  
Yu.V. Petrova

Экспериментальные исследования кормовых добавок Абиотоник и Чиктоник проводили на базе вивария кафедры эпизоотологии и организации ветеринарного дела, а ветеринарносанитарную экспертизу продуктов убоя цыплятбройлеров проводили на кафедре паразитологии и ветеринарносанитарной экспертизы ФГБОУ ВО МГАВМиБ МВА имени К.И. Скрябина и ФГБНУ ФНЦ ВИЭВ РАН, аминокислотный состав мяса перепелов в Государственном бюджетном учреждении Краснодарского края Кропоткинская краевая ветеринарная лаборатория . Из цыплят в суточном возрасте кросса Кобб500 было сформировано три группы по 10 голов в каждой две опытные и контрольная опытным группам выпаивали кормовые добавки из расчета 1 мл/кг живой массы птицы до 50 суток выращивания, убой птицы проводили на 56 сутки. Тушки птицы после 24х часов созревания в холодильной камере при температуре 4 С подвергали исследованиям по общепринятым методикам: ГОСТ Р 519442002. Мясо птицы. Методы органолептических показателей, температуры и массы ГОСТ 314702012. Мясо птицы, субпродукты и полуфабрикаты из мяса птицы. Методы органолептических и физикохимических исследований аминокислотный состав мяса исследовали согласно М 0438 2009. Корма, комбикорма и сырье для их производства. Методика измерений массовой доли аминокислот методом капиллярного электрофореза с использованием системы капиллярного электрофореза Капель. Применение кормовых добавок в дозе 1 мл/кг живой массы способствовало увеличению живой массы птицы при применении Абиотоника на 54,23, а при применении Чиктоника на 37,70 по отношению к контролю. Во всех исследуемых пробах количество ЛЖК находится в пределах нормы и составило: в 1й опытной 1,390,03 мг КОН, во 2й опытной 1,420,04 мг КОН и в контрольной группе 1,810,06 мг КОН, что говорит о свежести и доброкачественности мяса. Значение рН мяса цыплятбройлеров находилось в трех группах в пределах нормы и не превышало 6,0. По результатам проведенных исследований аминокислотного состава красной и белой мышечной ткани цыплятбройлеров было установлено, что применение кормовой добавки Абиотоник способствовало увеличению незаменимых аминокислот на 12,14 и на 22,84 соответственно, а заменимых на 8,11 и на 22,51 по отношению к контрольной группеExperimental studies of feed additives Abiotonik and Chiktonik were conducted on the basis of the vivarium of the Department of Epizootology and Organization of Veterinary, and the veterinarysanitary examination of the products of slaughter broiler chickens was carried out at the Department of Parasitology and VeterinarySanitary Expertise of FSBEI HE MGAVMiB MBA named after KI Scriabin and the FSBI of the Federal Research Center of the VIEW RAS, the amino acid composition of quail meat in the State budget institution of the Krasnodar Territory Kropotkinskaya regional veterinary laboratory. Three groups of 10 animals each were formed from chickens at the daily age of the Cobb500 crosscountry, the experimental groups were fed feed additives at the rate of 1 ml / kg of live weight of poultry for up to 50 days of cultivation, and poultry were slaughtered for 56 days. Poultry carcasses after 24 hours of maturation in a refrigerating chamber at a temperature of 4 C were subjected to research according to generally accepted methods: GOST R 519442002. Poultry meat Methods of organoleptic characteristics, temperature and mass GOST 314702012 Poultry meat, offal and semifinished products from poultry meat. Methods of organoleptic and physicochemical studies) Amino acid composition of meat was carried out according to M 04382009. Feed, feed and raw materials for their production. Methods of measuring the mass fraction of amino acids by capillary electrophoresis using the Cappel capillary electrophoresis system. The use of feed additives in a dose of 1 ml / kg of live weight contributed to an increase in live weight of the bird when using Abiotonics by 54.23, and when using Chictonics by 37.70 relative to the control. In all studied samples, the number of VFAs is within the normal range and amounted to 1.39 0.03 mg KOH in 1 experimental group, 1.42 0.04 mg KOH in 2 experimental groups and 1.81 0.06 in the control group. mg KOH, which speaks of the freshness and goodness of meat. The pH of broiler chicken meat was in three groups within the normal range and did not exceed 6.0. According to the results of studies of the amino acid composition of red and white muscle tissue of broiler chickens, it was found that the use of the feed additive Abiotonik contributed to an increase in essential amino acids by 12.14 and by 22.84, and by replaceable ones by 8.11 and by 22.51 relative to the control group.Экспериментальные исследования кормовых добавок Абиотоник и Чиктоник проводили на базе вивария кафедры эпизоотологии и организации ветеринарного дела, а ветеринарносанитарную экспертизу продуктов убоя цыплятбройлеров проводили на кафедре паразитологии и ветеринарносанитарной экспертизы ФГБОУ ВО МГАВМиБ МВА имени К.И. Скрябина и ФГБНУ ФНЦ ВИЭВ РАН, аминокислотный состав мяса перепелов в Государственном бюджетном учреждении Краснодарского края Кропоткинская краевая ветеринарная лаборатория . Из цыплят в суточном возрасте кросса Кобб500 было сформировано три группы по 10 голов в каждой две опытные и контрольная опытным группам выпаивали кормовые добавки из расчета 1 мл/кг живой массы птицы до 50 суток выращивания, убой птицы проводили на 56 сутки. Тушки птицы после 24х часов созревания в холодильной камере при температуре 4 С подвергали исследованиям по общепринятым методикам: ГОСТ Р 519442002. Мясо птицы. Методы органолептических показателей, температуры и массы ГОСТ 314702012. Мясо птицы, субпродукты и полуфабрикаты из мяса птицы. Методы органолептических и физикохимических исследований аминокислотный состав мяса исследовали согласно М 0438 2009. Корма, комбикорма и сырье для их производства. Методика измерений массовой доли аминокислот методом капиллярного электрофореза с использованием системы капиллярного электрофореза Капель. Применение кормовых добавок в дозе 1 мл/кг живой массы способствовало увеличению живой массы птицы при применении Абиотоника на 54,23, а при применении Чиктоника на 37,70 по отношению к контролю. Во всех исследуемых пробах количество ЛЖК находится в пределах нормы и составило: в 1й опытной 1,390,03 мг КОН, во 2й опытной 1,420,04 мг КОН и в контрольной группе 1,810,06 мг КОН, что говорит о свежести и доброкачественности мяса. Значение рН мяса цыплятбройлеров находилось в трех группах в пределах нормы и не превышало 6,0. По результатам проведенных исследований аминокислотного состава красной и белой мышечной ткани цыплятбройлеров было установлено, что применение кормовой добавки Абиотоник способствовало увеличению незаменимых

1994 ◽  
Vol 196 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-108
D K Kakuda ◽  
C L MacLeod

Recent advances have made possible the isolation of the genes and their cDNAs encoding Na(+)-independent amino acid transporters. Two classes of amino acid 'uniporters' have been isolated. One class contains the mCAT (murine cationic amino acid transporter) gene family that encodes proteins predicted to span the membrane 12-14 times and exhibits structural properties similar to the GLUT (glucose transporter) family and to other well-known transporters. The other class consists of two known genes, rBAT (related to B system amino acid transporters) and 4F2hc, that share amino acid sequence similarity with alpha-amylases and alpha-glucosidases. They are type II glycoproteins predicted to span the membrane only once, yet they mediate the Na(+)-independent transport of cationic and zwitterionic amino acids in Xenopus oocytes. Mutations in the human rBAT gene have been identified by Palacín and his co-workers in several families suffering from a heritable form of cystinuria. This important finding clearly establishes a key role for rBAT in cystine transport. The two classes of amino acid transporters are compared with the well-studied GLUT family of Na(+)-independent glucose transporters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Stephen J. Fairweather ◽  
Shoko Okada ◽  
Gregory Gauthier-Coles ◽  
Kiran Javed ◽  
Angelika Bröer ◽  

Amino acid transporters play a vital role in metabolism and nutrient signaling pathways. Typically, transport activity is investigated using single substrates and competing amounts of other amino acids. We used GC-MS and LC-MS for metabolic screening of Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing various human amino acid transporters incubated in complex media to establish their comprehensive substrate profiles. For most transporters, amino acid selectivity matched reported substrate profiles. However, we could not detect substantial accumulation of cationic amino acids by SNAT4 and ATB0,+ in contrast to previous reports. In addition, comparative substrate profiles of two related sodium neutral amino acid transporters known as SNAT1 and SNAT2, revealed the latter as a significant leucine accumulator. As a consequence, SNAT2, but not SNAT1, was shown to be an effective activator of the eukaryotic cellular growth regulator mTORC1. We propose, that metabolomic profiling of membrane transporters in Xenopus laevis oocytes can be used to test their substrate specificity and role in intracellular signaling pathways.

2013 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-126 ◽  
M. Cervantes-Ramírez ◽  
V. Mendez-Trujillo ◽  
B.A. Araiza-Piña ◽  
M.A. Barrera-Silva ◽  
D. González-Mendoza ◽  

1998 ◽  
Vol 78 (2) ◽  
pp. 487-545 ◽  
R. DEVÉS ◽  

Devés, R., and C. A. R. Boyd. Transporters for Cationic Amino Acids in Animal Cells: Discovery, Structure, and Function. Physiol. Rev. 78: 487–545, 1998. — The structure and function of the four cationic amino acid transporters identified in animal cells are discussed. The systems differ in specificity, cation dependence, and physiological role. One of them, system y+, is selective for cationic amino acids, whereas the others (B0,+, b0,+, and y+L) also accept neutral amino acids. In recent years, cDNA clones related to these activities have been isolated. Thus two families of proteins have been identified: 1) CAT or cationic amino acid transporters and 2) BAT or broad-scope transport proteins. In the CAT family, three genes encode for four different isoforms [CAT-1, CAT-2A, CAT-2(B) and CAT-3]; these are ∼70-kDa proteins with multiple transmembrane segments ( 12 – 14 ), and despite their structural similarity, they differ in tissue distribution, kinetics, and regulatory properties. System y+is the expression of the activity of CAT transporters. The BAT family includes two isoforms (rBAT and 4F2hc); these are 59- to 78-kDa proteins with one to four membrane-spanning segments, and it has been proposed that these proteins act as transport regulators. The expression of rBAT and 4F2hc induces system b0,+and system y+L activity in Xenopus laevis oocytes, respectively. The roles of these transporters in nutrition, endocrinology, nitric oxide biology, and immunology, as well as in the genetic diseases cystinuria and lysinuric protein intolerance, are reviewed. Experimental strategies, which can be used in the kinetic characterization of coexpressed transporters, are also discussed.

2021 ◽  
Stephen J Fairweather ◽  
Esther Rajendran ◽  
Martin Blume ◽  
Kiran Javed ◽  
Birte Steinhoefel ◽  

Intracellular parasites of the phylum Apicomplexa are dependent on the scavenging of essential amino acids from their hosts. We previously identified a large family of apicomplexan-specific plasma membrane-localized amino acid transporters, the ApiATs, and showed that the Toxoplasma gondii transporter TgApiAT1 functions in the selective uptake of arginine. TgApiAT1 is essential for parasite virulence, but dispensable for parasite growth in medium containing high concentrations of arginine, indicating the presence of at least one other arginine transporter. Here we identify TgApiAT6-1 as the second arginine transporter. Using a combination of parasite assays and heterologous characterisation of TgApiAT6-1 in Xenopus laevis oocytes, we demonstrate that TgApiAT6-1 is a general cationic amino acid transporter that mediates both the high-affinity uptake of lysine and the low-affinity uptake of arginine. TgApiAT6-1 is the primary lysine transporter in the disease-causing tachyzoite stage of T. gondii and is essential for parasite proliferation. We demonstrate that the uptake of cationic amino acids by TgApiAT6-1 is "trans-stimulated" by cationic and neutral amino acids and is likely promoted by an inwardly negative membrane potential. These findings demonstrate that T. gondii has evolved overlapping transport mechanisms for the uptake of essential cationic amino acids, and we draw together our findings into a comprehensive model that highlights the finely-tuned, regulated processes that mediate cationic amino acid scavenging by these intracellular parasites.

2021 ◽  
Huajin Zhou ◽  
Wei Wu ◽  
Tahir Mahmood ◽  
Yanhong Chen ◽  
Yanwei Xu ◽  

Abstract Determination of ileal endogenous amino acids (IEAAs) is necessary for the calculation of standardized ileal amino acid digestibility. This experiment was conducted to compare the response of amino acids composition of IEAAs of broilers, and digestive physiology fed the nitrogen-free diet (NFD) formulated with different ratios of dextrose to corn starch (D/CS). 28d-old broiler chickens (n = 210) with similar body weight were allocated to 5 treatment groups, including a control group (CT, basal diet, normal level of protein) and four NFD groups for a 3-days trial, designated as A (D/CS = 1.00), B (D/CS = 0.60), C (D/CS = 0.33), and D (D/CS = 0.14). The results showed that NFD significantly reduced serum IGF-1, albumin and uric acid levels when compared with the control (P < 0.05). A higher ratio of D/CS (1.00 and 0.60) increased Asp, Thr, Ser, Glu, Gly, Ala, Val, Ile, Leu, His, Tyr, Arg, and Pro contents of IEAAs when compared with the ratio of 0.33 and 0.14 (P < 0.05). Moreover, ileal DM digestibility and digestive enzyme increased with an increasing ratio of dextrose to corn starch (P < 0.001). The number of ileal goblet cells and the gene expression of Mucin 2 were higher in group A (D/CS=1.00) than in group C (D/CS = 0.33) and the control (P < 0.05). It was further observed that NFD indeed reshaped the gut microbiota, characterized by lower Bacteroidetes, a significantly increased proportion of Proteobacteria, and decreased microbial diversity (P < 0.05).Our results indicate that the chicken fed NFD were accompanied by huge digestive physiological alterations, presenting with malnutrition and accumulation of Proteobacteria in the gut. Different proportions of dextrose and starch directly affect the basal IEAAs of broiler chickens. A higher proportion of dextrose (D/CS = 1 and 0.6) in NFD increase IEAAs by promoting secretion of digestive enzyme and mucin. But the excessive proportion of starch is unsuitable for the chicken to digest NFD (D/CS = 0.14). Therefore, we suggest the ratio of dextrose to corn starch in NFD at 0.33 might be more appropriate to detect IEAAs of broiler chickens.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (11) ◽  
pp. 863-876 ◽  
Xinjie Lu

Background: The solute carrier family 7 (SLC7) can be categorically divided into two subfamilies, the L-type amino acid transporters (LATs) including SLC7A5-13, and SLC7A15, and the cationic amino acid transporters (CATs) including SLC7A1-4 and SLC7A14. Members of the CAT family transport predominantly cationic amino acids by facilitating diffusion with intracellular substrates. LAT1 (also known as SLC7A5), is defined as a heteromeric amino acid transporter (HAT) interacting with the glycoprotein CD98 (SLC3A2) through a conserved disulfide to uptake not only large neutral amino acids, but also several pharmaceutical drugs to cells. Methods: In this review, we provide an overview of the interaction of the structure-function of LAT1 and its essential role in cancer, specifically, its role at the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to facilitate the transport of thyroid hormones, pharmaceuticals (e.g., I-DOPA, gabapentin), and metabolites into the brain. Results: LAT1 expression increases as cancers progress, leading to higher expression levels in highgrade tumors and metastases. In addition, LAT1 plays a crucial role in cancer-associated reprogrammed metabolic networks by supplying tumor cells with essential amino acids. Conclusion: The increasing understanding of the role of LAT1 in cancer has led to an increase in interest surrounding its potential as a drug target for cancer treatment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (8) ◽  
pp. e1009835
Stephen J. Fairweather ◽  
Esther Rajendran ◽  
Martin Blume ◽  
Kiran Javed ◽  
Birte Steinhöfel ◽  

Intracellular parasites of the phylum Apicomplexa are dependent on the scavenging of essential amino acids from their hosts. We previously identified a large family of apicomplexan-specific plasma membrane-localized amino acid transporters, the ApiATs, and showed that the Toxoplasma gondii transporter TgApiAT1 functions in the selective uptake of arginine. TgApiAT1 is essential for parasite virulence, but dispensable for parasite growth in medium containing high concentrations of arginine, indicating the presence of at least one other arginine transporter. Here we identify TgApiAT6-1 as the second arginine transporter. Using a combination of parasite assays and heterologous characterisation of TgApiAT6-1 in Xenopus laevis oocytes, we demonstrate that TgApiAT6-1 is a general cationic amino acid transporter that mediates both the high-affinity uptake of lysine and the low-affinity uptake of arginine. TgApiAT6-1 is the primary lysine transporter in the disease-causing tachyzoite stage of T. gondii and is essential for parasite proliferation. We demonstrate that the uptake of cationic amino acids by TgApiAT6-1 is ‘trans-stimulated’ by cationic and neutral amino acids and is likely promoted by an inwardly negative membrane potential. These findings demonstrate that T. gondii has evolved overlapping transport mechanisms for the uptake of essential cationic amino acids, and we draw together our findings into a comprehensive model that highlights the finely-tuned, regulated processes that mediate cationic amino acid scavenging by these intracellular parasites.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (9) ◽  
pp. 657-662 ◽  
Mustafa Celik ◽  
Alper Şen ◽  
İsmail Koyuncu ◽  
Ataman Gönel

Aim and Objective:: To determine the mechanisms present in the etiopathogenesis of nasal polyposis. It is not clear whether amino acids contribute in a causal way to the development of the disease. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the plasma-free amino acid profile in patients with nasal polyposis and to compare the results with a healthy control group. Materials and Methods:: This was a prospective controlled study that took place in the Otolaryngology Department at the Harran University Faculty of Medicine between April 2017 and April 2018. Plasmafree amino acid profile levels were studied in serum samples taken from a patient group and a healthy control group. Patients who were diagnosed with bilateral diffuse nasal polyposis and were scheduled for surgical interventions were included in this study. Individuals whose age, gender, and body mass index values were compatible with that of the patient group and who did not have any health problems were included in the control group. All the participants whose levels of plasma-free amino acid were thought to be affected by one or more of the following factors were excluded from the study: smoking and alcohol use, allergic rhinitis presence, the presence of acute or chronic sinusitis, a history of endoscopic sinus surgery, unilateral nasal masses, a history of chronic drug use, systemic or topical steroid use in the last three months for any reason, and liver, kidney, hematological, cardiovascular, metabolic, neurological, or psychiatric disorders or malignancies. Results: In patients with nasal polyposis, 3-methyl histidine (3-MHIS: nasal polyposis group (ng) = 3.22 (1.92 – 6.07); control group (cg) = 1.21 (0.77 – 1.68); p = 0.001); arginine (arg: ng = 98.95 (70.81 – 117.75); cg = 75.10 (54.49 – 79.88); p = 0.005); asparagine (asn: ng = 79.84 (57.50 – 101.44); cg = 60.66 (46.39 – 74.62); p = 0.021); citrulline (cit: ng = 51.83 (43.81 – 59.78); cg = 38.33 (27.81 – 53.73); p = 0.038); cystine (cys: ng = 4.29 (2.43 – 6.66); cg = 2.41 (1.51 – 4.16); p = 0.019); glutamic acid (glu: ng = 234.86 (128.75 – 286.66); cg = 152.37 (122.51 – 188.34); p = 0.045); histidine (his: ng = 94.19 (79.34 – 113.99); cg = 74.80 (62.76 – 98.91); p = 0.018); lysine (lys: ng = 297.22 (206.55 – 371.25); cg = 179.50 (151.58 – 238.02); p = 0.001); ornithine (ng = 160.62 (128.36 – 189.32); cg = 115.91 (97.03 – 159.91); p = 0.019); serine (ser: ng = 195.15 (151.58 – 253.07); cg = 83.07 (67.44 – 92.44); p = 0.001); taurine (tau: ng = 74.69 (47.00 – 112.13); cg = 53.14 (33.57 – 67.31); p = 0.006); tryptophan (trp: ng = 52.31 (33.81 – 80.11); cg = 34.44 (25.94 – 43.07); p = 0.005), homocitrulline (ng = 1.75 (1.27 – 2.59); cg = 0.00 (0.00 – 0.53); p = 0.001); norvaline (ng = 6.90 (5.61 – 9.18); cg = 4.93 (3.74 – 7.13); p = 0.021); argininosuccinic acid (ng = 14.33 (10.06 – 25.65); cg = 12.22 (5.77 – 16.87) p = 0.046); and plasma concentrations were significantly higher than in the healthy control group (p <0.05). However, the gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba: ng = 0.16 (0.10 – 0.24); cg = 0.21 (0.19 – 0.29); p = 0.010) plasma concentration was significantly lower in the nasal polyposis group than in the healthy control group. Conclusion: In this study, plasma levels of 15 free amino acids were significantly higher in the nasal polyposis group than in the healthy control group. A plasma level of 1 free amino acid was found to be significantly lower in the nasal polyposis group compared to the healthy control group. Therefore, it is important to determine the possibility of using the information obtained to prevent the recurrence of the condition and to develop effective treatment strategies. This study may be a milestone for studies of this subject. However, this study needs to be confirmed by further studies conducted in a larger series.

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