2012 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 49-57
O.M. Grigorieva ◽  
T.M. Grigorieva ◽  
P.B. Liman ◽  
L.M. Tokmakova

The influence of presowing seed treatment of corn, spring barley and winter wheat on growth, development and productivity of these cultures was studied. It was established that nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-mobilizing microorganisms and their combinations enhance biometrical parameters of plants, influence positively on the productivity and quality of grain comparatively to control.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-57
Морозов ◽  
Gennadiy Morozov ◽  
Таланов ◽  
Pavel Talanov ◽  
Таланов ◽  

The article presents the results of studies on the effect of pre-sowing seed treatment by electromagnetic impact to reduce phytopathogens on seeds, involvement of plants by root rot and leafy mycosis and improving the productivity and quality of winter rye grain.

2019 ◽  
pp. 34-39
Aleksey Ivanovich Silaev ◽  
Lyudmila Denisovna Grishechkina ◽  
Vera Gennadievna Churikova

The effectiveness of the insecticofungicide Prestige, KS, used to protect plants from damage by diseases and damage by pests in the first stages of ontogenesis is shown. Presowing seed treatment with a preparation with a flow rate of 2.5–3.5 l/t reduced the incidence of winter wheat with root rot of rhizoctoniosis etiology by 62.9%. The biological effectiveness of the Prestige, KS (3.5 l / t) on moderately infectious background was also quite high - 59.5%, however, it was 9.0% lower than the standard. It practically did not influence overwintering of plants. After application of Prestige, KS were in the norm of 2.5 and 3.5 l/t, and Maxim Extreme, KS in the norm of 1.75 l/t, the number of plants preserved by spring varied from 91.9 to 92.9%, that is higher than in the control by 3.9–4.9%. The application of insectofungicide Prestige, KS at a rate of 2.5 l/t on spring wheat sowings reduced the number of grain fleas by more than 80.0%and the damage of the stems by the larvae of cereal flies by 74.3%. This preparation  is not phytotoxic with respect to cereals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 284 ◽  
pp. 03012
Bakhrom Azizov ◽  
Shavkat Djabborov ◽  
Saodat Asatova ◽  
Nodira Kuchkorova

In recent years, the increase in grain yield under irrigated conditions has led to a decrease in technological quality of grain. The main reason for this is the lack of nitrogen during the grain formation in wheat on gray soils with low humus content. Under irrigated conditions, one of the most urgent tasks is to increase the grain yield of winter wheat and improve technological quality. According to the results of scientific research, today winter wheat absorbs 50-55% of nitrogen fertilizers, 20-22% of phosphorus fertilizers and 55-60% of potassium fertilizers. Some of the nitrogen fertilizers not assimilated by the plant are released into the air in the ammonia state, while some are washed into the groundwater in the nitrite and nitrate state. This situation has a negative impact on the environment. This condition is prevented when the leaf orchids are fed, as well as the rate of absorption of phosphorus by the plant increases sharply.

А. Д. Гирка ◽  
І. О. Кулик ◽  
О. Г. Андрейченко

Представлені результати вивчення впливу застосування мікродобрив на урожайність вівса та ячменю ярого в північному Степу. Встановлено, щокомплексне застосування мікродобрив за обробки насіння та обприскування посівів забезпечує підвищення врожайності вівса на 10 %, ячменю – на 15 % залежно від попередника. Виявлено, що більш адаптованим до посушливих умов є овес: він забезпечив на 0,72 т/га (30,9 %) більшу врожайністьпорівняно з ячменем. Кращим попередником для згаданих культур є пшениця озима, вирощування після якої забезпечувало формування врожайностізерна вівса на 10,1 та 18,1 %, а ячменю – на 20,4 та 23,7 % більше, ніж після кукурудзи МВС та соняшника відповідно. The results of studying the influence of the use of fertilizers on crop yield of oats and spring barley in the Northern Steppe. It is established, that a complex application of micro seed treatment and spraying of crops provides increased productivity of oats by 10%, barley – 15% depending on the predecessor. Found that more adapted to arid conditions are oats that provided by 0.72 t per ha (30.9%) higher yield than barley. The best predecessor for these crops are winter wheat, cultivation after which ensured grain yield formation of oats by 10.1 and 18.1%, and barley – by 20.4 and 23.7% more than after maize for forage and sunflower respectively.

2019 ◽  
pp. 121-126
L. H. Pohorila ◽  
L. P. Chornolata ◽  
T. V. Naidina ◽  
S. M. Lykhach ◽  
L. P. Zdor ◽  

One of the main conditions for cultivating grain crops is the production of high yields of high quality grain. However, even well-formed healthy-looking seed are not always of good quality. Wheat grain infestation with mycoflora occurs at different times, e.g. in the period of vegetation, during harvesting, especially in conditions of high humidity, during threshing, during storage of seeds with high humidity. Mycoflora on the seeds can be saprophytic (penicillas, mucor, alternaria, aspergillas, etc.) and pathogenic (helminthiosporium, fusariosis, septoriosis, etc.). The purpose of our research was to study the level of winter wheat infestation with pathogenic microorganisms, to determine their species composition and to investigate whether the level of grain infestation affects protein and gluten content. The species composition of the epiphytic mycoflora of winter wheat grain during the harvesting period and its influence on the food quality of grain are studied, measures are taken to limit its harmfulness.

M. Krut

Goal. Database formation of innovations in the scientific provision of breeding crops for resistance to pathogens and pests — grounds for creating sustainable varieties. Methods. Analysis of innovative development of the Institute of Plant Protection of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine and other institutions of the Scientific and Methodological Center «Protection of Plants» for 2001—2020. Isolation of those relating to the problem of grain crops’ resistance to pests and pathogens. Results. Methods of selection of wheat and barley for resistance to basic pathogens of diseases and methodology for assessing the stability of winter wheat stability to pests to create complex resistant varieties are developed. A database for the resistance of corn hybrids against main pests was created. Methods of determining the stability of grain crops to high and low temperatures are developed. A collection of samples of wild relative of wheat Aegilops biuncialis L. that are sources of new genes for plant resistance to diseases and pests was created. Genes of resistance of soft winter wheat to diseases by DNA markers have been identified. A set of varieties of winter wheat with group and complex resistance to diseases and pests has been formed. Physiological and biochemical mechanisms of soybean resistance to pathogens of diseases are established. Collection of soybean lines is created on the basis of complex resistance to white rot and anthracnosis. The varieties and selection numbers of spring barley, oats, resistant to basic diseases, as well as rice varieties that are resistant to pathogens of diseases and pests were identified. Resistance to viral diseases has been found in barley plants. Conclusions. The established innovations can be widely used by breeding centers and other scientific institutions of the agrarian profile when of output sustainable grain and leguminous grain crops. In this case, the timing of the selection process can be accelerated by 40—60%.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-24
Гарифуллина ◽  
Liana Garifullina ◽  
Таланов ◽  
Ivan Talanov

The article presents the application results of pre-sowimg seeds treatment methods and nutrition backgrounds on productivity and quality of winter wheat grain.

П. Бугаев ◽  
С. Абдельхамид

Обсуждаются результаты исследований о влиянии совместного применения протравителя Поларис и микроудобрения Силиплант, а также различных видов удобрений на фотосинтетическую деятельность посевов, урожайность и качество урожая ячменя. Выявлено, что применение протравителя Поларис для обработки семян позволило повысить всхожесть в поле в среднем на 3,9, а обработка семян баковой смесью Полариса и микроудобрения Силиплант увеличила полевую всхожесть на 21,3 по сравнению с контролем и на 17,4 по сравнению с обработкой семян только Поларисом. Показана положительная роль Органика и органоминерального удобрения ЭкоФус на выживаемость растений к уборке, где применение препарата Органик обеспечило повышение выживаемости на 8,19,5, а обработка посевов органоминеральным удобрением ЭкоФус увеличило выживаемость на 11,813,5 по сравнению с контролем. Обработка семян баковой смесью Силипланта с Поларисом и внесение органоминерального удобрения Экофус оказало положительное влияние на формирование фотосинтетического потенциала, который составил 1200,3 тыс. м2/гадн, что на 227,3 тыс. м2/гадн больше, чем в варианте с необработанными семенами. Баковая смесь Силипланта с Поларисом повысила урожайность ячменя в среднем за 2 года на 0,65 т/га по сравнению с контролем, на 0,34 т/га по сравнению с Силиплантом и на 0,17 т/га по сравнению с Поларисом. В среднем за 2 года наибольшая урожайность ячменя Михайловский была получена в варианте с применением ЭкоФуса (2 л/га) 4,58 т/га, что на 1,03 т/га больше, чем в контроле, на 0,33 т/га больше, чем при внесении минерального азота, и на 0,17 т/га больше, чем при внесении препарата Органик. В условиях достаточного увлажнения в 2017 году наибольший урожай ячменя был получен при внесении Органика и органоминерального удобрения ЭкоФус и составил соответственно 5,11 и 5,89 т/га. В условиях недостатка влаги в 2018 году более высокий урожай получен при внесении минерального азота 4,05 т/га. Содержание белка в зерне в большей степени повышалось при внесении минерального азота N50, причём при недостатке влаги отмечалось более существенное увеличение белка, тогда как при внесении органоминерального удобрения ЭкоФус отмечена тенденция к снижению содержания белка в зерне ячменя, что очень важно для пивоваренного ячменя. This article deals with effects of disinfectant Polaris, microfertilizer Siliplant and other fertilizers on barley photosynthetic activity, productivity and grain quality. Application of Polaris improved germination ability by 3.9 while use of Polaris and Siliplant together by 21.3. Fertilizers Organik and EkoFus increased plant viability by 8.19.5 and 11.813.5, respectively. Seed treatment with Siliplant and Polaris and fertilization by EkoFus positively affected plant photosynthetic potential that amounted to 1200.3 thousand m2 days ha1, exceeding the control by 227.3 thousand m2 days ha1. For 2 years Siliplant and Polaris improved barley productivity by 0.65 t ha1 compared to the control, 0.34 t ha1 compared to Siliplant and 0.17 t ha1 compared to Polaris. The highest productivity happened under EkoFus application (4.58 t ha1) exceeding the control by 1.03 t ha1, mineral nitrogen by 0.33 t ha1, and Organik treatment by 0,17 t ha1. Under sufficient water content barley Mikhaylovskiy yielded the best under Organik and EkoFus application (5.11 and 5.89 t ha1, respectively). Under water deficit mineral nitrogen was more effective providing yield of 4.05 t ha1. Fertilization with N50 resulted in the highest increase of protein content in grain. EkoFus caused decrease in protein accumulation.

Z.M. Aleschenkova ◽  
P.V. Rybaltovskaya ◽  
I.N. Ananyeva ◽  

The goal of the work was to study the effect of introducing nitrogenfixing and phosphate-mobilizing bacteria into liquid biohumus on its growth-promoting properties. The group of ammonifying microorganisms dominates in the structure of microbocenosis of liquid biohumus, constituting 98.46 %. The introduction of nitrogenfixing bacterial strains B. aryabhattai Cp-1 and phosphate-mobilizing Ps. Fluorescens Pr-2 at 10 % concentration in 1 % liquid biohumus (initial pH 9.5) changes pH to 7.8. Winter wheat seed treatment with liquid biohumus enriched with Ps. Fluorescens Pr-2 increases length and dry weight of seedlings by 40.0 and 80.2%; with B. aryabhattai Ср-1 – by 16.3 and 2.0% compared to the control (1% liquid biohumus). Application of liquid biohumus enriched with pseudomonades and bacilli for the treatment of cress-lettuce seeds provides increase of length and crude weight of seedlings by 25.7 and 20.0; 5.0 and 10.0%, respectively.

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