Isnaini Falihah Afriliyah Ali Hasby

This policy means that all activities must change their orientation, that is, they may not go through face-to-face, including teaching and learning activities at various levels of education, both formal and informal. Teaching and learning activities continue, but must take advantage of-based media online or whatever form it takes as long as it is not face-to-face with the intention of avoiding the transmission of Covid-19 in Indonesia.  This research is a type of qualitative research. The data analysis technique used in this study is a qualitative descriptive technique with critical theory studies supported by the stages of child development in the rationalization of technology as a scalpel. This research was conducted at SMAS Nusantara Bungah, which has implemented-based learning methods  online during the pandemic.  Therefore, macro and micro solutions are absolutely necessary to avoid the possibility of something worse happening. At the macro level, the government must immediately issue a new policy regarding a more humane learning model by providing supporting facilities and infrastructure. Then at the micro level, an intense dialogical relationship is needed to make the best use of technology between teacher-parents and teacher-students to solve grassroots problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 80
Afif Wijang Wahid Ramadhan ◽  
Dhoifullah Dhoifullah ◽  
Husen Husen ◽  
Candra Candra ◽  
Sri Mulyati

In this pandemic era, face-to-face learning cannot be done because the transmission of the virus is very dangerous and after all learning activities must continue, to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, therefore in this sophisticated era we must make the best use of technology for the wrong teaching and learning activities. the only way is by holding it online, but not all schools carry out learning activities with technology, there are still many who do conventional learning such as learning activities in school. The benefit of implementing online learning methods is to make it easier for teachers and students in terms of learning activities. The analysis method used is literature study. design methods that do use the concept of software engineering.

2020 ◽  

of education that are very instrumental in supporting learning activities both directly and indirectly. One of the most important components is educational facilities and infrastruncture. Administration of educational facilities and infrastructure is a very supportive thing for achieving the goals of education. The teaching and learning process will be more succesful if educational facilities and infrastucture are adequate. Education infrastructure and facilities must always be complete. The government must always strive to continuously aquip aducational facilities and infrastructure for all levels and levels of education. this article aims to determine the administration of educational facilities and infrastructure in Indonesia along with the obstacles faced and the efforts taken to overcome these obstacles. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection is done by the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique in this study is an interactive analysis consisting of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Check the validity of the data using

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Muhamad Restu Fauzi ◽  
Isna Imroatuz Zakiyati ◽  
Ahmad Qomar Qomarudin

Covid-19 has many negative effects on education. The government took an emergency policy in the form of school from home. Because of this policy, online teaching and learning activities are carried out from home. However, the reality in the field, such as what happened in SDN 2 Bantarwuni, there are several obstacles such as what happened in the psychomotor domain assessment process in reading surah al-Maidah verses 2-3. This study aims to: (1) Understand how the psychomotor domain assessment process in reading al-Maidah verse 2-3 at SDN 2 Bantarwuni; (2) Understand the conditions and constraints faced in the assessment of the psychomotor domain in reading al-Maidah verses 2-3 at SDN 2 Bantarwuni. This research is a qualitative field research. The method of data collection was done by observation at SDN 2 Bantarwuni and documentation. The results of this study: (1) The assessment process was carried out according to the procedure, except that there were some students who did not submit the assessment assignment; (2) The obstacles faced are the lack of effort from students and parents to collect assignments via the WhatsApp application or directly carry out face-to-face assessments at school.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-160
Maman Surahman ◽  
Siska Mega Diana ◽  
Dayu Rika Perdana

Distance Learning (Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh/PJJ) is a transition to face-to-face teaching and learning activities in a school setting, in which due to the COVID-19 pandemic education is experiencing challenges, especially in formal education and school activities must be conducted offline and online. Currently, distance learning is determining key to continuing education. Regardless of the circumstance and condition of each student, they must be provided with an optimal education. Hence, nowadays, it is important to instill and maintain character in students that in any circumstances, education is an absolute term. The purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation of character education in distance learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic in elementary school. This research used a qualitative descriptive. The results of character education research can develop life skills or student skills in the learning process, in this case how students can be responsible for each assignment, as well as discipline in participating in distance learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-205
Kartono Kartono

The Covid-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia had a direct impact on learning activities in elementary schools, including science learning, so that face-to-face learning was shifted to online learning. This study aims to analyze online learning activities, supporting factors, obstacles faced, and the effectiveness of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted an elementary school of Pontianak Kota Regency, Pontianak City from March to April 2021. This study used a qualitative descriptive method to provide an overview of online learning an elementary school of Pontianak Kota Regency. This study uses data from semi-structured interviews given to classroom teachers, students, and parents. Data analysis used the analysis technique of Miles & Huberman through four stages, namely data collecting, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of this study show that the Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on learning activities. Online learning is carried out using Google Meet and WhatsApp media. Supporting factors and obstacles in online learning, namely communication tools, internet networks, student motivation, and support from parents. Online learning is felt to be less effective because the material is not fully conveyed to students. Most of the activities are carried out only by giving material briefly and assigning assignments and collecting assignments. Thus, there is a need for breakthrough steps that teachers need to take so that learning is not monotonous and can be meaningful for students even in a state of online learning. Abstrak   Adanya pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda Indonesia secara langsung sangat berdampak pada kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah dasar, termasuk pembelajaran IPA sehingga pembelajaran tatapp muka dialihkan ke pembelajaran online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara daring kegiatan pembelajaran, faktor pendukung, kendala yang dihadapi, dan keefektifan pembelajaran daring selama Pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di sekolah dasar Kecamatan Pontianak Kota dari bulan Maret sampai April 2021. Ini Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk memberikan gambaran pembelajaran online di sekolah dasar Kecamatan Pontianak Kota. Penelitian ini menggunakan data dari wawancara semi terstruktur yang diberikan kepada guru kelas, siswa, dan orang tua siswa. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis Miles & Huberman melalui empat tahap, yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan pandemi Covid-19 berdampak pada kegiatan pembelajaran. Pembelajaran secara daring dilakukan dengan menggunakan media Google Meet dan WhatsApp. Factor pendukung dan yang menjadi hambatan dalam pembelajaran online, yaitu alat komunikasi, jaringan internet, motivasi siswa, dan dukungan dari orang tua. Pembelajaran daring dirasakan kurang efektif karena materi tidak tersampaikan seluruhnya kepada siswa. Sebagian besar kegiatan dilakukan hanya dengan memberikan materi secara singkat dan pemberian tugas serta mengumpulkan tugas. Dengan demikian perlu adanya langkah terobosan yang perlu dilakukan guru agar pembelajaran tidak monoton dan bisa bermakna bagi siswa meskipun dalam keadaan pembelajaran daring. Kata Kunci:  pembelajaran daring, IPA, pandemi, sekolah dasar

Dian Rianita ◽  
Indah Muzdalifah

Before the arrival of the Covid 19 virus epidemic, the government actually launched the industry 4.0 and 5.0 revolutions, including in the field of education where the use of technology as a medium or instrument in learning can be maximized to use. However, most of teacher and students were not able to conduct yet. When this epidemic comes, it can’t help using technology in the field of education ready or not. The government's policy to execute large-scale social restrictions or PSBB to prevent the transmission of the epidemic has made the implementation of the teaching and learning process online starting from elementary level to university. However, every change certainly causes pros and cons. There are both positive and negative sides to online learning. The positive side can make it easier and more efficient for face-to-face learning to be done from home anytime and anywhere. Meanwhile, the problems that arise include a lack of understanding in the use of technology, inadequate internet network facilities and many more effects as a result of this online learning. Therefore, this article discusses the phenomena that occur around education caused by the impact of the outbreak in the middle of the Covid 19 pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Bima Mayesa Jofi Putra

In the world of education, there are several components of education that are very instrumental in supporting learning activities both directly and indirectly. One of the most important components is educational facilities and infrastruncture. Administration of educational facilities and infrastructure is a very supportive thing for achieving the goals of education. The teaching and learning process will be more succesful if educational facilities and infrastucture are adequate. Education infrastructure and facilities must always be complete. The government must always strive to continuously aquip aducational facilities and infrastructure for all levels and levels of education.this article aims to determine the administration of educational facilities and infrastructure in Indonesia along with the obstacles faced and the efforts taken to overcome these obstacles.This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection is done by the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique in this study is an interactive analysis consisting of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Check the validity of the data using source triangulation and method triangulation.The results showed that the administration of educational facilities and infrastructure in Indonesia was quite good, but there were still many uneven applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 151-158
Tiara Nur Cahyani ◽  
Astika Nurhayati Saputri ◽  
Ina Magdalena

SDN Poris Pelawad 1 is a school located in one of the areas in Tangerang City, precisely in Poris Pelawad Village. Since the covid-19 outbreak, which requires all Indonesian citizens and even all over the world to apply WFH (Work Form Home) where the continuity of teaching and learning is also carried out online (In the Network) using media that we already recognize with the term zoom meeting or other media that saves usage. internet package, so that students in the learning process will produce a good ending. Learning is basically a process of interaction between educators and students, both direct (face-to-face) and indirect (learning activities using learning media in web applications). In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching and learning activities are recommended to use an online learning model. The government has also provided assistance to students and educators in an effort to provide a free quota of 50GB every month, the level of the amount of the quota depends on the level of education as well, starting from elementary, junior high, high school to college, why is there a need for differences in the amount of quota distribution. Because each level requires different power, the higher the level of majority education, the more power needs that must be spent to achieve something that is expected. This study used an interview method to one of the teachers of SDN Poris Pelawad 1. The interview was conducted directly / offline by approaching the resource person.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 96-101
Wahyuliani Wahyuliani

In line with the expectations of the government, parents and the public on the quality of Indonesian education both academic and non-academic, namely the character of students, it is necessary to creativity and innovation of teachers in teaching and learning activities in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Geography subjects are subjects of interest that are mandatory and important for ips majors, so it should be students majoring in IPS master the lessons that are characteristic of the department, while some students say the geography of boring material let alone learning in the era of Covid-19 protesters where teachers do not come face to face with students. These things that cause low learning outcomes because boredom has an impact on the lack of interest and yearly curiosity in the material delivered by the teacher. The teacher's strategy in addressing the problem is to make use of quizizz-assisted geography learning media. The purpose of writing this paper is to describe the use of geography learning media assisted by quizizz as a learning strategy for the Covid-19 protesters in students of Class XII IPS 5 Semester 2 SMA N 3 Purwokerto Year 2020/2021. The use of geography-assisted learning media quizizz can improve the learning outcomes and the spirit of student competition on remote sensing materials. Evalution results after learning is the percentage of completion of learners 89.7 % and has exceeded 75% of the number of learners so that the learning is declared effective.

2019 ◽  
muhammad alfarisi ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

In the world of education, there are several components of education that are very instrumental in supporting learning activities both directly and indirectly. One of the most important components is educational facilities and infrastruncture. Administration of educational facilities and infrastructure is a very supportive thing for achieving the goals of education. The teaching and learning process will be more succesful if educational facilities and infrastucture are adequate. Education infrastructure and facilities must always be complete. The government must always strive to continuously aquip aducational facilities and infrastructure for all levels and levels of education.this article aims to determine the administration of educational facilities and infrastructure in Indonesia along with the obstacles faced and the efforts taken to overcome these obstacles.This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection is done by the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique in this study is an interactive analysis consisting of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Check the validity of the data using source triangulation and method triangulation.The results showed that the administration of educational facilities and infrastructure in Indonesia was quite good, but there were still many uneven applications.

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