Christofel A.S. Watulingas ◽  
Paulus Kindangen ◽  
Daisy S.M. Engka

ABSTRAK Sulawesi Utara merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia. Guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, pemerintah Sulawesi Utara berusaha untuk meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah melalui  sumber-sumber PAD nya yaitu pajak, retribusi, hasil pengelolaan kekayaan daerah yang dipisahkan dan lain-lain PAD yang sah yang diharapkan dan diupayakan dapat menjadi penyangga dalam membiayai kegiatan pembangunan daerahnya.  Terdapat kaitan erat antara penerimaan daerah, pembangunan ekonomi dan  kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dimana semakin tinggi penerimaan yang diterima daerah maka semakin tinggi peluang untuk membangun perekonomian daerah dan mensejahterakan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh pajak daerah, retribusi daerah dan hasil kekayaan daerah yang dipisahkan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda.  Hasil penelitian menunujukan bahwa pajak daerah berpengaruh positif sangat signifikan  terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Retribusi berpengaruh negatif signifikan  terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Provinsi Sulawesi utara. Pengelolaan kekayaan daerah yang sah berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan  terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Kata Kunci     : Pajak Daerah, Retribusi, Pengelolaan Kekayaan yang sah dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi  ABSTRACT North Sulawesi is one of the provinces in Indonesia. In order to improve the welfare of the community, the North Sulawesi government seeks to increase local revenues through its PAD sources of taxes, user charges, separated wealth management results and other legitimate PAD that is expected and sought to be a buffer in financing its regional development activities . There is a strong link between local revenue, economic development and community welfare. Where the higher acceptance received area then the higher the opportunity to build the regional economy and prosper the community. The objective of this research is to know the influence of local tax, regional retribution and the result of regional wealth which separated to economic growth in North Sulawesi Province. The analysis technique used is multiple regression. The research result that the local tax menunujukan very significant positive effect on economic growth in the province of North Sulawesi. Levies have a significant negative effect on economic growth in the province of North Sulawesi. The legitimate management of local wealth positively insignificant effect on economic growth in North Sulawesi Province. Keywords: Local Taxes, Levies, Legal Wealth Management and Economic Growth

Dewi Chrisanty Paat ◽  
Rosalina A.M. Koleangan ◽  
Vekie Adolf Rumate

PENGARUH PENDAPATAN ASLI DAERAH (PAD), DANA PERIMBANGAN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI SERTA DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP KEMISKINAN DI KOTA BITUNG Dewi Chrisanty Paat, Rosalina A.M.Koleangan, Vekie A. RumateFakultas Ekonomi dan Binis, Magister Ilmu Ekonomi dan BisnisUniversitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado ABSTRAK Kota Bitung merupakan kota yang strategis dan mempunyai daya tarik sehingga banyak dilihat oleh investor.  Hal ini terlihat dari banyaknya jumlah investasi berupa perusahaan/industri yang masuk Kota Bitung. Dan juga merupakan pelabuhan samudra terbesar di Sulawesi Utara. Dengan banyaknya potensi yang ada di Kota Bitung di harapkan pemerintah kota mampu untuk menggali setiap potensi yang ada guna untuk membangun dan mensejahtrakan masyarakat Kota Bitung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis bagaimana pengaruh PAD dan dana perimbangan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi serta dampaknya pada kemiskinan di Kota Bitung. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur (Path Analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Pendapatan Asli Daerah  (PAD) berpengaruh negatif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi akan tetapi tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan. Dana Perimbangan berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi akan tetapi tidak berpengaruh signifikan secara statistik. Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi berpengaruh negatif terhadap tingkat kemiskinan dan signifikan secara statistik. Dana Perimbangan berpengaruh positif terhadap tingkat kemiskinan di Kota Bitung akan tetapi tidak signifikan secara statistik. Kata Kunci: PAD, Dana Perimbangan, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Tingkat Kemiskinan ABSTRACT Bitung is a strategic city and has so much appeal seen by investors. This is evident from the large number of investments in the form of companies / industries are entering the city of Bitung. And is also the largest ocean port in North Sulawesi. With so many potential that exists in the city of Bitung in the hope that the municipality is able to explore every potential that exists in order to build and prosperios people in Bitung. The purpose of this study to analyze the influence of the region own source revenue and the balance funds on economic growth and its impact on poverty in the city of Bitung. The analysis technique used is the analysis of the path (Path Analysis). The results showed that the region own source revenue  has a negative effect on economic growth but not significantly. Balance Fund has a positive effect on economic growth but not significant statistically. region own source revenue and the Economic Growth negatively affect poverty levels and statistically significant. Balance Fund has a positive effect on the level of poverty in the city of Bitung but not statistically significant. Keyword: Region own source revenue, Balance Of Fund, Economic Growth and Poverty

Olvy Beatriks Talangamin ◽  
Paulus . Kindangen ◽  
Rosalina A.M. Koleangan

ABSTRAKPertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan salah satu indikator yang digunakan dalam  menentukan keberhasilan pembangunan. Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi dapat membuat kesejahteraan masyarakat menjadi semakin baik. Pertumbuhan ekonomi dapat diartikan sebagai perkembangan kegiatan dalam perekonomian yang menyebabkan barang dan jasa yang diproduksi dalam masyarakat bertambah (Sukirno, 2010).  Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis bagaimana pengaruh PAD, DAU dan DAK terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kota Tomohon. Desentralisi berarti penyerahan urusan pemerintah dari pemerintah daerah tingkat atas kepada daerah (kuncoro, 2006). Semakin tinggi PAD yang diperoleh suatu daerah maka akan semakin tinggi pertumbuhan ekonomi di daerah tersebut.  Menurut Brata (2004) yang dikutip oleh Adi dan Harianto (2007) menyatakan bahwa terdapat dua komponen penerimaan daerah yang berpengaruh positif secara signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah yaitu PAD serta sumbangan dan bantuan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pendapatan asli daerah berpengaruh positif akan tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. dana alokasi umum berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. dana alokasi khusus berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Kata Kunci: Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD), Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU), Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK) dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi ABSTRACTEconomic growth is one of the indicators used in determining the success of development. High economic growth can make people's welfare even better Economic growth can be defined as the development of activities in the economy that cause goods and services produced in the community increases (Sukirno, 2010).  The purpose of this study is to analyze how the influence of PAD, DAU and DAK on economic growth in Tomohon City. Decentralization means the handover of government affairs from upper level regional governments to regions (kuncoro, 2006). The higher the PAD obtained by a region, the higher the economic growth in the region. According Brata (2004) cited by Adi and Harianto (2007) states that there are two components of local revenue that significantly positive effect on regional economic growth that is PAD and donations and assistance. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The result of research shows that the original revenue of the region has positive but not significant effect on the economic growth. general allocation funds have a significant positive effect on economic growth. special allocation funds have a significant positive effect on economic growth. Keywords: Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD), General Allocation Fund (DAU), Special Allocation Fund (DAK) and Economic Growth

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-22
Stannia Cahaya Suci ◽  
Alla Asmara

Fiscal decentralization aims to improve regional finance independency and reduce the fiscal dependency of central government. However, in practice, there are many areas that still rely on the assistance central finance for their regional development. This research aims to discuss the development of regional finance independency and analyze the influence of regional finance independency on economic growth in Banten Province. This research uses descriptive method and panel data on 6 (six) regencies and cities in Banten Province at 2001-2011. The results showed the significantly positive effect of regional finance independency on economic growth and significantly negative effect of balance fund’s ratio on economic growth. Key words: local revenue, economic growth, panel data

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-22
Stannia Cahaya Suci ◽  
Alla Asmara

Fiscal decentralization aims to improve regional finance independency and reduce the fiscal dependency of central government. However, in practice, there are many areas that still rely on the assistance central finance for their regional development. This research aims to discuss the development of regional finance independency and analyze the influence of regional finance independency on economic growth in Banten Province. This research uses descriptive method and panel data on 6 (six) regencies and cities in Banten Province at 2001-2011. The results showed the significantly positive effect of regional finance independency on economic growth and significantly negative effect of balance fund’s ratio on economic growth. Key words: local revenue, economic growth, panel data

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (5) ◽  
pp. 1344
Ni Kadek Rahayu Artharini ◽  
Naniek Noviari

MSMEs play a very important role in encouraging the acceleration of a country's economic growth. This study aims to determine the effect of psychological cost, religiosity, and love of money on the taxpayer compliance of the MSMEs sector registered in the East Denpasar Tax Office. Incidental sampling is used as a method of determining the sample and obtained a sample of 96 MSMEs. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results showed that psychological cost and religiosity had a positive effect on the compliance of the Taxpayers of the MSME sector, while love of money had a negative effect on the compliance of the Taxpayers of the MSMEs sector. Keywords: Psychological Cost; Religiosity; Love of Money; Corporate Compliance Tax Payer’s.

Telaah Bisnis ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Marianus Manek ◽  
Rudi Badrudin

Abstract This study aims to analyze the influence of local revenue and equalization fund on the economic growth and the poverty of regencies/cities in the East Nusa Tenggara Province. Sample in this study consists of 21 regencies/cities in the East Nusa Tenggara Province. The type of data used in this study is secondary data, time series and cross-sectional data of regencies/cities since 2007 to 2016. Data are examined by using SEM-based variant named WarpPLS. The results of this study indicate that the local revenue had significant positive effect on economic growth, local revenue had significant negative effect on poverty, equalization fund had no significant negative effect on economic growth and poverty, and economic growth had no significant nega­tive effect on poverty.

Elvira Handayani Jacobus ◽  
Paulus . Kindangen ◽  
Een N. Walewangko

ABSTRAKKemiskinan adalah suatu keadaan yang menyangkut ketidakmampuan dalam memenuhi tuntutan kehidupan yang paling minimum, khususnya dari aspek  konsumsi dan pendapatan. Masalah kemiskinan ini sangatlah kompleks dan bersifat multidimensional, dimana berkaitan dengan aspek sosial, ekonomi, budaya, dan aspek lainnya. Masalah kemiskinan pada rumah tangga miskin kronis bisa menyebabkan rumah tangga tersebut terjerat ”Poverty  Traps”. Rumah tangga miskin akan semakin sulit keluar dari poverty traps jika terdapat masalah struktural pada rumah tangga tersebut. Sulawesi Utara merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang tidak luput dari masalah kemiskinan rumah tangga, yaitu kemiskinan yang dialami oleh rumah tangga desil 1 atau kondisi rumah tangga yang benar-benar sangat miskin. Tujuan Penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat pendidikan, kesehatan dan kepemilikan aset terhadap kemiskinan rumah tangga di Sulawesi Utara. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian yang didapat pendidikan berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap kemiskinan rumah tangga. Kesehatan berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap kemiskinan rumah tangga. Kepemilikan aset berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kemiskinan.Kata Kunci     : Pendidikan, Kesehatan, Kepemilikan Aset dan Kemiskinan ABSTRACTPoverty is a state of inability to meet the minimum demands of life, particularly in terms of consumption and income. The problem of poverty is very complex and multidimensional, which is related to social, economic, cultural, and other aspects. The problem of poverty in chronically poor households can cause the household to become entangled "Poverty Traps". Poor households will be more difficult to get out of poverty traps if there are structural problems in the household. North Sulawesi is one of the provinces in Indonesia that does not escape the problem of household poverty, that is poverty experienced by households of desil 1 or very poor household conditions. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of education, health and asset ownership on household poverty in North Sulawesi. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The result of the research that got the education had a significant negative effect on household poverty. Health has a significant negative effect on household poverty. Asset ownership has a significant positive effect on poverty.Keywords         : Education, Health, Asset Ownership and Poverty

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Manggar Wulan Kusuma

This study aims to determine whether the general allocation funds and local revenue can affect economic growth in South Sulawesi Province by using variable capital expenditure as an intervening variable. The data source used is secondary data in the form of financial report of local government of regency / city in South Sulawesi Province in 2006 until 2013. Data analysis technique used is Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis. The result of the research shows that 1) General allocation fund has negative effect to capital expenditure; 2) Original revenue of the region has a positive effect on capital expenditure; 3) Capital expenditure negatively affects economic growth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 114
Asyari Rosidin ◽  
Acwin Hendra Saputra

This research aims to determine the effect of economic growth and local revenue on the level of regional financial independence in districts/cities in East Java province for the period 2006-2016. This study's secondary data sources came from Statistics Indonesia (BPS) and The Audit Board of Indonesia (BPK RI) audit reports. We choose the panel data analysis technique to provide more information, more variation, less co-linearity between variables, more degree of freedom, and more efficiency. The results showed that the variables of economic growth and local own-source revenue, either alone or together, had a significant positive effect on the level of regional financial independence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-179
Agus Salim

This study aims to examine the effect of local revenue, balance funds, and inflation on capital expenditure with economic growth as an intervening variable in the City / Regency of Banten Province. The sample from this study was 8 regencies / cities of Banten Province. which consists of Kab. Lebak, Kab. Pandeglang, Kab. Serang, Kab. Tangerang, Cilegon City, Tangerang City, Serang City, South Tangerang City. With the sampling technique using the saturated sample method. This data is obtained from the website of the Director General of Financial Balance of Regional Governments through and BPS of the Banten Provincial Government. The data in this study were processed using SPSS software. The results of this study conclude that the regional original income variable has a positive effect on economic growth, balancing funds have a positive effect on economic growth, inflation has a negative effect on economic growth, regional original income has a positive effect on Capital Expenditure, positive influential balancing funds adapts the realization of capital expenditure, Inflation has a negative effect on capital expenditure realization, economic growth has a positive effect on capital expenditure realization, regional original income has a positive effect on capital expenditure realization mediated by economic growth, balancing funds have a positive effect on capital expenditure realization mediated by economic growth, and inflation has a positive effect on realization of capital expenditure is mediated by economic growth.

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