scholarly journals The Web-Based Outpatient Information System at Community Health Center

Community Health Center is one of the agencies engaged in public health services. As technology advances in the health sector, an application is needed to accelerate and facilitate the Community Health Center in delivering information about Community Health Center and can be accessed by the public without limited space and time. Therefore this final project aims to provide information by improving the quality of Community Health Center by facilitating websites so that they can support the development of Community Health Center services. With the establishment of a Web-Based Outpatient Patient Information System at Talangpadang Community Health Center, it is hoped that it can facilitate the community to get the information needed, related to the Talangpadang Community Health Center. This application is Web-based, using the Web programming language, PHP, MySQL

2020 ◽  
Vol 1569 ◽  
pp. 022012
Sustin Farlinda ◽  
Mochammad Choirur Roziqin ◽  
Faiqatul Hikmah ◽  
Yogi Pratama

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-104
Agus Nursikuwagus

Information system at community health center is an information system that has several activities, such as registration, medical record, health care, and reporting.  Day to day operation, community health service, is using process manually. It is cause the stack of service. Sometime, the patient has to wait within several times. For Further, the patient did not know that the queuing is full. In order to help the problem, this paper wants to show about E-Health as service software. The research is completed by conveying the model like UML diagram. The UML diagrams are consisting such as usecase, class, activity, and component. The sequence of system construct is using Prototype Paradigm. The result is the software which has ability to service patient start from registration, medical check, medical prescription, until reporting. As an impact for Community health service is the service more efficiency. The system is able to control the medicine and reporting on day to day operation.   REFERENCES[1] Susanto, Gunawan,” Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis PadaRumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Pacitan Berbasis WebBase”. Pacitan. 2012.[2] B, Nugroho, S.H. Fitriasih, B. Widada, “Sistem InformasiRekam Medis Di Puskesmas Masaran I Sragen”. JournalTIKomSiN, vol.5, no.1, p.49-56, 2017.[3] G.G.S. Bagja,” Membangun Sistem Informasi KesehatanPuskesmas Cibaregbeg”, Univ. Komp. Indonesia, 2010.[4] A.M. Herdy, Aulia, M. Amran, D. Novita, “PerancanganSistem Informasi Pelayanan Medis Di Puskesmas SungaiDua”, STMIK MDP. 2014.[5] J. Sundari, “Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Puskesmas BerbasisWeb”, Int.Journal.on Soft.Eng, vol.2, no.1, p.57-62, 2016.[6] R.S. Pressman, Software Engineering A PractitionersApproach. Nineth Edition, Addsion Wesley, 2011.[7] G. Booch, J. Rumbaugh, I. Jacobson, Unified ModelingLanguage User Guide, Addison-Wesley, 1999.[8] I, Daqiqil. (2011, August 2). Framework CodeIgnite. [Online].Available:

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
R.A. Marlien ◽  
Alimuddin R R ◽  
Ali Muslihin

Community health center as a community health service center has an important value in building a healthy and productive society. The existence of in-patient service at a public health center has been highly expected by the public who suffer from illnesess. The general public expects the nearest health center to resolve arising issues related to their illnesses. The purpose of this study was to test the effect of the Image and the Service Quality on Customer Commitment with Trust mediation. The data compiled were analysed by Linear Regression. The findings show that the Image and Service Quality significantly show a direct effect to Trust and Customer Commitment, but the Trust variable do not mediated Image and Customer Commitment. The majority of in-patients are farmers and they are more likely to feel safe and confident when treated in health centers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-19
Risti Mariati ◽  
Ni Luh Ketut Dewi Aryasari

Introduction. Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) still a major couse of disease morbidity and mortality in toodlers. ARI is a common disease with mild to severe manifestations. This study aims to determinate the relations of formula feeding with a frequency occurrence of ARI in children aged 1-3 years in sobo community health center Banyuwangi. Methods. The study design was cross sectional, population in this study were all mothers of children aged 1-3 years who were given formula milk are visiting in Sobo community health center Banyuwangi using 42 maternal samples with Accidental sampling method.  Results. test showed values 0,000 < α (0,05) it can be concluded alternative hypothesis accepted and hypothes 0 rejected, it means there is a relationship between formula feeding with a frequency occurance of ARI in children aged 1-3 years in Sobo community health center Banyuwangi. Conclusion. The result of this study can be concluded that the factor causing respiratory infection or ARI is formula feeding, toodlers were are given formula milk will be easier exposed ARI. Sobo community health center Banyuwangi expected to improve public health services, for example by providing health education on the impact of formula feeding.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-62
Tri Wahyu Widyaningsih

One way to reduce congestion in big cities is by reducing the use of private vehicles. That is by improving the service and convenience of public transport such as accessing route information easily. The Web Based Public Transportation Information System is designed using SDLC. The system is expected to be able to assist the public in accessing the route information of public transportation on land. The results of this study is a web-based application interface that includes public transportation routes in the Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. Index Terms— Information System, Public Transport Route, SDLC, Web Based, Jadetabek.

Sayati Mandia

Puskesmas merupakan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan yang menyelenggarakan upaya kesehatan masyarakat dan upaya kesehatan perseorangan tingkat pertama. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya puskesmas berwenang untuk untuk melaksanakan pencatatan dan pelaporan kesehatan pasien serta melakukan evaluasi terhadap mutu dan cakupan pelayanan kesehatan. Pencatatan dan pelaporan pasien dapat dilihat dari berkas rekam medis pasien. Rekam medis pada sarana kesehatan non rumah sakit wajib disimpan sekurang-kurangnya untuk jangka waktu dua tahun terhitung dari tanggal terakhir pasien berobat. Setelah batas waktu penyimpanan dilampaui maka rekam medis dapat dimusnahkan. Puskesmas Kuranji merupakan salah satu puskemas di kota padang yang berlamat dikecamatan Kuranji. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan petugas rekam medis, hingga saat ini Puskesmas Kuranji belum melakukan retensi dan pemusnahan berkas rekam medis sedangkan ruangan penyimpanan hanya ada satu. Berdasarkan pemaparan masalah di atas, maka pengabdi bermaksud untuk melakukan sosialisasi dan praktik langsung mengenai retensi dan pemusnahan berkas rekam medis di Puskesmas Kuranji Kota Padang. Target dan luaran dari pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah kegiatan ini dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk pelaksanaan retensi dan penghancuran berkas rekam medis. Target kedepannya agar sosialisi ini dapat digunakan sebagai dasar kegiatan retensi dan penghancuran berkas rekam medis. Kata Kunci: Puskesmas, Retensi, Pemusnahan, Rekam Medis ABSTRACT Public health center (PHC) is a health service facility that organizes public health efforts and first-level individual health efforts. In carrying out its duties PHC is authorized to carry out the recording and reporting of patient health and to evaluate the quality and scope of health services. Patient recording and reporting can be seen from the patient's medical record file. Medical records in non-hospital healthcare facilities must be kept for at least two years from the date the patient was treated. After the storage time limit is exceeded, the medical record can be destroyed. The Kuranji Community Health Center is one of the public health centers in the city of Padang which is well-known in the Kuranji sub-district. Based on the results of interviews with medical record officers, up to now the Kuranji Community Health Center has not retained and destroyed medical record files while there is only one storage room. Based on the explanation of the problem above, the service intends to conduct socialization and direct practice regarding the retention and destruction of medical record files at the Kuranji Health Center in Padang City. The target and output of the implementation of community service activities is that this activity can be used as consideration for the implementation of retention and destruction of medical record files. The future target is that this socialization can be used as a basis for retention and destruction of medical records. Keywords: Puskesmas, Retention, Destruction, Medical Record

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-78
TM Zaini ◽  
M Iqbal Kadafi Nasution

The information system at Kampung Sawah Community Health Center has several features such as patient registration, patient medical records, patient services, queues, and medical reports. Aim of this information system development is to facilitate the performance of administrators and doctors of Kampung Sawah Community Health Center in terms of searching patients’ data, storing the patient data, adding and storing the medical records, making the reports, and speeding up the data entry and identity data of the patients through fingerprint feature. This system facilitated the officials and doctors to process anywhere and the patient data was safe from physical disturbances because this system was connected to the internet.This medical record information system was built through PHP programming language supported by MySQL database. The design of this system involved the data flow diagrams. The result of this system was that the web-based information system for medical record had successfully been created and used by Kampung Sawah Community Health Center.Keywords: Information Systems, Medical Record, Web, Fingerprint

Siti Sufaidah ◽  
Muhyiddin Zainul Arifin ◽  
Mochammad Chumaidi

Revenue and Expenditure Budget Village or abbreviated to APBDes every year among all the village's equipment is always busy with the utilization or management of village revenues to be allocated to several activities that aim to build the village. The main obstacles in APBDes management are lack of reporttransparency, inefficient performance, inadequate reporting thus hampering the implementation of rural development. As a form of effort to overcome this problem, it is necessary to design software application reports realization of web-based village budget usage. APBDes realization information system is web-based, using PHP web programming language and MySQL database. In implementing this system, it must be implemented or uploaded on the web server to be accessible on the internet. Because this implementation isexperimental, the author uses the XAMPP application as his web server. With the presence of these systems, the public can get information about APBDes easily without having to come to the village hall or ask for the explanation to the village apparatus and Government at the kecamatan level can also control and evaluate the reporting of APBDes relaisaasi online. So the transparency of realization of APBDes can be realized and able to answer people's doubts about the village apparatus and monitor the progress and development of their village.Keywords:APBDes, Information System, Website, Reporting, Village Finance

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