
Innovative modern forms of work of student interest clubs are successfully embodied in extracurricular activities of students in quarantine conditions and ensure the effectiveness of this type of work of student youth. Extracurricular activities of students play an important role in the formation of their democratic values and spirituality, without which it is impossible to achieve high quality and efficiency of higher education. Therefore, there is a need to create conditions for a radical change in the socio psychological climate of educational institutions. Extracurricular activities of students should be organized by the teaching staff of the educational institution, student and local government. This form of work with students is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the educational process, the quality of teaching, fostering the culture of students, and also ensures an increase in their social activity and responsibility and reveals the creative potential of students. The organization of extracurricular activities of students should provide for the development of creativity, initiative, independence, vertical and horizontal mobility, as indicated in the Concept for the development of vocational education and training in Ukraine (2010-2020). Student interest clubs as an association of people is based on a common interest in certain issues in various areas and created on a voluntary basis. Student clubs are a place for the exchange of experiences and opinions, which contributes to the improvement of their knowledge in various fields of activity and intellectual development. The activity of student clubs is aimed at creating a team in which intellectual communication of young people is organized on topical issues with the aim of self-development and exchange of information and the possibility of psycho-emotional relaxation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 373-393
Oleksandra Islamova ◽  
Nadiia Moroz ◽  
Iryna Kryvoruchko ◽  
Inna Savina ◽  
Lesia Balahur ◽  

The article is dedicated to the research of the problem of forming conflict management readiness of future border guard officers. The concept "conflict management readiness of future border guards" has been defined. The structure of conflict management readiness of a border guard officer has been determined, which consists of motivational, operational and predictive components. The main criteria for assessing the motivational component of conflict readiness are motivational and regulatory, for operational - cognitive and operational, for predictive component - communicative and prognostic. The study proves that formation of conflict management readiness of future border guard officers is effective if the educational process at a higher military educational institution encompasses the following pedagogical conditions: creation of a favorable socio-psychological climate for the development of the experience of constructive resolution of conflict situations; the use of incentive measures to develop cadets' motivation for constructive resolution of conflict situations; enrichment of the content of professional training of future border guard officers with special knowledge about the nature, structure, functions of conflicts and mechanisms for their prevention and resolution; gradual acquisition by cadets of knowledge and skills of conflict management; ensuring a high level of psychological and pedagogical competence of teaching staff and leaders of training units of higher military educational institutions. Based on the Sectoral Qualification Framework for border guarding in European Union and Common Core Curriculum for training European border guards was developed a curriculum of the training course "Conflict Management in a Border Guard Unit" at the National academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed effectiveness of the defined pedagogical conditions to form conflict management readiness of future border guard officers. The distribution of cadets by levels of conflict management readiness formation in experimental groups at the end of the forming experiment is characterized by a decrease in the number of cadets with a low level (from 48.81% to 21.01%), as well as an increase in the number of future officers with a high level of conflict management readiness formation (from 4,76% to 26,19%). As for the control group, there were less significant changes regarding the level of conflict management readiness formation.

2021 ◽  
Vitalii Panok ◽  
Iryna Tkachuk

Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic may have hit the education industry the hardest, but the socio-psychological effects of quarantine are still poorly understood. A group of scientists from the Ukrainian SMC of practical psychology and social work of the NAES of Ukraine has conducted a study of the socio-psychological problems that have arisen for teaching staff of general secondary education establishments in the context of the pandemic. Purpose. The research was carried out during the implementation of the scientific topic «Overcoming the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in the activities of the psychological service of the educational system» on the order of the National Research Fund of Ukraine. Design\approach\methodology. The study was conducted by interviewing educators through Google forms. Most of the questions contained a 10-step scale. In processing the data, all respondents’ answers were grouped into 5 categories: "yes", "more likely to", "more likely not", "no", "don’t know/it’s hard to say". The survey was attended by 3,209 teaching staff from general secondary education institutions from all regions of Ukraine, 45% from urban areas, 55% from rural areas; among which 92% were women and 8% were men. Results. Among the results, researchers highlighted the difficulties and fears of educators caused by the pandemic. The fears and complexities of the profession were distributed as follows. 1. The fear of getting infected (infecting family members) is common to 78.2% of the surveyed. 40.9% of the interviewed felt this fear to the greatest extent. However, 9.3% found those fears irrelevant. 2. Problems associated with the use of ICT in educational activities (lack of competence) — 53.2%. Among those, 22.2% have major difficulties and 31% have minor difficulties. Only 15.7% consider themselves fully competent. 3. 73% of educators noted difficulties in involving children in distance learning. This was the main problem for 12.8% of respondents. 4. «It is difficult to adhere to all anti-epidemic requirements in an educational institution to protect students» — 69.5% stated that this is one of the most significant problems of professional activity. 5. Emotional exhaustion, loss of emotional balance, excessive fatigue. 58.7% said that the problem was significant, of which almost 18% said it was very significant. 6. 51.1% of respondents indicated that they were unable to communicate with students' parents regarding monitoring the quality of their students' knowledge. Of these, 8.7% rated it with the highest score. 7. Health related difficulties (consequential of COVID-19). 31.2% of educators consider this problem to be relevant, while 8.9% rated it as very relevant. 30.4% of those interviewed denied the existence of such a problem. Conclusions Taking into account the results of the study, the most relevant areas in the work of the psychologists in the educational system are the following: ● prevention among educators and students of the COVID-bullying; ● working with negative emotional states of participants in the educational process and increasing their stress tolerance; ● providing socio-educational assistance to children and families in difficult life situations, and forming positive life prospects. Keywords. COVID-19 pandemic; pedagogues; social-psychological problems; fear of getting infected; emotional exhaustion

Olga O. Hreilikh ◽  
Natalia O. Vydolob

The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the importance of interaction between teachers and students in modern higher education, as well as the need to cover the psychological features of such interaction from the point of view of developing a qualitative assessment of their role and place in the educational process of a higher educational institution. The purpose of the study is to formulate psychological aspects of “teacher-student” communication within the educational space to identify methods of its regulation. The leading approach of the research is a combination of theoretical analysis of the main aspects of pedagogical interaction between teachers and students in an educational institution taking into account the main functions and tasks of each of the groups under consideration and structural synthesis of the features of this type of interaction based on psychological factors of communication on the scale of a higher educational institution. The research considers issues related to the psychological features of pedagogical interaction between teachers and students in modern higher education. Qualitative indicators of communicative relations of subjects of the educational process, in particular teachers and students, are determined. The key psychological features of pedagogical interaction in the “teacherstudent” system are highlighted, including the development of trust in the authority of the teacher, taking into account students' individual factors in the process of studying subjects within the programme, maintaining a positive psychological climate in subject-subject relations. The necessity of developing a qualitative assessment of the level of communication between teachers and students as an objective factor for further assessment of the overall level of their pedagogical interaction effectiveness and the psychological characteristics of each of the groups under consideration is emphasised. The results and conclusions of the research are of practical value both for modern applicants for higher education and for representatives of the teaching staff of modern higher educational institutions concerned with the problems of building high-quality communication among each other, taking into account the individual characteristics and qualities of each group

Kostiantyn KONDRATIUK ◽  

Academic Gymnasium was found in October 1784 at the University of Lviv. This is a state secondary educational institution of the humanitarian direction. The graduates-maturists had the opportunity to continue their studies at the university after its completion. The Academic Gymnasium was the oldest gymnasium with the Ukrainian language of instruction. The information concerning the gymnasium's organization's functioning and principles till 1848 was lost due to revolutionary events. We can find the data about the organization of the institution's functioning, the number of teachers and students, and their social origin from 1849. At the same time, this date coincides with the secondary school's reform in 1849 based on the «Organizational Essay of High Schools and Actual Schools of Austria» and the «Normative Plan of Education for Gymnasia», which functioned until 1910 with minor changes. Exactly these normative documents regulated the functioning of the gymnasium - the organization of the educational process, the language of teaching, the priority of disciplines, the number and load of teachers, the organization of extra-curricular activities of high school students. Since 1907, the gymnasium is reorganized into the Main Gymnasium due to the number of students' growth and moving into a newly built building on L. Sapieha street and the Branch in the premises of the Narodnyi dim (People's Hall). The educational process in the gymnasium was carried out based on ministerial plans. By the end of the 20th century, more than 60% of the educational time was spent on learning languages, and the natural and mathematical cycle reached 25%, which indicates the humanitarian direction of gymnasium preparation. The situation was changed by the curriculum for classical gymnasiums in 1909, according to which the disciplines of the natural-mathematical cycle were synchronized with the requirements of universities. The article's main thesis is that during the 1849-1914 years, the Tsissar-Royal Academic Gymnasium in Lviv developed into a leading secondary educational institution. Mostly Ukrainian Greek Catholics, natives from Halychyna, studied here. The headmasters of the gymnasium were experienced teachers, skilled administrators. During the second half of the 19th century - at the beginning of the 20th century, the gymnasium was headed by Franz Brugger (1848-1858), Ivan Piontkovskyi (1858-1868), Vasyl Ilnytskyi (1868-1892 ), Edvard Kharkevych (1892-1911) and Illia Kokorudz (1911-1927). The teaching staff was increasing quantitatively and qualitatively. Careful selection, education requirements, and teaching methods provided the gymnasium with qualified specialists and responsible officials. The institution's educational process was provided by about 23-25 ​teachers, 70% of whom were gymnasium professors. Teachers of gymnasium conducted classes on a high professional level with students and created original textbooks in their native language, literature, history, and geography. Many teachers of the gymnasium and later graduates became well-known socio-political figures, scientists, and artists.So, Academic Gymnasium in Lviv is a secondary educational institution of the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. It functioned following Austrian secondary school legislation. The Academic Gymnasium, being in the structure of the Lviv University, provided it with well-prepared entrants. Students received a profound knowledge of normative disciplines in the gymnasium and a good national and religious education. The heads of the educational institution were experienced teachers and organizers who took care of the proper provision of the educational institution with teaching staff. The educational and methodological literature was supported, developed, and implemented in the educational process, together with teachers and public figures. Teachers of the gymnasium constantly worked on self-education and were active socio-political leaders. Keywords: Academic Gymnasium, organization, Krajova Szkolna Rada (Region School Council), teachers, teaching process, students, educational legislation.

И.А. Корецкая ◽  
П.В. Мамчур

Одной из обязательных частей процесса адаптации личности в социуме считается адаптация обучающихся в образовательном учреждении. Наиболее сложным периодом школьной адаптации можно считать переход ребёнка из начального школьного звена в среднее, который характеризуется новыми условиями, формами обучения и сменой преподавательского состава. Именно в пятом классе к школьнику впервые предъявляется множество различных требований. Кроме того, этот период совпадает с началом раннего подросткового возраста у школьников, считающегося наиболее сложным периодом развития личности. Целью нашего исследования было рассмотреть специфику дополнительного образования как одного из факторов, оказывающего влияние на формирование социально-психологической адаптивности у школьников, и выявить особенности обучения детей младшего подросткового возраста, посещающих внешкольные занятия. В качестве основных методик исследования применялись: «Шкала личностной тревожности» А.М. Прихожан, методика социализированности личности учащегося М.И. Рожкова, «Рисунок социальной сети». Выбор данных методик был обусловлен возрастными особенностями участников исследования и позволил сделать подробный и комплексный анализ их уровня адаптации. Результаты исследования позволили создать рекомендации для психолого-педагогической коррекционной работы, направленные на преодоление адаптационных и коммуникативных сложностей у школьников. One of the mandatory parts of the process of adaptation of a person in society is the adaptation of students in an educational institution. One of the most difficult periods of school adaptation can be considered the transition of a child from primary school to secondary, which is characterized by new conditions, forms of education and a change in teaching staff. It is in the fifth grade that a student is first presented with many different requirements. In addition, this period coincides with the onset of early adolescence in schoolchildren, which is considered the most difficult period in personality development. The aim of the study was to consider the specifics of additional education as one of the factors influencing the formation of socio-psychological adaptability in schoolchildren, and to identify the peculiarities of teaching children of early adolescence who attend extracurricular activities. The main research methods used were: “Scale of personal anxiety” by A.M. Prihozhan, the method of socialization of the student's personality M.I. Rozhkova, "Drawing of a Social Network." The choice of these methods was due to the age characteristics of the study participants and made it possible to make a detailed and comprehensive analysis of their level of adaptation. The results of the study made it possible to create recommendations for psychological and pedagogical correctional work aimed at overcoming adaptive and communicative difficulties in schoolchildren.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 7-22
Mirza Ahmetbašić ◽  

Very few papers have been written about the development of education in the wider area of Bosanska Krupa during the Austro-Hungarian administration (1878-1918). No comprehensive historical study is known that treats exclusively the development of education in this area during the occupation period. An exception is the book by Elvira Islamović entitled „Schooling and education in the Bihać district during the Austro-Hungarian administration“, published in Bihać in 2008, which in one part deals with the development of schooling in the Bosnian Krupa area. The starting point for the study of the past of Bosanska Krupa and its surroundings is the work of a group of authors entitled „Bosnian-Krupska municipality in the war and revolution“ published in Bosanska Krupa in 1969, which presents a rough overview of Bosnian Krupa's history until the first years after World War II. war and partly the development of education during the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian and the period between the two world wars, and more recently the following works: Mithad Kozličić, „Population and settlements of the Una-Sana area 1879-1921. godine“, Bihać 1999; Mirza Ahmetbašić, Adnan Hafizović, Osnovna škola “Otoka“ od osnivanja do danas, Bihać 2008; Emin Mesić, Fikret Midžić, “Mali Pset 1272. Tvrđava Krupa, Prilozi za monografiju Bosanska Krupa“, Bosanska Krupa 2012; Asmir Crnkić, Mirza Ahmetbašić, „Bosanska Krupa during the Austro-Hungarian administration”, Bihać 2020 and others. The development of school opportunities during the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian administrations was partially addressed by bringing them into context when dealing with other topics. In this paper, the author talks about school opportunities in the area of Bosanska Krupa and its surroundings at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Attention is paid to the establishment and operation of confessional primary and secondary schools that operated during the Ottoman period, and whose work continued after 1878, and the establishment and operation of the first state primary schools in the wider Bosnian Krupa area. The development of school conditions in the area of Bosanska Krupa during the Ottoman rule did not differ from other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For the needs of the Muslim population, sibjan mektebs were opened, somewhat later ruždija and madrasas, and for the needs of Orthodox children of the Orthodox primary school. Orthodox primary schools in the Bosnian Krupa area were first opened in Jasenica, Bosanska Krupa and Velika Rujiška. The Austro-Hungarian government also encountered an extremely high level of illiteracy in the area of Bosanska Krupa and its surroundings. At the end of the Ottoman rule, the illiteracy of the population was more than 95%. In addition, the regular educational process was very often interrupted by various infectious diseases that affected this area, as evidenced by numerous historical sources. There was also a great lack of professional teaching staff. A large number of students who are old enough to start school, the need for education of children of immigrant foreigners, etc. it was a sufficient signal to the competent authorities that a state primary school be established in Bosanska Krupa as well. In the villages around Bosanska Krupa, state primary schools opened relatively late. In the period from 1887 to 1913, public primary schools began operating in Otoka, Veliki Radić, Hasanbegova Jasenica, Ivanjska, Vranjska, Hasani and Bužim. However, in the year of establishment of certain schools, e.g. Otoka, Veliki Radić and Hasanbegova Jasenica there are differences between researchers. The Orthodox population was far more in favor of opening interfaith primary schools in their communities than the Muslim population, despite the fact that the Austro-Hungarian authorities, where possible, regulated the formation of special women's classes in public primary schools. The year 1880 marked a turning point in the development of education in the wider Bosnian Krupa area. That year, the People's Primary School in Bosanska Krupa started operating, which operated throughout the Austro-Hungarian period. However, certain researchers claim that this educational institution began operating in 1884 and 1885, respectively. It was one of the main educational centers and a nursery for numerous cultural and educational activities in this area.

Oksana Vladimirovna Dolgopolova

The article is addressed to the teaching staff of the education system and reflects the experience of the teacher of geography, O. V. Dolgopolova in the use of ICT in the educational process. The article presents recommendations on implementation of ICT on the geography lessons and during extracurricular activities, a classification of ICT.

Olha Yeromenko

The article raises the topical issue of training competitive professionals capable of working under modern market conditions. The transition to market relations changes the education policy and the system of educational services provision. The professional destiny of a future manager and the success rate of an educational institution depend on the quality of providing educational services to graduate students specialised in educational institution management. The purpose of the article is to analyse the results of a survey of graduate students aimed at determining the status of educational services given within the specialty 073 "Management" (specialization "Educational Institution Management") in various higher education institutions of Ukraine. Monitoring the state of the educational services provided to graduate students majoring in educational institution management has been carried out on the basis of general scientific and empirical cognition methods: comprehensive study of quality training of master-course students, observation, survey in the form of questionnaires, analysis of graduate students’ responses, analogy. The criteria enabling graduate students to assess the quality of educational services provided by higher education institutions have been defined: the fundamental nature of training; level of knowledge and experience of teaching staff; organization of the educational process; culture and communication level of teachers; reaction of teachers and administration of higher education institution to further demands of graduate students, etc. On the basis of the analysis and generalisation of the processed material, the basic demands of master-course students majoring in educational institution management for increase in the level of educational services have been defined: decrease in theorising of educational material; practice orientation; increase in the use of interactive teaching methods by teachers; expansion of the list of optional courses; increase in opportunities for individual counselling at a convenient time; involvement of leading specialists, experts, experienced educational institution managers in teaching; improvement of facilities and resources of an institution; increase in the level of additional educational services provision in higher education institutions. According to the results of the study, it has been concluded that it is necessary to establish a flexible system of training master-course students majoring in educational institution management.

2019 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Halyna A. Nazarenko ◽  
Tetiana K. Andriushchenko

The article highlights the results of the research on information and communication technologies potential possibilities for preschool education quality improvement. During conceptual-diagnostical, organization-preparational, formational and test-generalizing stages of pedagogical experiment in educational establishments there were created necessary material-technical conditions for effective use of ICT in different spheres of preschool education. The research of pedagogical software required for qualified preschool education and other digital educational resources was carried out. It was provided teachers training to use ICT in organization of preschool education and in personal professional development, as well as created methodological support for the implementation of ICT in sphere of preschool education. It has been proved that the quality of preschool education characterizes both the educational process and its results, reflects the level of achieving the aim and tasks of education, upbringing and development of preschool age children and also the level of fulfillment of teachers’, children’s and their parents’ expectations from the use of ICT in the educational process at preschool educational establishments. This article ascertains a significant potential of ICT in the development of preschool teachers IC-competency, organization of education, upbringing and development of children of the upper preschool age, testifies to the importance of cooperation with parents of preschoolers. It presents the experience of using ICT as a didactic tool, which contributed to a more effective realization of the tasks of the main lines of education, which are defined as a basic component of preschool education: “Child’s personality”, “Child in the society”, “Child in the environment”, “Child in the world of culture”, “Child’s game”, “Child in sensory-cognitive space” and “Child’s speech”. The article reveals the significant potential of the use of information and communication technologies for raising the parental awareness about the quality of educational services in the preschool educational institution, as well as for establishing a partnership between the teaching staff and the parent community on all issues of preschool education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
pp. 61-68
Nishchymna S. O. ◽  

The article addresses to the characteristics of the administrative and legal support of the the educational process organization in the Academy of the State Penitentiary Service. With the declaration of independence, Ukraine has paid attention to build a European state with appropriate standards in all spheres of state activity. One of the priority areas of this course is the development of a new functioning system of the structure of law enforcement agencies, including the penitentiary system. For the proper functioning of this institution, professional personnel is needed, who will be the main persons of the development of the new penitentiary system of Ukraine in compliance with the leading standards of the European community. The Academy of the State Penitentiary Service has been established and operates in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”. The main purpose of the Academy is to train specialists in the field of knowledge “Law”, “Social and Behavioral Sciences” and other fields in order to meet the needs of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine, to provide society with qualified specialists with higher education, scientific, scientific and pedagogical staff according to the state order, contractual obligations and thus the new generations formation of national intelligentsia. The educational process in higher educational institutions with specific learning conditions, such as the Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, is carried out in accordance with the legislation on higher education, although general subordination is carried out by the relevant ministry – the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. Having certain peculiarities in the cadets, students and associate professors’ training, the Academy also prepares students and graduate students at the expense of individuals and legal entities. The main participants in the educational process at the Academy, as well as in any higher educational institution with specific learning conditions, along with research and teaching staff, are cadets (students) (at the expense of legal entities), students (at the expense of individuals), associate professors (graduate students). All higher education obtainers, enrolled in the Academy receive higher education at the first (bachelor’s), second (master’s) and third (educational-scientific) levels. Key words: administrative and legal support, educational process, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, penitentiary system.

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