JURNAL ILMIAH OBSGIN : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kebidanan & Kandungan P-ISSN : 1979-3340 e-ISSN : 2685-7987
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Published By NHM Press

2685-7987, 1979-3340

Nailufar Firdaus

Anxiety is something that afflicts almost everyone at a certain time in his life. Anxiety is a normal reaction to a situation that is very pressing for one's life. Anxiety can arise alone or join with other symptoms of various emotional disorders (Savitri Ramaiah, 2003: 10). Based on the results of the preliminary study, it is known that there are still mothers who experience anxiety about facing labor in PEB pregnant women, which is 29%. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between coping strategies and the anxiety of facing labor in PEB pregnant women at Syarifah Ambami Hospital Rato Ebhu Bangkalan. This research method is Analytical, while the research design uses cross sectional. Independent variables are coping strategies, and the dependent variable is anxiety. Population, namely all pregnant women with PEB as many as 33 pregnant women with an average of each month. Samples taken as many as 30 pregnant women with simple random sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaires and HARS scale were processed using cross tabulation and lambda statistical tests. From the results of the study, almost half of 45.8% of PEB pregnant women with mild anxiety with adaptive coping strategies were obtained. Based on the lambda statistical test, get pValue = 0.045 and a = 0.05. Thus the results obtained p = 0.045 <a = 0.05, which means that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, namely there is a significant relationship between Coping and Anxiety Strategy in Facing Labor in PEB Pregnant Women at Syarifah Ambami Hospital Rato Ebhu Bangkalan. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for midwives that a high-risk pregnant woman also has excessive anxiety that can affect the delivery process. By doing so, health workers should be able to provide detailed information to pregnant women about the high risks they experience.

Ulva Noviana

Production of breast milk (ASI) wich is little and is not smooth one day after dilivery becomes an obstacle of early breastfeeding forpost partum primipara. Of 6 post partum primipara. 3 underwent breasr milk wich did not come out and 2 underwent breasr milk wich did not flow out smoothly and 1 underwent smooth flow of breast milk. This research was aimed to find aout the effects of rolling massage on smoothness of breast milk production for post partum primipara.This research employed preeksperiment, one group pretest-posttest design. Population consisted of post partum primipara and sample which used a porposive sampling technique consisted of 13 post partum primipara. The result showed that before treatment, 69.2% post partum priipara had unsmooth production of breast milk and only 30.8% post partum primipara had smooth production of breast milk and after treatment, 77% post partum primipara had smooth production of breast milk and only 23% post partum primipara had unsmooth production of breast milk.

Dwi Wahyuning Tyas

Preeclampsia is a disease that can arise during pregnancy, labor, childbirth, has clinical symptoms such as high blood pressure (hypertension), and found protein in urine (proteinuria, data in Polindes Pragaan Daya Village, District Pragaan-Sumenep Year 2016 from 36 pregnant women there is 6 people (16.6%) detected preeclampsia. The cause of preeeklamsi is still not known with certainty but there are closely related risk factors such as obesity, women who have a body mass index of 25-27 usually have a risk of three times hypertension including preeclampsia (2). The purpose of this study is to know the description of body mass index (BMI) in pregnant women who have preeclampsia. The descriptive research used cross sectional approach, the population used by pregnant women detected by preeclampsion in Polindes of Pragaan Daya village of Sumenep district in March to May 21 were 21 respondents using population total sampling technique, the data obtained were analyzed using frequency distribution table. Based on the results of research obtained data Nearly half of respondents have a body mass index (BMI) fat (> 25-30) that is as many as 8 respondents (38.1%). The body works harder in pumping blood, the body needs to burn excess calories, burning calories requires an adequate supply of oxygen in the blood, more calories being burned, the more oxygen supply in the blood, the higher blood supply makes the heart work harder, and the impact of blood pressure on obese people is higher (Widharto, 2007). Early detection of pregnant women through blood pressure examination, IMT measurements, and signs of preeclampsia symptoms, making midwives' basis for rapid and appropriate decisionmaking, cross-program, cross-sectoral, family and community support are expected to decrease the incidence of preeclampsia in pregnant women .Keynote: Body Mass Index (IMT), Preeclampsia

Dian Eka Januriwasti

Production of mother’s milk by several factors one of which is consuming “jamu gejah”. There can partitution mothers consume and do not consume “jamu gejah”. 30 respondent ( 100% ). Based on preliminary study obtained 7 respondent (100%) who consume jamu gejah the production of mother’s milk is smoothly. The purpose of the research to analyze different in the pattern of production quantity of Breast milk on parturition period between mothers who consume and do not consume jamu gejah at Sumber Suko Village and Wonosari field work UPT Health Center Kepulungan, Subdistrict Gempol, Pasuruan regency year 2017. Method of the reserchers is analitic. Design of observational research is where the researchers do direct observation. Independent variable consumption of jamu gejah by the mother of a dependent variable how can the production of breast milk. Design of observational research is where the researchers do direct observation. Population 30 respondent, sample 30 respondent parturition period taken using purposive sampling technique. Method of data collection in the form of observation sheet and the analyzed with a Wilocoxon mann-Whitney Test with a significance level of α= 0,05. Based on the results obtained, the volume of milk production between Breast Milk production volume that consumes an average production of breast milk was 242.2 cc and does not consume jamu gejah average production of breast milk was 178.2 cc has a difference of 64 cc. The test results of the statistic Wilcoxon mann-whitney test retrieved values ρ = 0.000 which means smaller than α so that 0.05 ha are received. So, there is a difference of jamu gejah against the production of Breast Milk during parturition. This research is expected to a childbirth mother her little Breast Milk production could consume jamu gejah, because with the results of the above research gejah herbal medicine consumption affects the smooth production of breast milk.

Sylvina Rahmawati

Menstruation is a sign of reproductive period in women’s life. But for some women are not like that, there are various kinds of disorders and discomfort when menstruation, such as premenstrual syndrome, dismenorhoe. Based on preliminary studies in midwifery Academy Aifa Husada Madura on Maret 20th 2016 from 107 female students of semester 4 to 59 female students (55,1%) experienced dismenorhoe, and 48 female students (44,9%) did not experience dismenorhoe. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of ginger therapy toward the decreasing of dismenorhoe pain. The research methods are experiment (Experiment Research). The study design used One Group Pre-Post Test Design model and the sampling technique used accidental. Independent variable in this study was giving of ginger therapy and the dependent used variable in this study was reduction of pain scale dismenorhoe. The instrument used rating scale through observations of respondents before and after given ginger therapy. The samples were taken mostly the female students who experienced dismenorhoe in Midwifery Academy Aifa Husada Madura were 51 respondents. And the results were analyzed using wilconox test (α = 0,05). The result showed that some respondents befor giving ginger therapy were almost experiencing pain dismenorhoe were 47,1 %. While almost all respondents after given ginger therapy was experiencing of lowing pain dismenorhoe were 78,4%. Based on wicoxon statistic test found the significant value 0,00 and α = 0,05. Because of significant value < α values (0,00 < 0,05) means that Ho is rejected and Hi is accepted. So, there is the effect of ginger therapy toward the decreasing of dismenorhoe pain at Midwifery Academy Aifa Husada Madura The research should be used as a reference material as a herbal medicine to decrease dismenorhoe pain.

Dian Eka Januriwasti

Remaja berasal dari kata latin “adolensence” yang berarti tumbuh atau tumbuh menjadi dewasa. Berdasarkan jumlah penduduk di Desa Tanjung Bumi sebanyak 3303 penduduk, dan penduduk yang berusia 13-19 tahun sebanyak 614 penduduk. Dari data tersebut penduduk yang melakukan pernikahan di usia muda sebanyak 310 (51,10%) dibawah umur 19 tahun. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh adanya faktor budaya, pola asuh, status ekonomi dan pendidikan terhadap pernikahan dini. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis faktor budaya, pola asuh, status ekonomi dan pendidikan terhadap pernikahan dini. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan metode analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, data diambil dari sebagian jumlah populasi remaja yang berusia 13-19 di BPS Mutmainnah, S.ST Tanjung Bumi Bangkalan dengan tekhnik random sampling sebanyak 175 responden dan hasilnya dianalisa menggunakan Uji statistik Chi Square. Berdasarkan uji statistik Chi Square dengan tingkat signifikan 0.05 diperoleh faktor budaya ρ Value : 0,030 < α : 0,05, pola asuh ρ Value : 0,018 < α : 0,05, status ekonomi ρ Value : 0,00 < α : 0,05, pendidikan ρ Value : 0,00 < α : 0,05, sehingga semuanya H0 ditolak. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh faktor budaya, pola asuh, status ekonomi dan pendidikan terhadap pernikahan dini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diharapkan bagi bidan untuk selalu mengarahkan masyarakat atau memberikan penyuluhan terkait dengan dampak terjadinya pernikahan dini seperti dampaknya terhadap kesehatan reproduksi kepada remaja yang masih dibawah umur 19 tahun

Novi Anggraeni

Nipple blisters can be caused by trauma to the nipple during breastfeeding, but it can also cause cracks and the formation of a gap - a gap. The incidence of sore nipples caused by several factors including improper feeding techniques and lack of breast care. This study aims to investigate the relationship between breastfeeding and breast care techniques with incidence of sore nipples. This research was conducted in June 2017 and BPS BPS Meiyuni Siti Hotijah Bangkalan. This research uses a checklist approach Sectional Cros. Subjects studied were maternal postpartum primipara 1-40 day total of 36 people. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. Statistic test used lambda. The results showed breastfeeding technique in the category of pretty 16 respondents (44.4%) and treatment of breast category fairly 18 respondents (50%), while the incidence of sore nipples in the category were 18 respondents (50%). Statistical test results showed the value of breastfeeding technique p Value (0.019) <α (0.05) means that there is a correlation technique of breastfeeding on the incidence of sore nipples, while for the treatment of breast statistical result p value Value (0.047) <α (0.05 ) means that there is a relationship to the incidence rate of breast care sore nipples. This research is expected to provide knowledge to prevent the incidence of sore nipples in a mannerappropriate feeding techniques and treatment of breast good.

Herlina Avianti N

Efforts could be made to improve human resources that have intelligence required a positive relationship between health and good education quality, one of the efforts to improve human resources requires good brain quality since the phase of conception. Classical music has been shown to boost brain function and human intellectual optimally believed to have the best stimulating effect on babies. Cellular exposure to Mozart affects the number of more neuronal cells. Analyze the number of cerebrum and cerebellum neuronal cells of newborn Rattus norvegicus between the exposed to Mozart music, Beethoven, Chopin and not exposed to music during pregnancy. This research was an experimental research with posttest only control group design. The sample was divided into four groups randomly, non-exposed, Mozart music exposure group, Beethoven music exposure group, Chopin music exposure group, exposed for 1 hour during the night after Rattus norvegicus was pregnant on day-10 with an intensity of 65 dB and a distance of 37 cm from the rat cage. On the 20th day of the pregnant mother of Rattus norvegicus was sacrificed and selected two of Rattus norvegicus's babies with the greatest weight and then the brains of Rattus norvegicus's babies were decapitated and brain dissection to count the number of neuronal cells with Hemotoxyln-Eosin staining. The statistical results showed that the number of neurons of cerebellum cells in the Mozart group differed significantly from Beethoven, Chopin and not exposed to music with p <0.05. The number of neuronal cells of cerebellum of the newborn Rattus norvegicus who exposed to Mozart music during pregnancy proved higher than that exposed to Beethoven music, Chopin and not exposed to music.

Novi Anggraeni

Pramenstrual Syndrome is a troublesome physical, psychological and behavioral phenomenon that is not caused by organic disease, which regularly recurs during the cycle phase undergoing regression or disappearing during menstrual periods. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of decreased physical symptoms of pre menstrual syndrome before and after aerobic exercise on adolescent girls SMPN 1 Bangkalan. The research design used is Pre Experiment type One Group Pre-Test Post-Test Design. The dependent variable in this study is the physical symptoms of pramenstrual syndrome, whereas the independent variable is aerobic exercise. The population in this research is 45 people, with the sample number of 16 people in February 2017 in the working area of SMPN 1 Bangkalan, the sampling method using Probability Sampling by Simple Random Sampling, taking data using questionnaire sheet and using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test The results showed that before aerobic exercise was given (87.5%) teenage girls experienced pramenstrual syndrome physical symptoms with moderate category and after given aerobic gymnastics most (81,25%) adolescent had physical symptoms of Pramenstral Syndrome with light category. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Analysis shows that α = 0,05 and ρ = 0,01 thus ρ <α so that H0 is rejected and Ha accepted that there is influence of aerobic gymnastics toward decreasing of physical symptoms of pre menstrual syndrome in juvenile girl SMPN 1 Bangkalan. The physical symptoms of Pramenstrual Syndrome, can be corrected by improving lifestyle changes such as aerobic exercise to reduce the symptoms that arise. Many other benefits of aerobic exercise for health such as increasing stamina and endurance

Dessy Hidayati Fajrin

The efforts that can be done to improve brain cells in the prenatal period is the provision of nutrients and good stimulation. Exposure to classical music such as Mozart, Beethoven, and Chopin music can increase the wave of brain activity. During pregnancy, Mozart music is proven to decrease the apoptosis of neuronal. Analyzing the difference of apoptosis neuronal of cerebrum and cerebellum of newborn baby of Rattus norvegicus that are exposed to the Mozart, Beethoven, and Chopin music, and that is not exposed to music during pregnancy. Laboratory experimental research, posttestonly control group design. Subjects were female pregnant Rattus norvegicus, grouped into 4 random groups: 1 control group and 3 treatments groups; with 6 samples each. Subjects were super ovulated, and 65 dB intensity of music is played for an hour at 20.00-21.00 on the subjects on 10th day of pregnancy. On 20th day of pregnancy, the mothers was dissected using SC technique. 2 heaviest newborn babies of Rattus norvegicus were taken. Statistical test concluded there was significant differences of apoptosis neuronal of cerebellum of newborn babies of Rattus norvegicus among the exposure to Mozart, Beethoven, and Chopin music, and without the exposure to music with value of p=0,033 in cerebellum. In conclution, the exposure of Mozart’s music during pregnancy perform expression of BDNF cerebellum in the offspring-rat was higher than exposed Beethoven’s music, Chopin and not exposed to music.

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