V.Yu. Voitovich

The article examines the main provisions related to the implementation of the goals of the Russian state, enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. They received their legislative form in the Political program of the state, principles, forms, goals, tasks and functions of its implementation. The proclamation in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of building a democratic legal state as the highest goal has theoretical, methodological, practical-political and ideological significance. It is noted that democracy is reflected, above all, in the actual implementation of citizens' political, social and economic rights and freedoms, their active participation in public and political life, in the management of the society not only through state agencies but through a system of local government, public associations. Today we can speak with certainty about the emergence of such a function as social. It is expressed in the main program and political goal: to increase the material and cultural standard of living of Russian workers.

Ахмедан Аминович Саидов

Статья посвящена исследованию степени соответствия современной политики российского государства в сфере образования, процессов, происходящих в региональных университетах, политико-правовым основам многонациональной Российской Федерации, заложенным в Конституции, других важнейших документах, определяющих принципы её государственно-территориального устройства. Эти основы официально гарантируют российским народам и регионам всестороннее социокультурное, образовательное, научно-технологическое развитие. Целью работы является всесторонний анализ просчётов деятельности российского государства в образовательной сфере в постсоветский период, приведших к проблемам, не позволяющим региональным университетам сегодня решать возлагаемые на них обществом функции, а также поиск путей их решения. Процесс реализации данной цели определил следующие задачи: проанализировать степень соответствия постсоветской политики российского государства в образовательной сфере провозглашённым политико-правовым основам государственного устройства РФ, гарантиям социокультурного развития российских народов; выявить взаимосвязь результатов современных реформ в системе высшего образования с объективными функциями региональных университетов РФ; раскрыть позитивный потенциал региональных университетов в решении социально-экономических, социокультурных проблем регионов и народов РФ, сохранении и укреплении её евразийской цивилизационной сущности; исследовать негативные последствия постсоветских реформ, отразившихся на состояние дел в региональных университетах, наметить пути решения возникающих проблем; показать важность учёта этнокультурного компонента в системе образования многонациональной РФ, определяющего личностные и профессиональные качества подрастающих поколений, способствующего достижению межнационального согласия и стабильности в российском обществе. The paper is devoted to the study of the degree of compliance of the modern policy of the Russian state in the field of education, the processes taking place in regional universities with the political and legal foundations of the multinational Russian Federation, laid down in the Constitution, and other important documents that determine the principles of its state-territorial structure. These foundations officially guarantee the Russian peoples and regions comprehensive socio-cultural, educational, scientific and technological development. The purpose of the work is a comprehensive analysis of the miscalculations of the activities of the Russian state in the educational sphere in the post-Soviet period, which led to problems that do not allow regional universities today to solve the functions assigned to them by society, as well as the search for ways to solve them. The process of implementing this goal defined the following tasks: to analyze the degree of compliance of the post-Soviet policy of the Russian state in the educational sphere with the proclaimed political and legal foundations of the state structure of the Russian Federation, guarantees of the socio-cultural development of Russian peoples; to identify the relationship of the results of modern reforms in the higher education system with the objective functions of regional universities of the Russian Federation; to unleash the positive potential of regional universities in solving the socio-economic, sociocultural problems of the regions and peoples of the Russian Federation, preserving and strengthening its Eurasian civilizational essence; investigate the negative consequences of post-Soviet reforms on the state of affairs in regional universities, outline ways to solve emerging problems; show the importance of taking into account the ethnocultural component in the education system of the multinational Russian Federation, which determines the personal and professional qualities of younger generations, which contributes to the achievement of interethnic harmony and stability in Russian society.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
Diana R. Fatykhova ◽  
Alexandr I. Ostroumov ◽  
Olga F. Ostroumova

The article examines the issue of modernization of the political system of Russia. Formation of a democratic political system is an integral part of Russia's modernization strategy. The relevance and objective need to develop an innovative strategy for the modernization of the political sphere of life in Russian society is determined by the inefficiency of existing political institutions, outdated principles, methods, technologies of organization and management, their inconsistency with modern realities, effective resolution of internal problems and global external challenges. The objective meaning of modernization is determined by modern Russian conditions, the nature of issues and contradictions that require their urgent solution.The study purpose is to develop a strategy for the innovative development of the political system of the Russian Federation. Achievement of this goal requires consideration of the basic conditions and contradictions of the modern development of the political system of the Russian Federation, the most important areas and priorities that contribute to its modernization.As a methodological base for the study, the work includes the following approaches and methods: systemic, structural-functional approaches, sociological, logical, historical and comparative methods, as well as analysis of conditions and contradictions that need to be resolved and contribute to the modernization of the political life of modern Russia.As a research result, we came to the following conclusions: 1. Modernization of the political system of the Russian Federation is an objectively necessary process. However, it is not the result of consensus, but a competition between innovators, conservatives and observers. 2. The strategic goal of modernizing the political system of Russian society is to make Russia one of the leading sovereign powers, with a republican democratic form of government, in which a person lives freely and comfortably. 3. Modernization of the political system shall cover the institutional (state, parties), communicative, regulatory and spiritual and ideological subsystems of Russia. 4. The result of democratic modernization of the political system shall be the formation of political institutions that really reflect and express the interests of social groups and strata and contribute to the formation of solidary community. 5. Creation of a system of ideas and values understandable to the majority of the population, and capable of uniting various layers and groups to carry out modernization. 6. As a result of modernization of the political system as a system of determining goals and priorities, the innovative mechanism becomes an inherent attribute of the development of Russian society. This is the strategic goal of modernization in Russia

Tatiana Medvedeva

The purpose of the article is to consider the content of the main changes provided for by amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation proposed by the President of the Russian Federation in January 202, regarding regulation of the legal status of the Federation Council. Attention, in particular, is focused on expanding the personnel powers of the upper house of the Russian parliament, as well as changing the formation of the Fe­deration Council. It is substantiated that the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation contribute to the improvement of the system of checks and balances, including by strengthening the role of parliament. This goal is also served by securing directly in the Constitution of the Russian Federation the control powers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, which for a long time was regulated solely in sectoral legislation. The article also proposes a solution to the issue of a different approach to the establishment of the term of office of senators from subjects and senators — representatives of the Russian Federation. The conclusion is made that the proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation contribute to strengthening the role of the Federation Council in the political life of the country. Within the framework of this research, we used formal logical (analysis) and comparative legal methods.

Andrzej Stopczyński

The Arab Spring led to a major transformation of political systems of the region’s most countries; an increase in the significance of radical Islam in the political life; a degradation of the security environment. In addi­tion, changes in the region’s economy cannot be overlooked. The events connected with the Arab Spring gave the Russian Federation completely new challenges. The country has to yet again define the character of its relations with Muslim countries and adapt its foreign policy to the new post-revolutionary reality. The Arab Spring also represents a challenge for Russia in its internal affairs.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-135
Justyna Olędzka

Abstract State leadership in Russia is determined by historical and cultural as well as by legal and institutional premises. The analysis of ways of obtaining legitimacy by state leaders of the Russian Federation is a borderline issue of political science, sociology, and history. The conditions that favor the creation of the archetype on the Russian ground are undoubtedly: extremely centralized political power in Russia (one central decision-making center whose decisions were arbitrarily arbitrary), the problem of the enforcement of the rules of the trilateral division of power (the legislative sphere dominated the legislature), the low level of control Social rulers (lack of effective legal mechanisms to verify the effects of their activities), paternalism of the leadership system and low participation of representative institutions in public life. The aim of the article is to situate in the field of considerations about the archetype of Russian power the concept of Yuri Pivovarov, according to which not only civilization baggage and the immaturity of civil society have decided the legitimacy of the state leadership of the Russian Federation. According to him, the problem of the participation of the political elite in the redistribution of goods (and the low level of participation of citizens in the process of ownership separation) is of significant importance. According to the theory of the Russian political scientist, the basis for understanding the phenomenon of Russian state leadership is the combination of elements of archetypal leadership with a proper interpretation of the relation of freedom – property.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-88
E. S. Dabagyan

This article is a political portrait of an extraordinary personality, the President of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega, who has travelled a long and very thorny path of transformation from a frantic fighter against a dictatorial regime to a man who actually became the country’s president for life. The author presents the methods by which Ortega achieved power and thereby ensured his political longevity. The author pays special attention to the role of Rosario Murillo, the politician’s wife, whose importance is growing in the internal political life of the state. The article provides an overview of the political history of the country in recent decades, the author also presents the peculiarities of Ortega’s biography and professional development. The author examines the stages of the party struggle in Nicaragua and the role of Ortega in this process. The author analyzes in detail the opinions of various experts regarding political events that took place in Nicaragua. The author traces and analyzes the main trends in economic development of Nicaragua, including cooperation with the Russian Federation. The author notes the role of Nicaragua in assisting the Russian Federation on the international arena. The author emphasizes the diversity of the spheres in which cooperation and interaction of the two countries is carried out.

Vyacheslav Evdokimov ◽  
Alexey Ushakov

Introduction. The article presents the author’s interpretation of the process of constitutional control institutionalization in Russia. The paper highlights the dominant factors and main vectors of the constitutional control transformation in the context of modernizing the political and legal systems of the Russian Federation. The authors pay a particular attention to the specifics of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation functioning in the current system of separation of powers and upholding the sovereignty of the Russian state in the context of contradictory modern processes of political globalization. Methodology and methods. The theoretical and methodological base of the work includes theses of Russian and foreign scientistsconstitutionalists A. Medushevskiy, V.E. Chirkin, L. Fridman, F. Luscher. The theories of political modernization and globalization (A.Yu. Melvil, S. Lantsov, S. Eisenstadt, S. Huntington, I. Wallerstein, Z. Bauman) were used to analyze the functional specificity of constitutional control institute activities in the conditions of forming a global and regional “risk society”, and a new Russian state after the Soviet Union collapse. The empirical base of the study was the following: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Constitutional and Federal laws of the Russian Federation, other legal documents regulating the activities of state authorities and administration; periodical materials; research results of the leading sociological centers – Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM), Levada-Center. Analysis. The stages of forming the constitutional control institution and its transformation should be considered in the context of modernizing the Russian state, its political and legal systems. At the same time, the inconsistency of the statist model of political modernization in Russia has a significant impact on modern institutional reinforcement and the practice of implementing the principle of separation of powers, including the political and legal status of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. The escalation of internal and external risks and threats to the Russian society and state objectively defines a number of restrictions to the comprehensive disclosure of the constitutional justice political potential. Discussion. The main discussion dominants in analysing factors and directions of the constitutional control institute transformation in modern Russia are the following: the degree of rootedness of constitutionalism principles and constitutional values in the public consciousness of Russian citizens, and first of all among the ruling elite; the effectiveness of implementing constitutional control in comparison with other types of control – public, civil, parliamentary, etc.; the indicators of performance of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation to strengthen Russia as a legal, democratic state while ensuring stable and safe development of the national society. Results. The article highlights the main stages of the constitutional control institutionalization in the national history. The interrelation of modernization transformations of Russian society and the state with formation and functioning of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is traced. The paper presents the dominant vectors of the constitutional control institute transformation in the Russian political and legal space, taking into account real and potential risks and threats in the personality-society-state system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 66-86

The purpose of the article is to analyze the political and state-administrative aspects of the institutional-constitutional development of youth policy in modern Russia. The subject of the research is the evolving state youth policy (SYP) towards greater efficiency of social development. The scientific article substantiates the significance of the "youth" amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which is an element of "social" amendments, for the sustainable social development of the country. This amendment, together with the adoption of the draft law “On Youth Policy in the Russian Federation”, ensures the consistency of institutional changes, strengthens the political and legal foundations of the state youth policy. The main documents of the empirical base are the Constitution of the Russian Federation (with the corresponding amendments in 2020 and the draft law No. 993419-7 "On youth policy in the Russian Federation" (passed the procedure for consideration in the first reading in the State Duma of the Russian Federation). The author considers ways to optimize, expand and deepen the systematic work of state and non-state actors among new generations. As a result, it is concluded that the changes under study will make it possible to remove a number of certain institutional and political and administrative problems in terms of regulatory and legal support for the effective activity of the state to create conditions for social development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 45-48
Saida A. Saybulaeva ◽  

The article deals with the establishment, formation and development of the Institute of the presidency in the Russian Federation. It is shown that this legal institution was established in complex political, legal and social conditions under the influence of international and national factors. Two main historical and legal stages of the establishment and formation of the Russian presidential Institute are considered. It is noted that the specifics of the Russian institution of the presidency were formed under the influence of, among other things, received and successive legal norms, which predetermined the formation and functioning of a new and unique legal institution for the Russian state. The article analyzes the consequences of modern constitutional changes in the political and legal status of the head of state and their subsequent impact on the state mechanism of the Russian Federation.

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