scholarly journals Profil supplementary scales Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory-2 (MMPI-2) adaptasi Indonesia pada komunitas public united not kingdom (punk) di kawasan Megamas Kota Manado

e-CliniC ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Rijal Ab'ror ◽  
Bernabas H.R. Kairupan ◽  
Herdy Munayang

Abstract: Society in general still views punk community negatively. It is caused by their dress and hair styles which were assumed as weird, therefore, they are considered dangerous for other citizens. This study was aimed to examine mental health status of members of punk community for detection of the presence of any mental disorders. This was a survey study with a cross-sectional design to determine the members of punk community mental status at Megamas area in Manado based on Supplementary Scales of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) Indonesian adaptation. According to socio-demographic data the majority of 30 respondents were males (86.67%), age range 18-27 years old (86.67%), respondents’ parents worked as private sectors employees (50%), respondents worked in private sectors (70%), had three siblings (43.33%), lived in Manado (76.67%), senior high school graduates (83.33%), reason of joining punk community was freedom (63,33%). Supplementary scales of MMPI-2 distribution obtained high t-score to low t-score as follows: PK (83.33%), AAS (56.67%), MAC-R (46.67%), A (46.67%), MDS (43.33%), Ho (36.67%), Mt (30%), OH (6.67%), R (3.33%), Es (0%), Do (0%), Re (0%), APS (0%), GM (0%), and GF (0%). Conclusion: The supplementary scales of MMPI-2 Indonesian adaptation in punk community at Megamas area in Manado city obtained high t-scores in Post Traumatic Disorder, Addiction Acknowledge/Admission Scale, MacAndrew Alcoholism-Revised, Anxiety Scale, Marital Distress, and Hostility Scales.Keywords: profile, supplementary scales, MMPI-2 Indonesian adaptation, punk community Abstrak: Masyarakat umumnya masih memandang komunitas punk dengan pandangan negatif dikarenakan gaya berpakaian dan gaya rambut yang aneh serta dianggap sebagai komunitas yang berbahaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan status kesehatan mental pada anggota komunitas punk untuk mendeteksi adanya gangguan mental. Jenis penelitian ialah survey dengan desain potong lintang untuk mengetahui status mental anggota komunitas punk di kawasan Megamas Kota Manado berdasarkan Supplementary Scales Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) adaptasi Indonesia. Berdasarkan sosio-demografi dari 30 responden, distribusi anggota komunitas punk terbanyak ialah laki-laki (86,67%), rentang usia 18-27 tahun (86,67%), pekerjaan orang tua responden di bidang swasta (50%), pekerjaan responden di bidang swasta (70%), memiliki jumlah saudara sebanyak tiga orang (43,33%), beralamat di Kota Manado (76,67%), pendidikan terakhir SMA (83,33%), dan alasan bergabung pada komunitas punk karena menginginkan kebebasan (63,33%). Hasil distribusi supplementary scales MMPI-2, mendapatkan skala dengan t-skor yang tinggi dengan persentase berturut-turut dari tinggi ke rendah yaitu: PK (83,33%), AAS (56,67%), MAC-R (46,67%), A (46,67%), MDS (43,33%), Ho (36,67%), Mt (30%), OH (6,67%), R (3,33%), Es (0%), Do (0%), Re(0%),APS (0%), GM (0%), dan GF (0%). Simpulan: Supplementary Scales Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) adaptasi Indonesia yang tinggi yaitu pada Post Traumatic Disorder, Addiction Acknowledge/Admission Scale, MacAndrew Alkhoholism-Revised, Anxiety Scale, Marital Distress dan Hostility Scales. Kata kunci: profil, supplementary scales, MMPI-2 adaptasi indonesia, komunitas punk

e-CliniC ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Lavenia E. Mokiwang ◽  
Anita Dundu ◽  
Bernabas H.R. Kairupan

Abstract: "Punk" community is already scattered around the world, including Indonesia. The "punk" community is popular with their unique styles such as ripped jeans, sassy ear pin, necklace and bracelet, as well as spike-top and Mohican hair style. Music is also included in the "punk" community unique style because the music they created was a part of a rebellion, therefore, the lyrics are often without simile. The appearance and the unique styles of the "punk" community often result in negative specullation of the society towards them which can cause impact to the mental and personality of the "punk" community members. This was a cross-sectional survey study to obtain the personality and the mental status of the "punk" community members by using Content Scale MMPI-2 Indonesia Adaptation. Data were univariate analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The results showed that from 33 people who did the test, only 30 people were valid and their socio demographic data showed that the highest frequency was male (86.67%). Score distribution of content scale MMPI-2 from the highest to the lowest was as foolows: BIZ (83.33%), DEP (73.33%), FAM (73.33%), TRT (73.33%), FRS (70%), LSE (70%), HEA (63.33%), WRK (60%), ANX (56.67%), OBS (56.67%), ASP (53.33%), ANG (33.33)%, CYN (33.33%), TPA (16.67%), and SOD (3.33%).Keywords: "punk" community, profile, content scale, MMPI-2 Abstrak: Komunitas “punk” saat ini sudah tersebar di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Komunitas “punk” terkenal dengan gayanya yang khas yaitu celana jeans yang sobek-sobek, peniti centil di telinga, kalung dan gelang serta gaya rambut spike-top dan Mohican. Musik juga termasuk dalam gaya khas komunitas “punk” karena musik yang mereka ciptakan ialah bagian dari pemberontakan sehingga tak jarang lirik dari musiknya juga tidak diberi kiasan. Penampilan dan gaya khas dari komunitas “punk” seringkali menimbulkan pemikiran negatif dari masyarakat yang bisa berdampak pada mental dan kepribadian dari anggota komunitas “punk”. Jenis penelitian ialah survei potong lintang untuk mengetahui kepribadian dan mental anggota komunitas “punk” dengan menggunakan skala content scale MMPI-2 Adaptasi Indonesia. Data dianalisis secara univariat dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa dari 33 orang yang mengikuti tes hanya 30 orang yang dinyatakan valid dan data sosio demografi menunjukkan frekuensi jenis kelamin laki-laki yang terbanyak (86,67%). Distribusi skor tinggi Content Scale MMPI-2 berturut-turut dari yang paling tinggi ke rendah yaitu BIZ (83.33%), DEP (73.33%), FAM (73.33%), TRT (73.33%), FRS (70%), LSE (70%), HEA (63.33%), WRK (60%), ANX (56.67%), OBS (56.67%), ASP (53.33%), ANG (33.33)%, CYN (33.33%), TPA (16.67%), dan SOD (3.33%). Kata kunci: komunitas “punk”, profil, content scale, MMPI-2

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Nur Aini Yunike Bahari Margarini ◽  
Gita Sekar Prihanti ◽  
Dr Suharto

Kepribadian seorang mahasiswa terutama di bidang pendidikan dokter sangat berpengaruh terhadap cara menjalankan tugasnya sebagai mahasiswa dengan baik. Oleh karena itu dilakukan teskepribadian.Salah satunyauntuk mengetahui kepribadiannya, berupa tes Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Hubungan Skala Kepribadian Minessota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Test-2 (Mmpi-2) Dengan IPK Mahasiswa Kedokteran Semester 4 Fakultas KedokteranUniversitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dengan besar sampel sebanyak 112 mahasiswa. Sumber data menggunakan data primer dan analisa data menggunakan uji spearman’s rho. Hasil uji spearman’s rho pada 10 skala kepribadian Minessota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Test-2 (MMPI-2) dengan IPK Mahasiswa Kedokteran menunjukkan seluruh nilai signifikansi lebih dari 0,05 sehingga tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna.Kata kunci : Skala MMPI-2, IPK, Mahasiswa Kedokteran

Khalid Astitene ◽  
Hassan Aguenaou ◽  
Laila Lahlou ◽  
Amina Barkat

Aim: After a traumatic event, the person can develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the purpose of the study is to assess the prevalence of PTSD in adolescents in public middle schools of the prefecture of Salé in Morocco and study anxiety and depression which are the comorbid disorders of the PTSD. The survey was carried out from March to June 2017. Methods: 523 students were selected by the cross-sectional method from fifteen schools that were randomly selected, the age of the students vary between 12 and 17 years. For the survey, standardized questionnaires (the socio-demographic data, the Life Events Checklist, the CPTS-RI (Children's Post Traumatic Stress Reaction Index), the STAIY (State Trait Inventory Anxiety Form Y) and the CDI (Children Depression Inventory) were used which were filled in by the students. Results: The prevalence of PTSD was 70.4% in the students who have PTSD. We found that the prevalence in boys was 46.74%, while in girls it was 53.26%. In addition to that, 81% of students found to be anxious and 51.8% of students have depression. Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of post traumatic stress disorder among adolescents, there are practical implications for the support and care of these adolescents.

2021 ◽  
Yinglan Li ◽  
Waraporn Kongsuwan

Background: Caring practice for critically ill patients refers to the actions/behaviors/performance of nurses while caring for critically ill adult patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). Although the caring practice is vital in ICUs and complex due to the multitude of availabletechnologies, research on ICU nurses’ caring practice and its predictive factors are lacking. Objective: This study aimed to explore the level of nurses’ caring practice for critically ill patients in critical technological environments in China and its predictors. Methods: This was a cross-sectional online survey study with 218 ICU nurses in 29 tertiary hospitals of Guizhou province, China, from 1st to 30th April 2020. Data were collected by using e-questionnaires made in the Questionnaire Star program, including the Demographic Data Questionnaire (DDQ), Practice of Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing Instrument (P-TCCNI), Influence of Technology Questionnaire (ITQ), and Nurses’ Professional Value Scale (NPVS). The questionnaires were content validated by three experts. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.96 for the P-TCCNI, 0.70 for the ITQ, and 0.95 for the NPVS. Links to the questionnaires were distributed by research assistants to WeChat groups including target participants. Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) program version 26 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA) was used for data analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Multiple linear regression analysis using stepwise solution analysis was performed to identify unique predictors of nurses’ caring practice. Results: The level of nurses’ caring practice for critically ill patients was high (mean = 87.30, standard deviation = 13.73). The professional value was a significant predictor of nurses’ caring practice (β = 0.41, p = 0.00). Conclusion: ICU nurses exhibited a high level of caring practice. Professional value was a significant predictor of ICU nurses’ caring practice. Nursing administrators should understand the current situation of caring practice in critical technological environments and design strategies to maintain and improve ICU nurses’ professional value to increase the level of caring practice. Funding: This study was financially supported by a thesis grant from Thailand’s Education Hub for Southern Region of ASEAN Countries (TEH-AC) Scholarship through Prince of Songkla University, Thailand.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Santu Joseph Sinamo ◽  
Dicky Suak ◽  
Herdy Munayang

Abstract: Theoretically each profesion has a certain preferential personality. Albeit, it does not mean that to become a medical doctor (MD) needs a special certain personality.  However, it is suggested that some personalities be identified which are non supportive (high risk for dificulties) of the learning process to become a medical doctor. The aim of this study is to find out the personality profiles of students of the Medical Faculty of the  University of Sam Ratulangi (UNSRAT) that have not for some reason, finished the academic stages for more than six years by using Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2). Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. Data were collected by using questionnaires and evaluation forms of the MMPI-2. We selected 34 students that had not passed the academic stages, but had been students of the Medical Faculty UNSRAT for more than six years. The result showed that based on sociodemographic, academic, and MMPI-2 profile characteristics, 47.06% of the students had specific non-supportive personalities. Keywords: medical doctor, MMPI-2, academic stages, personality     Abstrak: Secara teoritis setiap bidang profesi memiliki kesesuaian dengan beberapa ciri kepribadian tertentu. Hal tersebut tidak berarti bahwa untuk calon dokter diperlukan kualifi-kasi kepribadian tertentu yang khas secara kaku. Meskipun demikian, perlu kiranya untuk dapat di identifikasi berbagai aspek kepribadian yang kurang mendukung (berisiko tinggi untuk terjadinya kesulitan) dalam menjalani pendidikan dokter. Tujuan. mengetahui profil kepribadian mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi yang belum menye-lesaikan studi tahap akademik lebih dari enam tahun berdasarkan Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2). Metode. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan cross-sectional. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar penilaian MMPI-2 terhadap 34 orang mahasiswa yang belum menyelesaikan studi akademik selama lebih dari enam tahun. Hasil. Dari penelitian berdasarkan karakteristik sosiodemografi, karakteristik akademik dan karakteristik profil MMPI-2 didapatkan bahwa 47,06% mahasiswa memiliki beberapa ciri kepribadian spesifik yang kurang suportif. Kata kunci: dokter, MMPI-2, tahap akademik, kepribadian

Hawraa Alsunni ◽  
Rabab AlJumian ◽  
Sarah AlSalman ◽  
Reham AlFaraj ◽  
Fatimah AlMatrook ◽  

Background: The relationship between coffee and tea consumption and dental caries in Saudi Arabia has not been covered adequately. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess the association between the frequency and quantity of coffee and tea consumption and dental caries severity among adolescents (middle and high schools) in the Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. Methods: A cross-sectional observational survey study that was carried out in Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. Validated interview-based questionnaires were used to ask about the background information and the frequency and quantity of coffee and tea consumption with two sections of the survey: the first section was about the demographic data and the second section assessed the frequency and quantity of coffee and tea consumption and examination was done during daylight using disposable dental mirror and blunt probe. Result: A total of 2265 middle school children with a response rate of 77.8%. Out of them, Females accounted for 1288 (56%) and the mean age (±SD) was 14 (±1.322). Regarding parents’ education, 1916 (84.6%) of participants’ fathers and 1836 (81.1%) of their mothers had a high school certificate or higher. There was a significant association between the frequency of coffee and tea consumption and caries (p=0.013). Conclusion: There was a significant association between the frequency of coffee and tea consumption and caries (p=0.013). The frequency of coffee and tea consumption, the higher the caries. However, there was no association between the quantity of coffee and tea consumption and D nor with the overall DMF score.

1979 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 1003-1007 ◽  
Anne M. Imperio ◽  
Thomas F. Cullinan ◽  
Manuel Riklan

The origins of dystonia musculorum deformans are now considered to be organic. However, misdiagnosis of dystonia as a functional psychiatric disorder—usually conversion reaction—has persisted. The present study describes personality traits as measured by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory in 30 persons with dystonia and in a control group of 37 persons with cerebral palsy. The data, examined by diagnosis, level of disability, and sex, showed no differences for diagnostic groups or levels of disability. Males scored in the direction of greater psychopathology than did females. The male dystonics showed the highest elevations of MMPI scales of all the groups. Although only one person with dystonia musculorum deformans and none with cerebral palsy produced the profile usually associated with conversion reaction, 36% of all profiles showed two scales above a T score of 70. This finding suggested that young adults with a physically disabling disease may be at higher risk for developing maladaptive personality traits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 88-92
Namita Chetri ◽  
June Chiring

COVID-19 pandemic is seen to create a panic situation among the people, keeping mental health at stake. Therefore monitoring the mental health during such crisis is an immediate priority. The purpose of this study was to assess the anxiety level among people residing in various parts of Assam during the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of the study is to find the level of anxiety among the people and also to find the association between the demographic data. A total of 150 people living in Assam participated in this cross-sectional web-based study. A standardized anxiety related questions based on (coronavirus anxiety scale) was generated using the Google Form, and the link was shared through social media-whatsapp. Data collection was done within 5 days by the google form. The result was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Among 150 people 43.3% is the highest who have mild anxiety, 12.7% have moderate anxiety, 3.3% have severe anxiety and 40.7% have no anxiety. The chi square indicates that there is a significant relationship between anxiety and age of the respondents (chi-square with 3 degree of freedom = 33.3946, p<0.05*) and the age group of 25-34 years have the highest level of anxiety. It is expected that both the government and the people together can fix this pandemic and reduce the anxiety level. Keywords: COVID-19; Anxiety; pandemic; cross-sectional web –based study; coronavirus anxiety scale; mental health.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 01-07
Khalid Astitene ◽  
Hassan Aguenaou ◽  
Laila Lahlou ◽  
Amina Barkat

Aim After a traumatic event, the person can develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the purpose of the study is to assess the prevalence of PTSD in adolescents in public middle schools of the prefecture of Salé in Morocco and study anxiety and depression which are the comorbid disorders of the PTSD. Methods 523 students were selected by the cross-sectional method from twenty five schools that were randomly selected, the age of the students vary between 12 and 17 years. For the survey, standardized questionnaires (the socio-demographic data, the Life Events Checklist, the CPTS-RI, the STAIY and the CDI) were used which were filled in by the students. Results The prevalence of PTSD was 70.4% in the students who have PTSD. We found that the prevalence in boys was 46.74%, while in girls it was 53.26%. In addition to that, 81% of students found to be anxious and 51.8% of students have depression. Conclusion There is a high prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder among adolescents. There are practical implications for the support and care of these adolescents.

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