scholarly journals The Imaginative Space of Narrative

Tracey Walker Moir-McClean ◽  

Narrative imagination creates a space of learning where contemporary and historic knowledge of designed place merge. This paperdiscusses how an instructor’s curation and narration of archival material can provoke design-students to imagine narratives and actively visualize processes humans use to construct, inhabit and adjust comfort in place. The concept of narrative imagination presented in this paper is informed by traditional narrative as Marie-Laure Ryan defines it her 2005 article, Narrative and the Split Condition of Digital Textuality: (The traditionalist school) “conceives narrative as an invariant core of meaning, a core that distinguishes narrative from other types of discourse, and gives it a trans-cultural, trans-historical, and trans-medial identity.”1 The work of Gerard Genette, Levi-Strauss, Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, Monica Fludernik, John Fiske, James Phelan, Henry Jenkins and others is also influential.2

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. e51545
Pedro Henrique Alves de Medeiros ◽  
Edgar Cézar Nolasco

Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor uma série de reflexões biográfico-metafórico-ficcionais baseadas no apagamento do nome próprio/assinatura do narrador do romance Mil rosas roubadas (2014) do escritor mineiro, crítico literário e ensaísta Silviano Santiago. Esse estudo emerge da compreensão do nome próprio/assinatura enquanto traços, passíveis de serem apagados, de uma escrevivência atravessada por personificações das ausências a partir da morte e do ato de sobreviver (Silviano Santiago) à perda de um amado (Ezequiel Neves). Para isso, nos respaldaremos, essencialmente, na crítica biográfica (Souza, 2002, 2011) (Nolasco, 2010, 2018) e nos pressupostos filosóficos de Jacques Derrida e Geoffrey Bennington como base epistemológica da discussão fundamentada, sobretudo, nos conceitos de nome próprio/assinatura (Bennington, 1996) (Derrida, 1995, 1996, 2009), traço (Amaral, 2000) (Derrida, 2014) e escrevivência (Evaristo, 2017a). Para além dos críticos já mencionados no referencial teórico, também nos valeremos de Roland Barthes e de Martin Heidegger para circunscrever nossas considerações em instâncias e jogos de linguagens próprios à teorização crítico-biográfica que ensejamos nesse artigo. Portanto, no tocante aos resultados esperados, buscaremos explicitar que o traço, contido no nome próprio/assinatura, não pode ser a origem nem o fim, mas, sim, um elemento que desaparece-reaparecendo simultaneamente. Sendo assim, ainda que Silviano apague sua assinatura no corpus literário do romance Mil rosas roubadas, sua escrevivência o transpassa indo além do apagamento e avançando o nome próprio, que, pelo contrário, é impróprio, por excelência.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-210
Katerina Kroucheva

Abstract This article concerns itself with Gérard Genette’s reception in Germanophone literary study. Through an analysis of the rhetorical substrate from which Genette’s terminology draws its specific tension, the article determines that Genette is not only an excessive systematist, but also and simultaneously an author who battles received attempts at order and who foregrounds doubts about the idea of order. In this way, he displays a kinship with such theorists as Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida. The receptions of the rhetorical construction of Genette’s texts and of the particular strategies of structuralism to which that construction refers did not occur synchronously in French, American, Russian, and German literary studies. The article demonstrates that, while German literary theory occasionally discusses Genette’s positioning within the field, there remains a general absence of the recognition that practically all of his books display a definite proximity to deconstruction, and that this proximity plays a central role in Genette’s enire theoretical edifice. This text is, last but not least, a call to read literary-theoretical texts in their aesthetic contexts.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 557-570
Carlos Magno Gomes

Resumo: Este ensaio apresenta uma reflexão filosófica sobre a circularidade da escrita de Lygia Fagundes Telles pela impessoalidade do texto literário pregada pelos pós-estruturalistas Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes e Jacques Derrida. Como modelo, faz-se a análise da metanarratividade no conto “Senhor diretor”, da coletânea Seminário dos ratos (1977). Esse texto expõe o jogo de dissimulação no qual o dito é apagado pelo murmúrio do não dito. Com isso, reconhecem-se os processos ambíguos da escrita, que dissimula referências ao mundo externo, enquanto fala de si.

2017 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 116-140
Johannes Ungelenk

AbstractThe article re-reads Werther’s legendary love with Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Nancy. It discovers a constitutive dimension of address and (postal) transfer that not only shapes Werther’s love, but also connects it to the often neglected form of the epistolary novel. Werther’s love is not tragic, and it is not all about Lotte – it is postal. Writing and loving share the constitutive dimension of addressing ‘the other’: distance does not indicate love’s failure; it turns out to be its productive principle. Werther’s love is thus not a ‘warning example,’ not the moral message of a tale – it exhibits and affirms the way modern love works. Anticipating psychoanalytic insight, love does not take place between two specific human beings, but circulates in a complex system of shifting addressees. The readers become involved in this postal system: the epistolary novel also addresses this love to us. Will we really ‘not be able to withhold [our] admiration and love’ as the editor tells us at the very beginning of Werther’s story? However – we seem to be the perfect match – as philo-logists...

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
pp. 91-105
Hawwin Muzakki ◽  
Khoirul Mudawinun Nisa'

Pesantren has contributed to a system of values of local wisdom that has become a tradition and is believed to be a core value and belief. However, not a few pesantren traditions are underestimated, valued by the Orientalists as old-fashioned, traditional, sincretic, etc. The existence of a shift in the view of the pesantren tradition, encourages authors to deconstruct salaf pesantren traditions using the study of Barthes's semiotics and Derrida's deconstruction theory analysis by: 1) Finding the meaning of denotation and connotation through signs, signifier and signified, 2) Tracing the elements of aporia (paradoxical meaning, contradictory meaning, and irony meaning), and 3) Reversing or changing the (conventional) meanings. The results of the study concluded that: 1) The traditions that have been developed in the Salaf pesantren are the accumulated interpretations that have been passed on by the ancestors as the treasures of human psychology (al-makhzun al-nafs) which act as guide tools in a boarding school environment; 2) analysis of the deconstruction of the salaf pesantren tradition is done by severing the epistemological relationship to all authorities that shape the knowledge tradition by overhauling the standard and frozen relations system into a fluid system of relations, further accounted for giving reasonable sides in all the traditions that developed within. Keywords: Semiotics, Roland Barthes, Deconstruction, Jacques Derrida, Pesantren Tradition   Abstrak Pesantren telah melahirkan sistem nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang menjadi tradisi dan diyakini sebagai nilai dasar (core belief and core values). Namun, tidak sedikit tradisi-tradisi pesantren dipandang sebelah mata, kolot, sinkretis, jumud dan kuno oleh kaum orientalis. Adanya pergeseran pandangan tersebut, mendorong penulis untuk mendekonstruksi tradisi pesantren salaf menggunakan kajian semiotika Barthes dan pisau analisis teori dekonstruksi Derrida dengan cara: 1) Mencari makna denotasi dan konotasi lewat tanda, penanda dan petanda, 2) Melacak unsur-unsur aporia (makna paradoks, makna kontradiktif, dan makna ironi), dan 3) Membalikkan atau merubah makna-makna yang sudah dikonvensionalkan. Penelitian kualitatif ini berlokasi di Pesantren Darussalam Mekar Agung Madiun. Melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi, disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Tradisi-tradisi yang telah berkembang di pesantren salaf merupakan akumulasi interpretasi yang telah diwariskan para leluhur sebagai khazanah kejiwaan manusia (al-makhzun al-nafs) yang menjadi pedoman dan piranti dalam lingkungan pesantren; 2) analisis dekonstruksi tradisi pesantren salaf dilakukan dengan memutuskan hubungan epistemologis terhadap segala otoritas yang membentuk tradisi pengetahuan dengan merombak sistem relasi yang baku dan beku, menjadi sistem relasi yang cair dan dinamis, dari yang mutlak menjadi relatif, dari ahistoris menjadi historis yang selanjutnya dipertanggungjawabkan untuk memberi sisi-sisi masuk akal (reasonable) dalam segenap tradisi yang berkembang. Kata Kunci: Semiotika, Roland Barthes, Dekontruksi, Jacques Derrida, Tradisi Pesantren.

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (127) ◽  
pp. 111-130
Rikke Andersen Kraglund

Generally, the conception of intertextual references in literary theory has been either very broad or very narrow and detail-oriented. On the one hand, Roland Barthes and Julia Kristeva conceive of intertext as a universal feature of all texts. No text is original and made by itself isolated from those existing before it. All texts, in short, are intertexts because they refer to other texts, conventions, and presuppositions beyond authors’ intentions. But this broad concept is difficult to work with in analyzing works of literature. It poses problems of identification and does not mark out a manageable area of investigation or object of attention with the undefined and infinite discursive space it designates and its idea about anonymous citations. Generally, the conception of intertextual references in literary theory has been either very broad or very narrow and detail-oriented. On the one hand, Roland Barthes and Julia Kristeva conceive of intertext as a universal feature of all texts. No text is original and made by itself isolated from those existing before it. All texts, in short, are intertexts because they refer to other texts, conventions, and presuppositions beyond authors’ intentions. But this broad concept is difficult to work with in analyzing works of literature. It poses problems of identification and does not mark out a manageable area of investigation or object of attention with the undefined and infinite discursive space it designates and its idea about anonymous citations.  On the other hand, we have the more restricted view that focuses on specific, readily recognized signs of intertextual relations between literary texts. Gérard Genette offers a vocabulary to describe the interaction between only two identifiable texts. In this article, I shall propose a third alternative that takes the middle ground and investigate what a rhetorical approach to intertextuality means for the understanding of the concept of comparison.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (29) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Milena Constantakos

This paper propose to relate writings by Walter Benjamin, Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida, in order to review some considerations on the archive paradigm in conjunction with the photographic status. Propose to rethink these notions and open some problems for the analysis of contemporary artistic practices that use photographic archives as a strategy for the appropriation and rereading of representations, experiences and historical meanings. Finally, there are also some intersections between these reflections and a series of Latin American contemporary projects that propose creating collections based on domestic archives photographs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 127
Suci Anggraeni

Manusia adalah makhluk yang selalumencari makna dari berbagai hal yang ada disekitarnya. Oleh karena itu, manusia dapatdisebut sebagai homo signans (Danesi danPerron 1999 dalam Hoed 2014). Dalam hal inimanusia dipandang memiliki kemampuan untukmemberikan makna pada berbagai gejala sosialbudaya dan gejala alamiah. Dengan demikian,dapat disimpulkan bahwa tanda adalah bagiandari kebudayaan manusia (Hoed, 2014).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (53) ◽  
pp. 9-22
Alejandro Sacbé Shuttera Pérez

En el presente artículo se examinan, a la luz de los planteamientos de Michel Foucault –y, en menor medida, de Roland Barthes y Jacques Derrida–, una serie de postulados fundamentales de la Teoría literaria, como el estatuto tradicional de la crítica literaria, la función del autor en la literatura y la propia literatura como disciplina de estudio, en especial desde su dimensión institucional. Para el desarrollo de los argumentos foucaultianos se toman como referencia algunos de los textos de la llamada “primera época” en los sesenta (entrevistas, conferencias, publicaciones en revistas, etc.), pero sobre todo un par de documentos inéditos en francés (de traducción propia) respecto de la literatura, provenientes de los expedientes del Fondo Michel Foucault localizado en el Institut Mémoires de l’Édition Contemporaine, en Caen, Francia. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-137
Romina Magallanes

El presente artículo aborda la novela póstuma La promesa, de Silvina Ocampo –obra aparecida en el año 2013 como parte de un conjunto de seis libros publicados hasta el momento luego de la muerte de autora, que comenzaron a editarse y publicarse desde el año 2006– a partir de la hipótesis según la cual las ideas de escritura y de lectura se proponen en el texto como formas de lo imposible y lo ilegible. Esto tiene lugar tanto en la operación editorial realizada por Ernesto Montequin –curador y editor del archivo de la escritora argentina en su totalidad y de los manuscritos póstumos en particular–, en la misma índole escrituraria de la novela –conformada en forma similar a un montaje cinematográfico–, como también en los procedimientos que realiza Ocampo consistentes en ubicar escrituras dentro de otras escrituras que predominan en la obra estudiada. Todo ello nos conduce a proponer una lectura de la novela póstuma La promesa no como una narración de recuerdos, tampoco como una novela autobiográfica sino como una invitación, a veces imperativa, a considerar otras formas de lo escrito y otras prácticas de lectura donde las nociones de novela como la de promesa cobran un lugar relevante. Para acompañar y pensar dicha hipótesis abordamos conceptos de Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, John Austin, Ernesto Montequin y aportes de la crítica especializada en la obra de Ocampo en general y especialmente en la obra póstuma.

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