scholarly journals Pengaruh warna umpan pada hasil tangkapan pancing tonda di perairan Teluk Manado Sulawesi Utara

Fycki Fendi Imbir ◽  
Wilhelmina Patty ◽  
Johny Wenno

ABSTRACT Fishery potential in Manado Bay, especially capture fisheries is quite large; but fishing activities that carried out by fishermen are still relatively in small scale; which is dominated by various types of hook and line, and small purse seine. Trolling is a traditional fishing gear that commonly used by fishermen in Manado Bay to catch pelagic fish species with artificial bait. This research aimed to study the effect of artificial bait color on the catch of trolling; and to identify the fish species. This research was conducted in January 2015 based on the experimental method. Two types of artificial bait colors were used, i.e. blue and pink; artificial bait was made of silk fibers. Catch data collected using small boats Pelang types, with 2 units of trolling line; operated during daylight from the morning (06:00 Wita) until the afternoon (18:00 Wita), data recorded every 2 hours for two days; and the data were analyzed using t-test. The catch of trolling line consists of Auxis thazard (0.2 kg), Selar sp (0.1 kg) and Katsuwonus pelamis (1.54 kg). Results of the analysis showed that the use of blue artificial bait on trolling caught more fish than that of pink artificial bait. Keywords: trolling line, artificial bait, Manado Bay ABSTRAK Produksi perikanan di Teluk Manado terutama perikanan tangkap cukup besar; tetapi kegiatan perikanan yang dilakukan oleh nelayan adalah masih tergolong skala kecil; yang didominasi oleh berbagai jenis pancing dan pukat cincin kecil. Pancing tonda merupakan alat tangkap ikan tradisional yang umum dioperasikan oleh nelayan di Teluk Manado untuk menangkap jenis-jenis ikan pelagis dengan umpan buatan. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk untuk mempelajari pengaruh warna umpan buatan terhadap hasil tangkapan pancing tonda; dan mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis ikan yang tertangkap. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2015 yang menggunakan metode eksperimental. Dua jenis warna umpan buatan yang digunakan, yaitu biru dan merah muda terbuat dari serat sutera. Data tangkapan dikumpulkan menggunakan 1 unit perahu tipe pelang dan 2 unit pancing tonda; dioperasikan sejak pagi hari (pukul 06.00 Wita) hingga sore hari (pukul 18:00 Wita), pencatatan data setiap 2 jam. selama dua hari; data dianalisis dengan uji t. Hasil tangkapan pancing tonda terdiri dari Auxis thazard dengan berat rata-rata 0.2 kg, Selar sp (0,1 kg) dan Katsuwonus pelamis (1.54 kg). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan umpan buatan warna biru pada pancing tonda memberikan hasil tangkapan yang lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan umpan buatan warna merah muda. Kata-kata kunci: pancing tonda, umpan buatan, Teluk Manado

Alfa FP. Nelwan ◽  
. Sudirman ◽  
Mukti Zainuddin ◽  
Muh. Kurnia

<p>-------</p><p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Large pelagic fish is a fishery commodity which has a high economic value, so its development can improve the economy of communities and regions. The aim of this study was to determine the fishing productivity of large pelagic fisheries using handline. This research was conducted in July until September 2012. This study examines the fishing productivity of handling with operated by a fisherman in Majene district, West Sulawesi. Fishing activity utilizing FADs as a fishing ground. Fishing Productivity was obtained from the weight ratio of the amount of catches and duration of fishing time. Fishing productivity is determined for each type of fish catches, namely skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus Pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), and mackerel tuna (Auxis thazard). The proportion of the total catches of skipjack tuna showed greater than other fish species. The relationship between fishing productivity with the time fishing is declining with increasing duration of time fishing. Cluster analysis showed that there are two clusters of fishing productivity for 23 fishing activity. Fishing ground with the largest production was in the FADs in 118031'44,8''E and 118°34'16.0"E, and 04030'25.6"S and 118029'37,3''BT. Large pelagic fish species observed is the skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), and tongkol (Auxis hazard). Fishing productivity shows the downward trend and the fishing ground for the production of tuna, mackerel and yellowfin tuna fish highest in FADs at position 04026’06,3”S and 118031’44,8’’E ; 04030’25.6”S and 118029’37,3’’E.<br /><br />Keywords: FADs, fishing productivity, handline, large pelagic, majene<br /><br />ABSTRAK<br /><br />Ikan pelagis besar merupakan salah satu komoditi perikanan yang memiliki nilai ekonomi yang relatif tinggi, sehingga pengembangan perikanan pelagis besar dapat meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat dan daerah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan produktivitas penangkapan ikan pelagis besar menggunakan pancing ulur. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Bulan Juli-September 2012. Penelitian ini mengkaji produktivitas penangkapan pancing ulur yang dioperasikan nelayan di Kabupaten Majene, Sulawesi Barat. Aktivitas pemancingan memanfaatkan rumpon sebagai daerah penangkapan ikan. Produktivitas penangkapan diperoleh dari perbandingan berat jumlah hasil tangkapan dengan lama waktu pemancingan. Produktivitas penangkapan ditentukan pada masing-masing jenis ikan hasil tangkapan, yaitu cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis), tuna ekor kuning (Thunnus albacares), dan tongkol (Auxis thazard). Proporsi jumlah hasil tangkapan menunjukkan cakalang lebih besar dibandingkan jenis ikan lainnya. Hubungan antara produktivitas penangkapan dengan lama waktu pemancingan menunjukkan kecenderungan menurun dengan bertambahnya lama waktu pemancingan. Analisis kluster menunjukkan terdapat dua kluster produktivitas penangkapan selama 23 aktivitas pemancingan. Daerah penangkapan ikan dengan produksi terbesar berada pada rumpon dengan posisi geografi 04026’06,3”LS dan118031’44,8’’BT ; 04030’25.6”LS dan 118029’37,3’’BT. Produktivitas penangkapan menunjukkan tren menurun. Posisi geografi rumpon yang memiliki produksi tuna, cakalang dan tongkol adalah pada posisi 04026’06,3”LS dan 118031’44,8’’BT ; 04030’25.6”LS dan 118029’37,3’’BT.<br /><br />Kata kunci: rumpon, produktivitas penangkapan, pancing ulur, pelagis besar, Majene</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 69
Kholid Kurniawan ◽  
Lefrand Manoppo ◽  
Fanny Silooy ◽  
Alfret Luasunaung ◽  
Meta Sonya Sompie

The western part of North Minahasa waters is mainly covers by coral reef with relatively large potential of fishery resources including Octopus.  Fishermen of Budo village catches the Octopus by fishing gear known as sihoru or gara – gara boboca in local name with classified as trowling.  The goals of this study are to analyze the influence of using different colors of typical bait released to fishing catch and to identity the catches species.  Experimental method and T-Test wore using to analyze the data.  The result indicated that the color differences not influence to the number of catches, which the analysis probability of brown and black colors is 0.6041, the brown and red is 0.4762, the black and red is 0.8455 which all of these numbers or higher than α0.05 = 2.2281.  Based on this identification, Octopus cyanea is mainly catches.ABSTRAK        Perairan Minahasa Utara bagian Barat pada umumnya merupakan hamparan batu karang yang memiliki potensi sumber daya perikanan yang relatif melimpah salah satunya adalah gurita (Octopus).  Dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya ini masyarakat nelayan Desa Budo menangkap gurita menggunakan alat tangkap pancing yang disebut sihoru atau gara–gara boboca, alat tangkap ini adalah alat tangkap pancing jenis tonda. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan warna umpan terhadap jumlah hasil Tangkapan dan mengetahui spesies octopus hasil tangkapan.  Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitan adalah eksperimental dan dianalisis menggunakan metode statistik Uji T.  Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil  nilai analisis P coklat hitam dan sebesar 0.6041, coklat dan merah sebesar 0.4762, hitam dan merah sebesar 0.8455 yang semua nilainya berada diatas α0.05 = 2.2281 dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan warna umpan tidak berpengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan.  Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi gurita yang tertangkap adalah Octopus cyanea.

Ucha E. Janis ◽  
Alfret Luasunaung ◽  
Lefrand Manoppo

ABSTRACT The success of baited hook and line fishing gear is determined by the activity of fish in terms of finding and catching food. Adding shrimp extract on bait may increase the fishing power of the bait; but this kind of scientific information, particularly on the bottom hand line is not widely available. This study aimed to determine the effect of shrimp extracts on demersal fish catch in the surrounding fishing ground and to identify the species caught by the bottom hand line. This research was conducted in coastal waters Tateli Weru Village, District of Mandolang, Minahasa in October 2015 which was based on an experimental method. Six units of bottom hand line was operated, where three units using bait of scad mackerel marinated in shrimp extract, and three other units using plain bait of scad mackerel; and the data were analyzed using t-test. Total catches was 60 fish; 38 fish caught by bait with shrimp extract, and 22 fish caught by bait without shrimp extract. The results showed that use of bait with shrimp extract give more catches. Keywords: bottom hand line, extrack of shrimp, demersal fish, Tateli Weru   ABSTRAK Keberhasilan alat tangkap pancing dasar berumpan sangat ditentukan oleh aktivitas hidup ikan dalam hal mencari dan menangkap makanan. Pemberian ekstrak udang pada umpan diduga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan tangkap dari umpan; namun informasi ilmiah seperti ini, khususnya pada pancing dasar belum banyak tersedia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak udang terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan demersal di sekitar daerah penangkapan dan mengidentifikasi jenis ikan hasil tangkapan pancing dasar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan pantai Desa Tateli Weru, Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa  pada bulan Oktober 2015 yang didasarkan pada metode experimental. Enam unit pancing dasar dioperasikan, di mana tiga unit menggunakan umpan ikan malalugis yang direndam dalam ekstrak udang, dan tiga unit lainnya hanya menggunakan umpan ikan malalugis tanpa ekstrak; dan data dinalisis dengan uji t. Tangkapan total berjumlah 60 ekor; 38 ekor tertangkap dengan umpan yang diberi ekstrak udang, dan 22 ekor tertangkap dengan umpan tidak memiliki ekstrak udang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan ekstrak udang pada umpan memberikan hasil tangkapan yang lebih banyak. Kata-kata kunci: pancing dasar, ekstrak udang, ikan demersal, Tateli Weru

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Fajar Nurcahya Dwi Putra, Abdul Manan

Abstract Indonesia is a maritime country that has great potential of capture fisheries. There are various methods to conduct of fishing operations by fisherman, one of them is troling line. Troling line is a fishing equipment used to capture pelagic fish. The purpose of this study case is to know the technique of fishing operations by using a troling line, to find out the capture by a troling line, and to identify obstacles in the activities of fishing using a troling line. Monitoring was carried out in territory authority Prigi Nusantara Fishing Port, Watulimo, Trenggalek, East Java. This activities was held from July 19th to September 1st 2010. The method used are descriptive method with the retrieval of data includes primary data and secondary data. Data were collected by active participation, observation, and literature. Monitoring in production of troling line operation can be used to determine the effectiveness of troling line and overall process of catching up to the handling of post-catch yield. The process of fishing with the troling line respectivelly settings stage, trolling, and hauling. The kind of pelagic fish capture are Thunnus albacore, Katsuwonus pelamis, and Euthynus affinis. Total of capture is 4.556 kg. The results of this monitoring indicate that the troling line less effective in fishing operations. Barriers faced by the fishermen at PPN Prigi in conducting fishing operations is a technical problem and natural problem. Technical problem happening such as destruction of fishing gear during fishing operations.

2021 ◽  
Alpina Begossi ◽  
Svetlana Salyvonchyk ◽  
Branko Glamuzina ◽  
Alessandro Alves-Pereira ◽  
Carlos Batista ◽  

There are large gaps in our knowledge of the biology of important fish consumed by people in tropical countries, which makes conservation difficult. Small-scale fisheries are difficult to study and regulate, especially in countries with no systematic species monitoring. It is even more difficult to estimate the influence of these fisheries on vulnerable fish species and to diagnose possible damage to local fish populations. In this study, 490 individuals of badejo, or comb grouper (Mycteropeca acutirostris), were observed at the Posto 6 fishery in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, for the periods of 2013-2014 and 2018-2020. A pattern of decreasing catches was observed for comb grouper. Therefore, provided that the fishing gear and the number of fish have remained the same, the apparent decrease in comb grouper needs to be further investigated. The results provide information regarding the reproduction of comb grouper, with major spawning season around spring (September-December) and additional spawning during April in SE Brazil. Samples from 96 groupers along the coast of Brazil were obtained, and genetic analyses were conducted. The genetic information obtained for grouper species enabled us to determine the relative genetic proximity of M. acutirostris and Mycteroperca bonaci and to obtain information that can be useful for aquaculture and conservation.

Sugianto Talakana ◽  
Lefrrand Manoppo ◽  
Lusia Manu

Purse seine is considered to be the most productive fising gear to catch pelagic fish, so there are many purse seiners that based in Bitung Oceanic Fishing Port operate in Fisheries Management Area of the Republic of Indonesia (WPP) 715 Moluccas Sea. There was and  issue that the catches of purse seiner around FADs was classified as immature fish. Therefore,  necessary to study the diversity and distribution of purse seiner catches in the area.  The data collection was done by direct observation and active participation in the field and deep interviews with the crews of Grasia 04 purse seiner. At each hauling, twenty fish from each species were taken randomly measured their fork lengths.  Catches during the study consisted of six species; namely skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellow fin tuna (Thunnus albacores), little tuna (Auxis thazard), scad mackerel (Decapteru smacarellus), rainbow runner (Elagatis bipinnulata), oceanic trigger fish (Canthidermis maculata) and trevally (Selaroides leptolepis). The dominatcatch in each hauling were skipjack, yellowfin, tuna and scad mackerel. Results were showed that most of the catches of Grasia 04 purse seinerin the waters of Moluccas Sea not legal size.Keywords: Composition and distribution catch, purse seiner Grasia 04, Molucca Sea. ABSTRAKAlat tangkap purse seine dianggap paling produktif untuk menangkap ikan pelagis, sehingga banyak kapal purse seine yang berpangkalan di  Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bitung beroperasi di Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan RI (WPP) 715 Laut Maluku. Beberapa issue menyebutkan bahwa hasil tangkapan purse seine terutama di sekitar rumpon tergolong ikan-ikan yang belum dewasa. Oleh karena itu, perlu mempelajari keragaman dan distribusi hasil tangkapan purse seine di wilaya tersebut.  Pengumpulam data dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan langsung dan partisifasi aktif dilapangan, wawancara dengan anak buah kapal KM Grasia 04. Pada setiap kali hauling, diambil secara acak 20 ekor ikan sampel setiap jenis dan mengukur panjang bakunya.  Hasil tangkapan selama penelitian adalah 6 jenis  ikan; yaitu ikan cakalang (Katsuwonuspelamis), madidihang (Thunnusalbacores), tongkol (Auxis thazard), malalugis (Decapterus macarellus), sunglir (Elagatis bipinnulata), tato batang (Canthidermis maculata) dan selar (Selaroides leptolepis).Tetapi hasil tangkapan yang dominan pada setiap hauling adalah cakalang, madidihang, tongkol dan malalugis. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa sebagian besar hasil tangkapan kapal purse seine Grasia 04 di perairan Laut Maluku belum layak tangkap.Kata kunci: Komposisi dan distribusi tangkapan, pukat cincin KM Grasia 04, Laut Maluku

Hariyadi DM ◽  
Athiyah U ◽  
Hendradi E ◽  
Rosita N ◽  
Erawati T ◽  

The prevention of Diabetic Mellitus (DM) and its complications is the main aim of this study, in addition to the training of lotion foot care application and the development of small scale industry. The research team delivered knowledge in the form of training on Diabetic Mellitus, healthy food, treatment and prevention of complications, and small-scale production of cosmetic products. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between training on diabetic and lotion foot care application as preventive measures against diabetic complications on the patient's blood glucose levels in the community of residents in Banyuurip Jaya, Surabaya. It was expected from this training that the knowledge of the residents increases and people living with diabetic undergo lifestyle changes and therefore blood sugar levels can be controlled. The parameters measured in this research were blood glucose levels, the anti diabetic drug types consumed, and compliance on diabetics. This study used the data taken from 60 patients with DM over a period of one month. Questionnaires and log books was used to retrieve data and changes in blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. The results showed the demographic data of patients with type 2 diabetic of 85% female and 15% male, with the range of patients aged of 61-70 years of 46.67% and had history of diabetic (90%). The history of drugs consumed by respondents was anti diabetic drugs such as metformin (40%), glimepiride (33.37%) and insulin (6.67%). In addition, the increased knowledge of DM patients after being given the training compared to before training was shown in several questions in the questionnaire. A statistical analysis using t-test analyzed a correlation between training provided in order to enhance understanding of the patient, as well as correlation with blood glucose levels. A paired T-test showed that there was a relationship between the knowledge of trainees before and after training (p less than 0.05). An interesting result was that there was no relationship between blood glucose levels before and after training provided (p> 0.05).

M. Mandić ◽  
I. Leonori ◽  
A. De Felice ◽  
S. Gvozdenović ◽  
A. Pešić

Abstract Anguillid leptocephali of three Congridae species (Conger conger, Ariosoma balearicum and Gnathophis mistax) were caught as bycatch of pelagic trawls during acoustic surveys targeting small pelagic fish species in the southern Adriatic Sea, carried out under the framework of the Italian MEDIAS project (western side) and its extension in the ambit of the FAO AdriaMed project (eastern side). Results refer to the findings of Congridae leptocephali during surveys conducted in 2011, 2014, 2015 and 2016. A total of 25 specimens were caught and analysed (morphological features and pigmentation patterns). Leptocephali of Conger conger were found in the range of 8.4–13.1 cm total length (TL) (between 50 and 132 m depth), Ariosoma balearicum from 9.7–12.2 cm TL (between 50 and 128 m depth) and for Gnathophis mystax in the range from 6.4–11.7 cm TL (between 40 and 79 m depth). The results indicate that the southern Adriatic Pit could be the spawning area of these species in the Adriatic Sea. Present data represent a contribution to existing knowledge about the ecology of leptocephali from the Congridae family in the southern Adriatic Sea, and also indicate the existence of differences in morphometric parameters between different areas, that is, the possibility of the existence of new geographic lines within the genus Ariosoma in the Adriatic Sea.

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