scholarly journals Interactive Methods of Teaching the Humanities in Higher Education Institutions

The article analyzes modern methods of interactive teaching of humanities in higher education institutions. A characteristic feature of interactive learning is the constant, active interaction of all participants in the educational process (teacher - student, teacher - students, students - students). It focuses on the fact that student-centered learning requires teachers to use the latest methods, providing the maximum connection of theoretical information with its practical application, the development of professional skills by directly solving cases and problematic situations. Characteristic of modern higher education is the development of critical thinking of students using such methods as "Fish bone", Bloom's daisy, Bloom's cube, Brainstorming, six hats of de Bono thinking and more. Interactive learning is based on a personal-activity approach that focuses on the use of both situational and nonsituational learning methods. Extremely important for professional activity and team work is the ability to express their own ideas and prove their viability. For this purpose, teachers of higher education institutions use such methods as debate, aquarium, PRES method, discussions, "Choose/change position", etc. The creative component of education is an integral part of professional development. With this in mind, the article analyzes such forms of student work as writing essays, syncveins, diamonds, portfolios, etc. Interactive learning methods motivate participants in the learning process to learn, stimulate their independent thinking and decision-making, develop imagination and cognitive interest. These methods can create an educational environment in which theory and practice are acquired simultaneously, contributing to critical and logical thinking, the formation of personality.

Tetiana Rybchenko Keser

The article focuses on the theoretical and methodological aspects of the use of interactive learning and its advantages over traditional learning. The use of interactive learning in both secondary and higher education is analyzed. The research goal is to theoretically substantiate and highlight the introduction of methods of the model of training future Ukrainian language and literature teachers by means of interactive learning technologies, as well as to determine the factors of their choice. The main research methods used were analysis, generalization and modeling, observation, synthesis, systematization. The results of the conducted research allowed the author to reveal the qualities that a future teacher of Ukrainian language and literature should possess; to describe some pedagogical problems of training the future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature by means of interactive learning technologies.The benefit of this study is the defined content of interactive learning, which is believed to be a specially organized comfortable mutual learning of participants of the educational process as equal its subjects, which provides for their continuous active interaction, during which each of the students realizes and reflects all its knowledge and actions, feels successful and intellectually capable. The author identified such interactive learning methods of the model of training future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature in higher education institutions as: trainings, educational discussions; game technologies; interactive lectures: problem lectures, lecture-visualization, binary lecture, lecture-press conference, round table, cases, brainstorming. Moreover, the most used interactive learning methods of training future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature in universities are given and theoretically grounded; they are training, discussion, role playimg, method of «Spoiled phone», method of «remote project work Minecraft», «Сourt hearing», «Augmented reality», use of presentations. The author highlights their introduction into the work of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, states the positive aspects of interactive learning compared to classical one, determines seven factors for the choice of methods. As a result the author makes a conclusion that the use of interactive technologies not only contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual understanding in the educational institution, but also implements the basic principles of personality-oriented learning.

Anna Stareva

The author reveals the necessity of introducing into the educational and professional programs of preparation of masters of non-pedagogical specialties of the discipline "Didactics of higher education". Formation of pedagogical competences of the teacher of the higher school will allow the future specialists professional activity in the institutions of higher education. The article reveals the essence of didactic competence and peculiarities of its formation in higher education students in the current conditions of organizing the initial process. The competency approach should permeate all aspects of student training. Therefore, a special (didactic) competence should be included in the list of the graduates' learning outcomes. The didactic competence is the ability to apply knowledge of psychology and pedagogy (didactics) in the educational process of higher education institutions. In the orientation of the educational and professional program of the master of non-pedagogical specialties it is necessary to enter competencies that allow him to engage in teaching activities. General competences add to the ability to carry out pedagogical activities using innovative educational technologies, and special competences add to the ability to organize the educational process and carry out scientific research in order to solve topical problems of the theory, methodology, organization and practice of higher education students. One of the most important compulsory (normative) disciplines that enable the future specialist to teach special and professional disciplines in higher education institutions should be "Didactic of Higher Education". This is the main feature of forming didactic competence in higher education institutions. But the competent approach in higher education does not come down to a separate discipline, but because the phenomenon of integral and dynamic develops in the process of formal, non-formal and informal education and is in constant development and self-development. All stages of preparation of the master of non-pedagogical specialties for teaching activity should be directed on achievement of the main purpose of the educational process — formation of pedagogical competences of applicants of higher education.

Tetiana Boyko ◽  

The article highlights the specifics of professional activity of future foreign language teachers, which proves that increasing their competitiveness and reforming the system of general secondary and higher education in Ukraine increase the requirements for professional training of future foreign language teachers. It is stated that in the process of introduction of the latest information technologies in all spheres of activity of educational institutions the problem of formation of their information communicative competence in the process of studying in higher education institutions acquires special significance in the training of future foreign language teachers. The article describes the phenomenon of «multimedia technology» as a computer technology that allows you to flexibly manage the flow of various information. It is emphasized that there is no single approach to this phenomenon. The purpose of this article is to characterize the problem of multimedia technologies as a means of improving the effectiveness of professional training of future foreign language teachers. The author’s research proves that at the present stage the work on the introduction of multimedia in the educational process of higher education is carried out in two directions: the first is that multimedia is included in the educational process as an «aid» using traditional methods of education; the second direction involves changing the content of education, reviewing the methods and forms of organization of the educational process, building holistic courses based on the use of content in certain disciplines of higher education institutions that train future foreign language teachers. The article states that the use of multimedia by applicants for higher education, future teachers of foreign languages and ensuring the systematic use of multimedia technologies should be consistent with the didactic goals of professional training of applicants for higher education in foreign languages.

Olha Demianenko ◽  
Rymma Maiboroda ◽  

As the title implies, a scientific paper reveals the issue of an efficiency of professional activity of foreign language teachers in higher education institutions in the context of SIOP model. The problem of this study is that in spite of the stressed importance of teaching skills, student teachers lack many of the English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching skills which may have a negative impact on their teaching performance that in turn affects their teaching self-efficacy. The methods of applying SIOP model and the effect of using SIOP model on developing EFL student teachers’ teaching skills are studied. It is emphasized that among the multiple factors that affect students’ achievement is teacher effectiveness. Thus, the challenge remains to improve and promote the effectiveness of teachers in an effort to increase students’ academic achievement. The positive and negative aspects of the education shift towards SIOP model are identified, the principles of enhancing innovative educational process effectiveness are revealed. It is worth noting that any professional development of foreign language teachers in higher education institutions must address specific knowledge and attitudes that are relevant to teaching foreign language learners. Teachers need to understand basic constructs of the second language development, the nature of language proficiency, the role of the first language and culture in learning, and the demands that mainstream education places on culturally diverse students. There is growing evidence that professional development approaches that are guided by teacher input and that view teacher learning as continual and transformative makes higher education institutions a better place for students and staff. The results indicated that introduction of SIOP model has opened up a number of problems associated with the introduction of such training services. It is stressed that the factors of SIOP model can guide limited English proficient students and suggest some useful strategies for language teachers to handle the students’ difficulties in language comprehension. It should be stressed that the introduction of SIOP model in modern educational process opens up wide horizons and unlimited possibilities for the efficiency of professional activity of foreign language teachers in higher education institutions, which have yet to be studied and mastered by modern pedagogical science.

Vira Brednyova ◽  
Iryna Prochorets ◽  
Olga Smychkovskaya

The gradual process of reforming educational activities lays new demands on education in the higher education system of Ukraine, and therefore there is a need to improve the methodology of teaching any discipline, to continuously monitor the quality of applicants’ educational success, as well as to apply the competence-based approach to education, in general. The article determines the relevance of the study of the educational process optimization in higher education institutions (HEI), including mastering modern principles of teaching Graphic disciplines the creation of which contributes to the active formation of professional competence of students majoring in artistic and architectural specialties. The process of education in HEI is known to be a significant factor in the socialization of a personality, since in addition to acquiring new knowledge and professional competences, it also promotes self-education and self-realization in future life. The authors reveal the peculiarities, technological means and methods of teaching Graphic disciplines and organization of the educational process for freshman and sophomore students of art-related HEI. There is a need to increase the efficiency not only of classroom contact hours, but also of the extracurricular work. This requires that teachers should constantly search for new ways and approaches that could facilitate mastering of educational material. The model of the educational process for near future is one of the directions determining the improvement of the whole education system and involves this type of training, which is characterized by a considerable amount of independent work, which also requires a sufficiently high level of stable skills of individual graphic competence. In this regard, the formation of students’ motivation and interest throughout the educational process in HEI, the recognition of the necessity to obtain a quality graphic education, which is the key to success in their future professional activity, are of great importance.

Ji Yiping

With the introduction of digital educational technologies, the learning process is changing. Digital technologies are not only a tool, but also a living environment for modern learners, which opens up new opportunities: learning at any convenient time, continuing education, the ability to form individual educational routes for students. However, such an environment requires teachers to take a different approach to the organization of the educational process, to acquire new skills and abilities for work, in particular the formation of their digital competence in the digital educational space. In these conditions, the system of pedagogical education should provide training for future teachers of art disciplines, which has a high level of digital competence. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the concept of «digital competence» on the basis of the analysis of scientific literature and to determine the methods of formation of future art disciplines teachers’ digital competence in higher education institutions of China. To achieve the goal of the study, the following research methods were used: analysis of scientific literature, observation, systems analysis, comparative analysis, modeling method, classification method; methods of comparative analysis and analogy, design method; methods of systematization, generalization, logical analysis, analysis of personal experience of teaching and learning, comparison and interpretation of the obtained data. The results of the study show that the digital competence of future teachers of art disciplines consists of four components: motivational-personal (internal and external motives for their future professional activity), cognitive (a set of theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities of future teachers to effectively organize the educational process using digital teaching aids), activity (practical implementation of professional and pedagogical knowledge of a future teacher, his intellectual, cognitive, technical, design and technological skills, necessary skills for effective implementation of digital technologies in the educational process) and reflection-evaluation (ability to analyze and self-analyze, coordination of goals, methods and results, awareness of their style of activity, readiness for their creative change). Conclusions. These components of digital competence of future teachers of art disciplines should be formed taking into account the specifics of professional activity and appropriate methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-90
Aleksandr I. Bokarev ◽  
Еlena S. Denisova ◽  
Ivan A. Ignatovich ◽  
Aleksandr Yu. Kazakov

Introduction. This article describes how universities are fulfilling their training assignments. Its relevance is determined by the growing need of teachers to correlate the learning results of specialists-to-be with learning assignments. The aim of the article is to describe a method for assessing the learning management system of higher education institutions by analysing learning outcomes and graduates’ turn-out. Materials and Methods. The study relies on the collection and analysis of the results of specialists’ training between 2015 and 2019. The joint use of the obtained data and methods of normative forecasting and interpolation allowed the authors to calculate and measure the intermediate results relative to the final ones, to build educational trajectories, which made it possible to evaluate the learning management system by dealing with training results and graduates turn-out. Results. For the first time the authors of the article showed that the measured results demonstrated not only the scope of specialists’ training and graduation, but they evaluated management of the educational process and developed necessary management decisions to regulate standards and measures for specialists’ training and graduation according to the specified final results. Discussion and Conclusion. The conclusions contribute to the development of the concept of learning management systems, provided that there are specified final results of the specialists’ graduation. Findings are of interest to the scientific and pedagogical community, professors, teaching staff and leadership of educational institutions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (513) ◽  
pp. 105-110
I. V. Nosach ◽  
N. V. Vodolazska ◽  

The article is aimed at studying aspects and methods of teaching international economic relations in higher education institutions of Ukraine. On analyzing the latest research and publications by scholars, the general theoretic foundations of professional training of future economists of international relations were considered. The article highlights and theoretically substantiates the problem of training future specialists of international economic relations in higher education institutions of Ukraine; the main aspects and methods for elimination of this problem are defined. The methods of teaching economic disciplines in universities, which are directed towards improving the educational process, are presented; the application of information technologies in the process of mastering the material is analyzed. Thus, the professional activity of the student is primarily connected with the analysis of specific factual material, figures, analysis, etc. However, such is the picture at first glance, and if you delve into the essence, it becomes clear that a professional – economist of international relations has to be able of figuring out people, actions and specific events in accordance with the information analyzed. In general, one can say that the purpose of economic education is to form modern economic thinking in the context of combining the ordering of economic reality and awareness of one’s place therein. In this regard, special attention should be paid to higher education, in particular the study of international economic relations, training of competitive specialists of this specialty. To do this, new approaches to the introduction of remote studying technologies in the conditions of credit and transfer system of organization of educational process should be implemented.

Iryna Viktorenko

The article deals with the topical problem of modern professional education – formation of first-year students' motivation for educational and professional activity as a guarantee of successful and high quality preparation of future specialists. The author emphasizes the fact that the use of active teaching methods will help to solve this problem. The article covers a variety of active teaching methods, describes some aspects of their application to enhance the motivation of students of pedagogical specialties in higher education institutions. The author actualizes the problem, first of all, through the analysis of the Law of Ukraine "On Education" in the part of staffing of educational institutions, which guarantees the recipients of education to provide high-quality specialists, capable of achieving high results and providing creative approaches to the organization of the educational process, thus creating innovative education. This social need determines the actualization of the problem of qualitative training of future teachers in the educational process of institutions of higher education, in particular, by reviewing the range of methods of classroom work organization. In the first year of training of future specialists, the methods should be selected in such a way as to promote the development of cognitive interest in the chosen specialty and gradually form the motivation for educational activity, because it is during this very period that a didactic adaptation of a future teacher to conditions of an institution of higher education takes place. In addition, for the future teacher, motivation to study in the first year already has great professional meaning. The author concludes that the review of the achievements of research, which is the subject of active teaching methods, allowed us to highlight the benefits of these methods for the educational process of higher education institutions. In particular, it is necessary to increase the educational motivation of freshmen in pedagogical specialties. In addition, active methods are aimed at restructuring and improving the educational process, as well as training professionals for professional activity. The introduction of active methods in the educational process of higher education institutions will provide opportunities for enhancing the emotional response of freshmen to the process of cognition, intensification of their learning activities, interest in acquiring new knowledge, skills and practical use of them; development of students' creative abilities, speech; forming the ability to substantiate and express their own views, activate thinking and so on. Among the most successful active methods are the following: problematic lecture, "lecture for the two", "press conference", pre-planned mistakes, lectures-consultations, "round table", discussion, "brainstorming", case-study and others. Prospects for further research show empirical understanding of the effectiveness of active teaching methods in the classroom work of higher education institutions.

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