scholarly journals Analisis Pemilihan Supplier Hebel Dengan Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Di PT. Inti Bekasi Raya

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 79
Imam Ziqriya Heryansyah ◽  
Anita Ilmaniati

Abstract— PT. Inti bekasi Raya is a company in the contracting sector, founded in 2016. The company is often faced with problems in selecting suppliers of lightweight bricks (hebel) because after the supplier is selected, problems often occur such as poor quality (broken, poor adhesion, moss and others) so that it affects the reduced quantity of hebel. This study aims to determine the most appropriate decision making in selecting hebel suppliers (size 7.5x20x60cm) based on predetermined criteria. The method to be used is Simple Additive Weighing (SAW) by using 5 alternative suppliers and 4 product criteria that have been determined by PT. Inti Bekasi Raya. The product criteria are price, quality, speed of delivery and volume. The ranking result obtained with the largest value is V3 (Akbar Jaya) with a value of 97.87 so that Akbar Jaya was chosen as the best supplier for PT. Inti Bekasi Raya.Keywords— Decision making; Simple Additive Weighing (SAW); supplier selection Abstrak— PT. Inti bekasi Raya adalah perusahan  di bidang kontraktor, berdiri sejak 2016. perusahaan sering dihadapkan permasalahan dalam pemilihan supplier bata ringan (hebel) karena setelah supplier terpilih pun sering terjadi permasalahan-permasalahan seperti kualitas yang jelek (patah, daya rekat yang tidak kuat, berlumut dan lain-lain) sehingga mempengaruhi terhadap berkurangnya kuantitas hebel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengambilan keputusan dalam pemilihan supplier hebel (ukuran 7,5x20x60cm) yang paling tepat berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Metode yang akan digunakan adalah Simple Additive Weighing (SAW) dengan menggunakan 5 alternatif supplier dan 4 kriteria produk yang telah ditentukan oleh pihak PT. Inti Bekasi Raya. Kriteria produknya adalah harga, kualitas, kecepatan pengiriman dan volume. Hasil perangkingan yang didapat dengan nilai  terbesar yaitu V3 (Akbar Jaya) dengan nilai 97,87 sehingga Akbar Jaya terpilih sebagai supplier terbaik untuk PT. Inti Bekasi Raya.Kata kunci— Pengambilan keputusan; Simple Additive Weighing (SAW); pemilihan supplier

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Lilis Supiani

This study aims to determine the system of decision-making and priority criteria in supplier selection. Supplier selection is part of the supply chain. The role of suppliers affect the production process of a company as a supplier is a major business partner in the operation of the company's work. every manufacturing company has a standard priority suppliers so that it takes an analytical tool for decision-making. Method Analythical Hierarcy Process (AHP) is a decision making method of analysis used in decision-making with a systems approach, where decision-makers are trying to understand a condition of the system and help make predictions in decision-making. Distributing questioner to determine priority criteria CV General Timber supplier in Indonesia.The results of evaluation research in the company's performance CV General Timber Indonesia, there are five priorities, namely Cost supplier criteria with a weighting of 0.29%, Quality 0,26%, Quantity by 0.16%, Delivery 0.15% and Flexibility of 0.13 %

Respati ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Sofyan Suryawan Priyono, Wing Wahyu Winarno, Ferry Wahyu Wibowo

Dalam kegiatan belajar dan mengajar lingkungan akademisi tentunya menghasilkan peserta didik yang memiliki keunggulan diatas rata – rata. Keunggulan mahasiswa dalam sebuah lingkungan belajar dapat di indikasikan menjadi sebuah potensi. Dalam studi kasus penelitian ini STIKES Duta Gama Klaten memiliki beberapa data mahasiswa yang dapat dijadikan tolak ukur untuk menentukan mahasiswa yang memiliki potensi.Dengan implementasi metode Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making dengan Simple Additive Weighting, yaitu melakukan pembobotan pada setiap alternatif pada semua atribut. Data yang ada akan diberikan nilai sesuai dengan rating kecocokan setiap alternatif. Potensi mahasiswa yang selama ini hanya di indikasikan dalam bidang akademik saja, dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi 3 alternatif yaitu potensi akademik, potensi non akademik, dan potensi umum.Hasil dari tahap perankingan akan dijadikan sebagai informasi yang diberikan kepada bagian akademik untuk dijadikan pertimbangan. Diharapkan dengan adanya penerapan metode metode Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making dengan Simple Additive Weighting dapat membantu dalam menentukan potensi apa saja yang ada dalam lingkungan civitas akademika STIKES Duta Gama Klaten.Kata kunci: Potensi, Akademisi, Civitas, Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making, Simple Additive Weighting                                               ABSTRACTIn the learning and teaching activities of the academic environment of course produce learners who have above average superiority. Student excellence in a learning environment can be indicated to be a potential. In this case study study STIKES Duta Gama Klaten has some student data that can be used as a benchmark to determine students who have potential.With the implementation of Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making method with Simple Additive Weighting, which is to weighting every alternative on all attributes. Existing data will be assigned a value in accordance with each alternative's match rating. Potential students who have been only indicated in the field of academics alone, in this study is divided into 3 alternatives of academic potential, non-academic potential, and general potential.The results of the ranking stage will be used as information given to the academic to be considered. It is expected that the application of the method of Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making method with Simple Additive Weighting can help in determining the potential of what is in the academic community of STIKES Duta Gama Klaten.Keywords: Potential, Academic, Civitas, Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making, Simple Additive Weighting

Meri Azmi ◽  
Yance Sonatha ◽  
Indri Rahmayuni

MDM is a trade cooperative that has a business unit that provides healthy food for consumers around the Andalas University campus. So far, the selection of suppliers who supply goods to stores is only based on the trust of both parties, the principles of mutual acquaintance and kinship. The problems that arise from a process like this are the lack of the right supplier so that goods are not available all the time, relatively higher prices, late delivery and sometimes there are goods with poor quality. Therefore we need a GDSS that is able to overcome these problems. This GDSS helps decision making in determining the right supplier to the stores owned by MDM Cooperative. The methods used are AHP, TOPSIS and BORDA involving six criteria and five tested alternatives. This GDSS also involves three decision makers, namely the head of the cooperative, the deputy and the treasurer. The results of this prototype are able to show the best alternative that is selected based on the ranking results.

Budi Prasetiyo ◽  
Niswah Baroroh

The Company is one of the jobs that was founded to reduce unemployment. The progress of a company is determined by the human resources that exist within the company. So, the selection of workers will join the company need to be selected first. The hardest thing in making a selection factor is the effort to eliminate the subjectivity of the personnel manager so that every choice made is objective based on the criteria expected by the company. To help determine who is accepted as an employee in the company, we need a method that can provide a valid decision. Therefore, we use Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making with Simple Additive Weighting method (SAW) to decide to make in human resource recruitment. This method was chosen because it can provide the best alternative from several alternatives. In this case, the alternative is that the applicants or candidates. This research was conducted by finding the weight values for each attribute. Then do the ranking process that determines the optimal alternative to the best applicants who qualify as employees of the company. Based on calculations by the SAW obtained the two highest ranking results are A5 (alternative 5) and A1 (alternative 1), to obtain two candidates received.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Ratri Wulandari

The problem of choosing a supplier becomes very important to do a company to be able to meet consumer demand quickly and with quality. So far, the company has not implemented the supplier selection procedures and selection criteria not yet have a supplier. The method can be completed with the supplier selection criteria is the AHP method is used to determine the weights of criteria that have been corporations and PROMETHEE method used to determine the performance of the alternative. The purpose of this research is to identify the criteria used in the selection of a supplier company and determine the weight of these criteria and get ranked supplier to obtain the best supplier. The selected criteria in the selection of the supplier company is quality with a weight of 0.19, with a weight of 0.17 delivery, performance history with a weighting of 0.06, the price with a weighting of 0.36, communication system with a weighting of 0.06, the operating control with weights of 0.05, attitudes supplier with a weighting of 0.04 and a geographical location with a weight of 0.08 where as criteria rank order supplier is UD. TL as the first rank with a net value of flow for 0.254, UD. SD as the second rank with a value of 0.144 and a net flow PT.KTI as third with a net flow value of -0.397.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 259-264
Siti Ernawati ◽  
Risa Wati

The success or failure of a company depends on the human resources in the company. The quality of every human resource is needed to improve performance productivity. The process of appointing permanent employees is something that is often done by companies, one of the reasons is the company's appreciation of employee performance. For this reason, the process of appointing employees is more professional, so a decision support system is needed to assist in selecting employees who deserve to be appointed as permanent employees. The method will be applied in this research is simple additive weighting (SAW). SAW method is selected because it is very simple, can determine the value of weight then determine the ranking of the results of normalization. There are ten criteria and weights for each of the criteria used in this research. The purpose of this research is to design and create a web based information system as a tool for decision making in the process of appointment employees. It is hoped that this information system will benefit for the company so hat the employee appointment process do optimally and the time is more efficient.

SinkrOn ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Suhar Janti ◽  
Mohammad Adriansyah ◽  
Ghofar Taufik

Freight forwarding services are increasingly developing and each delivery service provider competes to provide the best service, resulting in competition in terms of price and delivery time, in order to attract the attention of users of shipping services. The number of service providers with various types of packages offered by freight forwarding services, making users difficult in determining the right service provider. One way to overcome this problem is by the existence of a method that can provide recommendations as consideration for making appropriate decisions. This study aims to create a decision support system for the selection of goods delivery services by applying the Simple Additive Weighting method that can solve problems by comparing between shipping services. The results of this study are in the form of conclusion calculations that can be taken into consideration for decision making in choosing the most widely chosen freight forwarding services for students and getting the best results in decision making. The results of calculations using the Simple Additive Weighting method, the highest value based on time criteria is JNE YES with a value of 0.73, based on price criteria is a vehicle with a value of 0.68, based on the weight criteria is JNE YES with a value of 0.75, while based on the volume criteria the highest value is a vehicle with a value of 0.70 .

Oke Hariansyah

Selection of suppliers for the company or the industry needs to be done to get the supplier truly able to meet the company's needs consistently. In this study, will be appointed a case of finding the best alternative based on the criteria that have been determined using the Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making (FMADM) Simple Additive Weighting method (SAW). This method was chosen because it is able to select the best alternative from a number of alternatives, in this case the alternative is intended to determine the best supplier based on specified criteria. Based on test results, the application of the system to be implemented to help the work of doing the selection of purchasing parts supplier, can speed up the process of selecting suppliers, and can facilitate the purchasing section chief part in determining the proper supplier selection, proper and appropriate

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-24
Uus Rusmawan

Ardhi Karya Teknik is a company engaged in construction, painting, cooling engineering and information technology. This company has difficulty in making decisions to buy equipment, especially for goods with a high enough value, because the goods purchased must meet certain criteria and be able to help the company's operations effectively and efficiently. This research was conducted to overcome the above, the method chosen in this study was SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) with the general stages: first entering data, second determining the weighting of each assessment criterion, third determining the best value of each criterion. , fourth calculates the value of the normalization matrix, fifth Calculate the final value for each data input by multiplying the normalized matrix with the weight matrix. The selected data is the data with the largest final value. Another method used in making an application is Waterfall. The SAW method is quite effective in assisting in decision making to purchase company operational support equipment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 356
Juniar Hutagalung

Office Supplies and Stationery (ATK) are equipment that is often used in offices, companies and organizations, include cabinet filling, perforators, calculators, paper clips, staplers, numerators, guides, flashdisks, paper punches, pens and paper, paper shredder, computers, printers, facsimile machines, photocopiers, archive folders and cash registers, office furniture. Supplier is part of the supplier chain that influences the development of a company. Problems that are often experienced by PT. PLN Engineering such as late arrivals and lack of quality equipment and stationery from suppliers, therefore it needs to be re-ordered or returned to suppliers, so that time is wasted. Storage of data on procurement of equipment and stationery that are still conventional so that it is not effective and efficient in terms of time, cost and energy, let alone supplier selection which is still subjective. The purpose of this study makes it easier for competent parties to make decisions at PT. PLN Engineering in selecting the best supplier to be consistent in maintaining the determined criteria so as to minimize the risk and not disappoint the company. Incorrect supplier selection affects the quality and costs incurred in buying equipment and stationery from suppliers, how to overcome them requires a decision support system (SPK) that is able to accurately select the most suitable supplier. The method of Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) combined with fuzification is the right method for evaluating the best suppliers. The most important criteria are Price of Goods, Quality of Goods, Delivery Time, Location Distance, Goods Packaging, Accuracy of Goods, Flexibility, Track Record. The conclusion of the test results is the SAW method is able to show that the ranking of the best suppliers with the highest value of 0.89 is UD. Bintang Mulia.

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