scholarly journals The Benefit of The Banana Heart Ball Food for Postpartum Mothers

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-27
Yusni Igirisa ◽  
Yusni Podungge ◽  
Siti Choirul Dwi Astuti

Breastmilk production runs smoothly. Breastfeeding mothers must eat sufficient nutrition. A good food ingredient for breastfeeding mothers is the banana heart because it contains galactagogue which can stimulate the hormones oxytocin and prolactin to increase milk production. The banana heart is also easily available by the community for daily use. To increase the consumption of banana blossoms in nursing mothers, it is processed into food in the form of meatballs. Meatballs are a national food that is popular with all people. The method of processing meatballs is also easy and provides many benefits for the health of the body. This research has the aim, benefits, of banana heart meatball for breastfeeding mother's milk production. This type of research is quasi-experimental with a pretest and posttest approach. A sample of 60 mothers breastfed for more than the first day in the working area of ​​Bone Bolango Health Center, Gorontalo. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. Measuring instruments used measuring cups and observation sheets. Before being given the treatment, the respondents' milk was given 100 grams of heart meatballs every day for 6 days. After that, it is measured again with a measuring cup and an observation sheet. The results of data analysis used paired t-test values ​​(p-value 0.001 <α = 0.05) in the breast milk production group in the case and treatment control groups. The result is an average increase in milk production after the 24 ml treatment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 261-264
Desri Meriahta Girsang ◽  
Jelita Manurung ◽  
Wira Maria Ginting ◽  
Nadia Husna

Low breastmilk production is a major problem for new mothers, apart from drowning or flat nipples, swollen breasts, babies who are reluctant to breastfeed because of improper techniques or babies with short tongues.  The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving soy milk on increasing breast milk production in post-partum mothers at the Juwita Primary Clinic in 2020. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research design with one group pretest posttest.  The population in this study were all postpartum mothers four to ten days post partum, the sample in this study was 10 respondents using accidental sampling technique in accordance with the inclusion criteria.  Based on the results of this study, it was found that before soy milk intervention was given as many as 70% complained that their milk was a little smooth and 30% smooth, while after being given soy milk intervention, 40% smooth milk and 60% very smooth milk were obtained.  Based on the research results obtained P-value 0.004 <0.05.  This means that there is an effect of giving soy milk on increasing breast milk production in postpartum mothers.  The conclusion is that giving soy milk has a positive effect on increasing breast milk production in postpartum mothers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 8-13
Ria Gustirini

Breast milk production in the first days of childbirth becomes an obstacle for mothers in breastfeeding. Oxytocin massage is one way to overcome the improper production of breast milk. Knowledge or cognitive is a very important domain in shaping one's actions (ovent behavior). Health education can use various media, one of which is through the use of booklets. The aims: to analyze the effect of using booklet media on breastfeeding mothers' knowledge about oxytocin massage. The Method: This research was a quasi-experimental study using a pre test and posttest control design. Sampling in this study using purposive sampling technique. Some postpartum mothers who gave birth in January - May 2020 and met the inclusion criteria for a sample of 30 respondents who were divided into the treatment group and the control group. The statistical test used the independent t-test. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference in increasing knowledge about oxytocin massage between the group that was given a booklet (treatment) and the group that was not given a booklet (control) with p value <0,05. Conclusion: The role of a midwife as a professional is indispensable in providing health education so that the use of various media as a means of conveying information is needed to increase maternal knowledge

Ulva Noviana

Breast Milk (ASI) is the most perfect food for the baby, where the nutritional content in accordance with the need for intelligence. Breast milk contains antibody substances that are useful for preventing infectious bowel disease and optimal digestion of growth and development. Based on the preliminary study of November 2017 on 10 primiparous postpartum women, there were 7 postpartum mothers producing less milk. The objectives of the study analyzed the differences in breast milk production in postpartum women before and after being given a successful breastfeeding package This study used pre experimental design with one group pretest postest model of independent variables Package "Sukses ASI" and the dependent variable was milk production. The population of this study were 20 primiparous postpartum women and the samples were 19 primiparous mothers using random sampling technique. The results showed that most of the Asylum production mothers were less than before the "Successful Breastfeeding" package with mean of 4.21 and most of Asi's postpartum mothers were fluent after being given the "Successful Breastfeeding" package with mean of 7.89. Based on statistical test with paired ttest obtained p value = 0.000, where this value is smaller than alpha 0,05 so H1 was accepted, meaning that there was difference of milk production before and after given packet of success of ASI It is expected to provide inputs for health workers to increase breastfeeding production in primiparous postpartum mothers. This package will be more effective if the delivery of health education not only with edge leafleat by using video. For the people of this "Successful Breastfeeding" package people can become aware of the importance of breastfeeding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 576-583
Dinni Randayani Lubis ◽  
Legina Anggraeni

Background. Breast milk is the best food given to babies especially when the baby is 0-6 months old. Many of the benefits felt by one of them is getting the nutrients needed by the baby in his golden period. In nutrition status monitoring shows that the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months by mothers is still very low, one of the reasons is the inadequacy of breast milk production. Oxytocin massage is a useful therapy in increasing the hormone prolactin so that the production of breast milk in mothers will also increase.Purpose. To find out the effect of oxytocin massage on the increase in the production of breast milk in nursing mothers who have babies aged 0-6 months.Method.This study uses a quasi-experimental design using one group pre-post test. The number of samples was 33 people, with the inclusion criteria being that the mother did not use drugs to increase the production of breast milk/milk booster and was willing to follow the treatment in the study, while the exclusion criteria were that the mother did not exclusively breastfeed her baby, had an areola inverter breast anatomy structure, had a history of open wounds in the back area. Prior to the oxytocin massage, respondents were measured for signs of breast milk adequacy through questionnaires filled out before and after the intervention, then the baby's weight was measured before and after the intervention using a baby's weight measurement after 4 weeks of oxytocin massage.Results. Oxytocin massage intervention can increase the production of breast milk by 0.52 which from before the intervention by 1.12 to 1.64 after intervention. Based on the results of dependent T Test obtained P-value 0.0001 which means there is a meaningful relationship between the administration of oxytocin massage to the increase in the production of breast milk in nursing mothers.Conclusion. There is an influence of occult massage on the increase of breast milk production in nursing mothers who have babies aged 0-6 months.Suggestion. Researchers are then expected to use more samples and longer periods of intervention Keywords: Oxytocin massage, Breast Milk, Breastfeeding ABSTRAK Latar belakang. Air Susu Ibu (ASI) merupakan makanan yang terbaik diberikan kepada bayi terlebih saat bayi tersebut berusia 0-6 bulan. Banyak manfaat yang dirasakan salah satunya adalah mendapatkan zat gizi yang dibutuhkan oleh bayi di periode keemasannya. Pada pemantauan status gizi menunjukan bahwa cakupan pemberian ASI Ekslusif selama 6 bulan pertama oleh ibu masih sangat rendah, salah satu alasannya adalah ketidakcukupan produksi ASI. Pijat oksitosin merupakan terapi yang bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan hormone prolaktin sehingga produksi ASI pada ibu juga akan meningkat.Tujuan Penelitian Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pijat oksitosin terhadap peningkatan produksi ASI pada ibu menyusui yang memiliki bayi berusia 0-6 bulan.Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuasi eksperimen dengan menggunakan one group pre-post test. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 33 orang, dengan kriteria inklusi adalah Ibu tidak menggunakan obat untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI/booster ASI dan bersedia mengikuti treatmen pada penelitian, sedangkan kriteria eklusi adalah ibu tidak menyusui bayinya secara eksklusif, memiliki struktur anatomi payudara aerola inverter, memiliki riwayat luka terbuka di area punggung. Sebelum dilakukan pijat oksitosin, responden diukur tanda-tanda kecukupan ASI melalui kuesioner yang diisi sebelum dan sesudah intervensi, selanjutnya pada bayinya akan diukur berat badan sebelum dan sesudah intervensi menggunakan penimbangan berat badan bayi setelah 4 minggu pemberian pijat oksitosin.Hasil. Intervensi pijat oksitosin dapat meningkatkan produksi ASI sebesar 0,52 yang dari sebelum intervensi sebesar 1,12 menjadi 1,64 setelah dilakukannya intervensi.Berdasarkan hasil Uji T dependen didapatkan hasil P-value 0,0001 yang artinya terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara pemberian pijat oksitosin terhadap peningkatan produksi ASI pada ibu yang menyusui.Kesimpulan. Terdapat pengaruh pemberian pijat oksitosin terhadap peningkatan produksi ASI pada ibu  menyusui yang memiliki bayi berusia 0-6 bulan.Saran. Peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan dapat menggunakan sampel yang lebih banyak dan jangka waktu pemberian Intervensi yang lebih lama. Kata kunci: Pijat oksitosin, ASI, Menyusui 

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-38
Tutik Hidayati ◽  
Iis Hanifah

Milk is produced by releasing the hormone oxytocin through the ducts in the breast. The growth and development of a baby's brain nerve requires high-value nutrients by giving the mother's milk to the baby. One of the obstacles in giving ASI early is the production of less milk in the first days. The length of time spent breastfeeding is influenced by the hormone oxytocin and the hormone prolactin which can be released by means of endorphin and oxytocin masage is done by gentle caress first and then massage on the back. endorphin and oxytocin masage is an intervention that is expected to help post partum mothers facilitate breast milk production. Rusdiati's 2013 results show that there is an effect of oxytocin massage on breastfeeding in postpartum mothers. The results were obtained after oxytocin massage ASI out faster than not done oxytocin massage. This study used a pre-experimental design with one group pre test post test design method. The population is all mothers who breastfeed babies aged 0-6 months. The sampling technique used is total samling. Data analysis using Wilcoxon obtained the results of ρ = 0,000, so that ρ <α = 0.05, then there is the influence of the Application of Masage Endorphin and Oxytocin Method to Increased Breast Milk Production in Breastfeeding Mothers of Babies 0-6 Months in Gading Village. Health workers, especially midwives, are expected to provide health education and training on endorphin and oxytocin massage in nursing mothers.    

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 174-187
Fitriani Ningsih ◽  
Rizki Muji Lestari

One of the factors that influence the smooth production of breast milk is the physical and psychological condition of the puerperal mother. Mother's milk. In connection with the problems mentioned above, it is very necessary to be solved and resolved, one of them by providing interventions between oxytocin massage and Hypno breastfeeding. Hypno breastfeeding is one of the preparation of the mother in terms of mind. The purpose of this study was to look at the workings of oxytocin and Hypno breastfeeding therapy on the Optimization of Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers. The design of this study used a quasi-experimental research design (Rapid Experiment) with a design only Posttest Design with Quarter Groups, using a sample of 30 postpartum mothers respondents in the postpartum hospital dr. Doris Sylvanus Palangkaraya City. This group was divided into 15 respondents as an intervention group and 15 respondents as a control group. In this study using the Chi-Square statistical test. Based on the results of the study obtained P-value = 0.020 with the provisions of the value of p <0.05, then the P value> which can be concluded that the combination of oxytocin massage and Hypno breastfeeding is very effective for optimizing breast milk production in postpartum mothers. And from the statistical test results obtained an OR value of 7.4 (CI 1.222-45.005) meaning that the combination of oxytocin massage and Hypno breastfeeding has a 7.4 chance to optimize milk production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-55
Rahma Kusuma Dewi ◽  
Dewi Nur Afifi ◽  
Alfika Awatiszahro ◽  
Wartinah ◽  
Dina Yulianti

Mother's Milk (ASI) is the best food for babies that is produced directly from the mother's breast to her newborn baby, because its composition is appropriate for every baby's growth and development, breast milk also contains protective substances that can prevent babies from various infectious diseases . Dates contain iron, protein, fiber, glucose, vitamins, biotin, niacin, folic acid, and minerals such as calcium, sodium, and potassium which can increase breast milk production . The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of dates on breast milk production in postpartum mothers on days 3-9 at PMB Binti Qoni'ah Nganjuk 2021. The design of this study was pre-experimental using a one-group pre-posttest design. In this study obtained a population of 15 people, with a sample of 15 people using total sampling technique. The data was collected using an observation sheet and the hypothesis test used was the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with a significance value = 0.05. The statistical test result from the Wilcoxon Sign Rank obtained p value = 0,01 with an error level (=0.05), it can be said that p < than it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted. There is an effect of dates on breast milk production in postpartum mothers on days 3 - 9 at PMB Binti Qoni'ah Nganjuk 2021. Based on the results of the study, it is hoped that the research area can be used as input for using dates to increase breast milk production in the development of traditional medicine

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Kardina Hayati ◽  
Tati Murni Karo Karo ◽  
Rahmad Gurusinga ◽  
Widya . ◽  
Latifatul Robbaniyah

During breastfeeding, mothers are recommended to increase their intake of energy, protein, calcium, iron, folic acid, and other vitamins and minerals to meet the nutritional needs of breastfeeding. In order for mothers to produce 1 liter of breast milk, additional food is needed. Edamame plant is a local food ingredient that has potential for nutrition for nursing mothers, because it contains phytosterol compounds that function to increase and facilitate breast milk production (lactagogum effect). This study aims to see whether there is an effect of giving edamame nuts to breast milk production in postpartum mothers at the Midwife Clinic Putri Tanjung, Kota Kisaran Timur District in 2021. This type of research is a Quasy Experiment Design using the one Group Pretest-Postest Design, with a total sample of 8 person. Data collection uses primary data and secondary data. The data analysis technique is using the Wilcoxon test. Based on the Wilcoxon test, the results showed that post-partum mothers gave edamame nuts pre-test and post-test with a sample of 8 respondents having a P-value (0.008) < 0.05 then H0 was rejected. test and post-test on the administration of edamame nuts on breast milk production in postpartum mothers at the Tanjung Putri Midwife Clinic, East Kisaran City District in 2021. It is recommended for health workers to provide information about giving edamame nuts as an alternative to increase breast milk production for postpartum mothers.

Fatmawati Ibrahim

Breastmilk is needed by babies because of its vitamins that are needed for the growth of the baby's brain which is undergoing rapid development from the age of 0-6 months to the age of 2 years, what if the baby is malnourished then the cells in the baby will shrink to 15% up to 20%, Unfortunately, many postpartum mothers cannot express breast milk properly and smoothly. Breastfeeding is a very closely related interaction between mechanical, nervous, and hormonal stimuli that affect the release of oxytocin. This study aims to determine the effect of oxytocin massage and market technique on breast milk production in postpartum mothers. This research uses a quasi-experimental design, with pre and post-test design. The number of samples was 20 respondents with purposive sampling. Data analysis in this study "Wilcoxon" the results the mean pre and post-test for oxytocin massage were 4.7 with a p-value 0.005 and the Marmet technique had a mean value of 4.5 with a p-value 0.004. In conclusion, oxytocin massage was more effective than the marmet technique on postpartum mother's milk production at the Health Center.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-34
Endah Widhiastuti ◽  
Bambang Yunianto ◽  
Sri Sugiyartiningsih

Background of Study: Herbs as Indonesia’s cultural heritage have been used hereditary in many generations. One of them is temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb). The immunomodulator (Immunostimulant) is a compound that can boost the immunity mechanism of the body, specifically as well as non-specifically. Rahman (2007) stated that temulawak is taken from rhizomes which consists of 64% starch, 1,6 – 22% curcumin and 1,48 – 1,63 % essential oil that believed to be able to improve the kidney’s work and to serve as anti-inflammatory. Because of these many benefits of temulawak and the phenomena of drinking herbs habits by postpartum women particularly in Javanese culture, then the researchers were encouraged to do a research on temulawak as a breast milk booster. Objective: To study the effect of giving temulawak on the breast milk production of postpartum mothers at independent midwife NINGSIH with the indicator of the babies’ weight gain, urination frequency, breastfeeding frequency and the length of babies’ sleep after being breastfed. Method: The research is a quasi-experiment and the research design is a Static Group Comparison in which observation method is applied. The population of this research is women in their postpartum time until the 14-day period after childbirth in Ningsih independent midwife during the research. The sample is all the qualified population who meets the requirement. The technique of the sampling is purposive sampling. The independent variable is the use of temulawak. The dependent variable is the milk production in breastfeeding in 14-day period after childbirth. The T-test is used for analyzing. The Result of the Study:The result of the study showed that the weight of the babies in the experimental group gained 535 grams in average and in the control group gained 270 in average. The urination frequency of the babies in the experimental group was 7.5 times in average and in the control group was 5.05 times. The breastfeeding frequency in the experimental group was 9.35 times in average and in the control group was 6.85 in average. After being breastfed, the babies in the experimental group spent 1.93 hours of sleeping in average, whereas the babies in the control group spent less than normal. In conclusion, there was only 1 person (5%) in the control group who had a good production of breast milk whereas in the experimental group, there were 14 persons (70%). Therefore, it can be concluded from the study that there was a significant effect on the use of temulawak to the production of breast milk of postpartum mothers with p value of 0,000 and alpha value of 0,05. Conclusion : There is a significant effect on the use of temulawak in increasing milk production in lactation in postpartum period

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