A.V. Moshkov

Изучение структурных изменений в промышленных центрах предполагает анализ её состава и выявление взаимосвязей между элементами структуры. Особенно важно изучение региональных особенностей формирования и развития территориальноотраслевой структуры промышленных центров, которые происходят под влиянием совокупности экономикогеографических и социальноэкономических факторов. Необходимо изучить основные факторы и свойства формирования структуры промышленных центров, механизмы процессов включения новых производств в существующие структуры промышленных центров на Дальнем Востоке России. Используемая в хозяйственном обороте территория Дальнего Востока объективно располагает динамичной совокупностью факторов, которые оказывают более или менее благоприятное воздействие на формирование структуры промышленных центров (природные условия и ресурсы, экономикогеографическое положение, трудовые ресурсы, топливноэнергетические ресурсы и др.). Реализация такой совокупности наиболее благоприятных факторов приводит к формированию в структуре промышленных центров различных видов экономической деятельности (добывающие, обрабатывающие, производство и распределение электроэнергии, строительство, объекты производственной инфраструктуры и др.). Органы государственной власти могут успешно применять налоговые льготы и преференции, например, для создания территорий опережающего развития, что стимулирует процессы включения новых производств в структуру промышленных центров и обновление производственного потенциала существующих предприятий. Такое регулирование процесса структурной трансформации территориальнопроизводственных систем со стороны федеральных и региональных органов власти может существенно повысить эффективность производственного потенциала не только отдельных предприятий, но и целых регионов. Целью подобных изменений является повышение уровня жизни населения в регионах за счет роста эффективности производства, развития производственной и социальной инфраструктуры, создания благоприятных условий жизнедеятельности в Дальневосточном регионе. В работе рассматриваются структурные различия основных промышленных центров Дальневосточного федерального округа Российской Федерации. Приводятся расчеты обобщенной характеристики различий в структуре промышленности (добыча полезных ископаемых, обрабатывающие производства и производство и распределение электроэнергии, газа и воды) крупных городов с помощью индекса В. Рябцева. Отмечена прямая зависимость между уровнем развития обрабатывающих производств и доходами населения в крупных городах. The studies of structural changes in industrial centers involve the analysis of its composition and identification of relationships between the elements of the structure. It is especially important to study the regional features of the formation and development of the territorial and sectoral structure of industrial centers, which occur under the influence of a set of economicgeographical and socioeconomic factors. It is necessary to study the main factors and properties of the formation of the structure of industrial centers, the mechanisms of the processes of inclusion of new industries in the existing structures of industrial centers in the Russian Far East. The territory of the Far East used in economic turnover has a dynamic set of factors that have a more or less favorable impact on the formation of the structure of industrial centers (natural conditions and resources, an economic geographical position, labor resources, fuel and energy resources, and others). Realization of such a set of the most favorable factors leads to the formation of various types of economic activity (mining, processing, production and distribution of electricity, construction, an industrial infrastructure, and others) in the structure of industrial centers. Public authorities can apply tax benefits and preferences successfully, for example, in order to create the territories of advanced development that stimulates the processes of inclusion of new industries in the structure of industrial centers and the renewal of the production potential of existing enterprises. Such regulation of the process of structural transformation of the territorial production systems by the Federal and regional authorities can improve significantly efficiency of the production potential of both separate enterprises and entire regions. The purpose of such changes is to improve the living standards of the population in the regions by increasing the efficiency of production, development of production and a social infrastructure, creating the living conditions in the Far East. The paper deals with the structural differences between the main industrial centers of the Far Eastern Federal district of the Russian Federation. The calculations of the generalized characteristics of differences in the structure of industry (mining, processing industries and production and distribution of electricity, gas, and water) of large cities are assumed using V. Ryabtsev index, A direct relationship between the level of development of processing industries and incomes in large cities is revealed.

2019 ◽  
A.V. Moshkov

Изучение структурных изменений в промышленных центрах предполагает анализ её состава и выявление взаимосвязей между элементами структуры. Особенно важно изучение региональных особенностей формирования и развития территориальноотраслевой структуры промышленных центров, которые происходят под влиянием совокупности экономикогеографических и социальноэкономических факторов. Необходимо изучить основные факторы и свойства формирования структуры промышленных центров, механизмы процессов включения новых производств в существующие структуры промышленных центров на Дальнем Востоке России. Используемая в хозяйственном обороте территория Дальнего Востока объективно располагает динамичной совокупностью факторов, которые оказывают более или менее благоприятное воздействие на формирование структуры промышленных центров (природные условия и ресурсы, экономикогеографическое положение, трудовые ресурсы, топливноэнергетические ресурсы и др.). Реализация такой совокупности наиболее благоприятных факторов приводит к формированию в структуре промышленных центров различных видов экономической деятельности (добывающие, обрабатывающие, производство и распределение электроэнергии, строительство, объекты производственной инфраструктуры и др.). Органы государственной власти могут успешно применять налоговые льготы и преференции, например, для создания территорий опережающего развития, что стимулирует процессы включения новых производств в структуру промышленных центров и обновление производственного потенциала существующих предприятий. Такое регулирование процесса структурной трансформации территориальнопроизводственных систем со стороны федеральных и региональных органов власти может существенно повысить эффективность производственного потенциала не только отдельных предприятий, но и целых регионов. Целью подобных изменений является повышение уровня жизни населения в регионах за счет роста эффективности производства, развития производственной и социальной инфраструктуры, создания благоприятных условий жизнедеятельности в Дальневосточном регионе. В работе рассматриваются структурные различия основных промышленных центров Дальневосточного федерального округа Российской Федерации. Приводятся расчеты обобщенной характеристики различий в структуре промышленности (добыча полезных ископаемых, обрабатывающие производства и производство и распределение электроэнергии, газа и воды) крупных городов с помощью индекса В. Рябцева. Отмечена прямая зависимость между уровнем развития обрабатывающих производств и доходами населения в крупных городах. The studies of structural changes in industrial centers involve the analysis of its composition and identification of relationships between the elements of the structure. It is especially important to study the regional features of the formation and development of the territorial and sectoral structure of industrial centers, which occur under the influence of a set of economicgeographical and socioeconomic factors. It is necessary to study the main factors and properties of the formation of the structure of industrial centers, the mechanisms of the processes of inclusion of new industries in the existing structures of industrial centers in the Russian Far East. The territory of the Far East used in economic turnover has a dynamic set of factors that have a more or less favorable impact on the formation of the structure of industrial centers (natural conditions and resources, an economic geographical position, labor resources, fuel and energy resources, and others). Realization of such a set of the most favorable factors leads to the formation of various types of economic activity (mining, processing, production and distribution of electricity, construction, an industrial infrastructure, and others) in the structure of industrial centers. Public authorities can apply tax benefits and preferences successfully, for example, in order to create the territories of advanced development that stimulates the processes of inclusion of new industries in the structure of industrial centers and the renewal of the production potential of existing enterprises. Such regulation of the process of structural transformation of the territorial production systems by the Federal and regional authorities can improve significantly efficiency of the production potential of both separate enterprises and entire regions. The purpose of such changes is to improve the living standards of the population in the regions by increasing the efficiency of production, development of production and a social infrastructure, creating the living conditions in the Far East. The paper deals with the structural differences between the main industrial centers of the Far Eastern Federal district of the Russian Federation. The calculations of the generalized characteristics of differences in the structure of industry (mining, processing industries and production and distribution of electricity, gas, and water) of large cities are assumed using V. Ryabtsev index, A direct relationship between the level of development of processing industries and incomes in large cities is revealed.

А.В. Мошков

Морехозяйственные виды деятельности всегда играли ключевую роль в формировании и развитии территориально-производственных систем Дальнего Востока России. Такие виды деятельности, как рыбное хозяйство, морской транспорт, судостроение и судоремонт и др. возникли на территории Дальнего Востока в результате хозяйственного использования благоприятных экономико-географических факторов – богатые природные ресурсы акватории (биологические и топливные), выгодное и во многом уникальное географическое положение, наличие в береговой зоне удобных бухт и заливов. Влияние «морских» факторов на экономику прибрежных территорий Дальнего Востока привело к формированию здесь особых аква-территориальных производственных систем, функционирование которых особым образом влияет на развитие всей экономики субъектов Дальневосточного федерального округа (ДФО). Это позволяет выделить на территории Дальнего Востока особый регион – Тихоокеанскую Россию, в состав которой включаются не только прибрежные субъекты, но и континентальные регионы, тяготеющие к морской транспортной инфраструктуре ДФО. В прибрежной зоне Тихоокеанской России формируются подзоны морехозяйственной активности – «северная» и «южная», которые различаются географическими, природно-ресурсными и социально-экономическими условиями ведения хозяйственной деятельности. При этом, отмечается инерционность развития морехозяйственных звеньев структуры территориально—производственных систем, которые образуют особые локальные «опорные базы морехозяйственной деятельности» в прибрежных субъектах ДФО. Marine economic activities always played a key role in the formation and development of territorial production systems of the Russian Far East. Such activities as fishing, marine transport, shipbuilding, and ship repair, etc. emerged on the territory of the Far East as a result of the economic use of favorable economic - geographical factors, i.e. rich natural resources of the water area (biological and fuel), favorable and in many ways a unique geographical location, the presence of convenient bays, and the bays in the coastal zone. The effect of the "sea" factors on the economy of the coastal areas of the Far East led to the formation of special aqua-territorial production systems, the functioning of which has a specific effect on the development of the entire economy of the Far Eastern Federal district (FEFD). This makes it possible to distinguish a special region in the Far East – Pacific Russia, which includes not only coastal subjects, but also continental regions, which tend to the maritime transport infrastructure of the Far Eastern Federal District. In the coastal zone of Pacific Russia, the sub-zones of marine economic activity are formed – "northern" and "southern", which differ in the geographical, natural-resource, and socio-economic conditions of economic activity. At the same time, inertia of the development of marine economic links in the structure of territorial production systems, which form special local "support bases of marine economic activity" in the coastal subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District, has been noted.

Marina N. Khramova ◽  
Dmitry P. Zorin ◽  

In the current geopolitical conditions and fierce competition in world markets from such dy-namically developing countries of the Asia-Pacific region as China, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore and a number of others, the preservation and increase of human capital in the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District is of a strategic nature. To ensure the national security and integrity of the country, to strengthen Russia's position in the Asia-Pacific area, the role of the Far East regions comes to the fore. However, the pronounced processes of depopulation of the population of the Far East regions and the stable migration outflow of the working-age population to other regions of Russia and abroad call into question the implementation of many tasks for the sustainable socio-economic development of this macro-region. The regions of the Far Eastern Federal District are already experiencing a shortage of qualified personnel in several industries. This deficit, in the absence of a governmental long-term strategy in the field of human capital formation, will not allow Russia to compete with the fast-growing economies of Asia-Pacific countries in the future. In this article, we analyze the opportunities and potential risks of human capital development through the prism of demographic processes occurring in the regions of the Russian Far East. Based on modern data on fertility, mortality, age-sex structure of the population, trends in interregional and international migration we conclude that for the growth of human capital and sustainable economic growth, the necessary conditions are: the development of transport and social infrastructure of the macro-region, the development of programs of labor mobility of the popu-lation, attracting young people through the educational migration channel, attracting international migrants from the CIS countries as well as from Asia-Pacific countries with a level of education and qualifications corresponding to the economic specialization of the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District.

2020 ◽  
Vol 93 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-36
S. N. Naiden ◽  

The article examines the measures and results of the implementation of government strategies, programs, concepts adopted in the period 2009-2019. and aimed at the development of the subjects of the Far-Eastern federal district for the period up to 2025. Monitoring of indicators of demography of the population, living standards and development of social infrastructure was carried out. A comparative analysis of the actual and program indicators of development, as well as the responses of the socio-demographic system of the region to institutional innovations in the period 2009-2019 has been carried out. It has been established that, despite the abundance of adopted documents and a significant number of developed and applied measures, the achievement of the set goals, in any case, to maximize the population, has not been achieved. It is shown that the intensity of reproduction of social infrastructure facilities remains low, which weakly contributes to overcoming negative migration dynamics. The necessity of adjusting measures of state regulation in the field of social development and creating a comfortable living environment has been substantiated

Anna B. Bardal

The length of the state border between China and Russia within the territory of the Far East Federal District is more than 4 thousand km. The border has various functions. The contact function of the border is to stimulate economic interactions between countries. The border regions of the two countries benefit from international trade. The contact function is characterised by the permeability of the border. The barrier function of the border is to limit interactions between countries. Restrictions on the free movement of goods, labour resources, tourist flows, and capital are applied. The purpose of the study is to assess the elements of the contact function of the state border between China and Russia. The subject is functioning of the border in the Far East Federal District. The study used methods of economic geography and regional economics. As a result, the indicators of the border permeability between the Russian Far East and China (physical permeability, the density of cross-border infrastructure) were calculated. The characteristics of institutional conditions, such as the speed of customs clearance and the use of digital technologies in paperwork are presented. The conclusion about the low permeability of the border between China and Russia in the territory of the Far East Federal District is made. The directions for increasing the contact function of the border are formulated. The research results can be used to develop directions for the improvement of cross-border relations between Russia and China

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3/1) ◽  
pp. 46-57 ◽  

Following the current trends in the development of historical science,  the author considers fiction as an important source for the  study of the post-Soviet period, allowing recreating the socio- historical types of behavior, way of thinking and public mood, to  track the transformation of the structures of everyday life. The  article is based on the fiction published from the early 1990s to the  present day and reflected the Far Eastern realities of the 1990s-2000s. The main attention is paid to the ways of adaptation to the  new socio-economic conditions, such as inflation and the fall in real  money incomes, massive cuts and wage delays, privatization, the collapse of industrial enterprises, the destruction of social  infrastructure, the income differentiation, and an increasing gap  between more and less developed territories. Art works show how in  crisis the Far East inhabitants are looking for opportunities for part- time work, change professions, working for hire, opening their own  business or falling into the category of self-employed, use deviant  and destructive forms of employment. Many people in the conditions  of continuous growth of prices, delays in wages or lack of a  permanent, well-paid place of work are accustomed to live without  money, making purchases rarely, but using subsistence farming in  dacha or vegetable garden, the interchange of goods and services,  engaged in gathering, hunting, fishing (the aboriginal population  returns to traditional marine mammal hunting). In addition, the Far  East inhabitants react to the modified conditions by changing their  demographic behavior. Horizontal public relations are being  strengthened, mutual assistance are widely used in the circle of relatives and friends.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4.38) ◽  
pp. 701
Dashi Dashanimaevich Tsyrenov ◽  
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The economic development of Russia, given the country’s vast territory, the distribution patterns of natural resources and population, and the diverse climate conditions, is logically uneven and characterized by territorial variation. Particular focus of the federal government should be placed on the conditions emerging in Siberia and the Russian Far East. The major limiting factor is the increasing population outflows to the central federal subjects of the Russian Federation, particularly visible among the working-age population. Apart from it, another limiting factor is the natural conditions in these two federal districts, namely, the harsh weather conditions, the typical inland climate, seismic activity, etc. Moreover, a major part of Siberia and the Far East is designated as a territory with special requirements in terms of natural resource development, which is due to the existing national reserves and parks. The Baikal natural area, the basin of Lake Baikal, are of particular importance. These factors have brought to the foreground the need for a break-up of the Siberia Federal District and the Far East Federal District to improve the economic efficiency of such spacious areas of the country. There is a proposal to establish a new federal district known under the working reference as “Central Eurasia” and meant to include the Republics of Buryatia, Tyva, Khakassia, and Sakha (Yakutia), the Trans-Baikal and Krasnoyarsk Territories and the Irkutsk region. The proposed spatial arrangement of productive forces would improve the efficiency of use of both labor and natural resources. 

2020 ◽  
pp. 142-147
S. G. Serikov

The manifestations and consequences of the search for new impulses of the socio-economic development of the Russian Far East, confirming the invariability of the course towards the creation of new development institutions have been considered. The management decisions made in terms of their economic efficiency and implementation prospects have been evaluated. The actions of the transfer of the «capital» of the Far East from Khabarovsk to Vladivostok, the development of a national program for the development of the Far East until 2025 and for the future until 2035, as well as the expansion of the Far Eastern Federal District through the annexation of the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Republic of Buryatia, have been considered in detail.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
Irina Zhupley

The article evaluates structural changes in agricultural production in the Russian Far East (makrorenion) in comparison with the situation in the country as a whole. Scientific novelty of the research: indicators of structural shifts in the production of certain types of agricultural products were calculated, for which a critical dependence on external supplies is noted. Practical significance of the study: the conclusions formulated in the study can be used in determining the priority areas of structural policy at the meso-level (including when planning the distribution of state support for agricultural producers). The author analyzed the value of the coefficient of reaching the threshold level of food independence for the main types of agricultural products of the country and the macroregion in the period 2014–2018, based on the results of which a reasoned conclusion was made about the unsatisfactory pace of implementation of the import substitution program at the level of the Far East. The structure of production in the context of the main categories of commodity producers in the Russian Federation and the Far East of those types of agricultural products, the provision of which does not meet the threshold values of food security, has been investigated, namely: in crop production – grain crops, vegetables in open and protected ground; in animal husbandry – meat of cattle and poultry, milk. The article calculates the following indicators of structural shifts in the production of crop and livestock products: weight, average annual rate of change and structural shift index. It is concluded that in order to increase the effectiveness of import substitution in the Far East of Russia, management decisions are needed to transform negative structural shifts in the agricultural sector into positive ones, including by stimulating the activities of agricultural enterprises of various organizational and legal forms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 51-61
Aziza Yarasheva ◽  
Svetlana Makar

The purpose of the article is to identify trends in the transformation of some aspects of the economic behavior of residents of the regions of the Far East Federal District (FEFD). The authors present the results of a comparative analysis of the dynamics of indicators characterizing the activity of individuals in the financial sector (within the macro-region and relative to all-Russian indicators). On the basis of official statistics, changes (2018-2020) in the volume of disposable monetary resources of households (in urban and rural areas) were studied as opportunities for the population to implement financial (monetary) strategies. The regions of the Far East Federal District were ranked by the volume of deposits of individuals in rubles, attracted by credit institutions, as one of the important elements of savings behavior; there were identified leaders and outsiders in terms of the growth rates of the volumes of organized savings. The article shows government measures (program) to increase the level of financial literacy of the population and develop financial education for citizens to take the most effective and least risky decisions when choosing a strategy for economic action. It demonstrates the change in the rating of the FEFD regions (2019) according to the general Index of Financial Literacy, as well as its separate components: knowledge in the field of finance, financial management skills, attitudes towards finance. There was revealed a higher financial literacy rate (in more than half of the regions of the Far East Federal District) in comparison with the all-Russian indicators. And among the Federation subjects of the analyzed District, both in 2018 and in 2019, Primorsky Krai fell into group A (the best values of the Financial Literacy Index). The regions-leaders of the Far East Federal District were identified in terms of opportunities and methods for implementation of economic activity by the population.

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