scholarly journals (PVA/Chitosan/Fucoidan)-Ampicillin: A Bioartificial Polymeric Material with Combined Properties in Cell Regeneration and Potential Antibacterial Features

Polymers ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 1325 ◽  
Andres Bernal-Ballen ◽  
Jorge-Andres Lopez-Garcia ◽  
Kadir Ozaltin

Chitosan, fucoidan, and polyvinyl alcohol are categorized as polymers with biomedical applications. Ampicillin, on the other hand, is considered as an important antibiotic that has shown effectivity in both gram-positive and gram-negative micro-organisms. The aforementioned polymers possess unique properties that are considered desirable for cell regeneration although they exhibit drawbacks that can affect their final application. Therefore, films of these biomaterials were prepared and they were characterized using FTIR, SEM, XRD, degree of swelling and solubility, and MTT assay. The statistical significance of the experiments was determined using a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with p < 0.05. The characterization techniques demonstrated that the obtained material exhibits properties suitable for cell regeneration, and that a higher concentration of natural polymers promotes cells proliferation to a greater extent. The presence of PVA, on the other hand, is responsible for matrix stability and dictates the degree of swelling and solubility. The SEM images demonstrated that neither aggregations nor clusters were formed, which is favorable for the biological properties without detrimental to the morphological and physical features. Cell viability was comparatively similar in samples with and without antibiotic, and the physical and biological properties were not negatively affected. Indeed, the inherent bactericidal effect of chitosan was reinforced by the presence of ampicillin. The new material is an outstanding candidate for cell regeneration as a consequence of the synergic effect that each component provides to the blend.

2006 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-139

Daniel Leeson’s intriguing suggestion that the opening ten-note theme of Cherubino’s Act 1 aria in Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro is immediately taken up by Basilio in the following trio, in order to indicate that he has overheard the page sing, raises a number of very thought-provoking questions. As the clear implication of this idea is that the theme of ‘Non so più’ was composed before, or at least in conjunction with, ‘Cosa sento’, it will be interesting first to look at the original manuscripts to see if they provide any chronological support. In an honest, if perhaps slightly regret-tinged comment on the value of his work on Mozartean watermarks, Alan Tyson wrote: ‘It is the destiny of paper-evidence to be suggestive rather than conclusive.’ As it transpires, this remark sums up very effectively the sources for ‘Non so più’. Suggestive they certainly are, but, as is so often the case, a chasm remains between observable physical features such as ink colours, watermarks, paper types, corrections and revisions, and any particular theory of compositional intent that might be based on them. In this instance it would be unwise to claim that the palaeographic evidence provides direct support for Leeson’s thesis; on the other hand, it certainly poses no obstacle to it, and it raises interesting questions about the circumstances in which this very fine aria was composed.

2013 ◽  
Vol 750 ◽  
pp. 138-141
Liang Hao ◽  
Yun Lu ◽  
Hiromasa Sato ◽  
Hiroshi Asanuma ◽  
Fu Sheng Pan

The influence of intermittent air introduction on the formation of Zn films during mechanical coating process was investigated. A series of contrast experiments were carried out. The XRD and EDS results showed that Zn particles were slightly oxidized. The SEM images indicated that disk-like zinc oxide (ZnO) nanocrystals were formed. The formation of disk-like ZnO made the morphology of Zn films more uneven and irregular. On the other hand, it increased the adhesion strength of Zn films to Al2O3 balls and hence the exfoliation of Zn films was not found.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 1606-1616
Giacomo Mari ◽  
Lucia De Crescentini ◽  
Serena Benedetti ◽  
Francesco Palma ◽  
Stefania Santeusanio ◽  

Dihydroberberine (DHBER), the partially reduced form of the alkaloid berberine (BER), is known to exhibit important biological activities. Despite this fact, there have been only few studies that concern the biological properties of functionalized DHBER. Attracted by the potentiality of this latter compound, we have realized the preparation of new arylhydrazono-functionalized DHBERs, starting from BER and some α-bromohydrazones. On the other hand, also the fully reduced form of BER, namely tetrahydroberberine (THBER), and its derivatives have proven to present different biological activities. Therefore, the obtained arylhydrazono-functionalized DHBERs were reduced to the corresponding arylhydrazono-THBERs. The antiproliferative activity of both arylhydrazono-DHBERs and -THBERs has been evaluated on NCI-H1975 lung cancer cells.

2019 ◽  
pp. 59-67

Revisión: Aspectos fundamentales de la flotación de apatita, calcita, hematita, magnesita y cuarzo usando la bacteria Rhodococcus opacus Carlos Alberto Castañeda Olivera1,2, Jhonatan Gerardo Soto Puelles2 1 Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería Ambiental, Universidad César Vallejo, Av. Alfredo Mendiola 6232, Los Olivos, Lima, Perú 2 Departamento de Ingeniería Química y de Materiales, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio de Janeiro, Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 – Gávea - Rio de Janeiro – CEP: 22453-900, Brasil Recibido 3 de agosto. Revisado 8 de diciembre. Aprobado 17 de diciembre 2019. DOI: Resumen Este artículo presenta una revisión sobre los estudios de la bacteria Rhodococcus opacus como bioreactivo en la flotación de minerales. La microflotación de apatita, calcita, hematita, magnetita y cuarzo mostró que la bacteria Rhodococcus opacus tiene potencial como un bioreactivo en la flotación mineral. Además, las mediciones electrocinéticas indicaron que la interacción electrostática juega un papel determinante en la adhesión bacteria-mineral. Por otro lado, la espectroscopía infrarroja con transformada de Fourier (FTIR), detectó una cantidad significativa de grupos carboxílicos y amino en la pared celular bacteriana; la disociación de estos grupos puede ser responsable de la carga superficial negativa de las bacterias en un amplio intervalo de pH, así como su punto isoeléctrico (PIE) ácido, alrededor de 2,5. Otros estudios como la teoría XDLVO y el enfoque termodinámico, informaron que las interacciones hidrofóbicas/hidrofílicas, así como las fuerzas de van der Waals también están implicados en los fenómenos de adhesión. Finalmente, las imágenes microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB) confirmaron la afinidad y selectividad de la bacteria Rhodococcus opacus sobre las superficies minerales. Descriptores: Flotación, Rhodococcus opacus, bioreactivo, mineral. Abstract This article presents a review on the studies of the Rhodococcus opacus bacteria as bioreagent in mineral flotation. The microflotation of apatite, calcite, hematite, magnesite and quartz showed that the Rhodococcus opacus bacteria has potential as a bioreagent. In addition, electrokinetic measurements indicated that electrostatic interaction plays a decisive role in bacterial-mineral adhesion. On the other hand, On the other hand, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) detected a significant amount of carboxylic and amino groups in the bacterial cell wall; the dissociation of these groups can be responsible for the negative surface charge of the bacteria over a wide pH range, as well as their isoelectric point (IEP) acid, around 2.5. Other studies, such as the XDLVO theory and the thermodynamic approach, reported that hydrophobic/hydrophilic interactions as well as van der Waals forces are also involved in adhesion phenomena. Finally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images confirmed the affinity and selectivity of the Rhodococcus opacus bacteria on the mineral surfaces. Keywords: Flotation, Rhodococcus opacus, bioreagent, mineral.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 69-85
Anugerah Nontji ◽  
Imam Supangat

Seven stations in the western part of Jakarta Bay were occupied monthly from June 1974 to June 1975. Monthly variations of several hydrological and biological properties of the pelagic environments are described. Rainfall over the hinterland of Jakarta plays important role in lowering the salinity in the bay. On the other hand the phosphate content is more closely associated with the rainfall over Jakarta. The main source of phosphate is likely to come from the result of urban activities in Jakarta. There is a fair corespondence in annual fluctuation between phosphate and phytoplankton chlorophyll. Annual mean of properties at each station shows that from the shore outward the values of phosphate, phytoplankton chlorophyll, and zooplankton volume decreased while of salinity and transparency increased. Interrelationships among several factors are discussed.

1985 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
pp. 375-376

In Reply.— Hersher's letter resurrects an old controversy about methods of assessing the size of effect in epidemiologic research. The basis of this conflict is implicit in the figures he quotes: on the one hand high exposure to adverse life events was associated with a sixfold increase in risks of hospital admission, whereas on the other hand, the life events measure explained only 3% of the variance in hospital admission. The former statistic suggests an association of importance, whereas the amount of explained variance is disappointingly small.

1953 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 307-311 ◽  

A comparison of the number of oocytes in fourteen pairs of hypophysectomized and litter-mate control rats showed that the number was greater in nine of the fourteen comparisons, and less in only five. This ratio is not significantly different from one of 7: 7. The mean total number of oocytes was, on the other hand, about 20 % greater in the operated animals, the statistical significance of the difference falling between P = 0·05–0·02. If any physiological significance attaches to this difference, the most likely explanation is that the rate of decline in the number of oocytes is less after removal of the pituitary than in normal animals.

1913 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-98 ◽  
Hideyo Noguchi

1. On the surface of genital or anal lesions, either syphilitic or non-syphilitic, there may be found occasionally a spirochaeta resembling Treponema pallidum, but somewhat thicker than the latter. In general characteristics, this organism occupies an intermediary position between Treponema pallidum and Spirochæta refringens. 2. The treponema was obtained in pure culture from two cases. For the organism the name of Treponema calligyrum is proposed. 3. Treponema calligyrum is non-pathogenic for monkeys and rabbits. 4. Treponema calligyrum can be distinguished from Treponema pallidum, Treponema microdentium, Treponema macrodentium, Treponema mucosum, and Spirochæta refringens either by the morphology, cultural and biological properties, or all these conditions in combination. 5. Under certain cultural conditions Treponema calligyrum becomes thinner and may cause some difficulty of differentiation from a strain of the thick type of Treponema pallidum, especially when the latter is grown under conditions which tend to render it thicker. There is no such difficulty when the average and thin types of Treponema pallidum are concerned. On the other hand, by providing the calligyrum with conditions which lead to the appearance of thicker specimens and by supplying Spirochæta refringens with conditions of growth that favor the development of individuals that are thinner and more regularly curved, the refringens may be made to resemble the calligyrum in general appearance; but under identical cultural conditions they can be readily distinguished.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 3041
Habib H. Alqamish ◽  
Adil K. Al-Tamimi

In the last decade, nanomaterials made a major breakthrough in the concrete industry by providing the concrete with unique properties. Earlier studies have shown improvement in the early strength of concrete that can accelerate the construction process. In this study, 1% and 2% of nano-silica were added to concrete mixtures that contain 30% and 70% ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS). Adding 1% of nano-silica to the 30% GGBS mixture showed an increase in the compressive strength by 13.5%, 7.8%, 8.1%, and 2.2% at one day, three days, seven days, and twenty-eight days, respectively. The 2% of nano-silica increased the 30% GGBS mixture’s compressive strength less effectively by 4.3%, 7.6%, and 4.9% at three days, seven days, and 28 days, respectively, when compared to the 1%. On the other hand, adding 1% and 2% of nano-silica reduced the 70% GGBS mixtures’ compressive strength. Moreover, nano-silica reduced the deformability of the mixtures significantly, which caused the increase in the Young’s modulus. The flexural strength of the 30% GGBS mixtures had similar behavior as the 28-day compressive strength. On the other hand, the flexural strength of the 70% GGBS mixtures increased as the nano-silica increased. Nano-silica addition improved the microstructure and the interface structure of the mixtures due to its high pozzolanic activity and the nano-filler effect, which is confirmed by RCPT results and SEM images.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Anna Nycz–Empel ◽  
Katarzyna Bober ◽  
Mirosław Wyszomirski ◽  
Ewa Kisiel ◽  
Andrzej Zięba

The subject of the study was 11 new synthetized tetracyclic diazaphenothiazine derivatives. Using thin-layer chromatography in a reverse phase system (RP-TLC), their RM0 lipophilicity parameter was determined. The mobile phase was composed of 0.2 M Tris buffer (pH = 7.4) and acetone (POCH S.A., Gliwice, Poland) in different concentrations. Using computer programs, based on different computational algorithms, theoretical values of lipophilicity (AClogP, ALOGP, ALOGPs, miLogP, MLOGP, XLOGP2, and XLOGP3) as well as molecular descriptors (molecular weight, volume of a molecule, dipole moment, polar surface, and energy of HOMO orbitals and LUMO orbitals) and parameters of biological activity: human intestinal absorption (HIA), plasma protein binding (PPB), and blood-brain barrier (BBB), were determined. The correlations between the experimental values of lipophilicity and theoretically calculated lipophilic values and also between experimental values of lipophilicity and values of physicochemical or biological properties were assessed. A certain relationship between structure and lipophilicity was found. On the other hand, the relationships between RM0 and physicochemical or biological properties were not statistically significant and therefore unusable. For all analysed values, an analysis of similarities and principal component analyses were also made. The obtained dendrograms for the analysis of lipophilicity and physicochemical and biological properties indicate the relationship between experimental values of lipophilicity and structure in the case of theoretical lipophilicity values only. PCA, on the other hand, showed that ALOGP, MLOGP, miLogP, and BBB and molar volume have the largest share in the description of the entire system. Distribution of compounds on the area of factors also indicates the connections between them related to their structure.

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