scholarly journals Information technology as an economic security tool

2020 ◽  
pp. 45-51
Oleg Korelov ◽  
Oleg Morozov

According to the main features of the modern stage of civilization, the structure of the productive forces of society has been considered, the main tasks of their transformation have been revealed, and the role of information technologies in their solution is justified.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-33
Otabek Allayarov ◽  
Hasan Yarbaev

The articledescribes thatit is impossible the development of society without the development of science, in this senseour state pay attention to in the field of science in the context of science and social-political reform, spiritual renewalasin all countries of the world. Scientifically and practically defined the role of information technology in the development of science and technology, as well as the creation of effective mechanisms for stimulating research and innovation, the introduction of science and innovation achievements. Moreover, the role and significance of information technology in the development of scientific research in the field of technologywas stated

2020 ◽  
pp. 155-157
Гульжан Назарматова ◽  
Мээрим Жанакунова

Аннотация: В данной статье рассматривается роль информационных технологий в социальной, экономической и политической и других сферах жизнедеятельности Кыргызстана. Раскрываются понятия “информационные технологии”, “информационное общество”, “цифровая трансформация”. Приводятся основные направления применения информационных технологий в сфере образования страны, описываются условия для их дальнейшего развития. Анализируется сущность понятия информационного общества, перспективы развития Кыргызстана и безопасности информационного общества. Сформулированы основные проблемы развития информационных технологий, что неизменно отражается на уровне экономического развития страны. Приводятся пути для решения всех этих проблем и продвижения реформ в области внедрения IТ - технологий в стране, необходимых для дальнейшего развития цифрового общества. Ключевые слова: знания, информация, информационные технологии, информационное общество, образовательная система, дистанционное обучение, цифровая трансформация, цифровое общество. Аннотация: Бул макалада маалымат технологиялардын ролу Кыргызстандын коомдук, экономикалык жана саясий турмуш чөйрөлөрүндө изилденилет. "Маалыматтык технологиялар", "маалыматтык коом" "санариптик трансформациялоо" түшүнүктөрү аныкталынат. Билим берүү тармагындагы маалымат технологияларын пайдалануунун негизги багыттары айтылат жана алардын андан ары өнүктүрүү үчүн шарттарды каралат. Маалымат коом түшүнүгүн, Кыргызстандын келечектеги өнүгүүсүнүн жана маалымат коомдун коопсуздугунун анализдөөсү жүргүзүлөт. Маалымат технологиялардын өнүгүүсүнүн негизги маселелери айтылат, алар өлкөнүн экономикалык өнүгүү деңгээлине таасирин тийгизишет. Бул маселелерди чечүү жана өлкөдөгү маалымат технологияларынын өнүгүшү үчүн реформаларын киргизүү жолдору каралат, анткени алар санариптик коомдун өнүгүшү зарыл. Түйүндүү сөздөр: илим, маалымат, маалымат технологиялары, маалымат коому, билим берүү системасы, аралыктан окутуу, санариптик трансформациялоо, санариптик коом. Abstract: This article discusses the role of information technology in the social, economic and political and other spheres of life of Kyrgyzstan. The concepts of “information technology”, “information society”, “digital transformation” are revealed. The main directions of the application of information technologies in the field of education of the country are described, the conditions for their further development are described. The essence of the concept of the information society, the prospects for the development of Kyrgyzstan and the security of the information society are analyzed. The main problems of the development of information technologies are formulated, which invariably affects the level of economic development of the country. Ways are given to solve all these problems and promote reforms in the implementation of IT technologies in the country, necessary for the further development of a digital society Keywords: knowledge, information, information technology, information society, educational system, distance learning, digital transformation, digital society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (9) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Muazzamkhon Shaislamova ◽  

In this paper, the role of Information Technology in the national economy of telecommunication Enterprises is described as a result of the rapid penetration of information technologies into all spheres of economic activity in the conditions of the pandemic observed in theworld, the increase in the demand for the online sale of services and tokens.Scientific novelty of the study:innovation is based on the purposefulness of the development and implementation of management decisions aimed at improving efficiency and stability of the enterprise.Keywords: innovation, samaradorlik, telecommunications, installation, competitive, infrastructure.

Judith Parker

Student engagement is a key factor in learning whether it involves traditional or adult learners. While the role of the teacher may differ, it is primarily the responsibility of the teacher to engage the student by fostering a positive student-teacher relationship and supportive classroom culture conducive to engagement. Discovering a methodology that is effective with individual students can be challenging, but Information Technology provides a plethora of new tools to assist in achieving this goal. This chapter will illustrate the importance of engagement, provide several examples in various venues and investigate the role of Information Technology in this process.

2019 ◽  
Ольга Батыровна Цагараева

В данной статье речь идёт о роли информационных технологий в процессе обучения иностранным языкам. Даны рекомендации по использованию информационных технологий, определены задачи, на отработку которых нацелены упражнения и методики по развитию и прививанию навыков переводчиков.This article deals with the role of information technology in the process of learning foreign languages. Recommendations on the use of information technologies are given, tasks are identified for which the exercises and techniques for developing and imparting skills of translators are aimed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-25
Mustafa Aminbayevich Karimov ◽  
Dilnoza Irkinovna Dadaboyeva ◽  
Sharifaxon Kamilovna Khaydarova

This article discusses the role of information technology in the learning process

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-72
Shatha Abbas Hassan ◽  
Noor Ali Aljorani

The increasing importance of the information revolution and terms such as ‘speed’, ‘disorientation’, and ‘changing the concept of distance’, has provided us with tools that had not been previously available. Technological developments are moving toward Fluidity, which was previously unknown and cannot be understood through modern tools. With acceleration of the rhythm in the age we live in and the clarity of the role of information technology in our lives, as also the ease of access to information, has helped us to overcome many difficulties. Technology in all its forms has had a clear impact on all areas of daily life, and it has a clear impact on human thought in general, and the architectural space in particular, where the architecture moves from narrow spaces and is limited to new spaces known as the ‘breadth’, and forms of unlimited and stability to spaces characterized with fluidity. The research problem (the lack of clarity of knowledge about the impact of vast information flow associated with the technology of the age in the occurrence of liquidity in contemporary architectural space) is presented here. The research aims at defining fluidity and clarifying the effect of information technology on the changing characteristics of architectural space from solidity to fluidity. The research follows the analytical approach in tracking the concept of fluidity in physics and sociology to define this concept and then to explain the effect of Information Technology (IT) to achieve the fluidity of contemporary architectural space, leading to an analysis of the Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM) architectural model. The research concludes that information technology achieves fluidity through various tools (communication systems, computers, automation, and artificial intelligence). It has changed the characteristics of contemporary architectural space and made it behave like an organism, through using smart material.

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